Covid and Climate Change: the weaponisation of pseudoscience by neo-Marxist globalists seeking to exercise total global control of populations. Man-made climate change has been the slow-burn progression of that agenda since the 1960s. Covid was the shock and awe explosive acceleration of that agenda and in the wake of Covid, in fact even whilst the Covid scam was being inflicted upon us, they have rapidly accelerated the Net Zero/climate crisis scam. Zero Covid was entry-level Net Zero. Some of us said it at the time and we were called conspiracy theorists and worse and we were banned from Twitter. The chickens have come home to roost and they are not registered with DEFRA. Climate dissidents will soon become the subject of intense scrutiny and censorship by the powers that be,

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15 hrs agoLiked by Joel Smalley

Your first sentence is a perfect summary. These are not polite disagreements we’re having with well meaning people, it is a matter of being free and prosperous or impoverished and imprisoned.

They will not learn, or compromise, or be persuaded by facts. They need to be scorned, humiliated and not allowed to have power.

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Marxists are not part of the problem, they are part of the solution: workers rights to a safe workplace, holidays, a 40 hour week, decent education, childcare, healthcare and housing did not just happen because Capitalists were feeling generous, they happened through working class solidarity and Trades Union rights.

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Can you please, please, please, stop blaming Marxists for the EU: they were the most outspoken opponents of the UK joining it in the first place! Its the bastards on the neo-con Right we have to thank for Brussels ! Whats more, the more ex-soviet union countries that joined the EU, the more right wing it became: as surveys show repeatedly they have ultra-conservative views on e.g abortion and gay marriage.

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Age UK has contacted our bowls club to see if we would like to have someone from Age UK come to speak about “scams”. I asked if the government corona virus scam would be part of the discussion. The biggest scam witnessed in my lifetime….70+. Years.

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They need to be publicly killed, unfortunately their immediate families also need to be killed, publicly, so no more pieces of shit are lined up to replace them.

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The protagonists could indeed be accused of various serious criminal activities including activities constituting both treason & high treason.

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Or you could keep voting for them and hope they give a shit about you

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Christine Anderson says “please stop voting for the same parties and the same people who got us into this mess in the first place”. In the UK these parties and people comprise the Lab/Con/Lib/SNP Uniparty of near identical globalist-supporting policies. In the recent general election, most of the electorate voted for the treasonous, oppressive Uniparty as per usual. The Reform Party is the only party committed to scrapping Net Zero but they only won five Westminster seats. Is it too much to hope that after a few years of Labour oppression the electorate will finally stop voting for the same old Uniparty?

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It is ridiculous.

So why don't people stand up?

Vote? Vote with your pitchforks.

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Spoken like a true working class Chartist hero!

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I was invited to an exclusive consultation event today by my local carers group:

"NHS xxxxxshire is looking to invite patients and carers to meet with Maree Todd, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, as part of their Ministerial Annual Review.

This will be a private meeting to allow patients/carers an opportunity to air their views based on their direct experience of their local NHS."

I responded:

"I think I'll give it a miss. I try to have as little interaction with the NHS as possible, and my views on the pointless lockdown restrictions and government lies about the so-called 'vaccine' (which we all managed to duck) would turn the air blue. " !!

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May God help her, I hope she stays safe. And has good security, at least better than the Secret Service.

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sorry my homie, I take her with a grain of salt

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Can any of us here imagine being like one of these monsters? A person that desires their children and grandchildren to live under hard tyranny for their entire lives? What is wrong with these people?

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