Moron has no principles and never has. He will always do whatever it takes to get the most money for himself. The real question is who and why has the decision been taken to rehabilitate him for the masses?

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Nothing to do with being smart or not. These people are just official propagandists and will say whatever they're instructed to say.

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As I like to say....these people literally read cue cards for a living.

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For money, of course!

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Absolutely. Blows my mind that people can't grasp the concept. The same people that otherwise can see that money dominates everything, who work like slaves and wake up at 6am for money and yet they can't see that all these puppets have no real opinions of their own. They're just paid mouthpieces. Same with fucking so-called scientists/researches whatever. It's all a money train.

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It seems to have become so overly monetized everywhere.

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The ACOG still wants to jab pregnant moms… take the jab off the market.

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Take ACOG and all its shills off the market!

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Ahhh Piers Morgan.... What's the word that immediately comes to mind...? Errr, Ummm, Oh that's right...... Shifty...!!

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I can't get shify but Piers Morgan anagrams to

- AI Mr sponger

- as in Mr pr ego

- morn pig arse

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If the prediction is correct and he’s had a booster 💉 he may not be around much longer anyhow 🤷‍♀️ Just an observation

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Most of the politicians, WORLD WIDE, Had To have Known something about the planned to have marched to the same tune , some more strictly LIKE Australia , Canada, Britian,

and the USA. Could NOT ... believe my EYES when I saw the Brutality of those in Charge.., so this is what " Marshal Law " is like ! How could this COME ON ...... so FAST ! Now , I come to some conclusions, one being .... MONEY They were BRIBED !

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He’s an insufferable British Twit.

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Ghastly man, there is no excuse for his hateful behaviour, he bullied and name called the unvaccinated because he could and he knew he would get away with it. Small minded creature who should have no place in media like many other's of his ilk.

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Truth , thank u

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Thank God for peeps like Bev and Joel.

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If people have the time and the inclination to do so, it's incredibly interesting to go back and listen to podcasts from 2020! I've been doing this lately and my blood boils. Haha. Even "respected" people who have been propped up as "experts" have been proven flat wrong about numerous issues. And this is on both "sides" of the debate. I won't mention names, but there are dozens. I've been finding that many of these people were simply sharing their own opinion, or the opinion of others who had everything wrong as well. You know, I don't really mind that they were sharing their opinions as much as I'm incredibly angered that these same people flat *refused* to even entertain a different viewpoint. That is dangerous as hell and caused (IMO) possibly millions of unnecessary deaths either from what was being called "covid", the masks, the isolation, the dangerous medical protocols, or the "safe and effective" *experimental* gene therapies rebtanded as "vaccines ", (and the list goes on). Not to mention the mental illness in society that will take decades to reverse reverse. I'm happy when these folks "see the light" but that doesn't excuse them from the damage they did (and in some cases are continuing to do).

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Bev was another ''freedom'' influencer that reposted Scottish COVID inquiry on X last year in the earlier days with some coment of shock and alas it was never posted about again. Name the name the MO is the same. What could be more important than this as a media person and COVID sceptic? https://substack.com/home/post/p-155834238

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Please take the time to write these 5 senators that believe the CDC's take on science. If we do not demand the respect and the will of, We the People, nothing will change.

Here are their names and copy of my rushed letter to each of them.

Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)

• Susan Collins (R-ME)

• Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

• Bill Cassidy (R-LA)

*Andy Kim ( D-NJ)

Bobby Kennedy had to end his campaign after being heavily censored smeared and silenced. He had to spend millions to defend himself in court case after court case, to prevent him from having his name on State ballots, later, when he suspended his campaign and made efforts to remove his name off of swing state ballots he was sued to keep his name on them. I met people here in Oregon who up to last July had no idea he was even running for POTUS. RFK Jr is the only person with enough courage to talk about what is really making so many of us so ill, it's an epidemic and growing every day. I and millions of others know we are living in a toxic soup of chemicals drugs vaccines EMFs heavy metals and much more. We are tired of having to make the effort to eat clean and try our best to live clean, it shouldn't be this way. In fact it's so bad it's impossible. RFK Jr is the only one out there wanting to know why and to give We the People the answer to why are we so sick in the USA. Studies need to be done on every manmade chemical and proven safe before using them. Why is this burden of proof of harm given to We the People? Nothing should be sold to us or used on us without giving us full disclosure and proof of safety. Don't you want safe products and drugs? I stopped going to doctors back in 2018 after firing 5 of them, they did nothing but cause me harm and write drug scripts. If I hadn't taken back my choice of how to help myself, I would not be here today, but still cannot heal living in a toxic world, and Bobby knows how to fix this. He's a very intelligent kind man who thrives on helping people be the best versions of themselves, We can not achieve wellness without looking at everything in our environment, there is so much that harm all of us every day. People in the CDC HHS NIH FDA USDA all need to be reevaluated and see what work they have done to improve the health and well being of all Americans. I can tell you now, We the People know no one cares, no one is wanting to change or cut out or be investigated or have their work studied. You can't allow drug companies to police themselves, you cannot allow flawed studies and bought studies to stand on themselves. In science if something is proven to be correct or effective, it must also happen again and again by other scientists and studies, but that is not what's happening, nothing is challenged or proven by others because they are shut out slandered and silenced. We cannot thrive on democracy without the free flow of discussion, not withheld from the public, We the People. We need change and Bobby is the man We the People have chosen, to do this work. I urge you to not ignore what we need and demand from the USA government, to confirm RFK Jr with an overwhelming yes vote. I want to heal, my family, friends and neighbors want to heal. Do not get stuck on the statement 'settled science' nothing is settled in science it should always be challenged and proven over and over again. FOIA requests have proven no studies have been done on the vaccinated and unvaccinated, no studies (reputable) have been done on the cause of autism. My youngest brother suffered with autism spectrum symptoms after being vaccinated. Why is that? We need studies, robust studies, by many scientist. We are not clones, each and every one of us has different gut microbiome, different diets, different experiences with drug treatments etc. and yet we are all treated the same. I personally was poisoned by that insidious chemical concoction of Roundup, making me so ill, I almost died, getting down to 89 pounds unable to eat anything but bananas and only able to drink water, everything else gave me chronic diarrhea and or daily vomiting, it was like living in a blender filled with toxins and zero help from MDs. Are we really living in the greatest Nation, when our medical system, food system and highly toxic environment brings us to our knees with dis-ease and death? We can rebuild our health we can be a strong Nation if you vote yes to confirm Bobby Kennedy.


Susan Boyce

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Assholes gonna ass-hole.

Official keepers of the narrative have no choice but to keep carrying its water. In his defense, he, unlike many, admitted he was FOS. Will it stop him next time? Well...

No. Hellz no!

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He also keeps running his pie hole about cops being killed at the Capitol. Try’s and make his guest denounce the violence. He’s totally a puppet.

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Was Piers ever involved with the BBC?

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In his younger days he was the Editor of The Daily Mirror - one of the most leftwing papers in thr UK.

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I wonder how many people actually take any notice of what he says. Even the diehard Covidians must wonder about his flip-flopping. Don't people watch presenters like this for the amusement value? I only ask because I know diehard Covidians, confirmed Remoaners, Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers, Climate Disaster vegans, all of whom are sure they are correct but none of them give old Piers more than an amused glance. Now, were we talking about Chris Packham or David Attenborough or even Chris Whitty, that would be different!

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