Guest post from Doug Brodie. Economic collapse, hyperinflation, climate change scam, COVID scam, mass democide, pharmaceutical fraud, digital ID, CBDCs. It's all there and points in one direction.
Great guest post and the perfect headline that summarizes/explains EVERYTHING. Before I became obsessed with my effort to expose all the Covid lies, I did a lot of research into the Epstein "sex trafficking" story. My main take-away is that no real "investigation" ever transpired, at least one that would expose any of the "Johns" or clients of this DECADES-long operation. The reason these investigations were spiked is that if the true facts were revealed to the masses, everyone would understand how immoral and prurient our world's leaders really are. We'd also learn that the government agencies supposed to expose this actually work to conceal such truths.
The bottom-line for me is that a real investigation and real prosecutions would have probably drained a large part of the "swamp" that must be drained if there's going to be any hope for a decent future for our children.
So investigations that might drain the swamp CANNOT happen ... with the Epstein unexposed scandal or all the Covid uninvestigated scandals.
I take it you have noted Whitney Webb's book on Epstein. There is some crossover in the genome mapping / bio-tech / trans-humanist space between Epstein and some of his clients/friends/blackmailees I believe... Looking at Gates through GAVI, to Stoltenberg to NATO... UN, etc is chilling... Spartacus at ICENI has also some good work mapping relationships. The deeper you fall into this particular rabbit hole, the smaller the world becomes...
No, I didn't know Webb wrote a book on Epstein. Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to look for it and buy it. If it was ever fully told, the Epstein story would be one of the great scandals of our times. I also note this is also "off limits" to mainstream investigative journalists. I don't even think the National Enquirer published one story on this scandal and all the Johns. I mean, the National Enquirer was created to expose stories like this.
I'm actually not sure either. They definitely "took a pass" on the juicy and scandalous Epstein story. So did all the supermarket tabloid for the most part. I find this interesting. Even the supermaket tabloids seem to have been captured. Even their publishers seem to have gotten that memo about what stories shouldn't be written or what investigations should not be pursued.
BTW, if a real investigation and real prosecutions of the Epstein repeat clients had happened, one person who might have been disgraced and exposed is one Bill Gates. So it's possible a real investigation into the Epstein sex-trafficking operation could have ENDED any influence Gates and his Foundation had on Covid policies. That is, the non-investigation into the Epstein matter ties into what transpired with our Covid madness. It's what DIDN'T happen that actually mattered most. As I wrote the other day, it's "the dog that didn't bark" that tells us who the real felons were/are. It's the investigations that should have taken place, but didn't.
For those interested - here's my effort to make like Sherlock Holmes ...
thank you for this. Because I live surrounded by brainwashed loved ones, family and friends, coworkers, neighbors..... I have no one I can share this info with, who will even deign to look at it.
It makes me feel crazy. What you have written gives me hope that people are waking up to reality.
If only we can remove the MSM stranglehold over people's minds. Maybe then I can have rational conversations with people again without watching their faces "switch" to the programmed, conditioned responses of which they are wholly unaware.
It's truly horrifying to watch that happen in people whom I know well and care about.
Yes. My relationships with family and friends has been upended. I see them so differently. I was stunned when almost not a one of them supported me when the Canadian Federal government threatened me with the jabs or my job. I survived by the grace of God and a generous medical leave policy that kept me safe long enough to survive the purge of non compliant federal employees. Ironically a heart attack 2 years ago gave me the shield I needed to get an medical exemption. I grieve the loss of good friendships that have cooled to mere acquaintances. The evilness of these dark forces have astounded me. I keep thinking I’ve seen it all and then another layer of evil and insanity sweep over us. I’m looking to our Lords coming with gratefulness at this time. I’m weary to my core from the past 2 years. Places like this Substack keep me sane, but the world as a whole seems to blithely walking off a cliff and all I can do is watch this sickening train wreck go off a cliff. It’s heart breaking to see family and friends slowly start to manifest vaccine damage.
This letter is a phenomenal take down of the Elite satanic agenda. It just summarises everything so beautifully. Thank you Joel for sharing it with us. On a scarier note, I am very worried about Mike Yeadon’s security. I will pray for his safety
That could apply to anyone who speaks out against the narrative. My piece links to If you look at the comments under that post Mike says he is not worried for himself but is anxious for his family.
I’m so pleased to thank you personally for that letter. I am a psychiatrist and was rapidly red pilled about the Covid nonsense. I have just in the last few weeks succeeded after a long battle to drag my hubby, a cardiologist, over to the light side and I credit substackers like you and Joel for this victory. Obviously he has seen myopericarditis in young people after the shots which started the process . God bless and protect you too
I reiterate my thanks to you Joel. Your magnificent graphs have been such powerful proofs of the terrible consequences of the experimental procedures effects. They penetrated the propaganda fog!! Hubby has been stood down from the public hospital for the last 3 weeks for refusing the booster and now a few days ago, from the private hospital also. We live in a regional town in Australia which is perennially short of doctors and specialists…
My faith always protected me from believing the nonsense about net 0 and overpopulation. These are clearly eugenic narratives from the get go and have been wildly successful i humans turning on themselves SMH
I would like to counter that humans *are* having huge adverse effects on the biodiversity of planet Earth and the health of the species with whom we share this precious world. An Ecological Emergency is 100% fact.
It's been my mission for the last 30 years to "be the change you want to see" and tread as lightly as I can & hope to influence others by my actions, however small that may be. Organic allotment. Frugality.
We simply cannot afford to miscalculate the climate trajectory so please be certain before you state "facts".
If so, thank you for adding in the Nitrogen lunacy section. I can’t understand how rational people believe that it’s good to shut down farmers and food production. It’s internally inconsistent. Human beings now recoil at the sight and smell of a juicy steak??? What happened to us?
Excellent letter, Douglas. I am relocating with my family to the highlands, Loch Ness side from Glasgow in the next 2 months. Interested to learn of opportunities to network with people who also understand the points you make, the sources you reference and who will be inspired by your letter. Glasgow has been great in this regard but we are now returning to rural living. Any Stands In The Park or similar you can recommend in Inverness or surrounding areas?
I ventured out of my own comfort zone and posted on these themes this morning - hopefully this might be a useful addition to Doug's mammoth post - after listening to a presentation by Prof Simon Michaux, I just could not stay silent and felt the need to get this info out there
I have campaigned against our delusional climate change policies for years, for far too long under my own delusion that its proponents were just a bit thick and could be persuaded to re-think. Most MPs probably are too thick but the leaders at the top who have been through the WEF training school (Sunak, Hunt, Johnson, May, Hancock …) will know the real truth.
It all becomes clear if you accept that “climate change” is nothing to do with climate, it’s just a tool of oppression.
Where I live in SE Wales we had the (usual) prolonged Spring drought followed by an (unusual, in recent terms, dry summer -I ran out of rainwater on my allotment for the first time ever) followed by a month of almost incessant rain! Both the 1,000L IBCs, one of of which is newly installed, are already full.
This is NOT normal.
However, the key question is whether CO2 is a predominant driver. Here I remain to be convinced...
Of course climate change is real. The climate has been changing for millions of years! Anthropogenic climate change on the other hand is rather more political than scientific. Jeez, even my 11 year old came home the other day and told us that without volcanoes, there would be no atmosphere. As I understand it, volcanoes still currently represent about 3% of annual CO2 contribution but obviously over time this has varied somewhat! And as you say, CO2 is not necessarily the only or even main driver of climate variation.
As I wrote, global temperatures have barely changed for the past quarter century. TPTB insist that man-made global warming is the problem but how can there be a “climate change” when there is no global warming?
Ah it was Michaux was it? Chris Martenson talked about this one one of his (increasingly less frequent) non-paywalled podcasts. I was able to recount the logic fairly well to my wife in order to show her how the whole "renewables" narrative is a fairy tale. Thanks for the link.
This is such an excellent post. That it is so comprehensive and well cited makes it so valuable. Thank you. I would like to share this video about the current PM and his background. It was put together very well by Liam Sturgess of rounding the earth recently. Quite something. It begins at minute 8:
A brilliant piece of research. Sunak probably knew years ago that Coronavirus was coming.
The Conservative Woman did something similar recently but didn’t get quite so deep. One nugget they reported is that Sunak’s TCI partner Chris Hohn is the main funder of Extinction Rebellion. See
The purpose of the TPTB Covid and climate hoax is a desperate attempt to save themselves. There is an astronomical disaster inbound and they will be going underground before it is obvious to us that we are fucked. If we have energy, food and industry we will be able to dig them up as it is impossible to defend deep underground bunkers while underground. Reading political/health leaders in, is how they got so many people to turn against us. This is why no one has flipped. This is why normal good women suddenly became visible but regretfully evil. Mothers faced with death of her children or the majority of humanity will always…think about it. everything else is misdirection. This is the only theory that connects every dot! Just like there is no climate change, there is no virus!
My article from yesterday is probably on point with this article. My article tells us how the liars and crooks "protect all the false narratives." One way they accomplish this vital goal is using the services of "useful idiots" in the mainstream press, who smear and attempt to silence the few truth-tellers who do come forward. This also has the effect of intimidating would-be whistleblowers, who are far less likely to make important revelations in such a climate. As it would require many credible whistleblowers to change bogus and harmful narratives, this is a key component of their narrative-protecting operation.
I’m not sure “groupthink” or “useful idiots” is quite right. Mark Steyn uses “groupthink” on his GB News show but I think that is only because he is so tightly constrained by the wretched Ofcom. Without that he would probably use words like conspiring to commit crimes against humanity!
I’ve used the term “useful idiot” myself in previous posts and my own MP probably falls into that category. But when it comes to MSM journalists, they are under orders to stick to the official narrative whether they believe it or not because their bosses have taken the money from Bill Gates et al plus the government propaganda advertising spend.
In one of my next stories, I want to at least partially quantify how much money Gates' organizations have funneled to media organizations. If you have any good links, please pass along. Someone just sent me a link showing that the Knight Foundation distributed $300 million to various colleges to fight disinformation. $300 million! And that's just one foundation. They really spent $300 million to fight the spread of true information.
Over Here, I once read a piece about Boris Johnson, and the writer (can't remember who) described him as an "inveterate liar". I read it as "invertebrate". Must have been a Freudian slip. After all, he is spineless...
We need to test people in positions of authority to know who we are dealing with. Especially DOCTORS!
We need to put the doctors "On The Spot". Ask any doctor the "Pro or Ho" question.
Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":
"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?".
If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.
PS. The great thing is that doctors won't know why they are being asked that question. Does this person have a child, grandchild, niece/nephew that they are concerned about or are they testing me? It will eat at them and they deserve it.
Excellent article. But I'm curious as to whether he ever gets a reply from his MP. I bet he doesn't. I bet they don't even open the email.
My husband works in the FinTech industry and said back in March 2020 that there was the mother of all recessions coming because of the total mismanagement of the world economy. That 2008 was dealt with by using sticking plasters. He reckoned Covid was going to be the excuse rather than the bankers & politicians & oligarchs risking being lynched. Guess he was right.
I used to get replies in the early days but they were always boilerplate fobbing-off exercise usually written by a minion, spouting their official narrative and declining to respond on any of the specific points I put to them.
I never get any replies now. I think they must be starting to realise that some of them could be facing jail time, if we can ever get the judiciary to do their duty.
Addressing the email to my MP is really just a ploy to engage with the hundred or so on my Bcc list, then hopefully the thousands who subscribe to Joel’s substack, plus the other outlets that usually post my stuff.
Funny how the job of an MP is to represent his constituents and help them if they need it and part of that obligation involves corresponding with them. Except when the MP doesn't want to! Once upon a time you could have gone to your local newspaper to get them to run a story on how rude your MP is. Except now the newspapers don't want to talk either.
Rest assured that as soon as a "TPTB" card carrying member presents a contrite display, members of our *side* (amorphous and largely fictional paradigm) will welcome them as a hero.
And they will do so, and manipulate those who are adjacent to power and just want "normal" back.
A referendum for net-zero would be catastrophic for a true liveable future where freedom and prosperity are guaranteed.
We should have a citizen assembly where for 6 months/1 year BOTH sides of the arguments are argued and are given airtime equally, scientific arguments and economic policy arguments.
Then, the assembly reports on the finding and their final vote, for all citizens to read/listen to. Then, with fully informed people, a referendum becomes appropriate.
We can’t trust the establishment to run citizen assemblies. Ben Pile has documented how the UK Climate Assembly of a couple of years ago was a farce which was set up to deliver a preordained result, see
Not to mention that I started reading books about non-representative democracies, sortition, and citizen assemblies because of XR hammering home about the latter back when they started.
Very good point. I was aware of the Assembly. It was short and biased from the start. And I am aware of all the drawbacks of citizen assemblies in general. The challenge is to how build one truly impartial. On the other hand, a referendum is a blunt instrument. Climate change policies are not a yes/no problem. In addition, with the current status of the legacy media's subservience to the power that be and the pervading (in)vested interests, voters would not really know what they are voting about.
Doug Brodie wrote a very long post and I wrote a very long alternative point of view. I am ultra pissed off that you insisted it be shorter and then did not allow it to be posted. Some things cannot be shortened. I respect your analysis of the medical situation but think your paranoid excursion into climate science and energy politics is way off. I am an ecological economist and note how people who lose faith in major parts of official narratives for legitimate reasons somehow manage to become experts in other fields instantaneously and lose faith in them too. Well, yes and no. The climate science and responses to a climate crisis is off the mark but not for the reasons that Doug Brodie and you seem to believe - but unless I can put my full point of view there is no point in discussing further.
I tried to make a long reply to Doug Brodie but when I tried to post it a message appeared on the screen telling me to shorten what I had written (I don't recall the exact wording now). It was a response to that message - maybe restricting the length of comments is an automatic thing particular to substack rather than you in which case I apologise. I am an ecological economist and while I appreciate the critique of medical malfeasance I do think that, once they have grown sceptical of corporate and state propadanda, many people become sceptical or all narratives - like that of climate change and leap to the conclusion that that must be a scam too. I myself do not believe that the basics of climate science are wrong and there are other ways of seeing the so failure for global temperatures to warm as much as expected in recent years. The main thing though is that climate change is unlikely to be as serious as feared because of depletion of fossil fuels.The current fuels crisis is not only the result of NATO sanctions against Russia though that has exacerbated the crisis in the short term for the NATO countries - an own goal for Europe and the UK that has allowed the USA to drive a wedge between them and a cheap source of oil and gas. The main issue is depletion of oil and gas (and coal) which means the oil and gas industry must move to more expensive, out of the way and hard to get at sources only extractable at a higher cost - and costing more to refine and transport to point of use. Lots of people have been watching and expecting the ever higher fuel prices because the cost of extraction has been going up and up. Fracking is a technological solution but it is a more costly source of natural gas and oil. The point is that this higher price oil and gas is not affordable for the rest of the economy and has led to what economists call "secular stagnation" - a failure to grow and make profits (except by speculative gambling) that makes the finance sector unstable. Meantime however people primed by the dishonesty of corporate drug company propaganda now assume that the problem is that climate policy has prevented access to fossil fuels. This paranoid explanation does not account for why the energy cost of energy has been drifting upwards for at least 3 decades - when people like you and Dough Brodie were oblivious to these issues - just as I was aware of drug company crimes only in a very limited way. Anyway there is not enough affordable supply of fossil fuels to tip the world into a climate catastrophe (probably) but the decline in fossil fuels available at an affordable price is for real and the health and well being crisis - in staying warm and well fed will be for real. Some of us have been expecting this for years under the heading of "peak oil" - well peak oil arrived and so did peak corporate criminality...
Supply has been hampered through the demonising of fossil fuels by TPTB climate campaigners, the imposition of onerous regulations such as ESG, the withholding of exploration permits and the sabotaging of the Nord Stream gas pipelines and the Keystone oil pipeline, all resulting in an inevitable fall in fossil fuel investment. It’s premeditated oppression.
As depletion occurs developers have to resort to harder to get at reservoirs and so supply is more difficult to replace. That’s why the oil and gas industry resorted to fracking in “unconventional oil and gas fields”.
However, an “unconventional gas field” is an exercise in extracting oil and gas from impermable rock and therefore needs up to 100 more wells for the same amount of gas (or oil). A field must achieve economies of scale to have any chance of making a profit. It needs more activity underground to fracture the rock and it needs more activity on the surface to facilitate that. That is why it is more dangerous to the environment and public health – and also why it is more financially expensive. It requires more ongoing capital equipment too. Without a high gas (or oil ) price all of these activities cannot be made profitable. If they cannot be made profitable they do not happen – or cannot be sustained.
Note here that because all of this is more dangerous to the environment and public health there is naturally a tendency for people living in close proximity to fight this industry. Not all regulation is unreasonable in the circumstances. It also reflects “external environmental and social costs” - that is cost on adjacent communities and more energy/chemically violent processes are used with impacts on air and water quality, on poisoned farm land, on traffic, on seismic activity damaging local buildings – on many things that you would not like if they were on your doorstep.
Looked at in this way “unconventional oil and gas” is not the magical answer for peak oil (or later for peak natural gas) that it might have once seemed to be. To be long term viable the fracking sector requires three things: favourable geology, high oil and gas prices and easy and cheap credit. All three have proven elusive. Depletion is like that – a rising number of supply side problems
Let me turn from the supply side to the demand side…. Until recently many energy analysts have been saying that the oil and gas industry is in a dilemma because the price at which they could sell oil and gas was not high enough for oil and gas companies to make a profit given their supply problems. That reflects demand for oil and gas...most people and companies cannot afford higher prices for their energy.
In fact you cannot push up the price of energy without limit because it destroys the non energy sector of the economy driving it into deep recession. People and companies have to divert a bigger and bigger proportion of their income to their fuel bills so they cannot any longer afford anything else than essential purchases and debt servicing - if they can afford those. So that is what happens to demand and to some degree this holds a lid on prices – a cap on prices which means the oil and gas sector cannot recoup its rising costs. (As well as pushing many people who lose their homes plus pushing a regular de-industrialisation as it becomes progressively more serious, as it will)
This is not a temporary process but will continue unless some new energy source is developed – which current seems unlikely. In fact the trend looks like this – as fuels deplete more and more of the energy extracted must be used to get out the next round of production. Those out of the way locations for operation, those deeper wells, that rock that musst be fractured all takes a higher percentage of the GROSS energy output leaving a smaller NET energy. In recent times the depletion of fossil fuels is actually leading to increasing energy and material input costs – in the 1960s the global energy cost of energy was less than 2%. By the end of the century it was 3.5% and now it is over 8%. The resort to renewables does not really help as they are high cost too. The intermittency of renewables is a further major problem.
The productive power of a modern economy is because of the energy that flows through this system. Work has a meaning in physics as well as in economics, and the work that an averagely fit person can do with their muscles is about 3kWh a day – but the energy flowing through the machines of the European economy is over 100 times this per capita and over 200 times this per capita in the USA. However some of the energy must be devoted to the extraction, refining, delivery and the conversions of the energy system itself. When this proportion goes up from less than 2% to 8% then the energy delivered to the rest of the economy falls from 98% to 92%…..and counting. And yes, all of that is reflected in “supply” and “demand” - but to see it as explainable by ESG over-regulation and climate change is to see things upside down.
What we are witnessing is exactly what the Limits to Growth theorists predicted in the early 1970s. They predicted that growth would come to an end early in the 21st century for the reasons that it has – the rising costs of pollution but also the rising costs of depletion. Because of depletion it is unlikely that the climate crisis will be as many people fear as fossil fuel use will now fall perhaps at 6% per annum – because of geology, not because of policy. That is, however, not much of a consolation prize as declining NET energy will mean an economy of declining productivity – improverishment. The main task in hand is to ensure that this decline happens equitably.
Substack has limits on comment size, this cannot be controlled by authors. You might have to break apart your comment into multiple parts, or host a big text file on a web site. Or on your own substack.
About: "I hope you agree that the very least we need is a referendum on Net Zero and assurance that a fake pandemic scare like Coronavirus can never be inflicted on us again." I think it's way way more than this that's needed. When one is dealing with deliberate liars who control much of the media and "education" systems, this is a ridiculous position. Way way way way too little, not touching on anything core.
Agreed it’s a bit weak, but unless you ask some sort of question these politicians use that as an excuse not to reply at all. I don’t expect they will reply anyway and they certainly wouldn’t if I’d said we need mass Nuremburg 2 trials for crimes against humanity.
I wrote to my Tory MP about the increasing evidence of the dangers of the “vaccine” and that it should be halted for further investigation, and enclosed a copy of the increasing serious side effects listed on VAERS and also peer reviewed papers etc. from official sources.
He replied with the usual Govt narrative that the MHRA considered the “vaccines” were “safe and effective” blah blah and that was it.
I replied that I had expected no less that he would follow the Govt narrative but that I now had put it on record that I had informed him of the dangers, and I would not be voting for him at the next election.
It is pointless writing to your MP. They are not interested in doing any research on the matter and I hope they at least pay with their jobs if not more.
The Labour Party are of the same opinion so where do voters go?
Sadly the fear and control continues with the new “virus” of climate change and so it goes on…the political class once again fully signed up!
Great guest post and the perfect headline that summarizes/explains EVERYTHING. Before I became obsessed with my effort to expose all the Covid lies, I did a lot of research into the Epstein "sex trafficking" story. My main take-away is that no real "investigation" ever transpired, at least one that would expose any of the "Johns" or clients of this DECADES-long operation. The reason these investigations were spiked is that if the true facts were revealed to the masses, everyone would understand how immoral and prurient our world's leaders really are. We'd also learn that the government agencies supposed to expose this actually work to conceal such truths.
The bottom-line for me is that a real investigation and real prosecutions would have probably drained a large part of the "swamp" that must be drained if there's going to be any hope for a decent future for our children.
So investigations that might drain the swamp CANNOT happen ... with the Epstein unexposed scandal or all the Covid uninvestigated scandals.
I take it you have noted Whitney Webb's book on Epstein. There is some crossover in the genome mapping / bio-tech / trans-humanist space between Epstein and some of his clients/friends/blackmailees I believe... Looking at Gates through GAVI, to Stoltenberg to NATO... UN, etc is chilling... Spartacus at ICENI has also some good work mapping relationships. The deeper you fall into this particular rabbit hole, the smaller the world becomes...
No, I didn't know Webb wrote a book on Epstein. Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to look for it and buy it. If it was ever fully told, the Epstein story would be one of the great scandals of our times. I also note this is also "off limits" to mainstream investigative journalists. I don't even think the National Enquirer published one story on this scandal and all the Johns. I mean, the National Enquirer was created to expose stories like this.
It's a 2 part book, by the way. So much info.
I didn't know the "National Enquirer" was still in business.
I'm actually not sure either. They definitely "took a pass" on the juicy and scandalous Epstein story. So did all the supermarket tabloid for the most part. I find this interesting. Even the supermaket tabloids seem to have been captured. Even their publishers seem to have gotten that memo about what stories shouldn't be written or what investigations should not be pursued.
BTW, if a real investigation and real prosecutions of the Epstein repeat clients had happened, one person who might have been disgraced and exposed is one Bill Gates. So it's possible a real investigation into the Epstein sex-trafficking operation could have ENDED any influence Gates and his Foundation had on Covid policies. That is, the non-investigation into the Epstein matter ties into what transpired with our Covid madness. It's what DIDN'T happen that actually mattered most. As I wrote the other day, it's "the dog that didn't bark" that tells us who the real felons were/are. It's the investigations that should have taken place, but didn't.
For those interested - here's my effort to make like Sherlock Holmes ...
thank you for this. Because I live surrounded by brainwashed loved ones, family and friends, coworkers, neighbors..... I have no one I can share this info with, who will even deign to look at it.
It makes me feel crazy. What you have written gives me hope that people are waking up to reality.
If only we can remove the MSM stranglehold over people's minds. Maybe then I can have rational conversations with people again without watching their faces "switch" to the programmed, conditioned responses of which they are wholly unaware.
It's truly horrifying to watch that happen in people whom I know well and care about.
Yes. My relationships with family and friends has been upended. I see them so differently. I was stunned when almost not a one of them supported me when the Canadian Federal government threatened me with the jabs or my job. I survived by the grace of God and a generous medical leave policy that kept me safe long enough to survive the purge of non compliant federal employees. Ironically a heart attack 2 years ago gave me the shield I needed to get an medical exemption. I grieve the loss of good friendships that have cooled to mere acquaintances. The evilness of these dark forces have astounded me. I keep thinking I’ve seen it all and then another layer of evil and insanity sweep over us. I’m looking to our Lords coming with gratefulness at this time. I’m weary to my core from the past 2 years. Places like this Substack keep me sane, but the world as a whole seems to blithely walking off a cliff and all I can do is watch this sickening train wreck go off a cliff. It’s heart breaking to see family and friends slowly start to manifest vaccine damage.
This letter is a phenomenal take down of the Elite satanic agenda. It just summarises everything so beautifully. Thank you Joel for sharing it with us. On a scarier note, I am very worried about Mike Yeadon’s security. I will pray for his safety
That could apply to anyone who speaks out against the narrative. My piece links to If you look at the comments under that post Mike says he is not worried for himself but is anxious for his family.
Indeed, I think it does apply to all the brave people who have spoken out publicly. May I ask, are you THE Douglas Brodie who wrote the letter??
Yes, Joel has been kindly hosting my email posts for a while now.
I’m so pleased to thank you personally for that letter. I am a psychiatrist and was rapidly red pilled about the Covid nonsense. I have just in the last few weeks succeeded after a long battle to drag my hubby, a cardiologist, over to the light side and I credit substackers like you and Joel for this victory. Obviously he has seen myopericarditis in young people after the shots which started the process . God bless and protect you too
This exchange alone is worthy payment for the effort in reposting Doug's letter.
I reiterate my thanks to you Joel. Your magnificent graphs have been such powerful proofs of the terrible consequences of the experimental procedures effects. They penetrated the propaganda fog!! Hubby has been stood down from the public hospital for the last 3 weeks for refusing the booster and now a few days ago, from the private hospital also. We live in a regional town in Australia which is perennially short of doctors and specialists…
My faith always protected me from believing the nonsense about net 0 and overpopulation. These are clearly eugenic narratives from the get go and have been wildly successful i humans turning on themselves SMH
I’m a psychiatrist too and also saw through this nonsense almost immediately. But I’m still not sure what to do about it.
I would like to counter that humans *are* having huge adverse effects on the biodiversity of planet Earth and the health of the species with whom we share this precious world. An Ecological Emergency is 100% fact.
It's been my mission for the last 30 years to "be the change you want to see" and tread as lightly as I can & hope to influence others by my actions, however small that may be. Organic allotment. Frugality.
We simply cannot afford to miscalculate the climate trajectory so please be certain before you state "facts".
If so, thank you for adding in the Nitrogen lunacy section. I can’t understand how rational people believe that it’s good to shut down farmers and food production. It’s internally inconsistent. Human beings now recoil at the sight and smell of a juicy steak??? What happened to us?
Excellent letter, Douglas. I am relocating with my family to the highlands, Loch Ness side from Glasgow in the next 2 months. Interested to learn of opportunities to network with people who also understand the points you make, the sources you reference and who will be inspired by your letter. Glasgow has been great in this regard but we are now returning to rural living. Any Stands In The Park or similar you can recommend in Inverness or surrounding areas?
I'll ask Joel to give me your email address.
Aseem Malhotra reported on twitter today that a "high profile" figure who supports his position has contacted him, concerned for his personal safety!
I ventured out of my own comfort zone and posted on these themes this morning - hopefully this might be a useful addition to Doug's mammoth post - after listening to a presentation by Prof Simon Michaux, I just could not stay silent and felt the need to get this info out there
I have campaigned against our delusional climate change policies for years, for far too long under my own delusion that its proponents were just a bit thick and could be persuaded to re-think. Most MPs probably are too thick but the leaders at the top who have been through the WEF training school (Sunak, Hunt, Johnson, May, Hancock …) will know the real truth.
It all becomes clear if you accept that “climate change” is nothing to do with climate, it’s just a tool of oppression.
Climate change *is* real.
Where I live in SE Wales we had the (usual) prolonged Spring drought followed by an (unusual, in recent terms, dry summer -I ran out of rainwater on my allotment for the first time ever) followed by a month of almost incessant rain! Both the 1,000L IBCs, one of of which is newly installed, are already full.
This is NOT normal.
However, the key question is whether CO2 is a predominant driver. Here I remain to be convinced...
Of course climate change is real. The climate has been changing for millions of years! Anthropogenic climate change on the other hand is rather more political than scientific. Jeez, even my 11 year old came home the other day and told us that without volcanoes, there would be no atmosphere. As I understand it, volcanoes still currently represent about 3% of annual CO2 contribution but obviously over time this has varied somewhat! And as you say, CO2 is not necessarily the only or even main driver of climate variation.
As I wrote, global temperatures have barely changed for the past quarter century. TPTB insist that man-made global warming is the problem but how can there be a “climate change” when there is no global warming?
Try this selection of posts on Australia using official data from analyst Paul Homewood:
I think effects on the Jetstream are impacting the UK in particular.
The best evidence is that which I see and feel with my own senses.
That's all I can be certain of.
Ah it was Michaux was it? Chris Martenson talked about this one one of his (increasingly less frequent) non-paywalled podcasts. I was able to recount the logic fairly well to my wife in order to show her how the whole "renewables" narrative is a fairy tale. Thanks for the link.
Yes, it was from Chris I heard about this. Did it convince your wife?
This is such an excellent post. That it is so comprehensive and well cited makes it so valuable. Thank you. I would like to share this video about the current PM and his background. It was put together very well by Liam Sturgess of rounding the earth recently. Quite something. It begins at minute 8:
Rounding the Earth on Rumble is the most informed channel for Covid investigation I know.
100%. Liam and Mathew are two awesome individuals.
A brilliant piece of research. Sunak probably knew years ago that Coronavirus was coming.
The Conservative Woman did something similar recently but didn’t get quite so deep. One nugget they reported is that Sunak’s TCI partner Chris Hohn is the main funder of Extinction Rebellion. See
The purpose of the TPTB Covid and climate hoax is a desperate attempt to save themselves. There is an astronomical disaster inbound and they will be going underground before it is obvious to us that we are fucked. If we have energy, food and industry we will be able to dig them up as it is impossible to defend deep underground bunkers while underground. Reading political/health leaders in, is how they got so many people to turn against us. This is why no one has flipped. This is why normal good women suddenly became visible but regretfully evil. Mothers faced with death of her children or the majority of humanity will always…think about it. everything else is misdirection. This is the only theory that connects every dot! Just like there is no climate change, there is no virus!
My article from yesterday is probably on point with this article. My article tells us how the liars and crooks "protect all the false narratives." One way they accomplish this vital goal is using the services of "useful idiots" in the mainstream press, who smear and attempt to silence the few truth-tellers who do come forward. This also has the effect of intimidating would-be whistleblowers, who are far less likely to make important revelations in such a climate. As it would require many credible whistleblowers to change bogus and harmful narratives, this is a key component of their narrative-protecting operation.
I’m not sure “groupthink” or “useful idiots” is quite right. Mark Steyn uses “groupthink” on his GB News show but I think that is only because he is so tightly constrained by the wretched Ofcom. Without that he would probably use words like conspiring to commit crimes against humanity!
I’ve used the term “useful idiot” myself in previous posts and my own MP probably falls into that category. But when it comes to MSM journalists, they are under orders to stick to the official narrative whether they believe it or not because their bosses have taken the money from Bill Gates et al plus the government propaganda advertising spend.
In one of my next stories, I want to at least partially quantify how much money Gates' organizations have funneled to media organizations. If you have any good links, please pass along. Someone just sent me a link showing that the Knight Foundation distributed $300 million to various colleges to fight disinformation. $300 million! And that's just one foundation. They really spent $300 million to fight the spread of true information.
There’s a link in this post, the paid-for MSM,
Here’s another
And another
Many thanks!
Thank you for sharing! Your hard work and Mr. Brodie too, will no doubt bless and guide many! God Bless and continue to lead you in exposing the evil!
Over Here, I once read a piece about Boris Johnson, and the writer (can't remember who) described him as an "inveterate liar". I read it as "invertebrate". Must have been a Freudian slip. After all, he is spineless...
We need to test people in positions of authority to know who we are dealing with. Especially DOCTORS!
We need to put the doctors "On The Spot". Ask any doctor the "Pro or Ho" question.
Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":
"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?".
If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.
PS. The great thing is that doctors won't know why they are being asked that question. Does this person have a child, grandchild, niece/nephew that they are concerned about or are they testing me? It will eat at them and they deserve it.
Give that man a cigar!
Excellent article. But I'm curious as to whether he ever gets a reply from his MP. I bet he doesn't. I bet they don't even open the email.
My husband works in the FinTech industry and said back in March 2020 that there was the mother of all recessions coming because of the total mismanagement of the world economy. That 2008 was dealt with by using sticking plasters. He reckoned Covid was going to be the excuse rather than the bankers & politicians & oligarchs risking being lynched. Guess he was right.
I used to get replies in the early days but they were always boilerplate fobbing-off exercise usually written by a minion, spouting their official narrative and declining to respond on any of the specific points I put to them.
I never get any replies now. I think they must be starting to realise that some of them could be facing jail time, if we can ever get the judiciary to do their duty.
Addressing the email to my MP is really just a ploy to engage with the hundred or so on my Bcc list, then hopefully the thousands who subscribe to Joel’s substack, plus the other outlets that usually post my stuff.
I can't help thinking that, as well as the email, you should send an old fashioned letter with an envelope and stamp. I bet they'd open it!
I've tried that in the past. Even if they opened it, they still didn't reply.
Funny how the job of an MP is to represent his constituents and help them if they need it and part of that obligation involves corresponding with them. Except when the MP doesn't want to! Once upon a time you could have gone to your local newspaper to get them to run a story on how rude your MP is. Except now the newspapers don't want to talk either.
Rest assured that as soon as a "TPTB" card carrying member presents a contrite display, members of our *side* (amorphous and largely fictional paradigm) will welcome them as a hero.
And they will do so, and manipulate those who are adjacent to power and just want "normal" back.
Why yes, I am fun at parties!
A referendum for net-zero would be catastrophic for a true liveable future where freedom and prosperity are guaranteed.
We should have a citizen assembly where for 6 months/1 year BOTH sides of the arguments are argued and are given airtime equally, scientific arguments and economic policy arguments.
Then, the assembly reports on the finding and their final vote, for all citizens to read/listen to. Then, with fully informed people, a referendum becomes appropriate.
The majority of citizens won't read/listen though, will they? But they will still vote in a lot of cases. Rock and a hard place.
We can’t trust the establishment to run citizen assemblies. Ben Pile has documented how the UK Climate Assembly of a couple of years ago was a farce which was set up to deliver a preordained result, see
Citizen Assemblies are a bedrock of Extinction Rebellion philosophy.
Not to mention that I started reading books about non-representative democracies, sortition, and citizen assemblies because of XR hammering home about the latter back when they started.
Very good point. I was aware of the Assembly. It was short and biased from the start. And I am aware of all the drawbacks of citizen assemblies in general. The challenge is to how build one truly impartial. On the other hand, a referendum is a blunt instrument. Climate change policies are not a yes/no problem. In addition, with the current status of the legacy media's subservience to the power that be and the pervading (in)vested interests, voters would not really know what they are voting about.
What would you see as a way forward?
My suggestion on a Net Zero referendum was a bit of a wind-up. What we really need is to get a few of these criminals put behind bars.
The travesty of tiranny...
Doug Brodie wrote a very long post and I wrote a very long alternative point of view. I am ultra pissed off that you insisted it be shorter and then did not allow it to be posted. Some things cannot be shortened. I respect your analysis of the medical situation but think your paranoid excursion into climate science and energy politics is way off. I am an ecological economist and note how people who lose faith in major parts of official narratives for legitimate reasons somehow manage to become experts in other fields instantaneously and lose faith in them too. Well, yes and no. The climate science and responses to a climate crisis is off the mark but not for the reasons that Doug Brodie and you seem to believe - but unless I can put my full point of view there is no point in discussing further.
Sorry, Brian, who is this comment addressed to? I don't recall every having a conversation with you?
I tried to make a long reply to Doug Brodie but when I tried to post it a message appeared on the screen telling me to shorten what I had written (I don't recall the exact wording now). It was a response to that message - maybe restricting the length of comments is an automatic thing particular to substack rather than you in which case I apologise. I am an ecological economist and while I appreciate the critique of medical malfeasance I do think that, once they have grown sceptical of corporate and state propadanda, many people become sceptical or all narratives - like that of climate change and leap to the conclusion that that must be a scam too. I myself do not believe that the basics of climate science are wrong and there are other ways of seeing the so failure for global temperatures to warm as much as expected in recent years. The main thing though is that climate change is unlikely to be as serious as feared because of depletion of fossil fuels.The current fuels crisis is not only the result of NATO sanctions against Russia though that has exacerbated the crisis in the short term for the NATO countries - an own goal for Europe and the UK that has allowed the USA to drive a wedge between them and a cheap source of oil and gas. The main issue is depletion of oil and gas (and coal) which means the oil and gas industry must move to more expensive, out of the way and hard to get at sources only extractable at a higher cost - and costing more to refine and transport to point of use. Lots of people have been watching and expecting the ever higher fuel prices because the cost of extraction has been going up and up. Fracking is a technological solution but it is a more costly source of natural gas and oil. The point is that this higher price oil and gas is not affordable for the rest of the economy and has led to what economists call "secular stagnation" - a failure to grow and make profits (except by speculative gambling) that makes the finance sector unstable. Meantime however people primed by the dishonesty of corporate drug company propaganda now assume that the problem is that climate policy has prevented access to fossil fuels. This paranoid explanation does not account for why the energy cost of energy has been drifting upwards for at least 3 decades - when people like you and Dough Brodie were oblivious to these issues - just as I was aware of drug company crimes only in a very limited way. Anyway there is not enough affordable supply of fossil fuels to tip the world into a climate catastrophe (probably) but the decline in fossil fuels available at an affordable price is for real and the health and well being crisis - in staying warm and well fed will be for real. Some of us have been expecting this for years under the heading of "peak oil" - well peak oil arrived and so did peak corporate criminality...
I’m not "oblivious” and it’s no mystery why fossil fuels have got more expensive in recent years – supply and demand. Global demand has been rising, see
Supply has been hampered through the demonising of fossil fuels by TPTB climate campaigners, the imposition of onerous regulations such as ESG, the withholding of exploration permits and the sabotaging of the Nord Stream gas pipelines and the Keystone oil pipeline, all resulting in an inevitable fall in fossil fuel investment. It’s premeditated oppression.
Actually supply and demand have not been working well for the exploration and development companies and over ten years in the USA a large number of oil and gas companies trying to open up alternative supplies went bust. I wrote an article about this several years ago:
As depletion occurs developers have to resort to harder to get at reservoirs and so supply is more difficult to replace. That’s why the oil and gas industry resorted to fracking in “unconventional oil and gas fields”.
However, an “unconventional gas field” is an exercise in extracting oil and gas from impermable rock and therefore needs up to 100 more wells for the same amount of gas (or oil). A field must achieve economies of scale to have any chance of making a profit. It needs more activity underground to fracture the rock and it needs more activity on the surface to facilitate that. That is why it is more dangerous to the environment and public health – and also why it is more financially expensive. It requires more ongoing capital equipment too. Without a high gas (or oil ) price all of these activities cannot be made profitable. If they cannot be made profitable they do not happen – or cannot be sustained.
Note here that because all of this is more dangerous to the environment and public health there is naturally a tendency for people living in close proximity to fight this industry. Not all regulation is unreasonable in the circumstances. It also reflects “external environmental and social costs” - that is cost on adjacent communities and more energy/chemically violent processes are used with impacts on air and water quality, on poisoned farm land, on traffic, on seismic activity damaging local buildings – on many things that you would not like if they were on your doorstep.
Looked at in this way “unconventional oil and gas” is not the magical answer for peak oil (or later for peak natural gas) that it might have once seemed to be. To be long term viable the fracking sector requires three things: favourable geology, high oil and gas prices and easy and cheap credit. All three have proven elusive. Depletion is like that – a rising number of supply side problems
Let me turn from the supply side to the demand side…. Until recently many energy analysts have been saying that the oil and gas industry is in a dilemma because the price at which they could sell oil and gas was not high enough for oil and gas companies to make a profit given their supply problems. That reflects demand for oil and gas...most people and companies cannot afford higher prices for their energy.
In fact you cannot push up the price of energy without limit because it destroys the non energy sector of the economy driving it into deep recession. People and companies have to divert a bigger and bigger proportion of their income to their fuel bills so they cannot any longer afford anything else than essential purchases and debt servicing - if they can afford those. So that is what happens to demand and to some degree this holds a lid on prices – a cap on prices which means the oil and gas sector cannot recoup its rising costs. (As well as pushing many people who lose their homes plus pushing a regular de-industrialisation as it becomes progressively more serious, as it will)
This is not a temporary process but will continue unless some new energy source is developed – which current seems unlikely. In fact the trend looks like this – as fuels deplete more and more of the energy extracted must be used to get out the next round of production. Those out of the way locations for operation, those deeper wells, that rock that musst be fractured all takes a higher percentage of the GROSS energy output leaving a smaller NET energy. In recent times the depletion of fossil fuels is actually leading to increasing energy and material input costs – in the 1960s the global energy cost of energy was less than 2%. By the end of the century it was 3.5% and now it is over 8%. The resort to renewables does not really help as they are high cost too. The intermittency of renewables is a further major problem.
The productive power of a modern economy is because of the energy that flows through this system. Work has a meaning in physics as well as in economics, and the work that an averagely fit person can do with their muscles is about 3kWh a day – but the energy flowing through the machines of the European economy is over 100 times this per capita and over 200 times this per capita in the USA. However some of the energy must be devoted to the extraction, refining, delivery and the conversions of the energy system itself. When this proportion goes up from less than 2% to 8% then the energy delivered to the rest of the economy falls from 98% to 92%…..and counting. And yes, all of that is reflected in “supply” and “demand” - but to see it as explainable by ESG over-regulation and climate change is to see things upside down.
What we are witnessing is exactly what the Limits to Growth theorists predicted in the early 1970s. They predicted that growth would come to an end early in the 21st century for the reasons that it has – the rising costs of pollution but also the rising costs of depletion. Because of depletion it is unlikely that the climate crisis will be as many people fear as fossil fuel use will now fall perhaps at 6% per annum – because of geology, not because of policy. That is, however, not much of a consolation prize as declining NET energy will mean an economy of declining productivity – improverishment. The main task in hand is to ensure that this decline happens equitably.
Substack has limits on comment size, this cannot be controlled by authors. You might have to break apart your comment into multiple parts, or host a big text file on a web site. Or on your own substack.
Thanks for the information.
I am treading the highwire of which you speak, with trepidation.
About: "I hope you agree that the very least we need is a referendum on Net Zero and assurance that a fake pandemic scare like Coronavirus can never be inflicted on us again." I think it's way way more than this that's needed. When one is dealing with deliberate liars who control much of the media and "education" systems, this is a ridiculous position. Way way way way too little, not touching on anything core.
Agreed it’s a bit weak, but unless you ask some sort of question these politicians use that as an excuse not to reply at all. I don’t expect they will reply anyway and they certainly wouldn’t if I’d said we need mass Nuremburg 2 trials for crimes against humanity.
I wrote to my Tory MP about the increasing evidence of the dangers of the “vaccine” and that it should be halted for further investigation, and enclosed a copy of the increasing serious side effects listed on VAERS and also peer reviewed papers etc. from official sources.
He replied with the usual Govt narrative that the MHRA considered the “vaccines” were “safe and effective” blah blah and that was it.
I replied that I had expected no less that he would follow the Govt narrative but that I now had put it on record that I had informed him of the dangers, and I would not be voting for him at the next election.
It is pointless writing to your MP. They are not interested in doing any research on the matter and I hope they at least pay with their jobs if not more.
The Labour Party are of the same opinion so where do voters go?
Sadly the fear and control continues with the new “virus” of climate change and so it goes on…the political class once again fully signed up!