Over 14K excess NON COVID deaths within Scottish homes since 2020. Emails to MSPs fall on deaf ears. NHS has never seen LESS patients in it's entire history than the last 3 years n Scotland ! The whole thing is such an enormous psy-op fraud and crime !

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Is this why Sturgeon resigned suddenly? And what about Jacinda Ahern?

And if Trudeau (unexpectedly) leaves the room, then might we see some writing on the wall? Maybe some writing suggestive of a richly-deserved prosecution? Oh, we pray for such a day…

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Nah, i see that she did NOT resign perse but rather SIGNED OUT from office on a job well done !!

Scotland wrecked with the globalists agenda firmly in place. 'Climate crisis' up next !

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They may change their tune when they’re up for re-election. Our state Premier Lamenting vaccine mandates. NSW state election 25 March 2023. Coincidence?


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The only person I know personally who died in the last three years was a lady my age who had a hip transplant, and died three months later of sepsis.

Sadly, a lot of people die as a direct or indirect consequence of medical interventions, and it were ever thus.

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I have a relative who believes safe and effective. It's like he sees some data set and I set this. It's exhausting trying to show him the data doesn't add up. Who is right? Ugh. But your earlier articles today seem so rock sid to me I have to shake my head. I hope his grandsons aren't one of the statistics.

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This was always on the cards. They knew it. We knew it... well, the awake ones did

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Yet Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone insist there is no malicious intent.

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I am still not convinced of malicious intent (not at the lower levels at any rate). Hence the "banality of evil" subtitle on my other post. Most of the agents are simply not smart enough to understand the consequences of their actions (in statistical and scientific terms), let alone challenge it. They have to rely on the "experts" to defend their morality.

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1. It is common knowledge that deploying leaky vaccines during pandemics can lead to disastrous outcomes https://www.healthline.com/health-news/leaky-vaccines-can-produce-stronger-versions-of-viruses-072715

- they know this

- they would be aware of how this caused Marek's

2. They insisted that if people got vaxxed they would not get Covid https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/1463932846570192901

Then they said https://www.michigancapitolconfidential.com/news/pfizer-admits-covid-vaccine-was-never-meant-to-stop-transmission

3. Then they insisted the vaccines would stop severe illness - as we know it is the opposite...

They see your data cuz it comes from the govt. Yet they continue to inject... which has resulted in endless mutations.... they continue to push Paxlovid which is proven to cause the virus to mutate.

They know all of this... yet they continue.

They are using lipid tech to get this toxic shit into the cells of people... they are destroying immune systems - they SEE the rates of cancer excess deaths etc.... they KNOW what is happening

Some say it's about money -- that is nonsense - you would not mandate your military if it was about money.

The money made from this mass murder campaign - say a few tens of billions - is dwarfed by the losses. Over a trillion lost by the hotel industry alone.

Anyone who thinks this is about money is clueless.

We have evidence that the DOD is behind this monstrosity.

I don't know what more is required to convince people that this is a kill program.

Anyone who does not see it does not want to see it -- because to acknowledge that = total despair.

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Yes, but who is "they"? Pay-grades MPs won't know anything of what you shared. They are as dumb as F.

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The way I see it ... is you have a small group who know the full story.... these would be the folks who run the world.... they are not banal ... nor are they evil...

They have determined that extermination is necessary - because doing nothing and watching the global economy collapse would open the gates of hell (mass murder rape disease cannibalism)

They have been planning this for decades after exploring all other options to kick the can and realizing the road would run out on them.

Their minions -- who include the Deep State ... BBCCNN ... politicians etc... those implementing the extermination plan ... would mostly be unaware of the plan... although there surely must be some at the top of the pile who have been sat down and explained 'why'

I agree that the minions are exhibiting the 'banality of evil'... they are committing mass murder ... yet they remain oblivious to what they are doing (they believe fluffing a duvet can cause a heart attack involving young healthy people)... and/or they believe that Covid has the potential to tip over the world -- that the Rat Juice is not perfect --- but it is the only thing between us and billions of dead people -- so they ok with censoring all negativity.

We also need to factor in $$$ --- paying the mortgage and feeding one's family (and the country club membership) will drown out the voices of doubt in the head of a politicians or a doctor....

Are the minions committing evil? They don't see it that way ... they are doing what they are told --- by higher authorities that they trust -- that they absolutely believe would not seek to do do harm. The same goes for the average Rat Juice addict -- if the govt says it's good - then it's good. They trust the authorities.

If we compare this with the actions of many Germans during WW2... if one reads Mein Kampf https://www.audible.com/pd/Mein-Kampf-The-Ford-Translation-Audiobook/B009AEUECG

One will understand the motives of Hitler... he believed that the bankers sold out the country (Stab in the Back)--- which resulted in the collapse of the German economy ... and starvation conditions post war... one can easily see how the table would be set to welcome in a saviour... someone who would seek revenge on the traitors .... who would return the fatherland to its former glory...

Germany was also burdened with massive reparations...

It does not matter if the motives are based on reality or not (a case can certainly be made for the Stab in the Back being real... the reparations were most definitely real and it has been argued that they lead to WW2) --- Hitler did not believe he was committing evil - he believed he was righting a wrong ... by marching millions to their deaths. He believed what he was doing was necessary.

As for those minions who were complicit in murder - and those who turned a blind eye --- they justified their 'evil' just as Hitler did -- they truly believed that the Jews had f789ed over their country and caused the post war misery... they knew exactly what they were part of ... and why.

There is not banality of evil -- they truly believed Hitler was doing the right thing. And that the Stab in the Back was evil. Hitler was simply righting a wrong.

Likewise with Covid --- the men who run the world do not believe they are engaged in evil ... they believe they are doing the right thing.... and the vaxxers are along for the ride ... believing they are on the side of good. They absolutely do believe that.

Maybe they are right? https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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The psychological fear-and-confusion-mongering manipulation by psychopathic human predators is obvious to all but the deliberately oblivious.

The Breggins' book about global predators is a must read. Some sifting is required, as with anything published.

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Yes, no malice or intent at the lower levels. Yes, they were really just good Germans. Yes, they were just following orders. Yes, they just killed 6,000,000 Jews. Yes, no malice or intent at the lower levels.

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Reminds of the old medical dining room joke: "The operation was a success, but the patient died" !

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MIT has another dead student: Cana Anduze (1997-2023), in the Sloan school (same as Prof. Retsef Levi). Previous unexpected deaths: swimmer Mason Weinstock (2003–2021), and professors Jim Wang, James Swan, and Paul Lagacé all in 2021.

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Any cost/benefit analysis of lockdown would have predicted rhus. Which is, presumably, why none was undertaken.

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Yeah this is probably the most shocking part of the US data that has never been talked about. 2020 sees a huuuge number of non-COVID excess deaths.

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The non-covid deaths were/are/will be ignored by everyone. They don't follow the desired narrative of covid as a biblical plague spreading across the earth and taking loved ones before their time. The narrative is still firmly in place which is why talking to covidians about the jabs is a waste of time. They have to believe nobody died because of the measures implemented to save us all and they have to believe the jabs they took have saved millions from certain covid death. So the excess deaths have no meaning to the vast majority. Most people don't know of anyone who died of covid or who died unexpectedly - the unexpected deaths that have been going on can always be sighed over as tragic and just one of those things.

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"In other words, for every ten unavoidable ‘COVID’ deaths"

The unavoidable part is controversial. Since repurposed, inexpensive treatment alternatives to jabs (HCQ, IVM, etc.) were smeared, some of the supposedly unavoidable premature deaths were, in fact, avoidable. I estimate 80%. This turns the ratio to 2 unavoidable : 15 avoidable.

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True. I meant only unavoidable using the experimental NPIs.

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I thought you might, but the point needed to be made, imo.

Of course, if there had been no interventions, assuming prompt treatment (IVM, HCQ, etc.), mortality in 2020 and 2021 would probably have been close to normal range.

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Here's one from the ONS:


In this ONS weekly death report and a few others posted just before and after this one https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending17july2020

Section 2: "The disease has had a larger impact on those most vulnerable (for example, those who already suffer from a medical condition) and those at older ages. Some of these deaths would have likely occurred over the duration of the year but have occurred earlier because of COVID-19. These deaths occurring earlier than expected could contribute to a period of deaths below the five-year average.”

Read it again and digest it properly.

“Some of these deaths would have likely occurred over the duration of the year but have occurred earlier because of COVID-19. “

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People died of despair, I knew a couple who just needed to be able to go down the pub. They OD, I think they would still be with us if they had the support of their community.

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Feb 28, 2023Edited
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Correct. And I've just added a footnote to the effect that many of the 'COVID' deaths would likely not have happened were it not for the interventions.

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I think that's an important point.

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