What I appreciate about your substack is that you do not have an agenda other than to share data with explanation (because although I play a doctor on TV, I am not one, or an epidemiologist or a statistician ha ha ha) and then let us read, see and make an educated conclusion. So thank you for this.

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Yeah, that is one of the fundamental arguments that supports our side of the narrative. Yet, it still bewilders me how people continue to trust "authorities" that clearly have a vested income in a certain outcome!

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I don't get it either, especially under the guise of science. I feel like the trust in a lot of "institutions" is affected and maybe that is not a bad thing.

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Real scientists would be desperate to look at the control group. not smear and slander them, then pretend they don't exist.

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What happened to it needing to be stored at -80?

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If only the ONS could bring itself to simply produce statistics without prejudice nor agenda...

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Even more amazing it the fact that after having achieved 105% ‘ever vaccinated’ we somehow reduced to ~101% ‘ever vaccinated’. A scene from Princess Bride keeps invading my mind, “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”

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Submitting to COVID injection was clearly foolhardy even before the injections proved horrifically dangerous (evident early on from VAERS reports) because COVID posed no meaningful risk for the great majority (evident by mid 2020 from infection fatality rate data). Those who exposed themselves to injection with a radical new technology that had no medium or long term testing or track record did so out of ignorance, often deceived by corporate media, or because they were coerced. Nobody with a modicum of reasoning capacity who did the little bit of research needed would make such a reckless decision. Failing to understand that corporate media is now little more than toxic politicized trash can get you, or those who depend on your judgement, maimed or killed.

And, SHAME on the so called medical "profession". With very few exceptions they have destroyed their once considerable credibility. They now have crushing liability hanging over their heads, which is absolutely their own fault. Their demonstrated ignorance, or cowardice, is inexcusable.

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Succinctly put! 👏👏

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"Their demonstrated ignorance, or cowardice"

Both. Greed too if they profited by it.

COVID 19 was always the 'flu rebranded.


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"12th Jan 2022 .... more than 97% of the population “vaccinated"? I'd suggest that's almost certainly complete nonsense, almost as improbable as the 105% firgure.

That alone casts a shadow on all the other data they've released

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See my comment below, they were using the wrong numbers in their calculations. It took well over a year of pointing this out to them plus a court case for them to finally request Stats NZ review their data and calculations. End result was the unvaccinated population went from what they were saying was only 4% of the ‘eligible’ population to about 12%. After the correction, did they go back and readjust and republish their miscalculations that were used in all the media statements? Of course not

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Thanks for that.

In fact I'd guess 12% is also an underestimation of the "unvaccinated" population, for comparison: in the UK the official figures are around 8 or 9% unvaxxed, but some independent experts estimate it to be more like 20 % or even more.

Of course it depends of how "unvaccinated" is defined, (never jabbed or "incomplete" series of boosters, etc).

And finally, we can't verify the official figures anyway, we have to take what they say on "trust" (which is in short supply!).


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Whatever the correct numbers are, us unjabbed in NZ and Australia (especially WA) could serve as a great control group given the vast majority of our populations were jabbed prior to the opening of our borders and the widespread exposure to the virus. I'm still waiting for my invite to participate!

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Sadly I doubt that comparison betweem the never jabbed and those that had at least some of the gene therapy injections is never going to happen, not in Australia, not in NZ and not in the UK either.

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Quite a few of us in NZ( the unvax) are registered with the world vax control group https://www.facebook.com/groups/controlgroupcoop . I know from my personal interaction, the people who did not partake is significantly more than the official narrative of the NZ govt. Also start adding the 11k politicians and "essential" workers who got exemptions when no one else was allowed. 1 politician just "died suddenly" last week, basically in the middle of a speech. ( he would have been one who believed the hype as he wasnt in Main govt circles). Deaths and cancer are stiil on the rise. Never seen so much in our tiny village.

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Absolutely, the NZ MoH did such a good job at using the incorrect numbers. They used something called the HSU (health service unit) number, which included anyone who had used a health service (a GP, hospital, pharmacy etc) in the 12 months preceding the pandemic to calculate the population ‘eligible’ for vaccination. They didn’t use the known or estimated population.

The result was that they underestimated the unvaccinated population by almost 50% and over estimated the numbers vaccinated. And so when they used a denominator half what it should’ve been it made the unvaccinated look much more likely to be infected, hospitalised etc, and the vaccinated appear less likely.

I prefer to believe they were just incompetent but it looks more and more likely they knew what they were doing

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Without a doubt. The patent applications make it clear they knew, not everyone, but enough did and do. Muddying up the data, casting doubt wherever it can be are long known tactics.

Smart rats jump ship before sailing for good reasons. Many in seemingly high places of authority are now beginning to 'suddenly' need to be elsewhere and out of the public view. Why?

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Do you feel the data supports the conspiracy theory (at this time...) of long term excess mortality via new or rapidly evolving cancers and/or dying suddenly with some form of heart failure/damage or another form damage?

The usual theory goes, the rate of "dying suddenly" from long term side effects is increasing and by year 5, it will be very bad for those who took it and somewhere between 5 and 10, the majority will pass.

Conveniently solving any pension funding issues, housing shortages, over population issues or stresses on the planet which may be as a result of overconsumption.

My belief based off quickly looking at the UK 2023 data excess deaths seems to be returning or trending back towards baseline. Although I believe Canadian preliminary data unfortunately does show a rise...

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In NZ, at any rate, there is no significant increase in ACM that I see. But, from my broader experience/perspective, especially looking at the UK data, the slow cull I think you're alluding to most likely started in the late 60s, early 70s. I think it's a combination of stains and post-war childhood vax schedule. If the ONS kept proper records and made those records available, I'd have a very much better idea!

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Sorry. I should have clarified my question better. I was not intending to inquire/ask about the traditional childhood vaccination program and more specifically the novel mRNA coated in LNP platform.

The conspiracy theorists claim the mRNA due to upregulation of LINE-C( I believe) when mRNA vaccine is exposed to liver cells suggest DNA integration, SV40 being found present, other DNA fragments and downregulation of toll-like receptors are all mechanisms by which new and aggressive cancers could potentially form leading to death; others point to the supposed white-fibrin-like clots and say those will kill people, other people point to protein-misfolding diseases and suggest dementia will literately turn mRNA vaccinated people to "zombie' forms of themselves. Just mentally-shadows of themselves in terms of brain capacity and/or quick to anger or other personality changes; also potentially leading to death by self-delete or incompetence in daily-life.

So their "belief" is....basically..... mRNA vaccine in the arm today = you're not around in 2-10 years. With a slow escalation of the deaths at the start, then a rapid-upturn towards the 5 year ish mark. Akin to an exponential growth curve.

In evidence, they'll point to collections of statistically unusual deaths like people dying in their 20s from heart attacks, in their sleep, from cancer and believe these to be slowly-rising. These are all anecdotes though of just many individual cases collected -- and they believe this is the beginning of a tidal wave crashing upon the shore. This being slow rise being the start of an exponential curve where at the end or t=10 years, its so high, nearly all mRNA platform recipients are sadly passed. They would go on further to suggest, this will lead widescale civil unrest in which elites will offer to the people, must-desired return to the old way of live and peace/order, if we only give up our security and submit to a totalitarian like state control.

IF this is true, we should continue to see close or likely even greater excess mortality in 2023, 2024, 2025 even though the mRNA vaccine doses have dropped significantly in 2023 compared to 2022 and especially 2021. IE, If now, 1% or 2% of the doses are being given out and excess deaths remain high or even increase further in 2023 or 2024, it can't be short-term vaccine related mortality or diseases induced by vaccine side effects. It would inherently have to be long-term vaccine induced side effects (or some other unknown cause). This is what the "conspiracy theorists" are predicting we will see when the data is released and would lean towards a great quantity of long-term excess death in mRNA recipients.

If the data does not reflect this, they believe it will still be happening but the government being complicit will deny it, alter data and do the whole 1984 "war is peace", "everything is normal" as long as they can.

I personally, do not believe at this time, there is statistical evidence to back the conspiracy theory. I do believe there are MANY MANY anecdotal cases of odd-deaths at young ages in demographics usually unafflicted by conditions previously considered "aging-diseases" or "diseases of old age". I do not know if they have reached statistical significance yet -- though you are the expert in this field. Hence why I'm asking what you believe the evidence shows.

Is there this giant wave of mRNA Vaccine recipient decline in health and even possibly death in the 5-10 year time frame based off what's happened across years 1, 2 and 3 and part way into year 4? I think it is hard to say as the data seems to be, in my country of Canada, at least 1 year lagged behind. So in late 2023, we just got data for 2022 or "year 2" and T=1, T=2 compared to T=10 on an exponential graph are....well...hardly noticeable and hardly enough data to make any meaningful trend. So I feel l'm just anxiously waiting for T=3 data during year T=4 and T=4 data in year T=5. I feel though when we are in T=5 and waiting on T=4 data, if it is exponentially growing, even if the data to prove it isn't there, we'll start to see it in our every day.

Anecdotally, I hear many reports of vaccinated coworkers having unusual ailments, sickness, half our staff seems to be off work sick in February....half my dance classes I go to are empty....b/c if illness....

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Have you looked at the Lot/Batch data co-relation to US-VAERS reports by distribution analysis done a couple of years ago. Most Lots/Batches of Cov-vax were linked to report numbers lower than the annual Flu jabs BUT some have VAERS report number seemingly off the clock in comparison. Whyee?

Then there is the virtual banning and enforced negative reporting about a 'horse medicine' used routinely and daily in some African countries that surprisingly also have very low Covid death numbers (must be bad reporting!!). Then what about the enforced hospital protocol of Remdesivir and Morphine or other similar drugs including 'end of life' ones? Whyee?

Basically if, a BIG IF, the mRNA jabs were so essential to save the world, AND so safe and effective as fraudulently claimed then why was it necessary to BOTH enforce and mandate a misused PCR system, and jabbing, bribe medical people and establishments to force the jabs AND obscure or hide the data on the trials and the effects good or bad, but especially the negative data for these jabs? Whyee?

Inconvenient data or facts get deliberately hidden when populations 'MUST' be manipulated into doing what they otherwise will not for some purpose. No 'conspiracy theory needed just clear thinking.

Maybe just maybe you will see that Smart City stuff and Mobile devices are perfect for spying, mRNA and other jabs excellent for disabling, maiming and killing like guns etc. do, Wireless Radiation (5G) is developed from Directed Energy technology and the Climate Change narrative (false btw) is pushing for Climate manipulation projects and the collapse of much agriculture. Could it actually all be in aid of a War against people? Not conspiracy theory perhaps? Go check it out and think a little differently and for yourself - no 'experts' needed. Ignore the shrills.

The first casualty of war is truth. Think about that. A good detective asks "Does the obvious evidence support the official narative being promoted"

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I live and practice in a high unvaxxed state, so I actually have a control group to compare/contrast what is going on.

No covid deaths, from either cohort.

Morbidity-- oh sweet jesus. I would not take a pallet of tax free cash in exchange for any of the shots. It is undeniable. If I can see it, then everybody in health care can. The shot has accelerated not only the usual diseases of man, but the so-called 'rare' ones as well, to the extent that it has made it appear that not getting the shot protects you from disease.

Example: grandaughter of our fascist cuck mayor has to have monthly surgeries on her girl parts. She is having a hyper/turbo growth of cysts. 17 y/o. Care to guess vax status? Another: husband and wife strokes. She has permanent aphasia. Another: dude who got thyroid cancer removed just got pancreatic. 5 turbo prostate cancers last month. Two early onset dementias. Organ rejection. Lupus like issues in females.


.gov all over earth will not admit to this. .gov will not study this. .gov still wants you to get the shot and shut up, peasant.

We have witnessed an international conspiracy to hide democide. There must be a reckoning.

Appreciate your work.

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When did the borders close completely? There are many knowledgible people who believe the illness, effectively an intense Flu like condition for some and not a big bother to many, actually rampaged in the last part of 2019 so by January 2020 it was pretty much over most places. There is an interesting timeline suggested by some that the whole Plandemic scenario was played out from very late Dec 19 into the first week of February 20 - report of first case in Wuhan of 'mysterious illn ess' to identification to more cases to WHO declaring deadly epidemic emergency, Drostin announcing modified PCR test kits to shipping these en-masse to possible Vaccines available shortly - all in a matter of 30-40 days. Bit strange do you not think? BTW, if there was no actual sample of the whole natural 'virus' isolated, purified and identified and proven to be infectious, how the heck can anyone identify a varient? No claim of isolation was made until March 2020 and when asked the authors admitted they did not have it from a ill patient - just a computer generated mini-string of genes 'beleived' to be part of the 'virus' whole gene string. Yeah....right!!

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UK mainstream media put news reports saying 92% of adults took the 1st jab which was a lie

and then when the jabs were rolled out to kids the BBC said 90% of eligible children had

been injected and that was a lie as a few weeks later Labour MP Johnathan Reynolds stood

up in Parliament and asked why the government hadn't achieved their targets and 50% of kids eligible

had taken a c19 jab not 90% and thus proving the media made up the figures.

Friends from Canada said the msm over there put out similar false numbers to convince the public everyone was having the jabs. They lied about the number of foreign folks in London taking the jabs later admitting 40% had not had any jabs there.

And then who got the placebo? and who got the grade B? and who got the grade A gunk?

and how many batches got out there that should have failed there own quality control testing? .

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Covid only began in NZ in early 2022 ?? Really?? How did you arrive at that stark reality ? Almost the whole world was sent hiding and cowering from a deadly pathogen by March 2020 as I remember the events and a remote as NZ is geographically, Air NZ especially with others of that ilk and many cruise ships ensure full repeated connection to the rest of the world.

Relying on RT-PCR data is akin to believing in the tooth fairy and little people living at the bottom of the garden. ALL the claimed Covid-19 illness claims are corrupted - if only as the Ct number is routinely not provided. Mind you Kari Mullis who created the methodology repeatedly pointed out that the PCR process is simply not usable as a Clinical Diagnostic tool. Drosten I believe made money from his claimed versions - probably lots of it ( not an MD nor a professor I read).

Vaxxed or unVaxxed is irrelevant when looking at total deaths from all causes year on year and the numbers across so many countries when available make 2021 and each since stand out strongly as excess death years of significance - strangely in seeming lock step with the jabbing.

Do you need to pick at other data and the nuance of this or that?

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The borders were completely shut down, so the country was virtually covid free till omicron then it reopened in about Jan 2022.

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COVID 19 is the 'flu rebranded and omicron is moronic. All the variants were made up nonsense like COVID 19.


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Seems to be a recurring theme?

The UK has a relatively large control group (30%), According to the Expose, ONS data show 61K unjabbed vs. 1M jabbed deaths in a year:


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Thankfully not all nations accepted the shots at the rate NZ did, imagine how easy the denial of any problems would be if everyone got vaxxd. All you can go on is morality and chronic health rates by age from 2015-2019 as a control.

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Thanks for looking into this.

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Is this the record level data that Steve Kirsch was analysing in November last year?

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That vaccine-induced herd immunity is mostly myth can be proven quite simply. When I was in medical school, we were taught that all of the childhood vaccines lasted a lifetime. This thinking existed for over 70 years. It was not until relatively recently that it was discovered that most of these vaccines lost their effectiveness 2 to 10 years after being given. What this means is that at least half the population, that is the baby boomers, have had no vaccine-induced immunity against any of these diseases for which they had been vaccinated very early in life. In essence, at least 50% or more of the population was unprotected for decades.

If we listen to present-day wisdom, we are all at risk of resurgent massive epidemics should the vaccination rate fall below 95%. Yet, we have all lived for at least 30 to 40 years with 50% or less of the population having vaccine protection. That is, herd immunity has not existed in this country for many decades and no resurgent epidemics have occurred. Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a lie used to frighten doctors, public-health officials, other medical personnel, and the public into accepting vaccinations.

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