The Fatal Cost of COVID Policies
For every ten unavoidable ‘COVID’ deaths, there were seven ‘non-COVID’ deaths due to the ostensible efforts by the government to avoid COVID deaths.
During the original spring 2020 COVID panic, in England & Wales, there were over 36,000 ‘non-COVID’ excess deaths outside of hospital due to denial of healthcare and increased societal stress. These were not offset by a deficit of ‘non-COVID’ deaths in hospital.
Conversely, there were just over 54,000 deaths in all places that were attributed to COVID (that would have occurred anyway since it is now accepted that interventions were largely ineffective at reducing transmission and therefore mitigating deaths).
In other words, for every ten unavoidable ‘COVID’ deaths, there were seven ‘non-COVID’ deaths due to the ostensible efforts by the government to avoid COVID deaths.1
It is not unreasonable to assume that many COVID deaths would have been avoided if it were not for the futile interventions too so this is an optimistic assessment.
Over 14K excess NON COVID deaths within Scottish homes since 2020. Emails to MSPs fall on deaf ears. NHS has never seen LESS patients in it's entire history than the last 3 years n Scotland ! The whole thing is such an enormous psy-op fraud and crime !
I have a relative who believes safe and effective. It's like he sees some data set and I set this. It's exhausting trying to show him the data doesn't add up. Who is right? Ugh. But your earlier articles today seem so rock sid to me I have to shake my head. I hope his grandsons aren't one of the statistics.