Joel, if I may say do, what good value your professional services are!

Exposing evil: nought pence.

I’ve long realised there was no pandemic and it’s a reasonable inference that (even if they existed), there was no novel respiratory virus.

Some argued with me that perhaps there was a pathogen that made people sick but killed nobody. It doesn’t work like that. Outcomes are on a continuum.

In any case, there’s no evidence that influenza like illnesses are transmissible. Numerous attempts to enable transmission experimentally all failed.

Virus “isolation” has never been accomplished.

The molecular biology is trickery, augmented by software & assumptions.

Regardless of where one’s personal confidence sits about the existential side, there are no scenarios where a rush “vaccine” makes sense.

It’s completely impossible to bring forth a new technology “vaccine” or anything based on mRNA/DNA in under several years, if you’re interested in safety and efficacy. Furthermore, manufacturing of a complex biological product takes years to define the path to high volumes of near identical doses.

As it is, these gene-based injections were designed to injure, maim and kill.

If the narrative had been true, use of off-label treatments would have been preferred.

All: please decide to reject digital ID, no matter how inconvenient it certainly will be. The perpetrators are intent on herding us onboard their digital express to hell.

I think digital ID might be the last thing that your active compliance is required by the crooks. After that, it’s on autopilot to the slaughterhouse.

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That's a dire if not accurate appraisal of where we are going. I pray a lot more than I used to.

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The evidence clearly indicates a harsh and uncomfortable reality - there was no pandemic.

The deeds of the past three years were those of deadly protocols established in the hospitals and nursing homes. There was no epidemiological event- there was iatrogenic mass murder.

We have not been and are not facing what RFK Jr has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by many “health freedom” celebrites. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.

Terrorizing and isolating elderly people especially those living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-personal visits from health and social carers became "standard of care."

Mechanical ventilators push oxygen into patients whose lungs are failing. Using the machines involves sedating a patient and sticking a tube into the throat. It was massive overuse of a treatment (ventilation) with no solid evidential basis, now known to be extremely harmful.

Midazolam, Propofol and Morphine cocktails were given to the elderly in hospitals to create the illusion of the first wave of the hoax pandemic.

What if It was an epidemic of government and medical assault, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies?

Start talking about global operations, conditional Universal Basic Income, programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies, digital slavery, mass surveillance rolled across the world via an endless series of manufactured crises and much of the "health freedom movement" run off.

The catapulting of GoF and "Covid" variants and on and on is part of this Psyop. Those who perpetuate these fabrications are part of the problem, knowingly or not, and are doing the work for the Bio-security State by maintaining and heightening the fear mechanisms.

“It’s just a virus and some bad actors” say the public. “A bioweapon that needs to be contained next time” say the subverted Covid oppositional actors.

Plenty of narrative reinforcement to go around. The “lab leak”, "bioweapon" story has resurfaced and is gaining traction amongst the “acceptable” ‘Covid sceptics.’

The insistence on using the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.

However, if there was no pandemic, no evidence for a virus, what do we do then?

Well, we'd have to hold our government, our health regulatory agencies and our Media to account. The whole system would be exposed as the corrupt house of cards it is. The Lab Leak Theory keeps the whole charade alive and well.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no "lab leak"- there is no "unique viral pathogen"- there is no "China Virus"- there is no "bioweapon"- There is no "There" there.

It was an epidemic of violent government and medical assault against people, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies.

The official narrative of "Covid" is fictional- all facets of it.

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Thank you for saying what I didn't want to in this piece! I concur!

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By Dec 2020 there was mass testing of care home workers, thus preventing excess deaths amongst care home residents in the 70+ cohort. In March 2020 the only way to know someone had covid was if they had symptoms. Asymptomatic care home workers could easily have brought covid into care homes, where it spread communally. This effect would not have been seen in non care home residents, who were isolating at home. There is a pretty straightforward explanation for your statistical observations.

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Not true. In Dec-20, the relationship between resident and non-resident deaths returns to normal. If mass testing of HCWs was effective, it would drop below usual levels in the presence of a deadly virus that such mass testing was effective as a preventative measure.

And your argument also relies on that impressive testing suddenly becoming ineffective on 21-Dec. I know, you're also in the camp that believes it's down to everyone letting their guards down when the miracle vaccine arrives, right? Which is further proof that the "vaccine" is ineffective...

And how does your argument explain the proportionally higher rate of mortality in care home residents in spring 2020? Oh, yes, of course, the "novel" virus that unlike all previous viruses, kills care home residents at twice the rate...

At some point, you have to start accepting the evidence and overcome your dogma.

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1. Why would drop below usual levels if non care home residents were isolating at home?

2. Why would my argument need testing become ineffective? I agree the vax was ineffective. I never took it.

3. The proportionally higher rate of mortality in care home residents in spring 2020 is due to lack of testing. Care home workers bring the virus in. It then spreads among the resident. Elderly isolating at home do not get as sick.

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How does testing prevent deaths?

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Testing care workers at nursing homes can prevent them from bringing the virus into nursing homes. Does that even need to be explained?

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So were all visitors and workers tested at the beginning and end of the visit or shift for months on end?

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There were no visitors allowed during lockdown, remember? Care home workers did have an intensive testing regime, yes.

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Imagine still believing this after 3+ years....

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While I agree that the ventilators and SOC protocols caused excess deaths in the hospitalized I can't understand how you can conclude there was no virus. My wife and I (unvaxxed) experienced novel symptoms like ground glass throat, loss of taste/smell. My parents (vaxxed) were both quite ill with covid, and had low oxygen. In both situations the PCR tests were positive with low cycle thresholds during the symptomatic period. The cycle thresholds went higher as their illness subsided, until they felt better and tested PCR negative. Such observations (shared by millions) clearly argue against the "no virus" hypothesis, even if the "case numbers" were inflated by false positives for asymptomatics.

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Never said there was no virus, just not an unusually deadly one...

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Indeed.....cold / flu (respiratory viruses) are continually circling the planet but the 'problem' for Big Pharma was how to get people to accept the mrna technology. Fauci was on record saying that people weren't sufficiently scared of the 'flu', so, an alleged novel virus was given a label - Covid-19- and a well prepared 'fear' campaign kicked off in numerous countries.

Gove early on claimed "everyone is at risk"..TV ads....podium updates of deaths caused by 'covid -19' etc...and then Johnson parroting WHO.."no one is safe until everyone is safe"..his "galloping hooves of the ( 'vaccine') cavalry" heard in the distance to get the country out of lockdown. What theatre for an unremarkable virus ( cf. cfr identified by Ioannides in the spring of 2020), but what damage has been wrought.

This virus that was at the centre of this fraudulent theatre has been well and truly 'weaponised'....people still talk of having just tested 'positive' for 'Covid-19'. The so-called Inquiry advises testing before attending.

The con they set in motion has been embedded - contingent on this con of a 'novel' virus ( in reality just like a flu virus with so many cross over symptoms), is the Global Digital Health Certification being set up by the EU and the WHO.

Having given this virus a label, Covid -19, it is now being hung around humanity's neck. I think it would be good to get people's attention on why labels/ names are given to viruses, eg, Swine Flu....sounded more horrible than ordinary 'flu'. Give something a label, gives something for people to latch on to! Manipulation starts from there.

P.S . I'm not trying to preach to the converted...just my thoughts late in to a sultry evening!

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the point is according to Science Covid? was an I L I - an Influenza Like illness - of no high consequence - the Advisory Board on Dangerous Pathogens stated March 13 2020 and never revised up. AD has got lost in the wood for the trees. Isn't it the case anyway that the infection appeared already in the summer of 2019 Where I live in South East London there were more deaths in year 19 than 20 - as a matter of fact my wife suffered a severe infection summer 19 which the doctors labeled pneumonia except that she was quite dry producing no mucus. I think there was some kind of unusual infection which at the moment remains uncategorized.

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It was certainly quite deadly for the older cohort, but not for people under 65. Thats why there was a spike in deaths.

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Those are not novel symptoms. Even if they were, there's no proof they're produced by a novel virus.

There's no real evidence of virus isolation, there's no real evidence of contagion.

Just because there are gifts under the tree does not mean Santa put them there.

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We have been aroubd for a few decades, and experienced many illnesses, colds and flus. These symptoms were very different. People dont get low blood oxygen from the flu. You're not really convincing anyone.

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ROFL. A million things can cause low blood oxygen. Including psychological factors such as stress or anxiety.

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In conjunction with other covid symptoms? Leading to groung glass lungs visible in x rays? I don't think so.

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I doubt you're even convincing yourself!

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I am pretty sure you are being illogical.

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Are you seriously claiming that a sore throat and loss of taste/smell are 'novel symptoms'? I've had a few heavy colds in the 50 years I've been on this planet where I've had a plate of what I know is delicious food in front of me yet have been unable to smell it and it tasted like cardboard. Just like 'long COVID' these were ideas planted in the minds of the population as part of the applied behavioural psychology from the Government.

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You are welcome to exist in your alternative reality. People who have had covid know what they experienced during the disease. As do people who are currently suffering from long covid. Perhaps you should speak to a few of them about the symptoms. My father, mother, brother, his wife, and my wife have all had covid in different continents at different times, with varying severity ranging from "bad cold" to "difficulty breathing". We all agree that the symptoms are genuinely novel. PCR, antigen and antibody results were positive during the symptoms.

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Very well said Allen. Here's a huge part of how the evil scam was gotten away with.


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Spot on.

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Mmmmm, possibly may have something to do with giving death row quantities of Midazolam and Morphine (breath surpressants) to people struggling to breath?

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Imagine living in a country so messed up , that when a disaster needs investigation, it's leaders' eyes light up, at the money it will steal from the taxpayer, and leave them in charge of the proceedings in order to cover up any wrongdoing. Oh...

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Early Tx denied, secondary bacterial lung infections untreated, ventilators used despite most people dying who were placed on a vent, fragile, vulnerable bed bound elderly injected with an experimental biological, midazolam given to frail and elderly to finish the job. What else could have possibly gone wrong. This is a horror story. And yet there is a whole population out there that believes the government did the best they could since they did not have any data, any scientific information. Despite dr. John Ioannidis clearly spelling out the infection fatality rate in all ages. And despite three of the smartest minds writing the Great Barrington Declaration these people insist the government did as much as they could do. You will NEVER change their minds. Believe me, I have tried.

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We have done everything we could. Now, all that remains is to ensure that the evidence makes its way to the historical record.

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By now, we all know the corrupt practices that have led us to this point. An enquiry is just a paper work exercise. Feeling sad for those harmed and for future generations, as corruption leads to a deeper and darker future formed by those we pay to take care of them.

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Also they were recording 'COVID' deaths in England during the 'first wave' until July 2020 (when revised down to within 28 days, still bogus) as deaths of ANY cause over an INDEFINITE time period.

''By this PHE definition, no one with COVID in England is allowed to ever recover from their illness. A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later.''



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Remember how people talked about Gompertz curves of virus susceptibility in the early days of Covid. I even did it myself in this October 2020 open letter to Nicola Sturgeon: https://principia-scientific.com/open-letter-to-scotlands-first-minister-on-mishandling-of-coronavirus/.

As Joel implies, the 2020 spike of deaths was clearly due to iatrogenic misadventure rather than the virus and the deaths only tailed off when the perpetrators ran out of suitable care home victims.

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Indeed. Gompertz is still valid. After an early bum steer from Levitt, I concluded that we were modeling the morbidity of the person, not the evolution of the virus.

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Joel sounding alot like Denis Rancourt who testified in the Canadian inquiry.

''There was no pandemic that caused excess mortality''


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Great minds!

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To be precise, there was a pandemic. Pandemics are a political designation established by the WHO. I would assert that there is no necessary fixed relationship between a "pandemic" established by the WHO and the actual existence--that is, the reality--of a widespread, deadly, disease that requires specific actions worldwide. In this regard, Joel is wonderfully on-point when he says, "there was no unusually deadly virus" in his text.

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It’s seems like the plandemic was a great opportunity to spirit away 100’s of millions of taxpayers money to a few favoured recipients and is obviously still continuing with this farce a clear example.

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See the Scottish people's COVID-19 inquiry evidence here - a crime number has been issued.


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Additionally, a most startling post ! …giving us hope for a day of reckoning.

Thank you

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Former White house pandemic advisor Dr.Alexander -


''This Scottish situation tells us the extent of the hoax. They stole near 3 years of your life. Your liberty and freedom for a lie! And in doing so, killed thousands needlessly with their power-drunk behavior, their greed, their malfeasance''

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An excellent report - thank you.

Nevertheless, you seem to have overlooked the main purposes of the Inquiry - (1) to not only excuse government of any negligence in its duties but to praise their efforts during a trying time (2) prolong the Inquiry in order to provide salaries and expenses for those participating.

Anyway, thank you again!

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Hmm, what could it be? Vaccinnes and policies that did more harm than good. By harm I mean death and injuries.

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It was and is a democide caused by the vaxxes and iatrogenic interventions. The excess deaths scream so. Yet the government does not investigate. Why would they? Time for people to wake up.

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How to employ a useless bureaucracy for 200M and distract the sheeple.

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