
I wondered why no-one had commented on this post and then realised I had forgotten to change the default setting from paid subscribers only. Sorry, my bad! Commenting is now enabled for everyone as usual.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I appreciate this so much--as I read far more Stacks than I can afford to pay for. Thank you for your graciousness.

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The word 'bad' that you've used is an Americanism... the correct English word for what you mean is, of course, 'mistake'. I'm a 64-year-old Englishwoman, and there are many Americanisms that I detest. And the nonsensical use of the word 'bad' to mean 'mistake' is right up at the top of my pet hates.

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A lot of writers are being tricked by this. Substack is starting to shoot itself and us in the foot.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

The question remains....why did they do it in 'lockstep' as much as they could (outliers like Florida, South Dakota, African nations etc)? The only conclusion with it being so rushed and so forced is the agitated for 'command and control structures' for the world going forward....digital IDs to be tied in with health and finances and carbon 'footprints'.

Thank you Joel Smalley for your data and information, which you continue to publish here. It is appreciated by many.

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It was all coordinated by the WHO (and the people behind the WHO). You can read the files here, they explain how to "nudge" people into doing what you want, how to downplay vax injuries, etc etc etc.


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In a sentence: Every mitigation measure/edict enforced by the Establishment made "public health" far worse.

Even if you tried, it would be hard to be wrong about EVERYTHING ... but these "leaders" and "experts" were.

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Correct. May I take this one step further: Everything Fauci has done in his career has made public health, especially children and minorities, much worse. I am reading Bobby Kennedy's book about Fauci, it makes me sick to my stomach. Unfortunately, Fauci will never pay the price for the damage he has done.

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I'm glad you are reading RFK, Jr.'s book. I wrote a review of the book, which I say might be one of the most important books published in my lifetime.


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People can’t grasp the concept that they were lied to. I was in a college setting yesterday, professors and students, and A student mentioned that she read someone got the shot and was all “messed up.” I started to mention a few people I know who had been injured. The conversation could’ve gone either way. If you question it you’re a crazy Trumper, but before I could say anything else, another student mentioned a series of side effects she had. And then another student said something. It’s almost like they’re afraid to sound crazy but once someone speaks up the thought process begins. Unfortunately when you do speak up there’s the danger of being ostracized. I’ve been analyzing this reaction and trying to figure out how to overcome it. The few times I’ve said anything the mood changes and you know you’re being thought of as the crazy one. So I think why risk it, I’m not going to change their mind and they’re not interested in learning more so why bother? It’s a dilemma.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

You are right it’s difficult to change people’s minds even with the best information contradicting the Covid plandemic narrative. But we have to try especially with the youth that will listen. I believe the younger generation will see the truth first. I can only hope for a revolution

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It's a lot easier to fool someone, than to convince someone that they are being fooled.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

There was no viral pandemic or epidemiological emergency in 2020- it was mass murder. They will use a similar template and roll this out again unless there are prosecutions for the crimes committed.

The average age of a death by or with "Covid-19" is higher than life expectancy. No other figure even need be known to understand the "pandemic" (business model) is a fraud and a giant Ponzi scheme.

The mandated the use of ventilators/remdesivir/barticinib/midazolam/vancomyacin,fentanyl etc. combined with complete neglect when not being harassed/abused killed off hundreds of thousands of "Covid" (rebranded flu and bacterial pneumonia) patients.

All of this was (and much more) was done to create the mass hysteria event in order to hide the massive economic collapse of 2019 and hide the $13 trillion (so far) worth of bailouts AND to jump start the Pharma bio-security system as THE new economic driver in a bankrupt system. Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of this country.

99% of people falsely certified as having 'died from covid' actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and 'public health' despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.

There is no such thing as a "Covid death" as SARSCoV2 itself is a computer generated fiction.

No one has 'died from covid' as "covid" is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, flu and many other disease conditions.

The first thing that ahould be addressed (but is usually ignored) is "who were these people?" The average age of a "Covid death" in Spring 2020 was 80 in the US and 82 globally w/4 comorbidities. The majority of these people were from nursing homes, assisted living, hospice etc. Where did the vast majority of initial "Covid deaths" occur? Here in the US (and everywhere in the West- Milan, Madrid, London, Brussels, Montreal, Toronto, etc.) most, if not all, who died from "Covid" already had one foot in the grave and were residing in institutional settings. Their death was put on fast forward through policies not some mythical virus.

What we had here in the US was a radical and mandatory shift in policies relating to hospitals, care homes and the overall social order. These new "policies" were mandated through various new and aberrant state "guidelines" which resulted in a concentrated death rate for a six week period in March/April in ONLY 15 states. Take that out of the equation and there is no death rate to talk about. Put (or keep) these policies in place and we will have this happen every year.

There is no doubt that these protocols were designed to increase the death rate and to drive the fear as well as transfer public monies into the private medical cartel. In Italy and the UK and elsewhere there was heavy use of Midazolam with morphine to ensure the numbers justified the panic. The elderly were targeted because the pensions had been pilfered long before and personal estates were being acquired to finance the care of these people. It is clear that normal "therapeutics" and care was not only vilified but outlawed through administrative diktats in order to force emergency use protocols which was the plan from the get go.

There was also gross negligence (beyond the usual) in numerous nursing homes that led to abandonment and alterations/additions to the toxic medication regimes that people were on. This turned these slow motion abattoirs into fast forward death houses.

None of this was accidental.

In short whatever "excess deaths" which may have occurred anywhere can be attributed to people who didn't have to die but were KILLED due to the unnecessary use of ventilators, harsh toxic drugs, people dying prematurely due to lack of medical treatment, ill effects from the lockdowns and so on.

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Allen, need you to settle a debate for me, please. Are you a bot?!

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Love your articles but surprised you would ask that as Allen is providing actual real information that very few are giving

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Who won the debate?

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

You're kidding right?

Who are you debating?

Does the information I send make certain people uncomfortable?

How about who ever it is you are debating comes around and debates the evidence?

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No, we all love it but some just thought your comments sometimes read like AI, that's all!

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Is that a compliment or should I be afraid for myself- laughs.

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Mark Crispin Miller accused me of being a bot or a troll! Cheek.



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Easy and lazy way of sidestepping what someone is saying.

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Agreed. I was also right!

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This: YES, YES and YES! And none of what you said reads like AI to me.

How is this not factual? Can someone point out which of it is not factual?

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I agree the so called pandemic was orchestrated by the banker cabal. The demons at the top need to be identified and top to bottom hung.

This was only a test run to see how far they could push the people using the fear tactics they employed. I’m sorry to say but the sheep appear to be pushed right over a cliff.

The digital currency and IDs will be implemented and the one world government implemented in the near future. I’m sorry to say but drones and robots will take out the few that are trying to live by their own means on small farms and communities.

The only answer for this crisis is to turn to God. Put on the armor of God and go to battle with the satanic demons. This is our only way out of this trap

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So near and yet so far! Yes the pandemic is fake. The whole thing is fake! There is no new disease caused by a new virus. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/xi-and-li-and-the-great-hoax

There are only countries rich enough to do mass testing or who put their elderly into homes where they were killed with midazolam, remdesivir, forced ventilation or loneliness.

There is no disease. Only testing and treatments.



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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

From April 23rd, 2020:

Here’s a statistic to consider: until yesterday, 73% of global “covid” deaths have been in 5 of the world’s richest countries with 7% of the population. This percentage fluctuates by day but it was also at 73% a couple of weeks ago. These five countries correlate 100% with the biggest bailout countries: France, Spain, Italy (i.e. EU), US, UK.

Note one more thing: Germany announced a Euro 550 billion bailout for its banks around March 12, before lockdown and on a day when it had FIVE "covid deaths." That day Deutsche Bank’s share price had plummeted to what looked like the point of no return.

From your local bot conspiracy theorist operating from the basement in a coffee house in St. Petersburg!

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So no one died in India? Good to know...

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What are you referencing re:India- the phony "pandemic" or deaths from the toxic injections?

Yes people died in India. People were born in India also.

Tell me what you think you know about India as relates to the alleged "Covid-19" and mortality.

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I wanted to understand your numbers. How many people do you think died from COVID-19 in India? Or Brazil? Or Russia?

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Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

The Wuhan and India images were staged. Remember, for example, the purple dressed lady that had "suddenly died from Covid" and just flopped out onto the street in Delhi?

That one was shown across the globe. Turns out this purple dressed woman did indeed flop out of a cab and pass out on the street. Also turns out that that happened a year earlier and was the result of a massive explosion from a nearby LNG plant which caused numerous people to pass out.

India was part of the Covid propaganda- it's called Public Health Imperialism.

There was nothing unusual at all happening in India - it is pure propaganda which is being foisted on the easily misled Western media consumers in order to manufacture rationales for massive vaccine dumps that will be subsidized by taxpayers.

The funeral pyres in India are normal. This is simply how the Hindus do it- mass cremation. There are relatively few burials in India and based on tradition there have not been for say about several thousand years if not forever. Hindus cremate- Christians bury. India is majority Hindu and in poor areas there is mass cremation.

The CNN's, BBC's of the world are counting on the Western media consumers to know nothing about the religions, traditions or culture of India.

There is nothing going on in India other than increased testing with the phony PCR tests, fear mongering and priming the pump for a vaccine dump.

The uptake of the "vaccines" was around 1.5% in India, not meeting the expectations of the Pharma ghouls, and the uptake in Western countries is stalling. This translates into massive numbers of pre-produced poisonous vials sitting on the shelves with a shrinking number of readily available arms.


Manufacture a crisis in India in order to "sell the solution" and dump massive amounts of vaccines on "Third World" countries all subsidized by taxpayers from Western countries with, of course, profits going straight to the Pharma corps and their parasitic investors.

India is THE most important market for the global vaccine business, because it is by far the largest: 1.3 billion people with a biddable fascist government and a health system almost completely co-opted by the Bill Gates operation.

The African continent has nearly as many people but more than 50 governments that need to be individually manipulated and subdued by the Gates/Pharma machine. India is the prize: Getting everybody vaxxed will result in staggering profits.

In India the government purposefully induced COVID ANXIETY SYNDROME in the population. This exacerbates all diseases, including Covid19.

COVID panic in India was being deliberately engineered in order to increase vaccine uptake, despite quite justifiable “vaccine hesitancy” on the part of the people.

“Vaccine hesitancy” among the people of India is due to a long history of being used as guinea pigs for pharmaceuticals, ranging from dangerous contraceptives to deadly experimental vaccines.

India’s healthcare has already been devastated by neoliberal swindles, engineered in significant part by Bill Gates, aimed at replacing primary care with pharmaceutical verticals. Gates confessedly opposes and acts to subvert healthcare systems.

India has been used by Bill Gates and his ruling class allies as the testbed for every imaginable attack on the people, ranging from demonetization to sterilization. Grossly exaggerated reports of "COVID" must be consumed critically with all this in mind.

"COVID" is an operation not a disease.

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I'm confused - the disease itself is real, or not?

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Wow thanks. I am from Michigan and this heartens me to know the authors are there. Best

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Dr. Fauci said, "criticizing me is criticizing science." If anyone had any doubts whether the science he was referring to was actual science or authoritarian despotism, that should have settled it.

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If you going to entitle your post "The Fake Pandemic", perhaps next time it would be worth to include such information as: What is the evidence there was a new pathogen since the seasonal flu "vanished" worldwide when covid-19 was announced to be a "new pathogen"...

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I already dedicated an entire article to that! https://metatron.substack.com/p/what-was-rebranded-as-covid-has-always

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Therefore the title should perhaps be different, as there is no mention of any details as why it is "The Fake Pandemic". If you entitled you post something like:

"No surprise the response to the fake pandemic of rebranded flu failed", it would make more sense.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm a fan of your work. I'm just trying to think like someone who believes we had real pandemic due to new pathogen called SARS CoV-2.

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"Is it only with the benefit of hindsight that we now know this? Absolutely not. The evidence was clear within weeks of every intervention, hampered only by the untimely provision of the necessary data by the public “authorities” and the illegitimate censorship of “misinformation” by the mainstream media."

Therein lies their absolute culpability.

Just how to hold so many to account? And will they ever admit their wanton criminality?

And given the breadth and depth of this depravity, there was clearly orchestration.

Pitchforks at dawn growing closer?

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Seems like you switched the confidence levels for testing and stringency.

I also appreciate, and find it very much worth mentioning, that the authors took these confounders into consideration: "hypertension rates; obesity rates; diabetes rates; percent of the population >65 years of age; percent of the population <14 years of age; per capita health expenditures per capita; and net annual per capita income"

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Hey Joel,

do you happen to know how I can gain access to sequencing data? GISAID is not confirming my account, because I'm not a very smart institutional researcher.

I need to reveal this crime. They killed 130k young people in the US red states during Q3 2021, but I need the exact nucleotide sequences for a chance to prove it.

I would of course hugely appreciate any help with this from anyone else who's reading also.

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What do you think this data will tell you?

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1) Well the most important thing is to demonstrate that the vaccines caused Delta. Delta has been around since March 2020. There is a military hospital in Spain that ran Phase 3 trials.

3 cases of Delta popped up in Spain March 2020 and sporadically all across the world since then, yet all sources I consult tell me Delta occured in October in India. (Only proof I have: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications-data/data-virus-variants-covid-19-eueea)

2) There was a huge spike in younger people in summer 2021. I want to look for irregularities. Can't say what it's gonna tell me just yet. Children were weaponized with the "vaccines" to cause this wave.

These sequencing data seem surprisingly well-guarded. I want to dig into it. I have a feeling people who are working with it are sound asleep to what has been happening here or they have just accepted it.

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Where did you find out about those three cases?

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Because this data set shows the first case of B.1.617.2 (Delta) was sequenced during week 45 (2nd to 8th of November).

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What? I will check the version I downloaded a few months back.

I am absolutely positive that there were 3 cases in the last week of March, then one in Portugal a week or two later, followed by Czechia and Germany and a few other places within a month or two.

If these cases are gone they removed them. I checked, double-checked, triple-checked.

This is why I am trying to get the original GISAID data, but they are not approving my account.

I will check the old file and the German source right away. The case in Germany was later, but still long before October.

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I linked the source in my first reply to your question.

I just look at the data to understand what happened.

I have since found out that the first vaccine dose administered in the USA was given on March 16th 2020.

The first 3 cases were sighted in Spain in the week starting March 30th 2020. There is a military hospital in Spain that ran phase 2b/3 clinical trials.

I assume they also ran phase 1/2a clinical trials in Spain.

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In my (very humble) opinion, going by what is know through the facts via the patents, the faxxines could not possibly save anyone, whichever way you spin the narrative.

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What patent are you referring to?

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Not one specific patent but the whole list of patents taken over the last ten or so years, for certain parts of sars virus, but notably the ones that

Moderna and pfizer are arguing over. The trail of patents that David Martin

has been talking about for long while. Patents and insurance data is not something that can be distorted. Well, this is my understanding.

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But what did he say about patents?

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Question: is “1% confidence level” significant? What am I missing?

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I'm also trying to understand how to understand this study. How much can we trust the data, and the conclusions from that data?

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