Good question? Off a cliff most likely. Then sitting in a pile of wrecked debris for quite awhile. And then a new world will be built by those who are left. A better world. A world that will be like the world we grew up in. Or we will descend into "Road Warrior" with better weapons. Hard to say? I am optimistic.
I would rather have the old world that I grew up in! I am totally unsure where the world is going at this point.
Good question? Off a cliff most likely. Then sitting in a pile of wrecked debris for quite awhile. And then a new world will be built by those who are left. A better world. A world that will be like the world we grew up in. Or we will descend into "Road Warrior" with better weapons. Hard to say? I am optimistic.
I am also an Optimist, but I don't like that scenario!
I don't either... it is what it is... this is what we get for taking care of ourselves while our friends burned out in the night sky.
A couple years ago I wrote a post that contains a poem from my book of poetry that explains my optimism about the future. "To Defeat the Beast" is in the post.