Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Great guest post and the perfect headline that summarizes/explains EVERYTHING. Before I became obsessed with my effort to expose all the Covid lies, I did a lot of research into the Epstein "sex trafficking" story. My main take-away is that no real "investigation" ever transpired, at least one that would expose any of the "Johns" or clients of this DECADES-long operation. The reason these investigations were spiked is that if the true facts were revealed to the masses, everyone would understand how immoral and prurient our world's leaders really are. We'd also learn that the government agencies supposed to expose this actually work to conceal such truths.

The bottom-line for me is that a real investigation and real prosecutions would have probably drained a large part of the "swamp" that must be drained if there's going to be any hope for a decent future for our children.

So investigations that might drain the swamp CANNOT happen ... with the Epstein unexposed scandal or all the Covid uninvestigated scandals.

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thank you for this. Because I live surrounded by brainwashed loved ones, family and friends, coworkers, neighbors..... I have no one I can share this info with, who will even deign to look at it.

It makes me feel crazy. What you have written gives me hope that people are waking up to reality.

If only we can remove the MSM stranglehold over people's minds. Maybe then I can have rational conversations with people again without watching their faces "switch" to the programmed, conditioned responses of which they are wholly unaware.

It's truly horrifying to watch that happen in people whom I know well and care about.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This letter is a phenomenal take down of the Elite satanic agenda. It just summarises everything so beautifully. Thank you Joel for sharing it with us. On a scarier note, I am very worried about Mike Yeadon’s security. I will pray for his safety

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I ventured out of my own comfort zone and posted on these themes this morning - hopefully this might be a useful addition to Doug's mammoth post - after listening to a presentation by Prof Simon Michaux, I just could not stay silent and felt the need to get this info out there https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/do-the-sums-add-up-to-net-zero

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This is such an excellent post. That it is so comprehensive and well cited makes it so valuable. Thank you. I would like to share this video about the current PM and his background. It was put together very well by Liam Sturgess of rounding the earth recently. Quite something. It begins at minute 8:


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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The purpose of the TPTB Covid and climate hoax is a desperate attempt to save themselves. There is an astronomical disaster inbound and they will be going underground before it is obvious to us that we are fucked. If we have energy, food and industry we will be able to dig them up as it is impossible to defend deep underground bunkers while underground. Reading political/health leaders in, is how they got so many people to turn against us. This is why no one has flipped. This is why normal good women suddenly became visible but regretfully evil. Mothers faced with death of her children or the majority of humanity will always…think about it. everything else is misdirection. This is the only theory that connects every dot! Just like there is no climate change, there is no virus!

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

My article from yesterday is probably on point with this article. My article tells us how the liars and crooks "protect all the false narratives." One way they accomplish this vital goal is using the services of "useful idiots" in the mainstream press, who smear and attempt to silence the few truth-tellers who do come forward. This also has the effect of intimidating would-be whistleblowers, who are far less likely to make important revelations in such a climate. As it would require many credible whistleblowers to change bogus and harmful narratives, this is a key component of their narrative-protecting operation.


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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you for sharing! Your hard work and Mr. Brodie too, will no doubt bless and guide many! God Bless and continue to lead you in exposing the evil!

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Over Here, I once read a piece about Boris Johnson, and the writer (can't remember who) described him as an "inveterate liar". I read it as "invertebrate". Must have been a Freudian slip. After all, he is spineless...

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We need to test people in positions of authority to know who we are dealing with. Especially DOCTORS!

We need to put the doctors "On The Spot". Ask any doctor the "Pro or Ho" question.

Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":

"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?".

If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


PS. The great thing is that doctors won't know why they are being asked that question. Does this person have a child, grandchild, niece/nephew that they are concerned about or are they testing me? It will eat at them and they deserve it.

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Give that man a cigar!

Excellent article. But I'm curious as to whether he ever gets a reply from his MP. I bet he doesn't. I bet they don't even open the email.

My husband works in the FinTech industry and said back in March 2020 that there was the mother of all recessions coming because of the total mismanagement of the world economy. That 2008 was dealt with by using sticking plasters. He reckoned Covid was going to be the excuse rather than the bankers & politicians & oligarchs risking being lynched. Guess he was right.

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Rest assured that as soon as a "TPTB" card carrying member presents a contrite display, members of our *side* (amorphous and largely fictional paradigm) will welcome them as a hero.


And they will do so, and manipulate those who are adjacent to power and just want "normal" back.

Why yes, I am fun at parties!

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A referendum for net-zero would be catastrophic for a true liveable future where freedom and prosperity are guaranteed.

We should have a citizen assembly where for 6 months/1 year BOTH sides of the arguments are argued and are given airtime equally, scientific arguments and economic policy arguments.

Then, the assembly reports on the finding and their final vote, for all citizens to read/listen to. Then, with fully informed people, a referendum becomes appropriate.

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The travesty of tiranny...

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Doug Brodie wrote a very long post and I wrote a very long alternative point of view. I am ultra pissed off that you insisted it be shorter and then did not allow it to be posted. Some things cannot be shortened. I respect your analysis of the medical situation but think your paranoid excursion into climate science and energy politics is way off. I am an ecological economist and note how people who lose faith in major parts of official narratives for legitimate reasons somehow manage to become experts in other fields instantaneously and lose faith in them too. Well, yes and no. The climate science and responses to a climate crisis is off the mark but not for the reasons that Doug Brodie and you seem to believe - but unless I can put my full point of view there is no point in discussing further.

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About: "I hope you agree that the very least we need is a referendum on Net Zero and assurance that a fake pandemic scare like Coronavirus can never be inflicted on us again." I think it's way way more than this that's needed. When one is dealing with deliberate liars who control much of the media and "education" systems, this is a ridiculous position. Way way way way too little, not touching on anything core.

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