People are angry, heartbroken, once they have woken up to the reality they were bamboozled big time. And it has cost every single person years of life, years of financial livelihood and post covid vaxxes years of chronic illnesses, if not death. Perhaps, just perhaps the human race won’t be so gullible next time. The tide is turning somewhat with local governments and national gov’ts going to the right.
Perhaps the biggest lie is that the mRNA platform is at all serviceable as a means of administering vaccines or anything else (a view that Robert Malone seems to adhere to). There is no long-term safety data, and what data there is suggests the platform itself is toxic.
mRNA "platform" is a phantasm like the rest of it. It's a form of racketeering and will end up in the dust bin of history being shown for the fraud that it is like the rest of gene theory, genomics, metagenomics, biotech and all of it.
The mRNA "platform" is actually an excellent delivery system in that it delivers the public money into the hands of private investors via a fraudulent pseudoscience scheme.
There's plenty of long-term safety data that indicate the mRNA cash cow is a remarkably safe investment as it is free money for pharma investors that has the protections of legal indemnity.
The virus certainly posed no serious risk for the vast majority, as was clearly evidenced by infection fatality rate data by mid 2020 (actually even earlier). Submitting to injection with a radical new technology that had no medium or long term track record or testing was obviously foolhardy, even before we learned the injections were also ineffective and horrifically dangerous (evidenced early on via VAERS reports). Failing to pay attention and do a little homework can get you maimed or killed in this deceitful political environment.
I really suspect the PCR tests were rigged as well to pick up other viruses. Was very strange to lose my sense of smell for over 6 months with “Covid”though...
If they were able to manipulate the masses into injecting themselves over nothing, I fear there next play may be to get those same folks to somehow destroy those of us that didn’t buy what they were selling.
The Hallett 'Inquiry' is busy embedding the notion that there was "a novel virus" ( KC Keith asserted that in questioning one witness), on which notion was hung all of the nefarious government policies from March 2020. The " novel virus" must be stitched in to the stich up, which this Inquiry is turning out to be. No surprise about that.
This is one of the foundations of the problem. Also add in apathy of the voting masses, another key component. They don't bother to do basic research on any candidates and totally believe whatever they are told in the media. The media is not in the business of selling facts, it's in the business of selling ads. To do that it manufactures drama.
Have you ever made any efforts to disprove these statements you are making?
Why do I know 4 people who lost their sense of taste for months? It happens with flu, but it's rare. I had seen it once before in my entire life. One even lost his capcity to feel pain through vanilloid receptors.
If this particle WAS designed, then you are actively helping them get away with it.
"Amply documented the mRNA “vaccine” which was intended to protect people against this non-existent new coronavirus renamed SARS-nCoV-2 has resulted in an upward trend in excess mortality."
How do you explain that vaccine mortality is almost exclusively COVID mortality?
I have to be honest and I don't mean to insult you, but this all seems completely delusional to me. Not like you are making an effort to really understand the dynamics of COVID/vaccine mortality, which has a large overlap.
The way I see it, SC2 was completely manageable in 2020. The situation was "orchestrated". In 2021 the vaccines turned SC2 into an actual killer of the vaccinated. The dynamics are highly complex and I think you are taking shortcuts here, because you haven't honestly tried to understand what happened.
MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY is a philosopher, not doctor (whatever that means these days).
You can be pretty sure that long-covid only hit those with damaged immune systems, the question should be: Why did so many have immune system destruction prior to 2020?
One doctor, Bruce Patterson, thinks that long-covid is mainly due to incomplete clearance of the S1 protein by certain innate immune cells:
So just to clear this up, I got on the phone just now with a fellow vaccine critic who is caring for these patients. She says most of them are under 60 (the 2020 long covid patients) and the only signal she found among the patients are traumata or surgeries of the head. So it seems likely that their BBB was compromised in some way.
This does not represent compromised immunity though. The syndrome did not occur pre-2020. Prolonged olfactory issues are a hallmark. If there was no novel infectious particle, these very specific symptoms have to be explained.
If they can't be explained, that at least has to be acknowledged. I don't see this happening. I see all critics "avoid" the difficult questions.
The only reason people can avoid these questions, is because they aren't challenged. Like, look at how Joel won't even reply to my criticism. Never has.
It's a grand delusion.
Same story as back in the day when the crazies were all taking gene therapeutics. People didn't want to discuss. They didn't want to look closer. Now the crazies are located on our side. We are the crazies.
Why do people turn to delusions?
1) Because they can. Nobody criticizes them or they've become immune to criticism.
2) Because they prefer their delusion over reality.
We are all traumatized by the transgressions against us. This is no excuse though. A delusion remains a delusion.
"You can be pretty sure that long-covid only hit those with damaged immune systems, the question should be"
And if you don't mind, please explain what data this assessment is based on. Don't just explain the hypothesis, but let me know which data actual supports it.
No that's just not trueYou couldn't say that if you were working with these patients. It's only the absence of such experience that allows to make any such statement. I implore you to question your own point of view and turn to other sources of information on top of the ones you are already tapping.
If you are wrong and these patients were injured by a designed pathogen (regardless of their immune status!), then you are actively helping the perpetrators get away with it. Think about that.
I honestly don't mean to offend you, but I understand you might take it very personally when I say: Your statement is based on lies. It's kinda delusional.
It saddens me to see that this is happening to a movement that is primarily dedicated to finding truth.
Just because thousands of prominent critics say this, doesn't make it true. I know the data, I've spent thousands of hours on it and what you are saying is plain wrong. Most excess deaths occurred in hospitals and were either pneumonia-related (the waves) or related to lockdown costs (decline in the use of health services, psychosocial issues).
I know these vaccines caused a lot of cardiovascular morbidity, but this morbidity is barely reflected mortality. The lion share of vaccine mortality is COVID mortality. Very few people are aware of this, but I know history will prove me right. Because I did invest the work needed to understand the highly complex dynamics behind vaccine harm.
No offense taken, and no offense intended when I say that, given you've considered the dynamics regarding 'vaccine' harm, how on earth can you come to the conclusion that covid is their biggest threat??
The immune system destruction surely means they are more susceptible to *any* pathogen, covid being just one of them. Though, sure it is still a big threat, not least because the immune imprinting is so narrow and obsolete (targeted variant already disappeared), the far bigger threat is 40 trillion (Mod) LNP-packaged mRNA molecules being pumped into a body with only 4 trillion nucleated cells. They go everywhere, especially the endothelial cells are attacked, which is why (micro)clotting, leaking and general blood vessel wall destruction is one of their biggest threats:
No I never said COVID was the biggest threat. Not at all.
Of course "vaccines" and other interventions were the big issue responsible for mortality, but the main mechanism by which vaccines caused death was COVID. It's all in the data. It just required a lot of attention to detail to see this, which most analysts shy away from.
Joel's work on ACM is brilliant, but when it comes to more detailled analysis that looks at causes of death, he is not investing the work needed to understand this.
And yes, susceptibility to any pathogen in increasing - not just to COVID and not just to viral pathogens either, BUT there is a specific effect on SC2 immunity.
And something that's really important to understand: A medication with negative efficacy meant to reduce transmission, increases transmission. It's a very simple truth. This means that SC2 vaccines had an impact on transmission dynamics, affecting not just the vaccinated, but also those who e.g. shared a room with 3 vaccinated individuals in a care facility.
These crimes that were committed are on a whole different level to anything we've seen before. I believe understanding what they did, how they killed people and how it was covered up is of utmost importance. Virus denial I am afraid is part of the cover-up.
Don't be lazy, Joel. Look at the data. You can't explain vaccine mortality without a virus. I haven't seen anyone do it, except for the highly deluded Rancourt. What he's doing is just laughable.
I think this is precisely why we aren't getting anywhere.
None of the denialists are ever willing to discuss the matter. I'm seeing the same pattern of delusion I've seen in countless vaccine proponents. I've been delusional so many times and yknow... It takes one to know one.
This is just wrong.
COVID-19 != COVID-21
2020: Orchestrated/exacerbated
2021: Mostly vaccine-mediated, actual infectious disease deaths in healthy individuals
Very few people in the world who have looked at more data on this than me. There was no excess mortality anywhere in the world prior to interventions, despite evidence of the virus being in circulation for months. Interventions 1 - 0 Virus.
And what about China? Was that completely orchestrated I wonder? I heard very little about it. Is there even any reliable data?
Either way, the virus was used to kill millions and there are commentors here who think a "sudden death epidemic" explains excess mortality in 2021.
People still have no clue what happened, because there is so much focus on "debunking COVID mortality".
COVID mortality is exactly how people were killed. There is no denying it. These are facts. These are the murders we should talk about, but we seem to be moving away from that.
It's also obvious that the virus would've never killed so many people, we've long established it. It was prevalent in Italy in 2019 and probably reached all countries by January. Ofc it wasn't the virus alone, it was just a critical element, which almost every critic seems to love to ignore.
"Very few people in the world who have looked at more data on this than me. There was no excess mortality anywhere in the world prior to interventions"
Absolutely. In fact,the wave in Europe began when Moderna had already filled and finished their first batch.
And I know you've done amazing work on ACM.
But we need to start tackling HOW these people were killed in 2021. Calling it toxicity like Rancourt is doing, is just wrong. Adverse events caused directly by the substances are a small proportion of deaths.
The lion share of injury was facilitated through the drugs' effects on transmission dynamics of SC2.
The vaccines turned the virus into an issue and we need to start talking about that. It's very difficult for most people to grasp this and by reinforcing the thought of COVID being a non-issue, we are not doing justice to the situation.
I don't think he is saying there was no virus. Nor have I ever, for that matter. What we are saying is that this virus is not *that* novel. Personally, I think its "novelty" is lab-engineered, albeit not particularly well. The iatrogenesis was more significant.
"this non-existent new coronavirus renamed SARS-nCoV-2"
And yes, he was saying that. And you're propagating it. And then next sentence you tell me you didn't.
Why? What's going on here?
Millions were killed. When people were injected, healthy people started dying of COVID. It's all over the data. We should focus on proving that, instead of doing the exact polar opposite.
We could get PCCL data, Ct-values, whatever, we can be creative.
But right now, some of your readers - and my readers - still think there was a sudden death epidemic.
A grand delusion is what this is. A grand delusion helping the perpetrators to get away with millions of murders.
I'm investing my little remaining lifeforce into this anyway. It's just very frustrating to see so many people ignore COVID which is working directly against shedding light on covid mortality and how vaccines impacted it.
We know everything that's bogus about COVID. The deaths are not though.
There are three main mechanisms that increased mortality:
- So-called "public health measures" influencing us behaviorally and psychosocially
- Vaccine-mediated enhanced disease
- Direct harm resulting from vaccine administration
Of these, vaccine-mediated enhanced disease (the waves) is much larger in magnitude than direct harm.
We are still in a bubble. Nobody will listen to us if we don't do the work and try to explain exactly how these vaccines killed. It can be explained. It's just that the important data is unavailable (e.g. age-stratified Ct-value timeseries) to turn this into a strong case.
By downplaying the role that SC2 played in 2021 mortality, we are directing the attention away from the evidence that could explain how millions of people lost their lives.
We Reached
Herd Insanity
Before We Ever Got To
Herd Immunity.
Think What You Will
But These Crazy Ass
Dying Motherfuckers
Do Make For Good TV.
People are angry, heartbroken, once they have woken up to the reality they were bamboozled big time. And it has cost every single person years of life, years of financial livelihood and post covid vaxxes years of chronic illnesses, if not death. Perhaps, just perhaps the human race won’t be so gullible next time. The tide is turning somewhat with local governments and national gov’ts going to the right.
Perhaps the biggest lie is that the mRNA platform is at all serviceable as a means of administering vaccines or anything else (a view that Robert Malone seems to adhere to). There is no long-term safety data, and what data there is suggests the platform itself is toxic.
mRNA "platform" is a phantasm like the rest of it. It's a form of racketeering and will end up in the dust bin of history being shown for the fraud that it is like the rest of gene theory, genomics, metagenomics, biotech and all of it.
The mRNA "platform" is actually an excellent delivery system in that it delivers the public money into the hands of private investors via a fraudulent pseudoscience scheme.
There's plenty of long-term safety data that indicate the mRNA cash cow is a remarkably safe investment as it is free money for pharma investors that has the protections of legal indemnity.
that's one way to put it
However the hospital COVID protocols imposed by DC were dangerous, in fact very often deadly, and hospitals were well paid for implementing them.
Well it always looked like a perfectly normal flu season before the hoopla started.
The virus certainly posed no serious risk for the vast majority, as was clearly evidenced by infection fatality rate data by mid 2020 (actually even earlier). Submitting to injection with a radical new technology that had no medium or long term track record or testing was obviously foolhardy, even before we learned the injections were also ineffective and horrifically dangerous (evidenced early on via VAERS reports). Failing to pay attention and do a little homework can get you maimed or killed in this deceitful political environment.
The "Virus" that still hasn't been isolated?
What virus? Virology is junk science with less credence than the tooth fairy!!
It can be quite disconcerting standing on a globe controlled by powerful psychopaths. Perhaps that's why most people choose to ignore the obvious?
Quite disconcerting. You are right! Disconcerting, how very apt.
Yup, no vax, got sick, covid19, who knows, does it matter, for 2 days, healthy before and after. Thought the same from the beginning.
I really suspect the PCR tests were rigged as well to pick up other viruses. Was very strange to lose my sense of smell for over 6 months with “Covid”though...
If they were able to manipulate the masses into injecting themselves over nothing, I fear there next play may be to get those same folks to somehow destroy those of us that didn’t buy what they were selling.
The Hallett 'Inquiry' is busy embedding the notion that there was "a novel virus" ( KC Keith asserted that in questioning one witness), on which notion was hung all of the nefarious government policies from March 2020. The " novel virus" must be stitched in to the stich up, which this Inquiry is turning out to be. No surprise about that.
Humanity is suffering from a sickness of the soul. Corruption for MONEY? Are you jiving me for MONEY? How filthy.
This is one of the foundations of the problem. Also add in apathy of the voting masses, another key component. They don't bother to do basic research on any candidates and totally believe whatever they are told in the media. The media is not in the business of selling facts, it's in the business of selling ads. To do that it manufactures drama.
Long COVID doesn't exist either then?
Have you ever made any efforts to disprove these statements you are making?
Why do I know 4 people who lost their sense of taste for months? It happens with flu, but it's rare. I had seen it once before in my entire life. One even lost his capcity to feel pain through vanilloid receptors.
If this particle WAS designed, then you are actively helping them get away with it.
"Amply documented the mRNA “vaccine” which was intended to protect people against this non-existent new coronavirus renamed SARS-nCoV-2 has resulted in an upward trend in excess mortality."
How do you explain that vaccine mortality is almost exclusively COVID mortality?
I have to be honest and I don't mean to insult you, but this all seems completely delusional to me. Not like you are making an effort to really understand the dynamics of COVID/vaccine mortality, which has a large overlap.
The way I see it, SC2 was completely manageable in 2020. The situation was "orchestrated". In 2021 the vaccines turned SC2 into an actual killer of the vaccinated. The dynamics are highly complex and I think you are taking shortcuts here, because you haven't honestly tried to understand what happened.
Long COVID doesn't exist either then?
MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY is a philosopher, not doctor (whatever that means these days).
You can be pretty sure that long-covid only hit those with damaged immune systems, the question should be: Why did so many have immune system destruction prior to 2020?
One doctor, Bruce Patterson, thinks that long-covid is mainly due to incomplete clearance of the S1 protein by certain innate immune cells:
So just to clear this up, I got on the phone just now with a fellow vaccine critic who is caring for these patients. She says most of them are under 60 (the 2020 long covid patients) and the only signal she found among the patients are traumata or surgeries of the head. So it seems likely that their BBB was compromised in some way.
This does not represent compromised immunity though. The syndrome did not occur pre-2020. Prolonged olfactory issues are a hallmark. If there was no novel infectious particle, these very specific symptoms have to be explained.
If they can't be explained, that at least has to be acknowledged. I don't see this happening. I see all critics "avoid" the difficult questions.
The only reason people can avoid these questions, is because they aren't challenged. Like, look at how Joel won't even reply to my criticism. Never has.
It's a grand delusion.
Same story as back in the day when the crazies were all taking gene therapeutics. People didn't want to discuss. They didn't want to look closer. Now the crazies are located on our side. We are the crazies.
Why do people turn to delusions?
1) Because they can. Nobody criticizes them or they've become immune to criticism.
2) Because they prefer their delusion over reality.
We are all traumatized by the transgressions against us. This is no excuse though. A delusion remains a delusion.
"You can be pretty sure that long-covid only hit those with damaged immune systems, the question should be"
And if you don't mind, please explain what data this assessment is based on. Don't just explain the hypothesis, but let me know which data actual supports it.
No that's just not trueYou couldn't say that if you were working with these patients. It's only the absence of such experience that allows to make any such statement. I implore you to question your own point of view and turn to other sources of information on top of the ones you are already tapping.
If you are wrong and these patients were injured by a designed pathogen (regardless of their immune status!), then you are actively helping the perpetrators get away with it. Think about that.
Long CONvid=Long bullshit
That's what I'm saying. You're delusional.
You can't just believe whatever you want.
Well these days, it seems everyone can. The notion is ridiculous. Speak to the patients. They are severely impaired. It'll change your mind.
You just look away and make up your own story. One that's comfortable. Like a belief system. Probably to deal with trauma.
Everyone is allowed to cultivate delusions now, we don't confront reality like we used to anymore.
Nobody considers you delusional, but nobody challenges you either, so you get away with it. Collective insanity.
No, it does not.
How do you explain that vaccine mortality is almost exclusively COVID mortality?
What do you mean? Most of the 'vaxxed' are dropping for 'sudden and unexpected' reasons, ie not covid.
You confirm what I am saying.
I honestly don't mean to offend you, but I understand you might take it very personally when I say: Your statement is based on lies. It's kinda delusional.
It saddens me to see that this is happening to a movement that is primarily dedicated to finding truth.
Just because thousands of prominent critics say this, doesn't make it true. I know the data, I've spent thousands of hours on it and what you are saying is plain wrong. Most excess deaths occurred in hospitals and were either pneumonia-related (the waves) or related to lockdown costs (decline in the use of health services, psychosocial issues).
I know these vaccines caused a lot of cardiovascular morbidity, but this morbidity is barely reflected mortality. The lion share of vaccine mortality is COVID mortality. Very few people are aware of this, but I know history will prove me right. Because I did invest the work needed to understand the highly complex dynamics behind vaccine harm.
No offense taken, and no offense intended when I say that, given you've considered the dynamics regarding 'vaccine' harm, how on earth can you come to the conclusion that covid is their biggest threat??
The immune system destruction surely means they are more susceptible to *any* pathogen, covid being just one of them. Though, sure it is still a big threat, not least because the immune imprinting is so narrow and obsolete (targeted variant already disappeared), the far bigger threat is 40 trillion (Mod) LNP-packaged mRNA molecules being pumped into a body with only 4 trillion nucleated cells. They go everywhere, especially the endothelial cells are attacked, which is why (micro)clotting, leaking and general blood vessel wall destruction is one of their biggest threats:
No I never said COVID was the biggest threat. Not at all.
Of course "vaccines" and other interventions were the big issue responsible for mortality, but the main mechanism by which vaccines caused death was COVID. It's all in the data. It just required a lot of attention to detail to see this, which most analysts shy away from.
Joel's work on ACM is brilliant, but when it comes to more detailled analysis that looks at causes of death, he is not investing the work needed to understand this.
And yes, susceptibility to any pathogen in increasing - not just to COVID and not just to viral pathogens either, BUT there is a specific effect on SC2 immunity.
And something that's really important to understand: A medication with negative efficacy meant to reduce transmission, increases transmission. It's a very simple truth. This means that SC2 vaccines had an impact on transmission dynamics, affecting not just the vaccinated, but also those who e.g. shared a room with 3 vaccinated individuals in a care facility.
These crimes that were committed are on a whole different level to anything we've seen before. I believe understanding what they did, how they killed people and how it was covered up is of utmost importance. Virus denial I am afraid is part of the cover-up.
Of course it's a lie... but try explaining that to a Vaxxer haha
Check out the Naked Emperor - he gets it
Good recommendation. That’s a nicely written article.
Almost everybody got played Mr. Mulder
The consequences? Dire for the mRNA lovers, relatively benign for the anti-vaxxers.
Don't be lazy, Joel. Look at the data. You can't explain vaccine mortality without a virus. I haven't seen anyone do it, except for the highly deluded Rancourt. What he's doing is just laughable.
I think this is precisely why we aren't getting anywhere.
None of the denialists are ever willing to discuss the matter. I'm seeing the same pattern of delusion I've seen in countless vaccine proponents. I've been delusional so many times and yknow... It takes one to know one.
This is just wrong.
COVID-19 != COVID-21
2020: Orchestrated/exacerbated
2021: Mostly vaccine-mediated, actual infectious disease deaths in healthy individuals
Very few people in the world who have looked at more data on this than me. There was no excess mortality anywhere in the world prior to interventions, despite evidence of the virus being in circulation for months. Interventions 1 - 0 Virus.
And what about China? Was that completely orchestrated I wonder? I heard very little about it. Is there even any reliable data?
Either way, the virus was used to kill millions and there are commentors here who think a "sudden death epidemic" explains excess mortality in 2021.
People still have no clue what happened, because there is so much focus on "debunking COVID mortality".
COVID mortality is exactly how people were killed. There is no denying it. These are facts. These are the murders we should talk about, but we seem to be moving away from that.
It's also obvious that the virus would've never killed so many people, we've long established it. It was prevalent in Italy in 2019 and probably reached all countries by January. Ofc it wasn't the virus alone, it was just a critical element, which almost every critic seems to love to ignore.
"Very few people in the world who have looked at more data on this than me. There was no excess mortality anywhere in the world prior to interventions"
Absolutely. In fact,the wave in Europe began when Moderna had already filled and finished their first batch.
And I know you've done amazing work on ACM.
But we need to start tackling HOW these people were killed in 2021. Calling it toxicity like Rancourt is doing, is just wrong. Adverse events caused directly by the substances are a small proportion of deaths.
The lion share of injury was facilitated through the drugs' effects on transmission dynamics of SC2.
The vaccines turned the virus into an issue and we need to start talking about that. It's very difficult for most people to grasp this and by reinforcing the thought of COVID being a non-issue, we are not doing justice to the situation.
I don't think he is saying there was no virus. Nor have I ever, for that matter. What we are saying is that this virus is not *that* novel. Personally, I think its "novelty" is lab-engineered, albeit not particularly well. The iatrogenesis was more significant.
"this non-existent new coronavirus renamed SARS-nCoV-2"
And yes, he was saying that. And you're propagating it. And then next sentence you tell me you didn't.
Why? What's going on here?
Millions were killed. When people were injected, healthy people started dying of COVID. It's all over the data. We should focus on proving that, instead of doing the exact polar opposite.
We could get PCCL data, Ct-values, whatever, we can be creative.
But right now, some of your readers - and my readers - still think there was a sudden death epidemic.
A grand delusion is what this is. A grand delusion helping the perpetrators to get away with millions of murders.
I'm investing my little remaining lifeforce into this anyway. It's just very frustrating to see so many people ignore COVID which is working directly against shedding light on covid mortality and how vaccines impacted it.
We know everything that's bogus about COVID. The deaths are not though.
There are three main mechanisms that increased mortality:
- So-called "public health measures" influencing us behaviorally and psychosocially
- Vaccine-mediated enhanced disease
- Direct harm resulting from vaccine administration
Of these, vaccine-mediated enhanced disease (the waves) is much larger in magnitude than direct harm.
We are still in a bubble. Nobody will listen to us if we don't do the work and try to explain exactly how these vaccines killed. It can be explained. It's just that the important data is unavailable (e.g. age-stratified Ct-value timeseries) to turn this into a strong case.
By downplaying the role that SC2 played in 2021 mortality, we are directing the attention away from the evidence that could explain how millions of people lost their lives.
Yeah I agree it's not "that" novel. Yet it was designed to injure, wasn't it?
Even if it wasn't powerful enough to cause a lot of mortality on its own, it's still the key element that allowed people to be killed.