
I will send this article to our NSW Health Minister. He advised us don't listen to "wacko social media advices" on 24 Dec 2021.

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"and again depending on the tint of your specs!"

Can you also ask him to label this graph from Israel?


It's vaccination rate. As Metatron's post analyses (which he noted exists in 200 countries) it's invariably involved in case rise and fall. Why nobody wants to investigate the "reasons" is unclear.

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Thanks. I've sent this to him:

Dear Minister,

Can you correctly label the unlabeled chart in this article?


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Once again. The striking feature of Covid Vaccines, they pre-empt not just case rise but also caseload size and shape. An uncomfortable almost supernatural predictor. Thanks for the graphs, will help me make the case to parents better as they are led into the abyss by "authorities".

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I have collected quite a few such charts from around the globe: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/beware-of-greeks-bearing-gifts

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Thank you Andreas, these are really helpful and I will make sure I will send them to the proper "authorities".

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I overlaid rollouts and deaths a few months ago. Thread here:


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The most important fact that's not known is shown in one of your graphs. In India, the real reason the why cases dropped was because the chain of transmission was interrupted when they ran out of vaccines. The story of therapeutics turning it around is a fabrication, what turned it around was the steady and predictable increasing susceptibility pool post vaccination disappearing when those at risk of infection and reinfection were unable to further diminish their immune protection by actually taking the thing that will help them get COVID from an unproductive previous or current infection.

Notice the pumping continued in other places where there was no covid and hence lower uptake and that did not lead to rising cases later because the transmission stopped due to unavailability of vaccines. People who feel they are risk need to stay away from the vaccine. They are more likely to be already infected or about to be infected and the virus has discovered an easy pattern that repeats itself all over the world due to brain dead health practioners being fed information straight from the pharma industry.




Delta's previous version was MILD too, then it turned not mild.


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Spot on.

The so-called vaccines are bio-weapons made by the same people who made the virus. They are intended to damage and kill people. Don't take my word for it, See Drs. Fleming, McCullough, Breggin.

The poet Linh Dinh noted months ago that coronavirus infections and deaths do not become significant until countries start vaccinating. He gave Viet Nam as an example.

The worldwide drive to vaccinate is the cornerstone of the Elite's depopulation agenda.

How soon until we get to the 500,000,000 population prescribed by the Georgia Guidestones? Does the vaccination drive have anything to do with Deagel's mysterious (and now scrubbed) prediction several years ago of a 70% population decline in the Western nations by 2025?

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Meanwhile, twice-vaxxed and boosted, covid-positive Elizabeth Warren is tweeting, "The longer it takes to vaccinate the world, the more time the virus will have to spread, causing more deaths and increasing the risk of new variants." (Not incidentally, the current surge in her home state of MA has likely accompanied a concurrent rise in boosters.)

So this should get their attention...but I'm more in awe of the ways nothing seems to drive them off this single-lane, one-way track (even when it's the oncoming Mack Truck full of data).

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Thanks for that - chilling but predictable!

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My small contribution to the fight .... https://jeremypoynton.substack.com/ ... "Postcards to Johnson"

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I suspect that most of the world is now calling positives when only 2 of 3 primers show up. Really helps to ramp up the numbers and fear. https://vnexplorer.net/uk-officials-say-investigating-possible-increase-in-omicron-cases-this-week-eu20213168394.html

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They lockdown, test test test to create fear... it was clearly planned and executed....plus widespread mandates... disgusting dishonest politicians... very few are really sick from Covid but lots of vaccines reactions..

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Now the they’re saying this pearl of wisdom. https://10news.org/2021/12/were-all-going-to-get-omicron-nsw-health-ministers-warning-as-australia-records-9618-cases-australia-news/

So what was the point of all the shots which are killing some and maiming many? So the answer of course is…more shots.

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Moar deadly cowbell [can't fix stuck-on-stupid].

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Adolf Hitler would have planned a great pandemic. He wrote in Mein Kampf, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

A big enough lie is, ‘this corona virus will kill you and you all need to be vaccinated to stop it.’

Hitler wrote, “ The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”

You can’t give the masses all the information; in fact you keep it very small so that they can retain the main points. Don’t give many details about the virus and don’t say much about the vaccine so people won’t be confused. Make sure the Medical Establishment gives as little information as possible and never let them answer questions. Make sure the virus does not kill that many people otherwise you won’t be able to sell the vaccine.

The masses will forget what was said a few weeks ago like, “We will flatten the curve in two weeks.” “We will not implement a vaccine passport.” “The vaccine is totally safe.” “Two shots are all that is necessary.” “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Make sure your slogans harp on the dangers of the virus and the effective vaccine. Harp on about wearing masks and being afraid of contact with others.

Hitler wrote, “All Propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”

It will be popular if people think that the virus is dangerous and vaccines and mask wearing and being afraid of contact is the right and proper thing to do for your-self and to protect others. That is simple enough that all can understand it.

Hitler wrote, “As soon as by one’s own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting one’s own right is laid.”

Broadcast your slogans constantly on the TV, radio, newspaper, and the Internet but don’t allow any opposing idea to appear in broadcast on the same. Make sure that all your doctors; health professionals, politicians, tech community, and media people do not question your propaganda so that there is no doubt laid onto the people.

Fire any doctor or media person who speaks against your slogans. Cancel any information on the Internet that doesn’t support your message.

Hitler said, “How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.”

When you get all the propaganda in place everyone will fall in line, as they will not be able to think outside of what you have presented. They will talk amongst themselves and debate a little about the things the doctors, health professionals, politicians, tech community, and media people are doing to protect the nation from this virus’s terrible threat. They won’t be able to think of any reason to question this belief and they won’t get any good feedback from another non-thinker on any virus issue. Those who are carrying the message properly will shun anyone who questions the propaganda.

Hitler wrote, “It Is Always More Difficult To Fight Against Faith Than Against Knowledge.”

After the masses believe your propaganda they will carry the message forward and your job is much easier. You just have to instil more fear with each succeeding variation of your virus and the people will respond exactly like you want them to. With their faith they will not be able to learn any new knowledge that they see if any has been able to get past your censure. The masses will censure themselves.


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"After the masses believe your propaganda they will carry the message forward and your job is much easier. You just have to instill more fear with each succeeding variation of your virus and the people will respond exactly like you want them to" A great insight! Thanks! Exactly what I observe in my neck of the woods (Canada). Can you contribute to this topic: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/endgame-take-3-wrapup ?

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I am seeing that so much in the people I see on a daily basis. It is scary.

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Metranon, I don't know where you are getting your charts from, but if you look at the deaths from September to currently, they are declined dramatically. The vaccination crowd would say that is an indication that now that rates are over 90%, the vaccines are having a protective effect against severe illness. https://covidlive.com.au/report/daily-deaths/nsw

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Same source. Omicron has a much lower fatality rate everywhere. Nothing to do with vax rate. Ir was first apparent in South Africa which has a low vax rate. You only have to do a very little research to get the facts.

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Of course Omicron is much less deadly. I don’t see those charts.

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Is there a good source where it shows the data for the 200 countries you speak of laid out showing that vaccination is correlated with cases and deaths rising?

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Can you believe this is 3 months old already? https://odysee.com/@realjoelsmalley:2/covid-deaths-before-and-after:3

I'll update it in the New Year.

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