My thoughts are that people will brush it off with 'well, they were only doing it in our best interests'. The lack of interest among most people is astounding and any hint that there is malice behind the last 3 years is brushed off and dismissed as 'conspiracy' which seems to be a dead bolt against critical analysis. The lack of response is shocking and among my own family I still get that glazed response and slight shrug of the shoulders. I hope you're right about the tide turning. Igor Chudov had an excellent post about the 'leaks' this morning.
There is no doubt that the tide has actually turned. The flow is slow and will remain so. As Charles Mackay said - "people recover their senses, slowly and one by one".
I agree. The tide has turned when it comes to taking more boosters or masking kids or admitting the virus came from a Chinese lab BUT everyone just wants to ignore it and get back to their old life. Problem is that old life is long gone and it isn't ever coming back. The powers that be have already moved onto the next phase of control via climate change scare tactics to get everyone into one of their mega cities (currently being built). Sadly, the general public will willingly march straight to their demise once again as they excitedly move into these cities
Truth. I think the increasing deaths and sudden or odd illnesses are jarring folks awake. But it’s slow and too many other things in the world are happening much faster than the awakening. Good article though.
Yes! I literally don't recognize my friends and acquaintances. Even one who did not take the shot and said right at the start that this was a totalitarian takeover subsequently became really peculiar, unwilling to talk about it. Maybe they HAVE been drugged, how would we know?
Everyone I know who took the shot is different. Devoid of feelings and they have an undying loyalty to the government. They don't question anything. Just do what they are told no matter what that is. Makes you wonder.
So many people are saying that. People they know well and took part in the experiment have changed somehow. Seems they have lost the impulse to question things and are satisfied our media is not corrupt and the narrative they insist you believe is without reproach. Mostly they have been programmed to resist all the facts, refuse to even read them.
The govt has created so much fear, the people who just want to go along to get along, won't even discuss the subject partly for fear of retaliation from govt.
I believe they have been fully broken by the propaganda. Imagine being locked in your house for almost two years and watching fear propaganda 24-7. This has been shown to psychically alter the psyche permanently.
I agree 100%. The fact that most people now know that the lockdowns, forced vaccines, murder of people in elder care homes and hospitals, torture of our children with masks happened and they just say, oh well, while spending all of their time counting down the days to their next beach vacation demonstrates clearly how the holocaust came to pass.
It isn't just "COVID". I spent a couple of decades trying to interest people in churches about the suffering (raids on homes, homes burnt down, kidnap, torture, rape, execution) of their brothers and sisters in Christ in other countries. Most couldn't be less interested and find it very boring. <20% want to hear about it the first time, <5% a second time.
And it wasn't an appeal for money I was making, either, it was just to CARE, to speak out, to pray, to write a letter (either to an ambassador or to a family to let them know that they weren't invisible, that they were cared for).
The sad fact is that many people are very self-involved and don't care about other people one iota (not even their own family members). What they really wanted to hear about ENTERTAINMENT FOR THEMSELVES.
I have a couple of friends who say they don’t watch t.v. Or listen to any of this either because it is all “propaganda” or in the case of one friend “I just want to meditate and pursue my spiritual life. My only concern is that and my family.” I get the part that watching cable news is nonproductive, but not knowing anything or “meditating” all day is just a cop out. To them I say: “You have an obligation to find the truth. Because it is everyone of you that caused the people in nursing homes to die while you lived in your precious little bubble, and everyone of you are complacent with the torture of Uyghurs and people having their organs removed and sold in China.”
About 15 years ago a friend of mine came out with a comment (she was a *bit* blunt) that rocked me: "A lot of people aren't going to like you because you tell the truth."
I was so shocked. I thought that people WANTED and LOVED the truth (and I don't mean "your bum looks big in that" sort of unnecessary, unkind truth ;-) ) But no, most people actually PREFER a pretty lie to an "ugly" truth.
People who love the truth really, really love it. They would rather FACE the truth and move to make things better.
So anyway, I can imagine that there are plenty of people who really don't like you highlighting the truth (they like their creature comforts and you make them uncomfortable).
As for me, I LOVE that you love the truth. It's a balm to the soul, and connects over the longest of distances.
Yes, may well be the case. It's noticeable that Oakenshott uses a completely fake persona. She also flatly denies Midazolam but her calling it a conspiracy theory is a big giveaway. A real journalist would say they could not find anything in the messages to support foul play rather than directly try to control the narrative. Still, a victory for us, it's a concession our way.
Stephen, I remember Midazolam when Hancock said they were buying two years' worth to offer people a 'good death'.
And they used them too: 121,000 doses!
We may never fully know what went on behind locked wards. They vented the old and frail with ventilators which blew their lungs out and dosed them with costly Remdesivir before finally finishing them off by suppressing their respiratory systems with Midazolam - for which the NHS received extra payment.
It's shocking what the general population are asleep too. Thanks for the info btw, that's useful. I have actually written a script, comedy, albeit very dark, of what may have gone on behind those closed doors. I'm not a film maker but there's a chance I'll actually make this. I've written Whitty as a secret cannibal btw
Hi Stephen, Some more information for you? Whitty (what a misnoma...) works at The London School of Tropical Medicine which has received £ Millions from The B&M Gates Foundation. Funny that? His older brother was on the board of GSK until just before covid.
Personally, I think he looks more like a vampire in need of a transfusion who has already had a personality bypass. He hasn't even got enough humanity to be a mortician.
If you want laughs don't forget banker (spelt with a W) Hand-on-Cock who is pure gold for comedy as he just 'follows the science'.
The medicos who SHOULD have done due diligence did not. This is actionable, anyone 'qualified' to give a jab is brandishing a lethal weapon and should be treated as such.
It's so frustrating and surprising there isn't total outrage.
I do think there will very soon be a major turning point where the remaining population will have to accept this has been the greatest crime against humanity of all time.
The evidence will be overwhelming and the result will be a feeling of complete betrayal from our govts obvious engagement in disabling and killing us off.
Those kinds of excuses probably have as much to do w/ not wanting to admit that they were duped or complicit in berating or ratting out anyone who defied the narrative.
How about we find out: who gave the orders to deny early treatment to the infected; who told the NHS to force the knowingly infected (symptomatic) back into care homes ; who gave the health service the authority to withhold treatments and deny access for vast swathes of the population.
We might then ask: why the official organisation for statistics was allowed to blatantly falsify basic data to be used for propaganda purposes; why was a test allowed to be so obviously misused in order to create fake cases at will (all subsequent "waves" were predicated on this fake data - no other surveillance data supported the existence of these waves); and why the so-called health regulator was allowed to fail in its basic duty to protect the public.
Professor Norman Fenton has now been sidelined, because he revealed fraud in the statistics, particularly those who were vaccinated with 14 days of death, were counted as un-vaccinated. That is criminal fraud and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Carl Heneghan says we need a sea-change in the legislation to prevent another Corona virus Act. But we already have the British Constitution - written, signed in 1215 as Magna Carta and still in force, although you wouldn’t know it - and we have the Common Law which together make the Corona Act unconstitutional and contrary to Common Law.
Besides that, no Parliament is bound by legislation passed in a previous Parliament.
No amount of legislations or laws or constitutional safeguards are any use if the Government just ignores them, and gets away with it and knows it can get away with it because apparently that separation of powers thing, the third branch of Government the judiciary is not independent and just part of Government, and the police which is supposed to investigate criminal activity doesn’t do so if it’s Government ministers committing serious crime as they are far too interested in policing Twitter and working as a State Police force to impose Government tyranny on any who object.
We saw this when citizens brought cases before the judiciary to challenge the Government and were told to get lost by the Courts, and when police knelt to demonstrators smashing up the streets over BLM, but then waded into demonstrations against Covid restrictions, beating up protesters and arresting them.
We do need a sea-change, but not legislation but a citizens’ revolt with our oppressors sent to the gallows.
I agree. Unfortunately with the complicity of the public the UK has deteriorated so deeply into an authoritarian state that change cannot be achieved within the current corrupt system. Until there is a major revolt, nothing will change. But how do you move the Netflix/Facebook/tiktok watching public off their sofas?
Look up Will Keyte on the British Constitution. Great information on:
I agree with some of what you say but I disagree with your solution. I think things might come to a revolution but that would be a tragedy with a very uncertain outcome. We can do better. I offer a non-violent alternative in my substack series.
Perhaps people may see this as arrogant, but I think the compilation of evidence of midazolam murders in care homes is so in-depth, "watertight", as one commentator said, and important enough even Dr Syed has commented the drugs would not treat COVID-19, that the government are seeking to sacrifice Matt to appease and distract the public.
The evidence is so serious and so damning. I know I seem like a small time Substacker, but I think people will agree I've been thorough on the matter:
Matt has demanded immunity for the care home deaths (in a mainstream media outlet, no less), and has pointed the finger back at the *entire* UK government:
If Matt can produce the damning evidence that shows the order came from somewhere else (which in all seriousness I think it did - internationally), he could maybe escape with life in jail with no parole. But he'd need to start turfing out as much damning evidence as possible to save his own hide. Otherwise the UK government will steamroll him in a desperate effort to hide the fact they mass murdered the elderly - because it implicates other nations' governments.
The Criminal Genocidal Intent will be hidden in the sea of limited hangouts. Apparent ignorance and stupidity will be the fog obscuring the obvious. What people think has been managed, is being managed and will be managed. There can be only one significant measure of our success - are the people responsible for this monstrous crime behind bars. All else is their victory.
I will believe this when I see evidence. I don't see any. Even if this were true, all Bill would do is to avoid Philippines. Also, if this were true, there would be an extradition demand from Philippines to the US.
I've long ago stop paying attention to anything published in Newspunch.
That seems to be fake. Not seeing anything anywhere about this. If any warrants should be issued in the Philippines, it should be their president and all the powers that pushed the vaxx on the Filipino people!
"The Heinous Crimes Court in Manila issued the order for the arrest of Gates under article 248 of the revised penal code (RPC), which carries a minimum prison term of 20 years and one day."
I'd like to thank you for staying on the "covid" topic Joel. Many who I have respected for the last 3 years are moving on like "covid" is over. It is *not* over... in fact, I would wager they are planning something even worse and will use everything they learned to double down the next time. The people out there saying, "I'm tired of hearing about/reading about covid" do so at their own risk. We *must* keep the crimes done to society over the last 3 plus years on top at all times and not let the distractions of nukes, balloons, train derailments and other things distract us. I refuse to let these last 3 years go because they are the platform for all of the other tyranny they have planned for us. If we let it go, they *will* do much much worse. Sticking our head in the sand will only bolster their resolve to implement horrors that make the last 3 years look good by comparison. Thanks again Joel.
The fact this is revealed in the guardian, and leaked by Hatt Mancock's own biographer, clearly suggests that it's a limited hangout.
Unfortunately this will probably largely have the intended effect. If possible we should encourage normies to wonder why it took 3 years for the guardian to publish what alternative media reported in real time. And therefore to wonder what things they aren't reporting today.
No-one needs me to tell them this, but I worked as a national newspaper journalist for many years and there are dozens of stories which have been completely ignored which would have been splashes on any newspaper in the world in normal times.
The example I always give is of ivermectin.
There were many potentially huge stories here - I'll pick just one.
In March 2021, Professor Satoshi Ōmura – no fringe lunatic, he is the 2015 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine – published a paper in the Japanese Journal of Antibiotics (a serious journal) which meta-analysed the results of dozens of trials of ivermectin from around the world and concluded 'that 83% [of patients treated with ivermectin] showed improvements with early treatment, 51% improved during late-stage treatment, and there was an 89% prevention of onset rate noted. This confirms the usefulness of ivermectin. Since it is a meta-analysis based on 42 test results, it is estimated that the probability of this comprehensive judgment being a mistake is as low as 1 in 4 trillion.'
It doesn't matter whether ivermectin works or not (I believe it does, it certainly seemed to help my wife and I, both unjabbed, when we caught Covid and shook it off after a couple of days).
The point is: is this a story?
Newspapers love nothing more than a boffin, an amazing statistic, and a miracle cure, and this had all three in the middle of the biggest story to hit the world since World War Two.
You have a high quality source document, and if others later cast doubt on it all then you have a follow-up story.
I can even give you the headlines:
That this was essentially not covered - along with twenty other extremely dramatic stories - tells you all you need to know.
Instead, solely because Donald Trump championed the use of Ivermectin, the media universally chorused "Trump recommends horse wormer" (ha ha ha stupid old orange man Trump) Ivermectin was licenced for use in humans 30 years ago and has been used almost completely without incident since. Compare that the the VAERS reports on the 2 years of covid vaccines AND look at the results in places like India (second most populace place on earth, over crowded, poverty, poor access to healthcare and few vaccines) only 1% of those infected died. Just about the same as every other country. Then when Trump also championed Hydroxychlorinquine the media chorused "Trump says drink Bleach". I am not saying that you have to like the guy but you do have to recognise that the corrupt politicians and media harnessed that public's dislike of the man as a way of misdirecting the public (globally) on just about everything. Since he was right about the Virus coming from a lab, and right about the CCP interfering in elections (Just look at the news from Canada this week) and right about the Hunter Biden Laptop (follow this weeks congressional hearings) and right about Twitter censoring 50 % of ordinary people and right about FBI, CIA collusion with all media both mainstream and social then everyone should actually thank him for bringing the term FAKE NEWS to the vernacular
I've noticed that friends who got vaxxed for one reason or another are now beginning to get nervous and a little apologetic or embarrassed. I think that as a culture we're reliving post-war Germany where the awful truth about what was done emerged slowly at first. No one likes to hear they've been taken for a fool and denial, indignation and anger are the preliminary responses. Eventually everyone, including the lockdown and mask pushers and the inoculated, will claim to have wanted nothing to do with it.
These revelations can go one (or maybe both) of two ways: it’s Midazolam Matt under the bus as a limited hangout, or it’s “see, you can’t trust politicians with public health, best surrender all sovereignty to the WHO”.
You are being sarcastic about handing anything to the WHO right. They have clearly demonstrated what their objective is, China controlled and told us to do the most damaging, dangerous things which only increased the various horrible things happening.
That's the early treatment cure. The villains behind this know full well and that's why they went extremes of taking away Dr's licenses for saving people with it, calling horse paste when they very well know, many millions more people have used this miracle drug over decades. Utterly desperate actions.
They also had to keep people from getting hydroxy and ivermectin because they worked and they knew it. In order for the EUA to remain in place for the vaccine there could be no evidence of any treatment being effective for Covid. It was done to keep the vaccines on the market.
The UK recently put out some very damning data and stats but it is incredible how much data is being withheld by govt"s. Data they posted weekly until last spring.
It's so bad they have moved towards being a censorship machine.
My thoughts are that people will brush it off with 'well, they were only doing it in our best interests'. The lack of interest among most people is astounding and any hint that there is malice behind the last 3 years is brushed off and dismissed as 'conspiracy' which seems to be a dead bolt against critical analysis. The lack of response is shocking and among my own family I still get that glazed response and slight shrug of the shoulders. I hope you're right about the tide turning. Igor Chudov had an excellent post about the 'leaks' this morning.
There is no doubt that the tide has actually turned. The flow is slow and will remain so. As Charles Mackay said - "people recover their senses, slowly and one by one".
The tide hasn't turned whatsoever. It's just the majority of the population has moved on, to a different beach.
Booster uptake tells the tale. No one wants it, but no one wants to talk about it either.
I agree. The tide has turned when it comes to taking more boosters or masking kids or admitting the virus came from a Chinese lab BUT everyone just wants to ignore it and get back to their old life. Problem is that old life is long gone and it isn't ever coming back. The powers that be have already moved onto the next phase of control via climate change scare tactics to get everyone into one of their mega cities (currently being built). Sadly, the general public will willingly march straight to their demise once again as they excitedly move into these cities
Truth. I think the increasing deaths and sudden or odd illnesses are jarring folks awake. But it’s slow and too many other things in the world are happening much faster than the awakening. Good article though.
Extra Ordinary Popular Delusions !
Thank you for the reminder on this quote. So true.
That is heartening to know.
People behave almost as if they are... drugged1
Yes! I literally don't recognize my friends and acquaintances. Even one who did not take the shot and said right at the start that this was a totalitarian takeover subsequently became really peculiar, unwilling to talk about it. Maybe they HAVE been drugged, how would we know?
Everyone I know who took the shot is different. Devoid of feelings and they have an undying loyalty to the government. They don't question anything. Just do what they are told no matter what that is. Makes you wonder.
Isn't that incredible?
So many people are saying that. People they know well and took part in the experiment have changed somehow. Seems they have lost the impulse to question things and are satisfied our media is not corrupt and the narrative they insist you believe is without reproach. Mostly they have been programmed to resist all the facts, refuse to even read them.
The govt has created so much fear, the people who just want to go along to get along, won't even discuss the subject partly for fear of retaliation from govt.
Big change soon I think.
I believe they have been fully broken by the propaganda. Imagine being locked in your house for almost two years and watching fear propaganda 24-7. This has been shown to psychically alter the psyche permanently.
In denial? It's powerful.
I agree 100%. The fact that most people now know that the lockdowns, forced vaccines, murder of people in elder care homes and hospitals, torture of our children with masks happened and they just say, oh well, while spending all of their time counting down the days to their next beach vacation demonstrates clearly how the holocaust came to pass.
It isn't just "COVID". I spent a couple of decades trying to interest people in churches about the suffering (raids on homes, homes burnt down, kidnap, torture, rape, execution) of their brothers and sisters in Christ in other countries. Most couldn't be less interested and find it very boring. <20% want to hear about it the first time, <5% a second time.
And it wasn't an appeal for money I was making, either, it was just to CARE, to speak out, to pray, to write a letter (either to an ambassador or to a family to let them know that they weren't invisible, that they were cared for).
The sad fact is that many people are very self-involved and don't care about other people one iota (not even their own family members). What they really wanted to hear about ENTERTAINMENT FOR THEMSELVES.
I have a couple of friends who say they don’t watch t.v. Or listen to any of this either because it is all “propaganda” or in the case of one friend “I just want to meditate and pursue my spiritual life. My only concern is that and my family.” I get the part that watching cable news is nonproductive, but not knowing anything or “meditating” all day is just a cop out. To them I say: “You have an obligation to find the truth. Because it is everyone of you that caused the people in nursing homes to die while you lived in your precious little bubble, and everyone of you are complacent with the torture of Uyghurs and people having their organs removed and sold in China.”
About 15 years ago a friend of mine came out with a comment (she was a *bit* blunt) that rocked me: "A lot of people aren't going to like you because you tell the truth."
I was so shocked. I thought that people WANTED and LOVED the truth (and I don't mean "your bum looks big in that" sort of unnecessary, unkind truth ;-) ) But no, most people actually PREFER a pretty lie to an "ugly" truth.
People who love the truth really, really love it. They would rather FACE the truth and move to make things better.
So anyway, I can imagine that there are plenty of people who really don't like you highlighting the truth (they like their creature comforts and you make them uncomfortable).
As for me, I LOVE that you love the truth. It's a balm to the soul, and connects over the longest of distances.
Ain't that the truth!
The fact these leaks are coming out is seen by the populace that the system is working. It's a horribly frustrating problem when you think about it.
Exactly what a Limited Hangout is supposed to do!
Yes, may well be the case. It's noticeable that Oakenshott uses a completely fake persona. She also flatly denies Midazolam but her calling it a conspiracy theory is a big giveaway. A real journalist would say they could not find anything in the messages to support foul play rather than directly try to control the narrative. Still, a victory for us, it's a concession our way.
Stephen, I remember Midazolam when Hancock said they were buying two years' worth to offer people a 'good death'.
And they used them too: 121,000 doses!
We may never fully know what went on behind locked wards. They vented the old and frail with ventilators which blew their lungs out and dosed them with costly Remdesivir before finally finishing them off by suppressing their respiratory systems with Midazolam - for which the NHS received extra payment.
Government Mandated Mass Murder!!!
It's shocking what the general population are asleep too. Thanks for the info btw, that's useful. I have actually written a script, comedy, albeit very dark, of what may have gone on behind those closed doors. I'm not a film maker but there's a chance I'll actually make this. I've written Whitty as a secret cannibal btw
Hi Stephen, Some more information for you? Whitty (what a misnoma...) works at The London School of Tropical Medicine which has received £ Millions from The B&M Gates Foundation. Funny that? His older brother was on the board of GSK until just before covid.
Personally, I think he looks more like a vampire in need of a transfusion who has already had a personality bypass. He hasn't even got enough humanity to be a mortician.
If you want laughs don't forget banker (spelt with a W) Hand-on-Cock who is pure gold for comedy as he just 'follows the science'.
The medicos who SHOULD have done due diligence did not. This is actionable, anyone 'qualified' to give a jab is brandishing a lethal weapon and should be treated as such.
Could not agree more, sadly.
It's so frustrating and surprising there isn't total outrage.
I do think there will very soon be a major turning point where the remaining population will have to accept this has been the greatest crime against humanity of all time.
The evidence will be overwhelming and the result will be a feeling of complete betrayal from our govts obvious engagement in disabling and killing us off.
We're still brain washed that they were/ are doing a noble thing.
Think about the conservative politicians who hail Bojo for the most successive vaccine programme in all of Europe, as his strongest achievement! No
media body challenges that rubbish rhetoric which is often repeated. Vaxx are destroying huge numbers of people. We don't know the scale yet.
Those kinds of excuses probably have as much to do w/ not wanting to admit that they were duped or complicit in berating or ratting out anyone who defied the narrative.
The one that pisses me off the most is : “It was a rapid response!”
Decades in the making!
This is all a side show.
How about we find out: who gave the orders to deny early treatment to the infected; who told the NHS to force the knowingly infected (symptomatic) back into care homes ; who gave the health service the authority to withhold treatments and deny access for vast swathes of the population.
We might then ask: why the official organisation for statistics was allowed to blatantly falsify basic data to be used for propaganda purposes; why was a test allowed to be so obviously misused in order to create fake cases at will (all subsequent "waves" were predicated on this fake data - no other surveillance data supported the existence of these waves); and why the so-called health regulator was allowed to fail in its basic duty to protect the public.
All of this would be a good start.
Notice how Public Health England is now Health Security Agency?
"Public Health England was replaced by UK Health Security Agency and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities."
Thank you Rebecca!
That's telling.
Oooh! yes, indeed. I don't like it.
Professor Norman Fenton has now been sidelined, because he revealed fraud in the statistics, particularly those who were vaccinated with 14 days of death, were counted as un-vaccinated. That is criminal fraud and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
See Event 201.
Was that the Gates' dress rehearsal for the masks, lockdowns and mRNA injections ?
Carl Heneghan says we need a sea-change in the legislation to prevent another Corona virus Act. But we already have the British Constitution - written, signed in 1215 as Magna Carta and still in force, although you wouldn’t know it - and we have the Common Law which together make the Corona Act unconstitutional and contrary to Common Law.
Besides that, no Parliament is bound by legislation passed in a previous Parliament.
No amount of legislations or laws or constitutional safeguards are any use if the Government just ignores them, and gets away with it and knows it can get away with it because apparently that separation of powers thing, the third branch of Government the judiciary is not independent and just part of Government, and the police which is supposed to investigate criminal activity doesn’t do so if it’s Government ministers committing serious crime as they are far too interested in policing Twitter and working as a State Police force to impose Government tyranny on any who object.
We saw this when citizens brought cases before the judiciary to challenge the Government and were told to get lost by the Courts, and when police knelt to demonstrators smashing up the streets over BLM, but then waded into demonstrations against Covid restrictions, beating up protesters and arresting them.
We do need a sea-change, but not legislation but a citizens’ revolt with our oppressors sent to the gallows.
All true.
I agree. Unfortunately with the complicity of the public the UK has deteriorated so deeply into an authoritarian state that change cannot be achieved within the current corrupt system. Until there is a major revolt, nothing will change. But how do you move the Netflix/Facebook/tiktok watching public off their sofas?
Look up Will Keyte on the British Constitution. Great information on:
We need a total overhaul of the human condition and the state of our hearts (and I don't mean statins!)
I agree with some of what you say but I disagree with your solution. I think things might come to a revolution but that would be a tragedy with a very uncertain outcome. We can do better. I offer a non-violent alternative in my substack series.
Hi Jim,
Non-violent actions and strategies:
Psyop to cover up the truth and further the agenda.
Cue normies clamouring for the WHO handling pandemics directly from now on 3... 2... 1...
Perhaps people may see this as arrogant, but I think the compilation of evidence of midazolam murders in care homes is so in-depth, "watertight", as one commentator said, and important enough even Dr Syed has commented the drugs would not treat COVID-19, that the government are seeking to sacrifice Matt to appease and distract the public.
The evidence is so serious and so damning. I know I seem like a small time Substacker, but I think people will agree I've been thorough on the matter:
Matt has demanded immunity for the care home deaths (in a mainstream media outlet, no less), and has pointed the finger back at the *entire* UK government:
If Matt can produce the damning evidence that shows the order came from somewhere else (which in all seriousness I think it did - internationally), he could maybe escape with life in jail with no parole. But he'd need to start turfing out as much damning evidence as possible to save his own hide. Otherwise the UK government will steamroll him in a desperate effort to hide the fact they mass murdered the elderly - because it implicates other nations' governments.
I equate the process to the "Stages of Grief." It takes time. Sad to say but . . . the sands are quietly flowing in the background.
similar to the effects of domestic violence
Here is an excellent article from TCW also exposing how the 350-page Coronavirus Bill which enabled all the lockdown tyrannies by ministerial diktat, including hobbling the courts, was drafted all ready to be rushed into law in March 2020:
The Criminal Genocidal Intent will be hidden in the sea of limited hangouts. Apparent ignorance and stupidity will be the fog obscuring the obvious. What people think has been managed, is being managed and will be managed. There can be only one significant measure of our success - are the people responsible for this monstrous crime behind bars. All else is their victory.
gathering steam...
Bill Gates Arrest Warrant Issued in Philippines For ‘Premeditated Murder’ Linked To Vaccine Roll Out
I will believe this when I see evidence. I don't see any. Even if this were true, all Bill would do is to avoid Philippines. Also, if this were true, there would be an extradition demand from Philippines to the US.
I've long ago stop paying attention to anything published in Newspunch.
As much as I want this to be true it's fake news.
That seems to be fake. Not seeing anything anywhere about this. If any warrants should be issued in the Philippines, it should be their president and all the powers that pushed the vaxx on the Filipino people!
"The Heinous Crimes Court in Manila issued the order for the arrest of Gates under article 248 of the revised penal code (RPC), which carries a minimum prison term of 20 years and one day."
should be verifiable
ok maybe fake...I'll be careful about Newspunch from now on.
*That said*, it won't be long...
Carl talking pish and not calling this scam out ! It's swine flu 2.0 on steroids ! Although tells you everything vs care homes.
This virus Carl ?
Vax manufactured from a computer sequence nothing more
Thanks for the share Joel !
I'd like to thank you for staying on the "covid" topic Joel. Many who I have respected for the last 3 years are moving on like "covid" is over. It is *not* over... in fact, I would wager they are planning something even worse and will use everything they learned to double down the next time. The people out there saying, "I'm tired of hearing about/reading about covid" do so at their own risk. We *must* keep the crimes done to society over the last 3 plus years on top at all times and not let the distractions of nukes, balloons, train derailments and other things distract us. I refuse to let these last 3 years go because they are the platform for all of the other tyranny they have planned for us. If we let it go, they *will* do much much worse. Sticking our head in the sand will only bolster their resolve to implement horrors that make the last 3 years look good by comparison. Thanks again Joel.
The fact this is revealed in the guardian, and leaked by Hatt Mancock's own biographer, clearly suggests that it's a limited hangout.
Unfortunately this will probably largely have the intended effect. If possible we should encourage normies to wonder why it took 3 years for the guardian to publish what alternative media reported in real time. And therefore to wonder what things they aren't reporting today.
No-one needs me to tell them this, but I worked as a national newspaper journalist for many years and there are dozens of stories which have been completely ignored which would have been splashes on any newspaper in the world in normal times.
The example I always give is of ivermectin.
There were many potentially huge stories here - I'll pick just one.
In March 2021, Professor Satoshi Ōmura – no fringe lunatic, he is the 2015 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine – published a paper in the Japanese Journal of Antibiotics (a serious journal) which meta-analysed the results of dozens of trials of ivermectin from around the world and concluded 'that 83% [of patients treated with ivermectin] showed improvements with early treatment, 51% improved during late-stage treatment, and there was an 89% prevention of onset rate noted. This confirms the usefulness of ivermectin. Since it is a meta-analysis based on 42 test results, it is estimated that the probability of this comprehensive judgment being a mistake is as low as 1 in 4 trillion.'
It doesn't matter whether ivermectin works or not (I believe it does, it certainly seemed to help my wife and I, both unjabbed, when we caught Covid and shook it off after a couple of days).
The point is: is this a story?
Newspapers love nothing more than a boffin, an amazing statistic, and a miracle cure, and this had all three in the middle of the biggest story to hit the world since World War Two.
You have a high quality source document, and if others later cast doubt on it all then you have a follow-up story.
I can even give you the headlines:
That this was essentially not covered - along with twenty other extremely dramatic stories - tells you all you need to know.
Instead, solely because Donald Trump championed the use of Ivermectin, the media universally chorused "Trump recommends horse wormer" (ha ha ha stupid old orange man Trump) Ivermectin was licenced for use in humans 30 years ago and has been used almost completely without incident since. Compare that the the VAERS reports on the 2 years of covid vaccines AND look at the results in places like India (second most populace place on earth, over crowded, poverty, poor access to healthcare and few vaccines) only 1% of those infected died. Just about the same as every other country. Then when Trump also championed Hydroxychlorinquine the media chorused "Trump says drink Bleach". I am not saying that you have to like the guy but you do have to recognise that the corrupt politicians and media harnessed that public's dislike of the man as a way of misdirecting the public (globally) on just about everything. Since he was right about the Virus coming from a lab, and right about the CCP interfering in elections (Just look at the news from Canada this week) and right about the Hunter Biden Laptop (follow this weeks congressional hearings) and right about Twitter censoring 50 % of ordinary people and right about FBI, CIA collusion with all media both mainstream and social then everyone should actually thank him for bringing the term FAKE NEWS to the vernacular
I've noticed that friends who got vaxxed for one reason or another are now beginning to get nervous and a little apologetic or embarrassed. I think that as a culture we're reliving post-war Germany where the awful truth about what was done emerged slowly at first. No one likes to hear they've been taken for a fool and denial, indignation and anger are the preliminary responses. Eventually everyone, including the lockdown and mask pushers and the inoculated, will claim to have wanted nothing to do with it.
These revelations can go one (or maybe both) of two ways: it’s Midazolam Matt under the bus as a limited hangout, or it’s “see, you can’t trust politicians with public health, best surrender all sovereignty to the WHO”.
You are being sarcastic about handing anything to the WHO right. They have clearly demonstrated what their objective is, China controlled and told us to do the most damaging, dangerous things which only increased the various horrible things happening.
The World Health Organization is 50% funded by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Ding, ding, ding. I'm going with both here.
Vaccinated MSM journalists killed journalism.
That's the early treatment cure. The villains behind this know full well and that's why they went extremes of taking away Dr's licenses for saving people with it, calling horse paste when they very well know, many millions more people have used this miracle drug over decades. Utterly desperate actions.
They also had to keep people from getting hydroxy and ivermectin because they worked and they knew it. In order for the EUA to remain in place for the vaccine there could be no evidence of any treatment being effective for Covid. It was done to keep the vaccines on the market.
They killed Kary Mullis, but HCQ and IVM caught them completely by surprise....
Not but, and
Excellent post Joel.
The UK recently put out some very damning data and stats but it is incredible how much data is being withheld by govt"s. Data they posted weekly until last spring.
It's so bad they have moved towards being a censorship machine.