Very very early in the pandemic I used a similar chart featuring ND/SD/MN/NE/WI showing that the curves looked the same even though the rules were different everywhere.

Here's that chart today:


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Virus gonna virus.

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I live in Bismarck Nd, compliance was probably a majority in the city during that period.

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Glad to find you here again Joel. Keep it up. Check out my own contributions here if you want to. Stay in touch. https://tobiasbrunner.substack.com/

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There is no virus. There never was!

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I love how the North Dakotans are like ‘mandate, what? No.’

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Thing is SD would be using the same WHO protocols for COVID (care homes/testing) so it demonstrates no benefit to locking down therefore only harms can be accrued and that due to WHO policies pretty much forced on older people not any virus was the root cause of the initial 'outbreak' which started this 3+ year sh!tshow !

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Been telling normies this for ages - 'So, there you have it. Do the opposite of what the state or federal government tells you for better outcomes'

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Oh man... one could not make this up! Yet, how did MSM & SM treat SD, Florida, Texas, Sweden....? The 'Othering' and Virtue Signalling and Political bias of MSM & SM, is morally and criminally culpable. Oh for old school investigative journalists and journalism....

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I don't understand how you can claim to publish Covid "facts" when it is known to the well informed that the PCR is not a diagnostic test, it can't tell you that you are sick, it can't distinguish one alleged virus particle from another particle, it's not a "test". Therefore, there are no "cases" identified by using it. The guy who invented it, Kary Mullis, himself, said, "It doesn't tell you that you're sick." Two years into this massive psyop and fraud, you still haven't got that much straight? You're still reporting "cases" and comparing "case" numbers and outcomes? Reiner Fuellmich is going to court to stop the PCR fraud, the only means so far of pretending there's a pandemic where there isn't one.


Please, wake up.

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Dear KM, what are you suggesting Joel works with at the Official Data instead of what the Agencies have published?

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"They" new, obviously. Only the volunteer maskers don't know.

What puzzles me is that they don't ask questions when they see people around them who don't wear one.

I asked one tradesman working outdoors:

Me: Why do you wear a mask?

Tradie: I don't want to catch covid.

Me: Outdoors?

Tradie: A customer wanted me to wear it.

As I believed him!

Me: Why do you wear a mask?

Woman: I don't want to catch covid.

Now they got their media assets to push for N95. Now I see more people wearing them, including on kids.

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Where did the data on masking and distancing compliance come from?

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Were hospitalisations and deaths similar?


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