Around 7th April 2020, during their autumn ā€“ every death in New Zealand was from Covid-19?

We may need to overlay Midazolam and Remdesivir orders and deliveries at some point during the Nuremberg 2.0 trials.

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No, it's a scale issue. COVID deaths are per 10 million people. There were virtually none. COVID has never made an impact on all-cause mortality in NZ. It's a non-event.

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Makes sense, I recall horse-face prancing around on tv informing the public how great a job (for a non-event) she'd done.

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WATCH THE NZ UNDERCOVER COPS LIGHT THE FIRE AT THE PROTESTS https://www.tiktok.com/@jakevsthestate/video/7071401414202903809

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She needs to feel the wrath of justice.

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I live in New Zealand.

The Draconian measures basically stopped Covid at the border and we enjoyed large amounts of freedom compared to the rest of the world for the second half of 2020 and much of 2021, with the exception of a couple of extra lockdowns for Auckland, our largest city. Our death total from Covid is still only 65 in a population of 5 million, and most of those were in the first outbreak in March-April 2020.

Flu levels were reduced in 2020- turns out isolation and quarantine is also effective against influenza. This was discussed at the time and I also believe the quarantining had a major part to play, people just didnā€™t get as sick as previous years. However in 2021 we had a worse season for other respiratory viruses, including RSV which killed a number of babies.

The vaccine has definitely had an impact on our mortality, and there are large numbers of adverse effects, however another significant cause, which is hard to quantify, is suicide. Many people know there has been an increase in suicide since early 2020, however the government has stopped releasing the data and has recently reclassified some suicides as accidental deaths to try and minimise the numbers. But for those in the mental health industry, or the police who attend them it appears the numbers are significant.

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What freedom??? You mean the freedom where we were coerced into taking a shot that causes DEATH?????

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WATCH THE NZ UNDERCOVER COPS LIGHT THE FIRE AT THE PROTESTS https://www.tiktok.com/@jakevsthestate/video/7071401414202903809

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Also note the consistency of the relatively high recent (late 2021 and early 2022) death rates after most of New Zealanders have been jabbed, as compared to prior years, without any of the typical seasonal dips below 600 in any month. October through February may show an even greater increase above normal. And how that will the all cause death rate trend as the year goes along?

The jabs could also have an impact on deaths due to "non-medical" causes, such as accidents, misadventure, murder, and suicide, due to cognitive impairment and cerebral inflammation. Lockdown measures could have also greatly impacted non-medical death rates for different reasons and in different ways, for example increasing suicides and crime due to economic and emotional stress, isolation, and reduction of accidental deaths due to less driving.

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Possibly. But the baseline has been trending up for a few years now. I should really have controlled for that.

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? data for whole year but total deaths for only 10 months ???

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WATCH THE NZ UNDERCOVER COPS LIGHT THE FIRE AT THE PROTESTS https://www.tiktok.com/@jakevsthestate/video/7071401414202903809

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Good luck on the vaccine investigation. They were warned, ignored all warnings and now it is time to cover up. Your chart should worry them greatly. The question that remains: will we hold all these little dictators (both government bureaucrats and supposed health experts) accountable. I think we need to create a global fund to begin going after these petty tyrants. Of course they will just freeze those funds and distribute to BLM. Remember this; their best hope is to put to a permanent divide between the 99%. Either that or a nuclear war. Sound familiar?

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Acute Radiation Sickness causes flu-like symptoms - Covid? -


Rubik B and Brown RR (2021) Evidence for a Connection Between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves. ----> https://osf.io/9p8qu/

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A lower season followed by a higher season is normal . Who cares what was blamed in the past , people donā€™t live forever . What this does not show is deaths due to adverse reactions to the shots . So it stands out

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Can I suggest something further? In the US, particularly horrendous "flu vaccines" are given to those over 65. EVERYONE in nursing homes is vaccinated with a "flu vaccine" each year. Just PRIOR to massive numbers of "flu" deaths. I call it "flu shot season" not "flu season". I think "they" are using COVID vaccine deaths (which I consider to be some sort of homicide) to cover-up similar crimes over many decades, at least here in the US. Some sources of evidence include the book "Vaccine A" by Gary Matsumoto which predicted the use of squalene in vaccines for the civilian population. As well as the ingredient list of the FLUAD vaccine which is "adjuvanted" (manufacturer term) with squalene for those OVER 65. Sixty five is (or was) retirement age in the US.

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It's possible. I noticed the correlation between COVID vaccination and the re-emergence (albeit very small) of flu in 2021. I figured it might just be coincidental timing so didn't remark. But it does beg the question, why start vaccinating right at the start of the normal respiratory virus season and not before? The vaccine was widely available in Dec-20. Why did Australia and NZ wait until Feb to start their campaigns??

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That seems like a very good question.

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What a Blessing Covid-19 Has Been. We know the True Giants of Science!

A must read letter from Canada acknowledging those giants who stood up against industry captured health authorities, governments, pharma and a corrupt media to expose the truth at great personal and professional risk! Brian Peckford is a former Canadian Premier (Newfoundland-Labrador) legally challenging the vaccine mandates in the new communist dictatorship of Canadastan...


Thank you to our heros and many more not mentioned in this letter!

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One cannot argue that the same containment measures that had no effect on covid spread somehow obliterated the flu. There is a theory (I think eugyppius has an explanation) that the flu will be gone as long as corona remains our dominant respiratory virus. He says that prior to the 20th century the predominant seasonal virus was corona which was generally quite mild. Then the flu came around at the turn of the century, and people had little to no immunity to it, so we had the Spanish flu epidemic, and the flu ousted corona and became endemic for that century. Now corona is back, and will be endemic again instead of the flu, which normally would be a good thing (flu is generally more lethal) if we werenā€™t tinkering with virus evolution through vaccination.

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But not in NZ. They had no COVID, it was not the dominant virus.

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I suppose this is a worldwide trend, not country by country. Same way we get the same dominant covid strains everywhere regardless of what each country does. Epidemic viruses are by definition not local to any region.

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Perhaps someone could chart flu rate versus covid rates for different countries. If covid were found to suppress the flu, that would somewhat reduce the magnitude of harm we can ascribe to it, as it would be offset by this "benefit".

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I completely agree.

SARS-COV-2 outcompeted influenza. I call it 'the rutting stag hypothesis', where one dominant stag controls the hinds until a more dominant stag comes along and beats him in battle.

Seems true of the variants as well.

I also believe that there is a form of 'intelligence' in the virome that we don't understand, and it's not just pure competition at play.

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In your graph, the vaccine doses look like they head towards zero. However, there would have been boosters being administered in that period. Can those be included in an updated graphic?

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Dear Joel. For some people the correlation between Vax and All cause death ist not clear to see.

I think it would be clearer if during the high peak, the influenza curve is added to the vax curve. I guess that fits better than each single curve alone.

I know that we add apples and peas. Influenza curve could be calibrated with the two first peaks where no C19 and Vax intervened. The factor for the vax curve could be fitted so that the sum of 'calibrated Influenza' curve plus calibrated vax curve gives the best fit with the all cause excess death.

The factor we find for the vax curve gives a very very rough figure about who many excess death are caused per vaxination.

Best regards


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Great chart Joel. When do you think we can see the most recent data. I guess govt not in a rush

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Hi, I was hoping for you to have a look at this, I think it actually backs up your analysis, we had no flu and MORE lockdown since AUG 2021, plus mandates, yet the death rate returned to normal


Our own NZ experts did the 2022 data and it's blowing up in excess numbers


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I was wondering what each age group's excess will look like?

This is the best demonstration of V harm as it's not contaminated by delta like US and other countries

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Subbed. Thank you for the analysis. Data rules.

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If the flu surveillance correlates with all cause death in 2018 and 2019 but doesn't in 2021 (but vaccine rollouts potentially do), how is the death rate in 2020 explained because it appears neither flu nor vaccines correlate with it?

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