Jan 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Have you been following the Massachusetts (USA) lawsuit on the misclassification of deaths? They have source level data of all death certificates from a FOIA that indicates that deaths were incorrectly attributed....so if it happens here (I live in the wonderfully democratic moonbat state of Massachusetts), then I am sure other states did it as well.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

There is no such thing as "endemic Covid" as "Covid" is a fictional construct- it is not a unique disease. Likewise there is no such thing as a "Covid death", these were manufactured through patently fraudulent methods for obvious reasons.

As you know they have manufactured a "new reality" on everything just as they manufactured a "new deadly disease" by simply changing terms and categorizations.

The article below speaks to how they invented "Covid deaths." Anyone who has looked into this aspect of the "Covid" fraud understands that one would be hard pressed to find even a single "Covid death" if previous mortality accounting was in place.

“What exactly counts as a Covid-19 death?”

To fully understand what a Covid death is- and what it isn’t- it is essential to understand the radical, and to this day unexplained, changes made in how deaths would be recorded, starting in the Spring of 2020. For the last two decades, standardized cataloging of mortality statistics has been in place, as outlined in the CDC’s Medical Examiners’ & Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting and the CDC’s Physicians’ Handbook on Medical Certification of Death.

The arrival of Covid-19 would usher in a new manner of recording mortality.

On March 24th, 2020, the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), under the direction of the CDC, issued ‘COVID-19 Alert No. 2’ to all physicians, medical examiners, and coroners as a guideline as to ‘how cause of death’ would now be reported on death certificates, exclusively for COVID-19.


The ramifications of this can not be overstated as the NVSS, a division of the CDC sets the rules for how state health departments are obliged to assess mortality data. This seemingly innocent single-page release became a watershed moment in how the United States would define Covid-19 deaths and began a process by which all manner of deaths would be coded as U07.1 COVID-19.

In practice, this led to a grossly exaggerated number of deaths being mislabelled “Covid-19 deaths.”

For example, as of Feb. 3rd, 2021, a glimpse at Table 3 of the CDC’s “Conditions Contributing to Deaths Involving COVID-19” shows 14,369 deaths listed as injury deaths which were recorded in the Covid-19 death count. While not the largest example of Covid-19 death misattribution, this clearly illustrates the deceit and manipulation which is found throughout the CDC Covid-19 mortality database.


Such examples are not unique. An exhaustive examination of the CDC’s Provisional Mortality Statistics database reveals that finding a case where an individual died solely from Covid is the exception. Based on all we now know, questioning any and all deaths attributed to “Covid” is imperative.


In addition to these alterations for the coding of Covid-19 deaths, physicians and hospitals were given financial incentives for labeling patients with COVID-19, and providers were given an array of codes for billing COVID-19 deaths.

Due to the new codification methodology implemented in countries across the world, it became expected and implicitly suggested that all types of deaths would be listed as Covid-19 deaths.


As we’ve established the grim reality that most COVID-19 deaths are actually NOT from COVID-19, there can be little doubt that the changes in the protocol were designed to increase the death rate in order to heighten public fear and anxiety.



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Jan 18, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

At the end of the day without lockdowns no one would know there was ANYTHING UNTOWARD going on. (less than flu IFR <70yo). You can believe in the virus or you don't (i don't). From the latest edition of my local newspaper it demonstrates one method as to how they created all those 'COVID' deaths in 2020 and beyond. Fact is anyway you cut the mustard......COVID-19 is the biggest fraud and crime the world has ever seen and without accountability they WILL do this again ! It's already being prepped.


''A nurse practitioner was sent but we believe the wrong medication was prescribed and mum has been steadily deteriorating.''


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This was deliberate misattribution. Covid did not out compete the poison Jab.. [propaganda] by Big Brother/Big Pharma.. just part of a premeditated ruthlessly executed ongoing Crime of the Century.. mRNA formulations harm everyone who gets it to one degree or another. They effectively turn the body into a Biological time Bomb set to go off at different time lines via 700+ adverse reactions.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Also, why am I hearing public service announcements for hATTR Amyloidosis? Huh? Is this a vax related new diagnosis? https://www.hattrguide.com/about-hattr-amyloidosis...I tried to give this link to Jessica Rose but I am not a subscriber...maybe someone else here is? I also love how there are all these PSAs for heart-related symptoms...call your doctor ha ha ha!

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I remember your original Jan 2021 post and how striking it was that the profile of midwinter respiratory deaths at the start of 2020 was no worse than in prior years, despite having learned by then that Covid had been circulating from the start of the year. Then came the March 2020 lockdown and, as was subsequently leaked out, the midazolam euthanasia of many vulnerable old people with most of these deaths fraudulently badged as Covid, as testified by John O’Looney and various health worker whistle-blowers, see the list in https://metatron.substack.com/p/why-do-so-few-of-the-general-public?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2.

At the end of 2020, a year of so-called “pandemic”, your original post showed a similar unexceptional buildup of midwinter respiratory deaths. Then came the January 2021 rollout of the Covid jabs, administered to the oldest and supposedly most vulnerable to Covid first. Sadly, it was the jab spike protein that frail old people with impaired immune systems were most vulnerable to, as I understand due to a jab-induced cytokine storm, resulting in large numbers dying within a week or so of getting jabbed, again with these deaths falsely attributed to Covid.

Hence the widely used term “plandemic”. I doubt if we will ever know how many of the Covid-attributed deaths were truly deaths FROM Covid (and nothing else). An ONS FOI request from December 2021 indicated that the number was much, much lower than the officially touted figure at the time, see https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/deathsfromcovid19withnootherunderlyingcauses?s=08

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Philippines 2020, no excess respiratory deaths. In fact respiratory and covid-19 deaths, combined were lower than usual. So much for a pandemic! There was no evidence of one until the jabs rolled out. https://open.substack.com/pub/supersally/p/there-were-no-excess-deaths-in-the?utm_source=direct&r=l1r7e&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web After I (and others) started questioning their data, local authorities stopped releasing data in any useful manner.

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Jan 18, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023

Wanted to draw your attention to this twitter thread below- the longest thread I've ever seen- 81 entries- is from someone who worked within the NHS confirming how the hospitals lied about cause of death to create illusion of "COVID pandemic." In the event it gets scrubbed there is an additional link.

All of this needs to be verified and sourced though the story comports with what happened in the US and cdertainly elsewhere.

"Before Covid, four types of pneumonia added together were the highest cause of death in the UK. In a newly implemented Medical Examiner System to certify deaths, the Medical Examiner was certifying all types of pneumonia deaths as covid-19 deaths, a former Director of End-of-Life Care has said.

On Saturday, Sai, a former NHS Director of End-of-Life Care, wrote a Twitter thread which, amongst other things, gave a personal account of the changes to the system of reporting deaths implemented in the NHS."



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you've probably seen this already. ugly confirmation of statistical fraud https://expose-news.com/2023/01/17/how-uk-hospitals-manipulated-cause-of-death/

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Unfortunately, it was obvious that the numbers were inflated. Never before had we gone off of case studies instead of fatalities or hospitalizations.

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Joel - you & Claire need to look into what's going on in Japan with "endemic" covid. Check this out https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=3767

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"It’s actually a pretty decent read even though we were so naïve to think that COVID would have been endemic by the end of autumn 2020."

It was. (In fact, it was endemic BEFORE 2020!)

Note that you have a global audience, so it is better to use months than season. What is a season now? There is reason that seasons are no longer like they were.

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Thanks very much for this. Would you be planning to show Cumulative Total Covid Deaths for those who like data in pictures?

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The years in the chart go July to June, right?

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