Feb 24, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Well done, Joel. Thanks for doing all that work.

I live in Massachusetts, and it has been infuriating to witness the extent to which innumerate, science-less imbeciles in authority here have tormented children, and ruined culture, education, businesses, and mental health, all for no reason whatsoever.

I live in a deserted, rural seacoast village, and I still see mental cases driving on country roads alone with their face diaper on.

Eric (mr_pique)

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Thank you, Eric!

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Sounds like Quebec and Canada. An utter and tragic disgrace. And they're STILL not willing to acknowledge their errors and madness. Dr. Tam who is Canada's alleged 'top' doctor continues to babble measures could return as do Premiers and TV dinner experts including infectious disease doctors at academic hospitals and schools. No ability to look at the data and pivot. Very sad and infuriating.

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They will all get what's coming to them.

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I live in Boston. I am sending this to all 200 State Legislators, the Governor, and the Mayor and City Council today. I email them all the time. I want my emails to be part of the public record. So later they cannot say "I did not know"

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Well done!

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Hello PJ. I'm also in MA and belong to Make Americans Free Again MA. This is a community of about 4k likeminded medical freedom people from across the state. We also have a telegram presence. Please let me know if interested in getting involved or at least networking with us. https://mafa-ma.com/

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Hello Eric M. I'm also in MA and belong to Make Americans Free Again MA. This is a community of about 4k likeminded medical freedom people from across the state. We also have a telegram presence. Please let me know if interested in getting involved or at least networking with us. https://mafa-ma.com/

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Deuteronomy 32:35

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Feb 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

As a lifelong Masshole - and Registered Nurse - I can't tell you how much I appreciate your hard work on this Joel. It's stunning...but, sadly, I can't say that it's surprising. I have observed more crazy things in these past 2 years than I have in my entire 30 year career and to be continually told "nothing to see here, move along" - as if I'm the crazy one, has made me seriously question whether staying in the medical profession is worth my sanity. But....but...with analysis like this, I still have hope that those of us who have seen first hand what these vaccines have done to people and knew that the truth was being withheld from the public, will someday be vindicated. Thank you so very much.

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Feb 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

As a medical professional myself (not in Massachusetts) I have asked myself and my wife several times in the last two years if I am taking crazy pills due to all the lack of rational thought and critical thinking I’ve witnessed in health care and public health guidance. Joel’s work, among others, helps me stay grounded in truth and firm to my dedication to true patient advocacy founded on informed consent.

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Interestingly enough, a poll done on Linkedin, sample size was 25k, 'Do you trust doctors of nurses more', 76% trusted nurses. No surprise there right?

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Hello Loofly. I'm also in MA and belong to Make Americans Free Again MA. This is a community of about 4k likeminded medical freedom people from across the state. We also have a telegram presence. Please let me know if interested in getting involved or at least networking with us. https://mafa-ma.com/

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VIDEO response from Glitnir


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Awesome! Here is an email to reach out to. info@mafa-ma.com Also Holy Cross is naming their science complex after Fauci and people will be there to protest Saturday 6/11. My email is genebaby21@gmail.com

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Whoooo boy.

Holy Cross? Fauci?

I'm on it ...

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Great! Thanks very much for reaching out! I will check them out right now and add them to my Telegram. I've been on the periphery of this issue, participating in minor activities but not fully committing to more extensive involvement - and only because of time constraints. But, as the insanity around me continues and the feeling of powerlessness is a constant, it's probably time that I step up my game. Again, I sincerely appreciate your outreach and will definitely be in touch!

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Awesome! Here is an email to reach out to. info@mafa-ma.com Also Holy Cross is naming their science complex after Fauci and people will be there to protest Saturday 6/11. My email is genebaby21@gmail.com

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Well, that's just sickening news..... I'll try to make an effort to get up to HC on 6/11 and join the protest but I'll let you know either way. TY!

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

I'm a lifelong Mass. resident too. I'm beside myself. So much so, I bought a condo. in FL. So, I will have an option of some kind of safe haven. Have already spent much of the last two "long dark winters" there. I am supposed to be dead according to Joe, because I did not vx. But I am alive. So, I sent this article to all 200 State Legislators and Governor and Mayor and City Council today. I live in Boston. I wish this was up to date. Mass.gov' web site said 67% of all those hospitalized for covid-19 last week were fully vxed.

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Deuteronomy 32:35

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Just as planned, Premeditated Genocide. The Criminal intent is hidden in plain sight in their own documents:

Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


BioNTech SEC Filing


European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan"


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Excellent piece. Very revealing. The Russian-Ukraine war will not overshadow our quest for the truth and hence will not suppress the harm Dr Fauci, CDC, FDA, the cabals and the elite co-conspirators have inflicted on humanity under the pretext of controlling a well orchestrated and conceived pandemic. The perpetrators must be held accountable. There will be no hiding place for architects of evil that have no regard for human life that intends to reduce us to lab rabbits and hamsters by making human experimentation the norm rather than the exception.

I am also coming out with a revealing research article:

“Opening the mRNA vaccine failure black box: Antigenic sin and Omicron”

that intends to demonstrate why these vaccines don’t work.

Follow me on https://victorazodoh.substack.com for insightful analysis on issues that matter.

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

"But it could have been worse...." The expected fall back.

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Fortunately, we can prove that is not the case using the Gompertz function. The difference between dogma and science.

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Just lost a friend from double cerebral haemorrhages ( I am told this is unusual). Linked to booster?

I wish I was not thinking like this.

How to find out....

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A lot of things that used to be unusual are unfortunately becoming less and less rare.

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Condolences on your loss.

Look in VAERS (I use Openvaers.com because it's easier). I just ran a search for hemorrhage and two cerebral hemorrhages came up on the first page of results. Also a disturbing number of subarachnoid hemorrhages and intra-cranial hemorrhages. (I've been using this as a tool to investigate the symptoms that have recently landed two of my friends into the hospital. They survived. Again, I'm very sorry your friend wasn't so lucky.)

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Dr. Ryan Cole does the autopsy that will show if the cause is the covid-19 shot

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Feb 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

There is one thing that must be looked into. The same way this proves that NPIs, masks, lockdowns, did nothing but harm, interventions that made things worse for patients should be analyzed. Specifically the use of remdesivir (especially here in America) and morphine+midazolam (in the UK). Dr Ardis has exposed how remdesivir appears to intentionally being used to cause death in COVID patients and blame the virus to "prove the pandemic real." (https://rumble.com/vv2upd-dr-bryan-ardis-grand-jury-day-3.html)

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Feb 25, 2022·edited Feb 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I suspect we'll witness a great die-off over the next 2 years. The winter flu shot will lower immune systems, allowing the covid kill shot to attack more violently. A one-two death jab.

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You should submit this to the Boston Herald (newspaper). They might run a story on your findings.

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You are funny! Good one

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Thanks buddy. A few of their guys talk shit about Fauci and the CDC often. I'm sorry this is happening to you.

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You must have actual journalists

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A couple...

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I just sent it to all 200 State Legislators, the Mayor, Governor, City Council. I live in Boston. The Hearld has been in essence, useless. All msm here has. They just give the illusion they are different. Tey are not. They are all towing the covid-19 nothing to see here narrative. It's gut wrenching to witness.

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Feb 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Rarely is one causal variable so obviously dominant in real world settings, yet, here we are with the vaccines.

The plot actually thickens a little with regard to "inevitable" deaths associated with CV-19. Here is an interesting link;


Way back in 2020, some were pointing out that CV-19 should not be treated as a viral infection but as a vascular disease since spike proteins could devastate blood vessels leading to a whole host of unfortunate outcomes. (Very smart to then develop an agent which triggers the production in vast quantities of a bio-engineered version of the very component of the virus which is so dangerous, don't you think.)

From the referenced link, an important point to be made is that the chosen methods of treating CV-19 , particularly intubation, caused a vast number of deaths - very few survived being put on a ventilator which, for many, was actually a death sentence (thank God for the shortage of them in the UK and elsewhere). The how and the why is worth reading.

The fact remains that, if we look at the global data for deaths, the obvious question which springs to mind is, "what pandemic"? But, we then look at the detail of the patterns within those deaths and everything suddenly takes a much more sinister turn, from the causes of care home deaths (forcing the knowingly infected back into those environments, neglect, widespread use of Midazolam, DNR notices, denial of treatment, etc, etc) to excess "at home" deaths (overwhelmingly non-CV-19 related according to Nuffield Trust) due again to denial of access to healthcare.

Look further and we also find denial of access to existing drugs and treatments which many have shown to be effective if used early and, to cap it all, treatments applied which almost guaranteed fatal outcomes. Now, maybe some of the latter might legitimately be explained away as ignorance on the part of medics. The rest is much harder to dismiss so lightly.

And, as if that is not enough, we have the toxic agents which, as we speak, are creating a health catastrophe on a massive scale which is simply being ignored. Perhaps I should say, being ignored for now, because we are just in the early stages of the second vaccine "dividend".

The first dividend relates to the short-term deaths which occur everywhere the vaccines are rolled out. The second dividend is the big one - the one which has the potential to actually overwhelm the NHS (something CV-19 could never have done). This reflects the destruction of the immune systems of the vaccinated - VAIDS - leading to a whole swathe of lethal conditions. Actually, the NHS appears to already be showing its hand in this regard as it again denying treatment to those injured with vaccines - develop DVT, heart arrhythmias, severe abdominal pain, partial paralysis - just go home and drink some water seems to be the response.

We are just at the start of this wave and it cannot be prevented or reversed.

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Lack of ventilators was more than made up for with Midazolam and Remdesivir.

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Joel, Great work as always. Will be highlighted on my next substack article for sure.

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Steve we are dying here in MA. Literally.. :(

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Feb 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

As usual a fantastic analysis! Thank you Joel :) Professor Joel on the cards?

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I think the furthest I might get is joining the Royal Statistical Society! I'm done with academic institutions.

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small pockets of integrity remain - e.g. QMC (Fenton et al)

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Feb 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thanks for all the hard work Joel. Very insightful.

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Feb 25, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Great stuff. But be clear about interpreting cumulative plots: it’s *slopes* that matter, not *levels*. Eg in figure 31 (age 75+ all cause), you say it shows a vaccine benefit. It doesn’t. After ~june 2020, the *slope* for the rest of 2020 is ~identical to both baseline and to 2021.

Ie after the initial wave+lockdown in spring 2020, there is almost no visible impact from Covid on the mortality of those most likely to die from it (and we should be careful with how we attribute deaths in the initial wave between virus and lockdowns…). There is a very slight hump in winter 2020-21 (that doesn’t appear to exceed the range), which is probably a very small Covid effect. But a similar hump appears at the end of 2021 too. So again, where is the vaccine benefit?

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True. Thank you.

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Thank you ❤️

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Note: My estimate of 411 was only a subset of specifically COVID-19 deaths post vaccination, so it should be viewed as a floor or a subset of the total.

Great work.

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Oh. Mine is NON-COVID deaths, not COVID, and I only did 65 to 79 year olds because that was the first range I pulled from wonder.cdc VAERs.

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Well, to be technical, mine is "so-called COVID deaths" as in "vaccine deaths tallied as COVID deaths or excess COVID deaths due to vaccines causing more spreading" which are multiple subsets within the same set of "counted as COVID" deaths.

Maybe one day we can get on a call and chop up the Venn logic to see how it looks.

One thing I notice is that the BKK Provita is still low relative to your analysis. Any thoughts on why? Maybe they are also defining a subset from a blind spot--maybe assuming all deaths marked COVID really are, and otherwise tallying the rest?

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