I think I had "it" January 2020. I was one of the first who discovered an asthma inhaler knocks it on the head. We were practically over flu season 2019-2020, then the lies started. Then after it was long gone we brought in masks in September, bonkers, really bonkers. I don't think it matters where you stand on viruses, so long as you noticed half the lies. Mike Yeadon is right, you can't have a global pandemic due to the fact Australia spends Christmas on the beach watching the UK catching the sniffles.

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I probably did too. It was a...cold.

I haven't been sick since then.

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Yeah, a coronavirus with no novel symptoms and a dodgy PCR test. They stopped giving antibiotics for pneumonia and anyone making a fuss was felled by Midazolam Matt and his ventilators set to blow. with as much vigour as those strange blow-up men in second hand car fore courts.

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"Horsey paste" and a gin and tonic when it's "replicating" and Budesonide for the cytokine storm, and the mass murder would never have happened.

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May 6Liked by Joel Smalley


This was July 2019; by the time the world diabolically “locked down” in March 2020, 8 months later, this seasonal-whatever had probably made it ‘round the world at least more than once & herd immunity achieved. This was never, ever about “public health”

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May 6·edited May 6Liked by Joel Smalley

"It really doesn’t matter where you are on the “viruses exist and cause disease” spectrum, the “pandemic” had very little to do with a virus and very much to do with the “response”."

I have been here virtually all along. Agree this continues to need to be more widely understood and those of us who may have any influence on any family or friends who are starting to "come-around" need to press our influence to help them complete the mental exercise.

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The difficulty lies in that for many of us there has been a gradual understanding of the level of bullshit that was peddled. Most of the public knows absolutely nothing of the biology to smell a rat

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I'm reading The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jr.

So, it was Bill Gates and his messianic obsession with vaccines and control and power.

It had all been planned out, down to the last little detail. Planned and practised many times before.

They weaponised the 'flu and caused panic and it worked.

However, I don't think now that it will work again because even the jabbed, masked and sanitised are realising they were played. Someone said to me the other day, casually and just in general conversation, that she didn't think it would be so easy next time they tried it. She had gone along with it all - going along to get along rather than being a Believer - but she (and her friends) won't be so easy next time.

The "trusted" authorities and medics and media are no longer trusted - my Covidian cousin said the other day she no longer knows who to believe and who to trust.

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Re Bill Gates, see: "...we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet" Quoting Bill Gates - software billionaire and unelected overseer of global vaccination policy: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/we-need-to-make-the-vaccine-available

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At least your cousin is coming around.

Keep in mind that the powers that be my not use a pandemic next time or may play a variation of a pandemic, ie one that actually kills and does need an intervention. It is a war on the citizenry and deception is the key in a war. Keep alert for signs of an impending disaster as most won't recognize it until the next one is well on its way in whatever shape, form or manner of delivery is used.

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Yes yes yes. The spikes in deaths attributed to Covid to justify the draconian restrictions was all due to medical care. YouTuber John Campbell has an excellent piece out there on the use of a drug given at the end of life as a palliative treatment how it’s use massively spiked up in UK which correlates perfectly with the massive spikes in deaths attributed to Covid-19 in the UK while at the same time the actual Covid-19 infections had just barely started. In other words the Authorities literally killed people by using these drug’s early on to control the population using fear. This was nothing but pure evil.

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The elderly and disabled were euthanized in Canada and Italy too.

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Yup … practically all the initial Covid “deaths” in Italy and New York, followed by the UK, we’re essentially as a result of failure to treat, withholding of antibiotics, and the egregious application of end-of-life pathways and ventilators to patients who would not need them or could not benefit from them. They literally killed tens of thousands of the elderly in nursing homes in multiple countries around the world in order to create the illusion of a deadly novel respiratory virus. Midazolam is the name. Makes my blood boil to this day … all those sad, lonely, forgotten nursing home patients essentially sacrificed on the altar of global biomedical tyranny.

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Yes same approach was used in USA with Remdesivir.

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Joel, I think the virus discussion does play a role because when you do the same analysis on COVID as you do other “viral” diseases, you see the same thing: puffed up numbers with no real data supporting “deadly disease” : https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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Another great piece Joel. Thank You.

All summed up very well here by Professor Stefan Homburg on the OFFICIAL German 🇩🇪 Government Data.

Prof Stefan Homburg on the Official German 🇩🇪 Government Data of 2020


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excellent tweet. I hadn't seen that before.

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May 6·edited May 8Liked by Joel Smalley

As someone who smelled the stale coffee back in 2020, I already KNEW the response was over-wrought. (To be clear, that's not because I am all that astute. It seemed obvious.) I remember sitting in my home office in May 2020, thinking, "It will be nice when this foolishness is over next month!" Hell, I actually thought Biden would do an about-face once he got elected and the foolishness would end in early 2021! Yet here we are, a good 3 years later, and there are STILL chicken littles and/or I-was-wrong-but assholes in the news. Pfizer is STILL printing money with a vaccine that should have been pulled 3+ years ago. Certainly, there was no pandemic, in the sense of an actual disease that threatened to kill everyone. The pandemic of the mind and heart still spreads and might even be more virulent than initially.

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Can't roll out a product without mass advertising. COVID-19 was and is a product. New and improved War on Terror™- this time with the perfect enemy- an invisible one.

Props in a theatrical performance do not have to be real. The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering.

Fake photos of people falling dead- fake images of coffins piling up- fake doctors claiming hospitals were overflowing- fake tests to produce a fake disease- fake scenes outside hospitals staged by PR firms- fake media parrots lying through their teeth every night- fake trials of a toxic bioweapon- fake everything.

"The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”

We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2. The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the "Covid" merry-go-round.

Others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces and the world around them is being completely transformed.

Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency it was an Intel operation, a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.

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May 6·edited May 6

Personally I suspect all those things you said were going on but also something "unusual" going round on top of that, nothing deadly (to most) but something that was hyped up to scare people. But I don't believe it was nothing at all, apart from those that became very ill, which some did before going to hospital, unusual symptoms were widely reported that were quite odd in nature. If you got "it", you knew it wasn't flu, not "regular" flu anyway

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There's zero evidence to support the "belief" there was something unusual "going on"- quite the opposite in fact.

What unusual symptoms and where's the hospital data that backs up that claim.

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loss of smell and taste was a common reported symptom. My own "covid" infection began with severe back and ovary pain (not so flu-like in my experience). Agreed it wasn't a "pandemic" -- it was a narrative -- but some odd symptoms would sell the narrative. Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt suspect direct poisoning from disease agents - likely chemical - was involved in certain areas.

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Well, there's the evidence of what many people have reported who've said they were ill but it wasn't like anything they'd had before. I realise that might not be the "proof" you want but I don't think it can be dismissed out of hand. Most people didn't end up in hospital but were ill at home, so of course there can't be hospital data.

If you don't agree no problem, but many feel they had something they can't explain, such as the loss of taste/smell, the heart rate racing (I've had that 3 times) and other odd symptoms.

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It's no proof at all- doesn't matter what anyone wants.

Interesting to note the psychology here- just think about it for a moment

What you are saying and what is the most oft-repeated "new and different" symptom is the loss of taste and smell. Do you realize what this means?

Loss of taste and smell with a cold or what's called 'flu' are decidedly not novel. These symptoms are as old as the hills and have been noted for time immemorial.

What this indicates is that people bought into the propaganda and started believing loss of taste and smell is some new phenomenon.

There is not only zero hospital data there is voluminous hospital data that contraindicates the assertion of some unique disease.

People always have illnesses unlike what they have had "before." This happens a good portion of the times they get sick. This is not new.

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You're too argumentative and "think you know better" so I'm not bothering with this any more. Have a good evening

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That's what is done when you can't provide evidence.

Always the case- attack the messenger to avoid the message.

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I have come to the conclusion that the Covid 'pandemic' was a carefully designed two stage bioweapon. Stage one was the intentional release of a highly contagious, genetically engineered virus from a lab or labs. It was overall less virulent than 'flu (they forged 'Covid deaths' using testing and by implementing lethal 'treatment' protocols in conjunction with the denial of safe effective treatments) but it 'primed' people for Stage two - the 'vaccine'. It is no coincidence that you were 2 or 3 times more likely to suffer an adverse reaction to the jab if you had previously suffered a symptomatic Covid infection. It is also not a coincidence that, having been jabbed, you were then MORE likely to suffer a symptomatic Covid infection. The genetically engineered spike protein is the key to the effectiveness of this bioweapon, almost certainly developed by the US military.

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Or... they didn't release anything of the sort and the lab story is science-fiction.

Hence the need for insane propaganda, midazolam, ventilators, and mass faketesting.

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I often relate this story. I was at a club event in 2022 and got talking to a fellow member who moaned that he had take 3 jabs and had had Covid 3 times. I replied "I am unvaxed and have never had Covid. The Vax depresses the immune system". He stood there shocked. I think he had believed the government BS hook, line and sinker.

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Hi Jaime, I agree with your synopsis, the mRNA vaccine technology was the goal, the pandemic was just the excuse. one earnest question … do you think a novel virus was deliberately quite mild, or did they make a mistake and essentially just take advantage of an accidental leak and then rush out a series of incoherent, contradictory policies and protocols for a “virus” that never lived up to its “deadliness”?

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That's a sensible question to ask and one which is tough to answer. I am inclined to think that the mad scientists who designed this bioweapon did not anticipate that it would become quite so benign when released into the population and were therefore forced to introduce contingency measures in order to promote the false narrative of a deadly pandemic. They needed the threat of serious injury or death in order to promote the use of the vaccine. It's highly unlikely that they could have mass sold the vaccine as protection from a 'novel' disease which was no more of a threat than seasonal 'flu or the common cold.

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Appreciate that answer. I follow your substack and your work regarding climate hysteria so I thought I’d enquire! Personally, I’m not convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that a virus known as Covid 19 genuinely leaked from a lab (accidentally or otherwise) nor that whatever we’ve all experienced as symptoms on those occasions where we “caught it” are unique to a novel virus … but I can state with unbridled certainty that I agree with the hypothesis that whatever was done was in aide of a new technocratic decade of mRNA vaccine “acceptance” and profiteering, and the details are largely irrelevant.

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If we accept the growing evidence that there is a unique pathology associated with the (engineered) toxic spike protein, if we accept the evidence of the spike protein having been identified in the bodily organs of those affected by various serious adverse reactions to the 'vaccine', if we accept the evidence that the wild type SC-2 virus (and spike) has been isolated and identified, then it is a reasonable proposition. Of course, one cannot say that those conditions have been met, beyond all reasonable doubt, because we are on the outside looking in. I can't say for absolute sure whether the virus has been isolated in the wild or that the spike protein has been detected in the organs of those killed or seriously injured by the 'vaccine', but then again, I've seen no convincing evidence to suggest otherwise.

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High fidelity, lab made circular DNA clones (ie. GOF RNA viruses) would rapidly fade away if released in the wild due to their then reliance on RNA- dependent RNA polymerase to replicate. The lab versions are replicated with a regular RNA polymerase which results in high fidelity. Once in the wild, however, such an RNA virus has crap fidelity and would not spread around the world. Since we had no background testing or presence of coronavirus proteins it was easy for them to say there was something new but that's horseshit. coronaviruses exist in quasi swarms with crap fidelity. There are potentially thousands of potential pathogens that could cause severe respiratory infections. We were hoodwinked by claims of certainty.

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The real "virus" was the belief in the virus. It was incredibly contagious and spread rapidly. The vector was the news media. The adjuvant was the fake PCR and antigen testing. Now that most people have been "infected" with this false belief, there is no dose of truth that can act as an anti-viral to rid them of this delusion/infection. To complicate matters, we still can't "prove" that there was no virus. There may have been one, but one which was far weaker than advertised. We might have called it the "nothing-burger" virus, except it may have been truly nothing.

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May 6Liked by Joel Smalley

Well done Joel, I'm glad we're still on the same page.

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Disappointingly there are still plenty on normies who consider themselves awake, and yet become ultra-triggered if you suggests their illness was anything but Covid.

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My ‘previous tennis group (consisting of around 25 players) are all jabbed. All of them now have some health issues….5 Parkinson’s…heart issues, one died from

A stroke/heat attack…none of them Will acknowledge

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Forehand, backhand, juice.

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They get pretty upset when you suggest that their subsequent illnesses and diseases and deaths in the family were triggered by the vaccines...

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Amen, nothing more to add.

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State-sponsored euthanasia, plus other Iatrogenic harms, plus fraud...in my opinion.

Related Note: https://substack.com/@woodhouse76/note/c-55714179?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=jjay2

I am really doubting they'll get away with this, in the end.

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I ask everyone- who did you know who was very sick or dying in 2020? What about from 2021 until now. For me the answer was noone and now dozens. Probably 30 deaths by now. I stopped counting.

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