I recall the vaccination program commencing in late March/early April (South Australia). Staff were able to get vaccinated, in limited numbers, at this point.
The deaths started then. Obviously not in numbers large enough to impact charts..
I remember two clients I worked with.. both incredibly frail, under 40kg.. but these ladies had continued living for a remarkable amount of time. After their second shot and on the same day, they were no longer able to sit up or talk. Extremely drowsy. The next day at latest they were both made palliative. They both died a week after second shot. Everyone knew what had happened but I'd bet those responsible for documenting reactions etc ruled it a coincidence. There were another two injuries. One man had heart issues after both shots. On second occasion the ambulance was called. The ambulance drivers argued with the RNs that it couldn't be a vaccine reaction because such was not documented as being related to vaccines.
Another man could not walk after first shot, recovered just before his second and was then permanently bed bound. His balance had gone and he would continuously fall backwards.
So we can conclude and no longer debate this is a global orchestrated agenda of genocide to cull the elderly and infirm. (now everyone is in the firiing line).
'Amoxicillin and doxycycline are both first-line agents in all health board guidelines for community respiratory infections with the choice in individual patients based on any previous therapy and contraindications. We also suggest that it is possible that as clinicians became increasingly accustomed to COVID-19 presentation they became more confident in not prescribing antibiotics. ''
Drs we’re stopping prescribing antibiotics a few years back.. something that was noticeable in several visits I had with sinus issues.. and something Ark Medic pointed out that there was a world wide pullback in prescription for antibiotics just as covid hit.. numerous papers confirms this.. Denis Rancourt documents it too.
There was a uniform protocol I think released by Health Departments around the world recommending antibiotics not be prescribed, I think your right that Arkmedic brought it up in a post.
'The number of prescriptions for respiratory antibiotics reduced through April and May 2020, with 34% fewer prescriptions issued by end of Week 22 (31 May) than in the corresponding week in 2019. ''
Interesting. I forgot where i read it, quite recently, but indeed there was a group whose goal it was to cut down on antibiotics prescription as there was risk of the pathogens becoming immune to it. Probably heavily subsidized by pharma! I bought in india, over the counter no prescription, and am hoarding it!
It sure is looking like a delayed onset, slow kill bioweapon with dozens of different diseases killing the victims so plausible deniability is in full bloom.
The virus followed predictable (Hope-Simpson) patterns right up until the vaccinations kicked into overdrive. Now it looks like people can't get over it because of the shots. :(
I agree there was something strange going on, my bet would be on iatrogenic causes when there were no cases but the case/death explosion matches the lifting of lockdowns. Taking Australia as a whole population group is not a good indicator. 2020 winter is mostly all in one state. 2021 is mostly just two states as far as I’m aware. If Joel has a breakdown by state it would be helpful. 2022 is probably OK to take Australia as a whole again as policy was pretty much uniform across all states with no lock down and open borders. As you can see the vax was an incredible success 😀
We didn’t even vaccinate into a pandemic in most states. Freshly vaccinated meet Omicron with no natural immunity, as you can see in Joel’s charts (Figure 5), it worked a treat. 👍
Whatever you want to call it. I’m just using its trade name vaccine(TM).
Did Australia even have an pandemic/epidemic in 2021?
“No matter what you think about the false positive rate, having to test over 1,000 and sometimes testing over 10,000 people to get one positive test sounds pretty much like there wasn’t very much, if anything to detect.”
Just ramp up the CT and test like crazy. The number of cases for a long periods was just proportional to testing. Straight line with some ridiculous correlation co-efficient of about 0.99 from memory, I’d have to check, it’s been a long time since I last looked at it.
A Utah plastic surgeon and office staff are facing federal charges for injecting kids with saline, squirting 2,000 government-purchased vaccines down the drain and selling fake vaccination cards.
Did Australian states each pass law to extort health care workers to take boosters and bivalent as well as the initial two doses? Did they also mandate the gene jabs AND boosters as a requirement for continuing residency for seniors in long term care homes? AND extort visitors too? (No jabbies no entry to visit?) In Ontario Canada, health care workers were free to refuse flu shots and other shots, but extorted to take 2 gene jabs (no exemptions) under threat of termination, and some workplaces exerted authority (that was not questioned) that I believe the provincial government NEVER GAVE THEM, for requiring boosters - but then these same workers were NOT forced to take bivalent shots. Does this make any sense at all? And patients needing transplants and other surgeries were extorted to take 2 shots or else no surgery or transplant - but not forced to keep up with boosters. Strangely, the seniors in LTC facilities could refuse gene jabs and not be punished for it. My mother's LTC facility refused entry (until a few weeks ago when I exposed the lack of logic and law) to civilian visitors (like me) who did not have proof of 2 shots - even if the visitor's loved one was also unjabbed (like my mother). I read the Ontario gov. technical docs and Emergency Act and Public Health rules, and based on that I believe the LTC homes are illegally claiming authority to extort visitors to get jabs, that the government never gave them. Anyway it's now moot. I can now make appointments to visit my mother every day after getting a useless rapid test, a useless temp check on forehead, answering useless screening questions, signing the log and putting on a useless loose medical mask.
Indeed, it is a worldwide thing for the most part, in all but a handful or so of countries. Especially in Western countries, but other parts of the world somewhat as well.
There's nothing to be embarrassed about being Australian. In fact, you can be totally grateful you can call yourself Australian. It only becomes embarrassing when you give up hope. Aussies are fighters. Don't let the 'health' policies put in place by corrupted, foolish, and weak leaders rob your joy of being Australian. Keep doing what is right, which, a lot of the time means speaking out against the terrible policies that are killing people. Spread the word. Stay strong (healthy). Pray for mercy.
"Aussies are fighters" - LMAO. Is that why over 95% of the adults and lots of kids took experimental injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3%?
Fighters are the ones who said "NO" and stood their ground come hell or high water. Those I respect. The rest will find some excuse to go along.
3 types of people took the shots.
1) The True Believers. So trusting of the medical authorities they would do anything they were told. Told it would protect others they blindly believed it with ZERO verification. So scared of a 0.3% IFR disease that some would go to different jurisdiction to jump the queue.
2) The Convenience Junkies. Made a major medical decision for non-medical reasons. Travel, concerts, shows, restaurants etc.
3) The Job Cavers. When the screws were put to them over their jobs they caved in. If you aren't going to stand up for yourself when society is doing literal war crimes on you, then when will you say "NO". You never will.
I can understand the third group but you've got to stand your ground and if not now then when? If not over bodily autonomy they what? Did you really think it was "2 and done"?
Bottom line is if you took the shots for any reason I will never trust your judgment. You failed the test of your generation. You didn't have to go to a foreign land, kill and die. All you had to do was say "NO" to the authorities in your own country. You are now "Flounder" from "Animal House": "Face it. You F'd up. You trusted them".
Meanwhile karma was a bit more instant than I thought it would be in this case.
Thank you for your effort, clear and damning. Having lived in Australia, and teaching in aged care 2001 to 2003, I was aware of the iatrogenic damage and death then in this domain, and now with Covid1984 and the injection holocaust, your revealing figures, unfortunately, do not surprise but do enrage and further shock. As a Voluntaryist, the only silver lining in this darkening Global Predator storm is that more of you (I hope) are finally understanding the wisdom of fellow Free Friend, Robert Higgs: “The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you.” Stay safe and free.
This is compelling stuff. Needs to be shared far and wide. I was talking to a young relative at Christmas time who recently graduated as a doctor in Melbourne. He was adamant that the vaccines are still "safe and effective". Also that Ivermectin et al have "no proof of efficacy". The brainwashing continues.
I am a Registered Nurse. I received an email in December 2022 calling for nurses for the NT saying direct quote from the email, there is "an unprecedented demand on our service due to a significant number of unexpected end stage renal failure clients requiring ongoing haemodialysis treatments. This, along with the ongoing Covid pandemic and national nursing shortage is having a significant impact on our ability to meet the increasing demands of the increase".
I don't know about death rates in the indigenous population in the NT, but from this email it appears a significant number of them have developed kidney failure.
Thanks, Joel. Can only guess how much time you spend on this. Its the same everywhere. I recently picked up a seemingly random item on the car radio. They reported a 50% increase in waitlist numbers for carehomes. Thats quite a stunning number. That same number was visible on the NOS page later (the Dutch equivalent of BBC). No one who asked the obvious questions, like: What triggered this increase? And, even more worrying: Death rates in care homes are extensive (your article above), so vacancies should be abundant. And still an increase in waitlists of 50%? I was unable to find anything. Cant find the article anymore. Maybe something similar going on the UK?
Thank you for sharing what the dead don't articulate on their own. It takes talent and time. Greatly appreciated.
Just remember not to sacrifice too much of your 'family time'. Take this the right way: your children are more precious to you than your articles are too us. God bless. Keep up the good work.
Great work, thanks. Shared on Gettr. Missing a key ingredient = Lockdown which included banning relatives from visiting Aged Care Homes, even as the loved one was dying of Covid19 given to them by staff.
You could also look at Cruise Ships taking the disease to Aged Care via poorly paid staff who have to work 2 or 3 jobs to support their families.
HI Joel. This is really important topic for me.. My mother and several others died in a Melbourne nursing home in August 2022. Incredibly, the nursing home claims none of these were Covid deaths. I know my mother had Covid, just a few weeks earlier and her doctor ordered a chest X-ray because she had a "Covid cough."
I'm working hard to get her medical records and a more accurate rate of death in the home, but they are stone walking. The funeral director told me that deaths were up from a 1000 in 2021 and 2020 to 1250 in 2022 for his business and its the same everyehere. This is confirmed by the chart in the following link, showing monthly deaths in Victoria from late 2019 to December 2022. The trend line shows a 25% rise.
Hi Joel . Thank you. Can you assist me in deciphering the Our World in Data model for calculating Excess Mortality. Im assisting in a Court Case against the New Zealand government and submissions and replies have been made. It's now our turn to respond.
OWID uses two methods, I've been told, of calculating XS Deaths. One uses regression prediction techniques, the other uses the 2015 to 2019 average to establish a datum. The former supports the government's claims of an effective Covid response, while the latter lends support to an ineffective response.
Hey Joel, remember that Australia had very little cases initially because we are a large island and we basically closed our borders to the entire world, with very strict quarantine and isolation measures to any incomers allowed. In addition, states also closed their borders within Australia - no interstate travel was allowed.
The roll out began in March 2021 to health workers and then priority was given to aged care residents before a mass general population roll out began around July - August 2021. I am in NSW and we began having an outbreak in August 2021 and a strong lockdown was enforced at that point. NSW began a scaling back of lockdowns around October 2021 for the vaccinated as vaccination targets were reached. As soon as the lockdowns were being eased and the fully vaccinated were allowed to go to gyms, clubs etc, outbreaks in gyms and clubs began to occur. The unvaccinated were not allowed out of lockdown until a week before Christmas 2021. So basically once the harsh lockdowns were fully lifted and overseas travelers were allowed back into the country, the cases exploded. Complete evidence that the vaccines did doodly swat to protect against infection or transmission.
Wow, these jabs are looking worse and worse by the day!
And yet even today on Twitter, people are still trying to blame the adverse effects on the virus itself. Granted, perhaps some of it is the result of an interaction between the two. But either way, that is NOT a ringing endorsement for the jabs. Any way you look at it, the jabs have utterly failed and did far more harm than good.
I recall the vaccination program commencing in late March/early April (South Australia). Staff were able to get vaccinated, in limited numbers, at this point.
The deaths started then. Obviously not in numbers large enough to impact charts..
I remember two clients I worked with.. both incredibly frail, under 40kg.. but these ladies had continued living for a remarkable amount of time. After their second shot and on the same day, they were no longer able to sit up or talk. Extremely drowsy. The next day at latest they were both made palliative. They both died a week after second shot. Everyone knew what had happened but I'd bet those responsible for documenting reactions etc ruled it a coincidence. There were another two injuries. One man had heart issues after both shots. On second occasion the ambulance was called. The ambulance drivers argued with the RNs that it couldn't be a vaccine reaction because such was not documented as being related to vaccines.
Another man could not walk after first shot, recovered just before his second and was then permanently bed bound. His balance had gone and he would continuously fall backwards.
Thank you. This could explain my mother's situation. I'll dig deeper.
So we can conclude and no longer debate this is a global orchestrated agenda of genocide to cull the elderly and infirm. (now everyone is in the firiing line).
@ 4min30 - ''when my father APPARENTLY had covid, he was never tested.''
Once docs sufficiently brainwashed with COVID narrative they withdrew life saving abx.
'Amoxicillin and doxycycline are both first-line agents in all health board guidelines for community respiratory infections with the choice in individual patients based on any previous therapy and contraindications. We also suggest that it is possible that as clinicians became increasingly accustomed to COVID-19 presentation they became more confident in not prescribing antibiotics. ''
Drs we’re stopping prescribing antibiotics a few years back.. something that was noticeable in several visits I had with sinus issues.. and something Ark Medic pointed out that there was a world wide pullback in prescription for antibiotics just as covid hit.. numerous papers confirms this.. Denis Rancourt documents it too.
There was a uniform protocol I think released by Health Departments around the world recommending antibiotics not be prescribed, I think your right that Arkmedic brought it up in a post.
'The number of prescriptions for respiratory antibiotics reduced through April and May 2020, with 34% fewer prescriptions issued by end of Week 22 (31 May) than in the corresponding week in 2019. ''
Your link also mentions the protocol, it’s still in effect, I think.
Interesting. I forgot where i read it, quite recently, but indeed there was a group whose goal it was to cut down on antibiotics prescription as there was risk of the pathogens becoming immune to it. Probably heavily subsidized by pharma! I bought in india, over the counter no prescription, and am hoarding it!
but it intensified during the LOCKDOWNS.
It sure is looking like a delayed onset, slow kill bioweapon with dozens of different diseases killing the victims so plausible deniability is in full bloom.
The virus followed predictable (Hope-Simpson) patterns right up until the vaccinations kicked into overdrive. Now it looks like people can't get over it because of the shots. :(
'The virus' or the lockdown policies ? I suspect the latter. 'The virus' is the cover story. The 'vaccines' continued the 'good work' of lockdown.
Lockdown policies killed lots of people, and covid protocols killed a lot of people, but covid was very obviously seasonal until this summer:
No PCR test = NO COVID.
I agree there was something strange going on, my bet would be on iatrogenic causes when there were no cases but the case/death explosion matches the lifting of lockdowns. Taking Australia as a whole population group is not a good indicator. 2020 winter is mostly all in one state. 2021 is mostly just two states as far as I’m aware. If Joel has a breakdown by state it would be helpful. 2022 is probably OK to take Australia as a whole again as policy was pretty much uniform across all states with no lock down and open borders. As you can see the vax was an incredible success 😀
We didn’t even vaccinate into a pandemic in most states. Freshly vaccinated meet Omicron with no natural immunity, as you can see in Joel’s charts (Figure 5), it worked a treat. 👍
it's not a vaccine. There was no pandemic to vaccinate against !!
Whatever you want to call it. I’m just using its trade name vaccine(TM).
Did Australia even have an pandemic/epidemic in 2021?
“No matter what you think about the false positive rate, having to test over 1,000 and sometimes testing over 10,000 people to get one positive test sounds pretty much like there wasn’t very much, if anything to detect.”
noithing to detect and using PCR is lol
Just ramp up the CT and test like crazy. The number of cases for a long periods was just proportional to testing. Straight line with some ridiculous correlation co-efficient of about 0.99 from memory, I’d have to check, it’s been a long time since I last looked at it.
A Utah plastic surgeon and office staff are facing federal charges for injecting kids with saline, squirting 2,000 government-purchased vaccines down the drain and selling fake vaccination cards.
He is a Good Man.
A Real Doctor.
Ditto to his Staff.
They should all be acquitted.
In contrast to the jabs, they saved many lives.
It takes stupid people to make stupid rules,
And fools to mind them.
Doctor and his Staff did the right thing.
They are not fools. :)
Did Australian states each pass law to extort health care workers to take boosters and bivalent as well as the initial two doses? Did they also mandate the gene jabs AND boosters as a requirement for continuing residency for seniors in long term care homes? AND extort visitors too? (No jabbies no entry to visit?) In Ontario Canada, health care workers were free to refuse flu shots and other shots, but extorted to take 2 gene jabs (no exemptions) under threat of termination, and some workplaces exerted authority (that was not questioned) that I believe the provincial government NEVER GAVE THEM, for requiring boosters - but then these same workers were NOT forced to take bivalent shots. Does this make any sense at all? And patients needing transplants and other surgeries were extorted to take 2 shots or else no surgery or transplant - but not forced to keep up with boosters. Strangely, the seniors in LTC facilities could refuse gene jabs and not be punished for it. My mother's LTC facility refused entry (until a few weeks ago when I exposed the lack of logic and law) to civilian visitors (like me) who did not have proof of 2 shots - even if the visitor's loved one was also unjabbed (like my mother). I read the Ontario gov. technical docs and Emergency Act and Public Health rules, and based on that I believe the LTC homes are illegally claiming authority to extort visitors to get jabs, that the government never gave them. Anyway it's now moot. I can now make appointments to visit my mother every day after getting a useless rapid test, a useless temp check on forehead, answering useless screening questions, signing the log and putting on a useless loose medical mask.
Unbelievable (not really) how closely the cases and deaths track administered doses. I'm so embarrassed to be Australian.
It's not an Australian thing. We share your shame.
As do 86% of Soviet Canuckistan.
Justin Castreau is among the worst of the WEF Young Leaders.
Indeed, it is a worldwide thing for the most part, in all but a handful or so of countries. Especially in Western countries, but other parts of the world somewhat as well.
There's nothing to be embarrassed about being Australian. In fact, you can be totally grateful you can call yourself Australian. It only becomes embarrassing when you give up hope. Aussies are fighters. Don't let the 'health' policies put in place by corrupted, foolish, and weak leaders rob your joy of being Australian. Keep doing what is right, which, a lot of the time means speaking out against the terrible policies that are killing people. Spread the word. Stay strong (healthy). Pray for mercy.
"Aussies are fighters" - LMAO. Is that why over 95% of the adults and lots of kids took experimental injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3%?
Fighters are the ones who said "NO" and stood their ground come hell or high water. Those I respect. The rest will find some excuse to go along.
3 types of people took the shots.
1) The True Believers. So trusting of the medical authorities they would do anything they were told. Told it would protect others they blindly believed it with ZERO verification. So scared of a 0.3% IFR disease that some would go to different jurisdiction to jump the queue.
2) The Convenience Junkies. Made a major medical decision for non-medical reasons. Travel, concerts, shows, restaurants etc.
3) The Job Cavers. When the screws were put to them over their jobs they caved in. If you aren't going to stand up for yourself when society is doing literal war crimes on you, then when will you say "NO". You never will.
I can understand the third group but you've got to stand your ground and if not now then when? If not over bodily autonomy they what? Did you really think it was "2 and done"?
Bottom line is if you took the shots for any reason I will never trust your judgment. You failed the test of your generation. You didn't have to go to a foreign land, kill and die. All you had to do was say "NO" to the authorities in your own country. You are now "Flounder" from "Animal House": "Face it. You F'd up. You trusted them".
Meanwhile karma was a bit more instant than I thought it would be in this case.
Thank you for your effort, clear and damning. Having lived in Australia, and teaching in aged care 2001 to 2003, I was aware of the iatrogenic damage and death then in this domain, and now with Covid1984 and the injection holocaust, your revealing figures, unfortunately, do not surprise but do enrage and further shock. As a Voluntaryist, the only silver lining in this darkening Global Predator storm is that more of you (I hope) are finally understanding the wisdom of fellow Free Friend, Robert Higgs: “The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you.” Stay safe and free.
This is compelling stuff. Needs to be shared far and wide. I was talking to a young relative at Christmas time who recently graduated as a doctor in Melbourne. He was adamant that the vaccines are still "safe and effective". Also that Ivermectin et al have "no proof of efficacy". The brainwashing continues.
Anyone know what happened to the Aborigines in the Northern Territory that were getting rounded up and jabbed and then it all disappeared from MSM?
I recall Amnesty got involved then went quiet.
Bit like after they published this:
I am a Registered Nurse. I received an email in December 2022 calling for nurses for the NT saying direct quote from the email, there is "an unprecedented demand on our service due to a significant number of unexpected end stage renal failure clients requiring ongoing haemodialysis treatments. This, along with the ongoing Covid pandemic and national nursing shortage is having a significant impact on our ability to meet the increasing demands of the increase".
I don't know about death rates in the indigenous population in the NT, but from this email it appears a significant number of them have developed kidney failure.
Go to jail.
Go directly to jail.
Do not pass go.
Do not collect $200.
It's all fun and games
Up until someone gets hurt.
You know Monopoly is an old game, when there is a luxury tax, and rich people actually go to jail.
I like you.
You get my jokes. ;)
Thanks, Joel. Can only guess how much time you spend on this. Its the same everywhere. I recently picked up a seemingly random item on the car radio. They reported a 50% increase in waitlist numbers for carehomes. Thats quite a stunning number. That same number was visible on the NOS page later (the Dutch equivalent of BBC). No one who asked the obvious questions, like: What triggered this increase? And, even more worrying: Death rates in care homes are extensive (your article above), so vacancies should be abundant. And still an increase in waitlists of 50%? I was unable to find anything. Cant find the article anymore. Maybe something similar going on the UK?
Thanks. Yes, I worked on this one for several hours, day and night despite having a house full of kids and animals!
Thank you for sharing what the dead don't articulate on their own. It takes talent and time. Greatly appreciated.
Just remember not to sacrifice too much of your 'family time'. Take this the right way: your children are more precious to you than your articles are too us. God bless. Keep up the good work.
Thank you
Great work, thanks. Shared on Gettr. Missing a key ingredient = Lockdown which included banning relatives from visiting Aged Care Homes, even as the loved one was dying of Covid19 given to them by staff.
You could also look at Cruise Ships taking the disease to Aged Care via poorly paid staff who have to work 2 or 3 jobs to support their families.
HI Joel. This is really important topic for me.. My mother and several others died in a Melbourne nursing home in August 2022. Incredibly, the nursing home claims none of these were Covid deaths. I know my mother had Covid, just a few weeks earlier and her doctor ordered a chest X-ray because she had a "Covid cough."
I'm working hard to get her medical records and a more accurate rate of death in the home, but they are stone walking. The funeral director told me that deaths were up from a 1000 in 2021 and 2020 to 1250 in 2022 for his business and its the same everyehere. This is confirmed by the chart in the following link, showing monthly deaths in Victoria from late 2019 to December 2022. The trend line shows a 25% rise.
This is for you, Terry.
Hi Joel . Thank you. Can you assist me in deciphering the Our World in Data model for calculating Excess Mortality. Im assisting in a Court Case against the New Zealand government and submissions and replies have been made. It's now our turn to respond.
OWID uses two methods, I've been told, of calculating XS Deaths. One uses regression prediction techniques, the other uses the 2015 to 2019 average to establish a datum. The former supports the government's claims of an effective Covid response, while the latter lends support to an ineffective response.
An we discuss this privately?
Terry Anderson (B Eng Chem )
Hey Joel, remember that Australia had very little cases initially because we are a large island and we basically closed our borders to the entire world, with very strict quarantine and isolation measures to any incomers allowed. In addition, states also closed their borders within Australia - no interstate travel was allowed.
The roll out began in March 2021 to health workers and then priority was given to aged care residents before a mass general population roll out began around July - August 2021. I am in NSW and we began having an outbreak in August 2021 and a strong lockdown was enforced at that point. NSW began a scaling back of lockdowns around October 2021 for the vaccinated as vaccination targets were reached. As soon as the lockdowns were being eased and the fully vaccinated were allowed to go to gyms, clubs etc, outbreaks in gyms and clubs began to occur. The unvaccinated were not allowed out of lockdown until a week before Christmas 2021. So basically once the harsh lockdowns were fully lifted and overseas travelers were allowed back into the country, the cases exploded. Complete evidence that the vaccines did doodly swat to protect against infection or transmission.
Wow, these jabs are looking worse and worse by the day!
And yet even today on Twitter, people are still trying to blame the adverse effects on the virus itself. Granted, perhaps some of it is the result of an interaction between the two. But either way, that is NOT a ringing endorsement for the jabs. Any way you look at it, the jabs have utterly failed and did far more harm than good.