When COVID conspiracies become facts.
An extract from one of the most incredible people I've encountered during the COVID plandemic.
Stealing this from my friend, DR AH KAHN SYED, ICYMI. 🐭
More people died in April 2020 and January 2021 than would normally have died.
In some countries the overall death rate was normal for 2020 which means the impact of the “pandemic” was either minor or a “pull forward” effect.
Labs performed PCR tests for a strand of RNA, and in some people that was positive.
These PCR tests were more likely to be positive at the time that there were deaths.
The primers for these PCR tests were commercial (except in NSW in 2020) and therefore we do not know what they were testing.
The primers for the first PCR tests in China1 were wrong and therefore could not have tested for “SARS-CoV-2”:
The protocols for managing post-viral pneumonia were changed in April 2020 to remove antibiotics.
If you are an elderly person with a post-viral pneumonia and you are denied antibiotics, you will most likely die.
The overwhelming majority of deaths in China were patients who were treated in Wuhan under Wuhan protocols. Mainland China had a near zero fatality rate from a disease that was supposedly novel and supposedly originated there.
The same disease outside of Wuhan (Hubei) had a 7.5x lower risk of death2 than the disease occurring in Wuhan (Hubei). This is not possible by chance3:
China - the supposed epicentre of the “novel untreatable coronavirus” had the lowest COVID mortality rate per million population in the world in 2020 and 2021. This is not possible with the story as presented.
On the basis of the “novel coronavirus pandemic with a high fatality rate” the whole world (everywhere but China) was subjected to:
Lockdowns (that didn’t work);
Mask mandates (that didn’t work);
Forced vaccinations with experimental gene therapy vaccines (that didn’t work and caused more deaths then the pandemic ever could have).
On the basis of the “pandemic” arising from China, which did not affect China in any appreciable way, the world’s economies were shut down and you are still living with the consequences.
For some people the forced vaccine mandates and government interference with medical treatment resulted in death. That is the reality. The removal of antibiotics from standard post-viral pneumonia was done in lockstep around the world. How could this have happened? By MAGIC: A consortium driven by the University of Liverpool and WHO:
Those COVID deaths did not need to happen. The people affiliated with Andrew Owen of MAGIC were exposed by Tess Lawrie as admitting to undue financial influence in rejecting ivermectin as a therapeutic. But ivermectin was just a part of the problem, because the ivermectin protocols came with antibiotics (doxycycline or azithromycin) which is what prevented the bacterial penumonia.
So what actually happened?
The following is my assessment of the situation taking into account the above known facts. You are welcome to disagree and the comments are open. I encourage you to attempt to rebut this.
There was never a pandemic of any lethal virus. The sequences made by Baric, Daszak, Shi and their buddies in virology labs around the world are viral sequences of RNA, but they are synthetic. They can be effectively distributed via clones (lab based production of RNA sequences) rather than letting an unstable real-life RNA coronavirus loose on the world, which would likely regress and flop as a bioweapon. What they proposed (a scary novel lethal coronavirus causing a pandemic) is nigh on impossible, but the scare was real.
In order to persuade people of a lethal pandemic virus, the CCP (who dictate medical protocols) in Wuhan allowed the release of a viral clone that caused disease leading to bacterial pneumonia. They then either withheld antibiotic treatment from cases in Wuhan only (killing people), or only reported the cases that had failed to respond to antibiotics (producing a selection bias in reports). Either way, this produced an artificially inflated death rate amongst cases in Wuhan that was not replicated in the rest of China. Thus the fear of the pandemic was born.
Once cases of viral infection (which might just have been circulating coronaviruses, because the PCR tests were not specific enough to detect “COVID” only) were seen in other countries, propaganda was mobilised (seeded by the CCP and lapped up by the West via Tony Fauci) to make sure that antibiotics normally used in post-viral pneumonia were not used in “post-COVID” pneumonia. There was no medical reason for this, only political. The political reasoning was to ensure that the populations were scared enough of the scary virus to accept lockdowns, masks and then experimental vaccines. None of those should have happened because they were not in the pandemic plans created prior to 2020. Remember too, that none of the Chinese lockdowns were real. All of it was propaganda.

The masks were propaganda to keep the fear alive. The lockdowns were designed to neutralise non-Chinese economies, such that the only economy that grew in 2020 was China’s. Once those two pillars of the fake pandemic had been implemented, the pathway was laid for the introduction of the “emergency” vaccines, for which the mRNA gene therapy technology was ready to be used.
Instead of pushing back against the CCP propaganda, the West continued down the same fake pathway. They ignored the fact that mainland China refused mRNA vaccines. They mobilised people like Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz whose lab is openly affiliated with the Chinese CDC4, to push the lockdown, mask and vaccine propaganda.
In doing so, the world fell in line with the global dictats supplied via the MAGIC app protocols which told doctors not to use antibiotics in post-COVID pneumonia. And in doing that, the world’s doctors collaborated - knowingly or unknowingly - in a worldwide Iatrocide that was likely entirely preventable.
The protocols touted by Zelenko and Kory were simple. Hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin (which are anti-inflammatory or anti-viral in the early phase), zinc (which is anti-viral) and doxycycline or azithromycin (which prevents or treats the secondary pneumonia, the cause of death in the majority of cases of “COVID”). Some of the safest drugs on the planet. Yet we weren’t allowed to use them, because the WHO, Fauci and Andrew Owen said so. And then the government stepped in to restrict their prescription.
The hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin may not even have been that important. Most likely, all it needed was the “#3tablets” of azithromycin which represents a course of treatment for community acquired pneumonia. Less than a dollar in many countries. If you had a negative “COVID test” you would be given those tablets. If you had a positive test, you weren’t allowed them. An elderly person with an untreated post-COVID pneumonia was set on a pathway to death.
One dollar. 3 tablets. That was the price the WHO set as too high to treat your elderly relatives.
Here is the paper from the China CDC. Remember when reading this that only papers approved by the CCP are allowed into the public realm. This means that either the IFR in Hubei was higher than the rest of China or the CCP wanted the world to believe that the IFR in Hubei was higher than the rest of China. It doesn’t matter. It means that people were denied medical treatment to promote an idea that there was a scary coronavirus pandemic coming.
Chi-square p = 4.3e-55, which is zero.
Powerlab’s newsletter from their website. The network is outlined on p10-11.
Wow - read a lot about this since the beginning, but never had anyone lay it out quite like that. Stunning analysis
There's all this and still I was confronted by a 22 year old family member tonight who is 'medically trained' (her words) and works in hospitals claiming that jabs should be mandated and no one has died from them and the unvaccinated are the problem. Twilight. Zone.