Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I didn't know you were a founder member of PANDA. They are amazing and their work and information shines like a beacon of light. I have followed and supported them for some time and their articles kept me sane in the madness around me.

Yet another brilliant piece from them highlighting what we know to be true. When is the propaganda and the jab everything that moves agenda going to stop though? Not only is there no sign of any accountability but the despicable campaign to jab people is ramping up again. I have had 2 calls and texts from my GP surgery already and all around me people getting flu and covid jabs together!

I just read the latest debate in Parliament regarding vaccine injury compensation and it says it all really.... Every MP who speaks emphasises they believe in that jabs and are pro vax. It like they are afraid not to add that mantra.

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These days, an MP with courage is as rare as a doctor with ethics. Dark times indeed.

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It's almost like they're being PAID to add that mantra...

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They are - check the PM bank balance and indeed anybody who attends G20 G7 they’re all paid up puppets to Schwab gates WEF WTF foundations who in turn fund C twisty Whitty and Prof Valencia woke unis etc to the tunes of millions 💰ie docs without ethics and across the house all 625 (?) of you no balls to speak out about anything

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Uh, yeah. I agree. That was sarcasm. :)

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Uh yeah that’s to indicate I understood for those perhaps who didn’t? 🤣

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If you have something to say to me, say it. You seem angry.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The findings of PANDA would not be a surprise to any objective, thinking person. The conclusions were wholly predictable - as the most probable outcome - at each step of the orchestrated governmental response. At no stage, from outbreak until now, did it appear as if we were heading in the right direction.

Commendation to PANDA, and to you too Joel, for recognising the desperately incoherent response from very early on.

We will now have to suffer through the mental gymnastics of all the 'experts' as they, ever so slowly, acknowledge the irrefutable truth. The insufferable part being the proclamations that it is only now apparent that 'mistakes' were made. It has been bloody obvious from day one!

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Right near the top of the report:

"These products clearly do not prevent transmission. They should never have been expected to, by virtue of their mechanism of action (i.e. the creation of blood-borne antibodies, when – as with other respiratory viruses – the primary immune defences reside in the mucous membranes lining the upper respiratory tract and lungs)."

You cannot state the bleedin' obvious too often, when governments, health authorities and the media, in fact most of the world, are determined to ignore the bleedin' obvious and indeed maintain a position which is in direct contradiction to it. Because this is 'new normal' science, based not upon facts and evidence, but upon feelings, the signalling of false virtue and, most importantly, political expediency and corporate financial gain.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thankyou Joel for your continued work on this along with your PANDA colleagues. I consider myself 'awake' and not under the spell of the propaganda with which governments and their advisers have incessantly bombarded their countries' populations so I read things like this and think "well, duh obviously" but then I've read the work of you, Dr Mike Yeadon, etc. constantly for well over 2 years. The more people for whom the spell can be broken, the better.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Yep, Joel, and I watched PANDA from the beginning. I recall Michael Levitt was an early member who stomped off in a huff when he thought y'all were anti-vax! Well, now you're really anti-"vax", mRNA, that is. Good. Good on you, Nick Hudson, Abir Ballan and all.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This morning I am manning the sign in desk, with two others, for the monthly ExeDFAS(fine art society). My colleagues at the sign in desk started discussing their recent covid booster. I wanted to scream, DON’T TAKE THSt sh..,

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I like that - Chinada.

Quick, copyright it!

How about New Zealand?

(Land Of The Long White Teeth...)

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thanks Joel. PANDA was one of my first wake up calls, early in pandemic and has been a truly educational and balanced view of what is going on.

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I have written articles for PANDA. I have edited articles for PANDA. I have posted on behalf of PANDA all over the Internet. I have had the privilege of being on numerous Zoom calls with experts and data-mavens from all over the world on weekly PANDA Open Science meetings. In all that time, this piece is among the best PANDA has produced. Not only is this piece written with the layperson in mind, but also, it is beyond solid. It is comprehensive, while having another fantastic quality. It is short!

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Brilliant article Joel.

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You might like reading something a French general recently said about people like... us. ^_^

You can look it up, pretty easily, I'd say, but here's my post with it all written out:


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I actually laughed out loud at this:

“The assumption by regulators that the mRNA products would behave similarly to more traditional vaccine products merely by virtue of having the label of “vaccine” applied to them – thereby permitting substantial tranches of pre-clinical research to be skipped – was deeply flawed. It has resulted in billions having been injected with multiple doses of a product about which there are an unacceptable number of significant unknowns.”

It’s so stupid as to be tragi-comedy. Regulators fooled by a misapplied label. Sometimes when I think about how sheer idiocy can harm so many people I cry. Other days I laugh because what else can you do?

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Ah, I did not realise your involvement with PANDA. Much respect, thank you for your work.

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Panda has provided the support, science and data which ordinary mortals have needed to keep the battle going. The array of talent, integrity and courage is outstanding.

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Thank you for posting about Panda - I'd never heard of them. Very interesting - I hope you keep up the good work because we need people like you to challenge the mainstream narrative.

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Crazy how none of this would have been controversial in the slightest in 2019.

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