Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

VAERS reports, which are designed to send an early vaccine danger signal, provided not just a signal but a continuously blaring alarm very early on. Anyone paying attention knew the injections were dreadfully dangerous. Furthermore anyone who did a little homework, while ignoring political/media hysteria, also knew from IFR data that COVID posed no meaningful mortality danger for the great majority (zero for healthy youngsters). Submitting to those injections was foolhardy, and that was perfectly apparent almost immediately. BTW, shame on the medical "profession".

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I present all safety signals on my website, updated weekly. https://pervaers.com

Displayed are age and gender stratified "differences in proportion" for every vaccine and various subcohorts of reports. Every term which proportion is significantly increased compared to the same term's proportion for other vaccines (or actually compared to an age and gender adjusted synthetic pseudo-placebo report cohort) is listed. Roughly 15k safety signals for all vaccines.

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Thank you!!! Nothing is shocking anymore, but dang, it is both depressing and infuriating at the same time. So very disheartening that we have been betrayed so deeply.

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Thanks for this site, I didn't know about it. I'm adding it to my notes.

When I click a graph on the front page, the graph does not get bigger. Can you make it so we can see bigger graphs? I currently cannot read any of the graphs on a PC monitor, and on a tablet or phone they would be impossible to read for most people too.

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Oh I never thought of that, great idea.

You can zoom with Ctrl+Mousewheel in most browsers, but I wasn't aware not everyone is using this feature.

I'm not a webdesigner and very busy with writing articles about how the vaccines cause new variants to become dominant, but I'll put it to the very top of my list.

Thank you!

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If you need the raw HTML to make this happen I can provide that. I'm not a pro web designer but I've made web pages for 25+ years.

Also when I use CTRL-MOUSEWHEEL to zoom in, and use the filter, the top of the first row of graphs are cut off. So I cannot see what the graph shows.

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Thank you.

I fiddled around with the marginTop and paddingTop properties of the body and main elements. As a result my hand hurts because I banged it on my wooden table out of anger and frustration.

I gather it's because my navbar uses position:fixed. It's just so agitating, I really do lack the vocabulary to express my frustration.

I really appreciate your advice, but I have no words to express how frustrating CSS is to me. Substack is a godsend.

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I hate auto correct so much.

I said I Bill Clinton your pain. I don't know why auto correct deleted Clinton, it seems to get more obnoxious by the day. I really believe it is deliberately done to push people to use Google Personal Assistant so you can be more easily monitored..

But I don't really know if permissions actually affect anything....

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I Bill Your pain. I thought a Freshman Level Intro to Computers class would be just the thing.

But it doesn't help that much when you fkunk...

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FS, you must very 'very busy'. It will be necessary to identify, isolate, and show (with appropriate lab and clinical controls, Koch's postulates satisfied) that a pathogenic transmittable "virus" actually exists beyond an in silico, metagenomic computer assembled sequential nucleotide fantasy. Then you'll have to tease those clinical findings out from the injuries and deaths (immediate, and post hoc) associated with multiple, uncontrolled, ineffective injections of God-only-knows-exactly-what, and the on-going unidentified non-associated plethora of deaths, cancers, autoimmune conditions that so many now appear to be developing.

Be nice to see a well controlled study on the reliability and validity of RAT tests to predict a clinical non-specific URT perturbation, if you have some spare time?

I do wish you well.

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Thank you. I just want to model the expansion of these new strains as a function of administered doses for now. For this part I do not care about the molecular biological background.

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I do understand. Thank you for your excellent work.

I'm sure you won't be disappointed. The 'strain' expansion will be infinite and provide the required circular justification to continue the injections.

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I have the same issues. My laptop

has been broken for awhile so I’m mainly on my phone. Works

pretty well except my thumbs are a little chubby so — typos happen AND I have a hard time seeing tiny numbers/words, especially if they are butter yellow or pastel. Old

age… better than the alternative, I suppose!

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I'm finding aging is not for the faint of heart.

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Amazing work. Thanks

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Impressive work on that site, I now have a new weapon to educate the "Deniers" with.

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I have nothing substantive to add, except to say, "Fantastic work!" Thank you, Fabian.

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Thank you. I am glad some people appreciate the time that went into this. I knew from the beginning that I would not manage to reach a wide audience with it due to the subject matter and my inexperience in promoting web content, so I am extra-happy about your acknowledgement.

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I would be happy to promote it via my Twitter account. That still will not be a "wide audience" but it is something. We'll see!

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Thank you. I need to create a new Twitter account myself. My old one was always shadow banned, so I can't promote it that way. However some articles get the largest share of traffic from Twitter, up to 40%.

Some of these articles (like the ones explaining the model) aren't very accessible.

I have a few more planned on how these vaccines caused 3 pandemics with what will turn out to be over half a billion of infections even if we stop now.

While my focus used to be on VAERS data (I still use it a lot for cross-checking since VAERS contains some extremely reliable data), I came to realize that the virus seems to be causing more morbidity and mortality than the shots, which can be gathered from the VAERS data. However the shots are what makes this possible in the first place, since herd immunity was reached in 2020.

I believe it is the chief cause of excess mortality, greater in magnitude than direct toxicity from the shots or their translated payloads.

Eventually I will try to wrap things up in a more accessible form. People seem to be more eager to read about other aspects, but I believe these half a billion infections are what we should be concerned with the most since they are the strongest ethical argument against the "vaccines".

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The Wuhan infectious clone was built to harm and shorten lifetimes. It doesn't matter than people cleared the infection and recovered; it goes latent, suppressed by the immune system pending immune insult(s) sufficient enough to set off the various sequences. Aging, gaining

comorbidities, viral infections...


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What's the % on the Y axis? Not sure I understand.

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What's worse is that easily 90% don't even get reported. Imagine if they did...IMAGINE. Most Drs speak the story; vaccines are safe and effective, they don't cause autism or allergies, and they are well tested.

With such beliefs, Drs are less likely to report problems.

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Shame on the medical profession indeed. They were the very people who could have stopped a lot of the carnage before it got going. Most people would have listened to their drug pusher, whoops, doctor, over the news reader blurting out propaganda. But no, many doctors chose to do harm instead because they couldn’t be bothered to think for themselves and do their homework first. It wasn’t hard, if I could do it they could have too. What a disgrace. I wonder how many of them now feel regret. We’ll never know of course.

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brilliantly stated. and yes to all you wrote! makes me want to look my docs straight in the eye and say those very words from the depths of my soul.

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Yes. It’s what they deserve, at the very least.

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Not because they couldn't be bothered. Because they were being PAIDED to give JABS. All sorts of kick backs from big Harma to those giving vaxes and THE jab. They were loath to give up the moola. And then of course all the higher ups (AMA, Licence Boards) are saying no no perfectly safe and effective! And what they didn't know is how much MOOLA the boards and the 'professional' groups were getting and how corrupted they were by lobbying by Big Harma! So, most went right over the cliff - and many to these day believe in the lie. The ones who didn't couldn't or woke up to the truth? They all left, got drummed out, lost licences etc etc. And that's about 1/3 of all doctors and nurses and medical staff... that didn't agree. Just like the population - about 1/3 remain unjabbed, had only 1 jab and didn't go back for more... due to? Side effects. I'm guessing those numbers may be a tad on the high side of 'how many vaxxed and boosted'.

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'foolhardy' is outrageously generous. It's evil, criminal, intentionally so.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

That last statement is so true...

With mass media and politics we have a scorpion/turtle parable. It is indeed the nature of both professions to use shady manouvres, and I was not particularly shocked by the quality of their indecency, but Science, especially Health-related, has been the "prestige scaffolding" to which the former resorted to establish this dystopia. I never thought I´d see so much ignorance, arrogance, or lack of reasoning there.

My experience with doctors has been abysmal. 99,99% or them, either know nothing about the world affairs or any relevant article, paper, graph about Covid, or they are scared to talk, or just happy to finally have a rockstar type of attention.

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Thank you Purple Man

I had to reply because after so many years of working with them I have not met anyone who put it so perfectly! I'm retired now, but was involved with medical research as a Uni Research Fellow. Your last paragraph is so true:

"My experience with doctors has been abysmal. 99,99% or them, either know nothing about the world affairs or any relevant article, paper, graph about Covid, or they are scared to talk, or just happy to finally have a rockstar type of attention."

I have met a handful of good people working in Medicine. They are rare.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Double post.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I've been theorising re conspiracies most of my adult life so I am unoffended by the term that's supposed to offend me. I've come to the conclusion they may well be lying about everything. They lie about Cannabis, JFK, Vietnam, Iraqi WMD, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Port Arthur in Tasmania, Dunblane in Scotland, Kincora in Northern Ireland, The Elm Guest House in Barnes, Princess Diana's murder, Jill Dando's murder, Madeleine McCanns murder, Pizzagate, Jimmy Savile/Prince Charles, Jeffrey Epstein/Prince Andrew, The queen & The Kamloops Kidnapping, The Canadian Genocide of Children, Dr David Kelly, Salisbury/Novichok, 9/11, 7/7, Manchester Arena, The London Bridges terror attacks, Covid-19 & Ukraine, to name just a few... but don't worry, they've turned over a new leaf at last & they're telling the truth about the vaccines.

PS If you like what I write please subscribe, it's subversive AND free.

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With you on Dr David Kelly and JFK as far as "official" version is demonstrably pants.

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The video may still be on YouTube it’s called JFK to 9/11- very interesting.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

And there's this. The first couple of minutes is about how JFK still affects everything.


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And dubya is in both.

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CIA killed Kennedy. End of story. S very president since his death knew who killed Kennedy but did not release the files. If an organization in your governmeny killed the duly elected president then anything they say is a lie. Did you take a shit this morning? The next word out of any politician or government official will be a lie.

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Any of the rest you'd like to refute or discuss, I'd be happy to offer some supportive evidence or illustrate my reasoning.

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I am not a conspiracy theorist - but I am deeply sceptical for very personal reasons about everything, have been for years and if I see/read "official" versions of specific events, where politicians/ civil servants and especially Intelligence Services are clearly involved, my sceptical radar is fully tuned. I am in the UK; family tree research has led me to communicate with GCHQ/Intelligence Corps/Bletchley Park. UK has been heavily involved in eavesdropping for 100+ years, US/UK nexus goes very deep; despite the passage of time, official histories and "revelations", GCHQ will NOT release material about BP activities (1943-45) because it is still deemed so "sensitive", including a Hut 6/SIXTA official history written decades ago, especially about sigint analysis techniques ( and that is the ONLY explanation I have been given; GCHQ person clammed up when I pressed him and I have tried on 3 further occasions to prod him to relent - that decision to ban release has to have been taken by persons way more senior than him ). Lets not forget that UK/US ran the most successful deception exercise and XX programme, ever, and that is what they admit too - what they haven't revealed must be "gold" as Control might have said. Lastly, where the CIA are involved, I reckon all bets are off - they have been a shadow administration since they morphed from the OSS. ( all that is my opinion of course and you are free to disagree - ackngts N Oliver)

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I call it OGUS (Occupational Government of the United States.

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And I would like to read your stuff.

Just a guess, but he may not be much of a skeptic, just unfamiliar and agreeing with what he could.

But a lot of it would be news to me also, even though there is a fair bit I am at least somewhat aware of.

I am not doubtful at all, but at your convenience, if you wanted to post some highlights on Kincora on this thread, I will be happy to read it, but today is Commodity Distribution Day, which I strongly recommend for augmenting food prep.

It varies from distribution to distribution, but there are dry rice, different beans, dry milk, potatoes, canned fruits, vegetables, meats and fish,dry pasta, Macaroni and Cheese, bottled fruit juices,dry and canned soups, bagged and shelled nuts, dried cranberries, dates. plumsand raisins and trail mix with cranberries and cherries, just a lot of medium term storage Stuff, retorts of beef stew and chili, on and on.

And you already paid for it with taxes.

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One of the angles I expect to explore re Pizzagate is the political-paedo-honey-trappery for which Epstein has become infamous but has in fact been a secret feature of the underbelly of western politics for quite some time. Decades.

For example, I will contend that Jimmy Savile, life-long confidente of the new British king, engaged in the same paedo-honey-trappery in Britain that inspired the Mossad/Epstein activity in the US. I'd wager Savile was doing it for the same reasons & the same people, given his support of Israel...

And conveniently, one of the finest, easily available evidential articles supporting the political-paedo-honey-trap thesis is this one from the UK's Daily Mail, on the IRA leader who got snared by MI-5/6 at Kincora, fiddling kids. The whole place, probably much like Elm Guest House in Barnes & Epstein's island/apartment/plane were bristling with hidden camera's...

Hope that helps fill in some gaps.


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Consider checking out Anonymous Conservative's blog: http://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/

It will say it isn't secure, but it is. He is harassed something horrendously.

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They lie about everything. Everything they say is spin. Everything. Every word carefully selected. Every nuance. All main stream. All. Everything.

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Limited Hangouts, too. Tell some of the truth, not all.

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Don't know about the others on the list but i did thorough research on 9/11 (after my gut feeling woke me up seeing the 3rd building collapse in controlled demolition style) and when the corona vaccins were rolled out I got a deja vu, same dynamics as 9/11, 100% same. It was fishy from the start; how come smart people just can not/did not see nor feel it?

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They probably did. Fear porn hammered into their heads every night without ceasing.

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Well orchestrated fear.

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CIA is unparalleled for demolition, blowing up planes, assassinations, bar none. The Bush family was involved in the leasing of the buildings 6 months prior to 9/11, in the security company for the buildings, in the renovations, in the insurance company that sold the Terrorism insurance, in the adjusters' firm, in representing the leasing company in suing the insurance company (a settlement of $7 Billion was reached in 2007), etc. I was stunned when I looked into it.

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Good list, just scratching the surface.

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Titanic, Pearl Harbor, the other transatlantic ship in WW1....The Prohibition $$$

They love to start wars. So prosperous for them as long as they don't actually have to fight.

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Are you referring to the Lusitania? I think this was the ship they sent out knowing full well it would be sunk by Germans, but they did it anyway because they knew it would drag the US into the war? WW-I, right.

My grand-dad stormed a German machine-gun nest single-handed drunk on Gin & earned himself the George Cross. WW-I.

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I subscribed for free, and I do like the titles, but I don't have time to read..

All I saw was new stuff, do you have archives?

I am interested in what you have on Kincora especially.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

20 Million lives saved at the very least. Such mockery.

Omicron caused 300mio infections. Delta another 150mio or so.

These could have never become dominant without leaky vaccines. It's all owed to immune refocusing.


Working on explaining Delta. I can predict Delta's rise and fall with 99.8% accuracy over 104 weeks with only "number of people vaccinated" and "number of boosters administered" as input.

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Wuhan was as we know an engineered virus, very nasty. It could not have spread over and over on its own, with close fidelity because that is not how viruses behave. They picked the best infectious clones, then grew it up. Pharma does not have the needed capacity to grow that much but DOD does have that capacity. Wuhan (and later the engineered variants that could not have mutated that much in such a short time, if at all (first omicron had silenced PrP prion and amyloid promoting sequences and acquired adeno virus inserts (which also helped it be so insidious). They kept reseeding it.

Yes, the jabs are integral. Dr. McCullough last month talked about how he had patients, that had been jabbed 18 months prior, caught an omicron, and then grew those long clots. He told o his group having to do surgery and pulling the things out manually.

I found articles reporting "zombie" children and adults - turbo dementias following infections. I believe the omicrons are designed to set off different sequences from the jab.

Baric wrote 2 papers, where he and his lab created highly evasive omicrons. Funny thing, those very same omicrons showed up about 6 months later. We are not supposed to notice. We will see how long before the Harvard affiliated group's super evasive omicron shows up (it will appear later than the 6-month interval, because of the flap their paper caused, IMHO.). There is a couple of others, I am trying to track them down.

The CDC could have used the SARS PCRs and other tests because SARS2 shares 78% of the SARS sequence, but they needed a 'test' with an outrageous false positive rate. Serology has turned out to be much better because it actually uses proper sequences. The newer PCR 'tests' still are not very good, and while FDA told CDC no more CDC PCR 'tests' after 12/31/2021, they did not tell CDC to pull the licensed CDC 'tests' so those are still in use.

Covid-19 is a clinical diagnosis and a doctor that has seen it can pick out the symptoms, they still share characteristics. While many claim things such as "Well, with flu, people can't smell either!" They are referring to complaints about being stuffed up, not the profound loss of smell. There is also a characteristic headache, much milder with the omicrons compared to the Wuhan, and other symptoms. Plus, doctors may "err on the side of caution." Hospitals have perverse $$$ incentives to have + 'tests,' so they can say hospitalized "with Covid" or died "with Covid." What crap, and dangerous fraud. It is more accurate to say "with a (crap PCR") positive test."

It is telling me that Pig Harma makes the "boosters" with the Wuhan in it. The omicrons seem to have the PrP silenced, Wuhan puts it right back in.

Wuhan, while highly survivable (especially when treated) was built to inflict harm: https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/breaking-hypothesis-that-majority-exposed-to-sars-cov-2-will-have-shortened-lifespans-validated-by-study-showing-nsp2-impairs-human-4ehp-gigyf2-comple

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Excellent comment.

I have my own model to explain the emergence of variants, based on Geert Vanden Bossche's work. https://vigilance.pervaers.com/p/modrna-products-caused-the-delta

What do you make of L452R being back in the game in multiple new lineages (most notably the bivalent booster strains CH.1.1* and BQ.1.1*)?

You will probably find this interesting also:


I determined that the CFR of BQ.1.1 is roughly 6 times that of the BA.1/2/5* lineages, on par with Delta.

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Thanks - I am reading your links.

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5, 10, 20 Million...why can't anyone give us names of 5 people who were saved? Bill Gates says vaccines have saved millions of lives - give us some names, Bill!!

People will say "that's ridiculous, statistics prove it" however that is NOT scientific. That is not proof. That is theory based on mathematics.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Great to listen to your comments last night on the 4 1/2 hr marathon on twitter spaces. To know so many very bright and caring people are involved in seeking the truth was comforting. I know I am a minnow in this fight, but we can all have conversations with others, contact our MP, and have clear conversations with our GPs nurses, consultants who continue to be gagged. As always, thank you Joel for your data, helping to point us in the right direction.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Plenty of data out there there shows the vaccine is ineffective. They were selling Relative Reduction Rate at 95%+, but that is useless. The meaningful number is Absolute Reduction Rate, which is 0.1 to 0.5%. That's it. And with super high mortality and side effects. Mycocarditis is up 55,000% in people under 18. Super healthy athlete deaths up 1700%.

Key vaccine stats for people. These stats are core numbers to illustrate how dangerous the vaccine really is. Includes links to the 4 part series on spike protein damage. The vaccines are full of spike proteins. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/key-vaccine-numbers-to-try-and-get

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Shocks me that you can reduce the vaccine dumpster fire to such a stark--and accurate--assessment, while POTUS and the media continue to beat the drum. Am I in some type of alternate universe? Wait. I think I hear my phone ringing. Probably Rod Serling.

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You have entered the Twilight Zone...

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I know it's a crazy world, but some guy has web pages with all the studies and articles, fully sourced, about the coofta madness, and how bad the vaccines are. :)

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Bart Classen started writing about the likely dangers of the jabs, in earlier 2020. Everything he said in his papers, happened.

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According to research by Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova, Covid “vaccines” are countermeasures or bioweapons and not actually a pharmaceutical drug as they are prototype products deployed by a military project under US Department of Defence supervision rather than a pharmaceutical product distributed for public health. It’s arguable therefore that they have succeeded in their intended mission and your graphs show this.

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I recommend Dr David Martin to you; his videos reveal why, in US law, these "vaccines" are legally bioweapons by virtue of GoF experimentation, and how the activities of the pharmaceutical cartel constitute racketeering and worse. His knowledge of the patent history of SARs is a revelation and especially when considered alongside Ms Watt's research.

I fear for their personal safety. Unless we "sceptics" have all been snowed by a massive exercise in deflection ( by the US Intelligence community in cahoots with other 5 eyes and similar in the EU ) who needs the MSM?

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Absolutely. Find it on rumble.com or bitchute.com or odysee.com Dr. David Martin. Amazingly brillant man.

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The real inventor of mRNA was Russian, and it's intent was military from it's very genesis.

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Amazing, look at Australia OMG.

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"The babies." That was one woman's excuse.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Some of your best work here Joel ! This man shares crucial data without asking for any money ! Respect ! ALTHOUGH I AM GUTTED NO SCOTLAND DATA as we had a massive spike in 'COVID' deaths instantly upon the vax rollout. Any chance you could add that ?

So despite repeated emails to my MSP's going over their ludicrous assertion the COVID ''vaccines'' have saved 20 million lives globally, 26K in Scotland i still get replies like the following. This email was in relation to Scotland having the highest week 51 2022 all cause mortality rate since records began and my concern the 'vaccines' from local encounters are killing and harming more people than is being acknowledged. Read the misinformation and contempt below. Absolutely no interest in excess NON COVID deaths ! See how he spells COVID as CoViD ? Very interesting.

Thanks David

Happy new year to yourself as well.

Although CoViD is clearly still present and is filling hospitals, especially in China where the vaccines are less effective, the main crisis now seems to be over. As far as I am aware, CoViD has killed many people and would have killed at least 20 million more if it had not bene for the vaccines. Lockdown was the correct measure at the time so that scientists and medics could work on producing vaccines. Thankfully this happened more quickly than we had expected. However, all of these historical facts will be investigated by the public inquiry which is getting underway. We will have to await its finding in due course.

Meanwhile Parliament’s CoViD Committee will be holding an inquiry into Long CoViD. This seems like a good use of our time as quite a number of people are suffering from this. It is better that we consider current and future problems rather going over old ground once again.

Thanks for being in touch,


John Mason

MSP for Glasgow Shettleston

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Scotland is in the United Kingdom. :-0

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Ack c'mon Joel you've done Scotland as a seperate nation before. Also it's what i prefer to show my MSP's as they always blame Westminster etc This is a reply this morning in relation to the data. LOL

Thanks David

I am sure the public inquiry will have a look at all of this.



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Yes, I was joshing with you! Tried to keep this as simple as possible. Already others are complaining that it goes too fast! I'd have to speed it up even more if I put all the independent nations in there too.

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I know mate. I'm Scottish, we are not allowed to have a sense of humour here by decree of the supreme leader Nicoliar Sturgeon. I had no issues with the video btw other than my petty gripe, stunning ! You could just add Scotland, forget the rest of the UK, they are beneath us, the supreme leader has declared it ! :-D

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Miraculous 🤨

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Editing my original post. It was about not understanding your graph for similar reasons others explained, and then I got to your explanations, Joel.

Thanks for the work you´ve done throughout the pandemic.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Wow!!! Amazing work Joel!! Keep shining the light and we’ll keep sharing it!!!

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Fantastic presentation. Thank you Joel!!!

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Thank you Joel.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

On the ball as ever Joel! Tks

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Joel, I'm struggling to read the graphs (although I'm not a naive graph-reader)

In each country, the graphs begin at Day 1, but this is a different day in each case (as pre-vax is necessarily well before post-vax). I'm tempted to compare the graphs vertically, but it feels like I shouldn't: campaigns are phased in (eg old and vulnerable first, others later), so most people are unvaxxed at first. All vaxxed graphs seem to go from Day 1 until Day 687. What particular day is 687? Doesn't that suggest that all countries started vaxxing on the same day (but they didn't) and have run for 687 days??

Sorry for my confusion - and for airing it in public - but I need more help to interpret the graphs, please. Eg, what would we expect the pair of graphs to look like if vaccines were 'safe and effective' for the subgroups being vaxxed? What would we expect if they were 'unsafe and effective'? etc ...

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Author

Each country post-vax starts on the day they started their campaign. The comparison is therefore between COVID deaths since first COVID death and first COVID death after the start of the campaign.

Yes, of course, each country had a different campaign start date but day 1 post-vax is always day 1 if you respect that.

687 days is the longest period since the first country started their jab campaign.

If vaccines were safe and effective, as I said in the title, you would see the post vax deaths to be lower than pre-vax and you would expect the rate (the slope of the curve) to be lower. How does it look to you?

Don't get hung up on the detail, what does your intuition tell you? In a race to the top, which line is winning - gold or purple?

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No decline = no efficacy ergo totally unsafe ( latter is defined - in my cod terms - as the % incidence amongst the cohort, irrespective if measuring death or adverse effects - the % incidence in either measure is so high when compared to other experimental drugs trialled pre EUA application, (post WWII) as identified in numerous countries, where previous drug trial safety boards acted morally, ethically and with patient safety foremost such that the drugs were pulled ( Remdesivir eg). Hope I got this right-ish.

No intuition - self evident as you present - how these data is being wilfully blindsided by TPTB is way beyond me; perhaps TPTB are so deep into this, they know they have f*****d up in all facets, unprecedented in human history, there is no ladder big enough to get "them" out of the whole - so "they " keep digging" and every continues to suffered

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There wouldn’t be a decline as they are cumulative deaths. If the line declined it would be people coming back to life.

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OK, thanks - statistics self evidently not my forte. Perhaps a bar chart ....?

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Thanks Joel. My intuition is that the data suggest that vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but I'm still struggling with the graphs (maybe as you suggest because I'm looking at the detail ...).

E.g., as vax campaigns are eased in, I would expect the slope of the vax curve at the start (day 1) to be about the same as the slope of the unvaxxed curve at its end (i.e. not much changes at first). But it generally isn't like that.

If a country started vaxxing (relatively) late, shouldn't the vaxxed curve end well before day 687? So why does it go for 687 days?

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I think your head is in this article - https://metatron.substack.com/p/an-independent-and-reliable-method. This video presentation is a lot higher level. Stop overthinking it!

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Thanks again, Joel. I'm a long-standing supporter of your work, just puzzled with this animation. The sampling method is a perfectly good idea, age least in principle, but of something quite different. I'm not sure that's where my head is. I'll try to stop overthinking it - maybe tomorrow, with fresh eyes.

Thanks again for your work.

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When I watched your data visualisation I had the same questions as Barry above and was surprised by your answer to use our intuition Joel! For me critical thinking is what is most needed by more people to get us out of this mess. Anyway thanks for the partial explanation which helped although Belgium appears to buck the trend - you could argue the vaccine worked well there. Appreciate your work a lot - thanks.

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Exactly, Stewart. I always try to look at 'our' data through the lens of the pro-narrative mindset. I try to anticipate what arguments they would come up with to dismiss it. And sadly, they almost always come up with a "yeah, but..."

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023

Don't take this the wrong way, as I do think this is great work, and I'm sure the vax doesn't work well. But I'm not sure this analysis is conclusive. Allow me to try to explain. I welcome your thoughts here. I mean this to be constructive.

The starting points for the two lines are cumulative deaths from the start of the pandemic (purple) and cumulative deaths from the start of vaccination (yellow). The conclusion is may be dubious. Vaccination began before most people were infected for the first time and didn't stop the spread, but it could still have prevented deaths. I don't pretend to know how many deaths it prevented or how many it caused, but these charts don't seem to tell me anything except that infections kept rising exponentially after vaccination began (and therefore there were more deaths). To reach the desired conclusion here, we need to know how deaths/infections changed. If the vax did not work, then # of deaths / # infections would remain the same. If the vax did work, then # deaths / # infections would decrease. If the vax worked slightly, the number of infections may still increase substantially and offset the vax, and the # of cumulated deaths would keep increasing. So there are other factors underlying this data. I'm not sure this is a clear cut case that the vax doesn't work. I'm just trying to be unbiased here to be prepared for how others may react when I post this.

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Ohhh I think I get it now. The jab deaths are lower than pre-jab deaths, because you start at zero for them. It's a while new data set, thus begins with 0.

I'm trying not to over think. In the morning after chumming myself out of bed with a pending coffee, I will go back to it, read your notes and then reread.

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