In my medical practice and as my hospital’s infectious disease prevention committee member, I questioned RTPCR testing, asymptomatic spread, vaccine safety, and the fact that our hospital was mostly empty in Santa Monica, California.

I have lost all respect for my physician colleagues, who were total chickenshits, patients who left my practice because I refused to wear a mask, people who screamed at me and others who weren’t 6 feet apart at Whole Foods market, and the government officials that worked against free choice .

This worldwide military operation convinced people they have no protection against disease without the governments help.

They convinced me of just the opposite.

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Jun 2Liked by Joel Smalley

I admire your strength and courage. It is not easy when colleagues, friends and families discount your beliefs.💕

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If your colleagues had read at least the very basics about RTPCR they would have known that.

Mr. Mullis who invented them made it very clear that:

First: They had not to be used for precisely what they were in the COVID scam.

Second: At 24 CT all results should be considered as false given the level of amplification.

What has been used was 45 CT.

Thus, the sensitivity of the tests was

2097152 times more than what Mr. Mullis considered as the absolute limit to not overcome.

I do not know what is required to become physician but it seems, at first sight, that good old common sense is not mandatory for all to earn such a degree.

Anyway, it was and still is, a religious war and reason has no impact on those who rely on faith nor on those who are driven by fear or greed.

For now, I suggest that we all concentrate on the following and decide what to do next because we will have no more opportunity to fight back.

" BREAKING BAD NEWS: Amendments to the International Health Regulations were approved last night against the will of the World's people. The thread of a twitter/X post by WHO's DG Tedros Ghebreyesus announcing the approval shows just how unpopular, undemocratic, unconstitutional and invalid the whole WHO/WHA process has been to push these ostensibly legally binding amendments through. It's time to really pull together folks, put our shoulders to the wheel, and not let them get away with it!"

Think deeply.

Think fast.

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If more doctors had acted as you did the farce would have ended much sooner.

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Jun 2Liked by Joel Smalley

Dr Binder has been trying to save humanity from the beginning. Thank you Dr Binder for your messages to your fellow humans.

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Jun 2Liked by Joel Smalley

Dr Binder certainly used his spine. He reminds me of a man in a 1930s picture I saw of a Hitler German rally where the whole crowd was lauding the man with a moustache, all of their arms raised in a salute of blind obedience to him except one man in the crowd who had his arms folded with a stubborn look on his face refusing to comply and obey regardless of the consequences, Dr Binder was that man.

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Jun 2Liked by Joel Smalley

Good plain speaking, with an edge of optimism.

Dr.Binder must be tired of repeating himself - for four years!

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Jun 2Liked by Joel Smalley

For what he has been through, so much respect to Dr. Binder. I am so so glad he lived to tell.

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I clearly need to add Dr Binder to my list of experts, somehow he never found my radar until now.

Can readers help with any links to his past (Original source only) videos would be appreciated so i can create a page for him.


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If there are rumble etc. links that would be helpful.

Not from you Joel ... but other readers. I hav little time in my days for searching. I need help to capture this "history"

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A picture paints a thousand words

The courses of the orange and green curves in this graph of ICU bed occupancy, almost perfect mirror images, prove nicely the mislabeling of other diagnoses as COVID by a positive RT-PCR nonsense test.

A detailed explanation you can find here:

The prevailing corona nonsense narrative


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Thxs solo, I'll check that out

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Jun 2Liked by Joel Smalley

People say, ‘How do you ever know who can you trust?’ I have a strong hunch, from Joel’s recommendation and watching this video, that this guy is honest and sincere. I think you can still tell from informed intuition who the good guys are.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Author

Yes, I should add that he is also one of few who has not used his new popularity simply for economic gain too.

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Joel, you mean NOT used . . . ?

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Jun 2Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you for sharing Joel 🫂.

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Jun 2Liked by Joel Smalley

Thanks, Joel, for this clip. I just forwarded your post to dozens of people.

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Smash the DOD... more like it ... since they are orchestrating this.

Best of luck with that!!!

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Jun 2Liked by Joel Smalley

One of the few I still trust. 👏👏👏

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these people must be stopped if you give them an inch they become a ruler

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Yes, I heard about Dr Binder from JJ Couey..... he agrees and introduced him to many of us.... https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological

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Love this doc ! “…. there was a pandemic of cowards” from the guy hospitalized in the psych ward for thinking, refuting and refusing the jab. He was right then and now !

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🚨 The WHO Is Ignoring — or Knowingly Misrepresenting — Its Own Data on COVID

"While deliberately misleading countries and the media with claims that the risk of pandemics is rapidly increasing, WHO leaders are fully aware that deaths from infectious diseases, and pandemics, have decreased over past centuries and are decreasing now. The databases and citations of reports from the WHO, the World Bank and G20 High Level Independent Panel attest to this." — Brownstone Institute


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