Except it's totally absurd and absolves the true criminals of the crimes they committed.
None of the perps are CCP, Marxists, socialists, populists, anarchists or any such thing. They are all ardent capitalists operating within the logic of capitalism and have been doing so for decades.
Please understand the historical trajectory of how we got here. The nascent Bio-Security State started as far back as the mythical HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980's and has developed into what we see today.
The many steps along the way included most of the same institutions (and individuals) that are involved in the Covid scam and none of these are CCP/communist/socialist etc. in their origins.
Another aspect that gets ignored in the "blaming" of China is that the perps who are mainly responsible for these crimes are let off the hook as blame gets assigned to China e.g..not to mention it stokes the flames for a 'hot war' with China.
This is very dangerous jingoism and people are falling it.
Back to the "commies", "yellow peril", Al Qaeda etc. as the bogeyman.
The primary power moving the world towards totalitarianism lies in international institutions that are decidedly controlled by Western actors. "Covid19", the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives.
The plan is for a new phase of global capitalism- enabled by national states and governments, international organisations and quangos (EU, UN, NATO, IMF, WTO, WHO, Gates, GAVI)- with no clear lines between state and non-state actors. As an aside none of the actors involved are communists.
Healthy friend -- jab 2 results in serious heart issues - told it's not the jab....
Takes the booster -- hand goes numb the next day... doc initially thinks maybe a jab side effect... the problem spreads -- diagnosed ALS --- told not the jab - the jab does not cause ALS...
One of the fundamental principles of capitalism is freedom. One is free to pursue their own interests. That freedom extends up to the point at which pursuing your freedom restricts the freedom of others. If this occurs, it is a corruption of capitalism, and no longer capitalism at all.
What you are referring to, in your projected future, is more aptly defined as fascism. A coming together of corporate and governmental institutions in order to create a power synergy with the effect of limiting the freedom of the masses. This is the complete opposite of free market capitalism, which has at its core individual liberty for every person.
Crony capitalism (an oxymoron) is both a deception to disparage capitalism and a euphemism for evolving fascism. Fascism is just another version of authoritarianism, along with socialism and communism. We can add globalism to the list.
Making the mistake of demonising capitalism is what leads so many misguided down the pathway of socialism. A utopian mirage which can only ever conclude in authoritarianism. Which, by its very nature is collectivism, and therefore, unavoidably anti-individualism.
Capitalism is, in fact, the only pathway to satisfy the pursuit and sustainment of liberty.
Needless to say, what has occurred throughout the Covid period has been a gross violation of the fundamental constructs of capitalism.
Just call it "liberal-fascism", that is: rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy. This is the model for the interlocking CFR/UN/WEF network which has dominated US policy and controlled the media since WW2. See chart: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/
The "liberal-fascists" of the CFR/UN/WEF network have been running this show since WW2. They are also responsible for the buildup of China, which shifted into high gear with Kissinger's "secret trip" in 1971 while Mao's bloody cultural revolution was still in progress:
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”
-- David Rockefeller, CFR chairman, NY Times, 1973-08-10
The CIA was founded by CFR members, and most of the CIA directors, including William Burns, have been CFR members. Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years.
Kissinger was Rockefeller's right-hand man and a lifetime CFR member. He was also Klaus Schwab's mentor, and helped launch the Davos WEF in 1971.
Today, billionaires Larry Fink (BlackRock), David Rubenstein (Carlyle) and Marc Benioff (Salesforce) are WEF trustees. Fink is a CFR director, Rubenstein is the CFR chairman, and Benioff who owns Time magazine is a CFR member.
Indeed - Thank you "Allen" - I cut pasted and printed a long comment thread of yours - 2,3 weeks back - and have been passing it around. Even without the context of the post, it is a very compelling statement of what I have been calling the radical anti-covid position. I wonder if you are familiar with Giorgio Agamben? He was making similar claims way back in March 2020 - tho silent of late - very little of it is in English and he is 80 yrs old. "State of Exception" (Emergency).
He's been talking about this stuff for years. Very, very difficult to get people to absorb the full context of the Biosecurity State. There is great resistance to this from most of the "top dogs" in the 'Covid skeptic' movement.
One thing that has happened here, I think, is that many of these substackers and/or tweeters are new to these phony pandemics AND for the first time have a platform with which to catapult their views. Such individuals have for the most part either some science background or a fair amount of resources to utilize. But they have little to no knowledge about the history of the situation- to them it's as if Covid is some unique event and some unique disease- it is neither.
In short they have been immersed in this system for all of their lives and even though they now dissent (up to a point) and may "feel betrayed" and may have good enough intentions but they have no understanding of the political economy of the medical cartel.
That's all well and good but it's not okay that they don't take a step back and now look into these things. It's also not okay that they are intolerant of those who question them on these things and illustrate that indeed this alternative brand of "expert" really doesn't know the subject matter in depth.
I could go into some details on this as I am just one step removed from the "bigshots" of the anti-Covid "movement" so I get the stories straight from the horses mouth as it were.
At some point I'm going to put this idea together in a lengthier and more cohesive article.
Your notion of "spamming" is absurd and that you just did such a thing illustrates an infantilized dynamic which is all too common on such formats. Basically you can't handle criticism particularly if it is well reasoned and cuts to the core of your identity. That such trivialities are of concern to your sacred substack identity is quite remedial.
All facets of how you examine the "Covid pandemic" are rooted in unwarranted assumptions.
I'll use this eaxmple from your nice article about Samoa where you state:
"Was Samoa the testing ground for a release of a SARS-like coronavirus in November 2019 - via a UNICEF sponsored vaccine - that proved that the population of the world could be intimidated and coerced into accepting mandatory vaccinations?
Given the way the WHO, UNICEF, the WEF and the UN have conducted themselves over the last 3 years..."
The first paragraph conflates two very different things and includes an ambiguous reference to what is a computerized fiction.
It also speaks to a larger issue of State coercion specific to vaccines which predates the situation in Samoa by over a hundred years. Examples of this are numerous throughout history and far more widespread and damaging than the one you illustrated.
Samoa was no more the testing ground for the fictional "new pathogen" (there is no "new pathogen") than was Northern Italy as the injections themselves, in both cases, were precisely the poison and that poisoning had nothing to do with "introducing" the fictional SARS-CoV2 into the world. These were simply more of the same from Pharma- human guinea pigs for their toxic crap.
Do you even know the exact ingredients of those injections used in Samoa and why they would cause such reactions?
In your second paragraph you speak to how the those organizations have acted "over the past three years." Sorry but this is at best naively stated- I could say more. The fact is that this is how the WHO, UNICEF, WEF, UN etc. are suppose to act- they are operating precisely as they have been designed and this is how they have been operating from their inception.
These rhetorical constructs tell me that the person writing them simply doesn't have the historical background necessary to clearly make the case for what is happening.
Try taking a step back and try learning from people who know quite a bit more about what is happening than yourself.
You are trapped in a version of the phony narrative and would have to pretty much come to terms with the fact that virtually everything you have come to believe is fraudulent which includes virtually all of your "professional" training.
This is true of most who keep pounding out various versions of "pandemic" even as they think they are dissenting- they are not and are in fact priming the pump for more of the same and doing so with blinders.
On a final note don't take this personally- as I don't. Ruthless criticism is essential to growth.
IMO Our entry into WWI led directly to WWII which I don't believe would have happened if the U.S. had stayed out of WWI. After WWII the world was ready to accept all governments getting together to prevent any more world wars which led to the United Nations and all the other global organizations trying to destroy National Sovereignty today and therefore in the U.S. our individual sovereignty.
Yes I agree blaming China for everything is blind rage in my opnion. Why the devil truly lies in the details. Thanks for your cogent reply. Never heard of "jingoism" (:
There's all this and still I was confronted by a 22 year old family member tonight who is 'medically trained' (her words) and works in hospitals claiming that jabs should be mandated and no one has died from them and the unvaccinated are the problem. Twilight. Zone.
The 22 year old will change her tune if she keeps getting boosted plus the flu vaccine (also mRNA) and then tries to conceive (which will be with great difficulty after 4 or 5 mRNA shots) and have a normal baby
before that happens she may very well develop a life time life shortening disease either neurological like ALS or Alzheimers, or turbo cancer or cardiovascular. Or get ADE and be sick all the time and oh dear its NOT the quackzines and booster jabs causing this, no dear no! Things would be MUCH worse if I weren't boosted etc etc. My reply, oh so you'd be dead then right? When the level of their suffering rises up to that level that they wish themselves dead for their suffering to end, then I'd mock them merciliessly as to ...wanting the non vaxxed jab because the vaxxes are safe and effective. And even then at deaths door and suffering from disease brought on by the 'safe and effective' jabs they will be unable to admit the jabs caused it. No in someway it will be your fault for not doing what the stupid herd did. Liberals one and all.
There is a lot of that going around. It is tough for nice young people to believe that those in authority want them dead. That is a world view change that is too much for most people, of any age, to accept.
She doesn't work in ER - she's more in medical sales but has worked in hospitals as part of her degree/training. She obviously only listens to the mainstream etc. Very arrogant young woman all round, and with a tyrannical bent. A case in point that you can be educated but not have an inquiring mind. Even my dad, whose wife is Chinese, was saying that the problems they're having in China are because of people telling the elderly the vaccine is no good for them so there has been low uptake among them. They just have no idea. After all this time! My entire family is jabbed to various degrees, bar me and one of my step brothers. Makes you realise the majority lack critical thinking skills.
My daughter is training to be a nurse, she is halfway through her course and she has had zero training on medical ethics. Quite shocking really, and the human biology is the same level of complexity as the old O level. Lots of talk about inclusivity without really explaining what it is or how it is achieved.
Very much so, I am hoping that the on ward training will fill in the humanity and science lacking in the book training. My daughter is dyslexic, so I have been proof reading her course work...
Oh geez.. is she going to give someone 51mg of morphine instead of 15? WTH? Are you going to be accompanying her on her shifts, too, to check her work? I sincerely hope so.
"Misdiagnosing C19 using debunked Drosten RT-PCR tests in 2020, prevented treatment with life-saving antibiotics, killing 100's of 1,000's of Americans" by Peter Halligan:
I’m so sorry for your loss. My dad was killed the same way. Admitted to hospital for Covid, was doing fine, given 5 days of Remdesivir, and suddenly he’s on a ventilator and dead within 2 weeks. I’m so sorry you experienced this type of avoidable loss too.
I've had staff who are 4x vaxxed get very sick with Covid recently ... on the verge of being hospitalized... I try to convince them to take Ivermectin or Hydroxy... but they are not buying into it.
The last place one wants to end up with Covid is the hospital - it's a death sentence
Show them the evidence that they knew IVM and Hydroxy worked for SARS years ago - perhaps they'll realise then. However, these people seem locked into the narrative.
Wicked definitely. But only possible because people are stupid. Its freezing here in NC, which probably means my gas bill will be up, but will barely be a blip on my electrical bill (down over 40% from August). One would think anyone who pays their own bills might realize heat drives up electricity consumption, but cold on the east coast mostly drives up gas or oil consumption. Decreased output - like useless solar panels and frozen windmills - can overwhelm the grid in the cold, but it’s not huge increases consumption as a result of the cold in this region.
Yet, Duke energy is sending us energy conservation notices to “avoid rolling blackouts.” Keep your overnight power usage down (what overnight electrical usage Im wondering). Duke handles electricity, not natural gas. Energy consumption in NC (and most of the east coast for that matter) is down 40% from August. Turning my heat down to 60 at 3am so my kids freeze has no impact on the grid, yet that’s what idiots all over around here are doing.
We are replacing clean, efficient, on demand energy sources like natural gas and nuclear with dirty sources like slave-built lead filled solar panels and ecologically destructive incredibly inefficient wind turbines - all because stupid people somehow believe that since the sun shines and wind blows that magically makes cobalt and lithium become renewable and Chinese slave labor a “necessary” evil. It’s just so stupid and completely self inflicted destruction. I am no longer surprised by it, but frustrated I can’t make it end, I can only do my part.
Don't forget all those kids in the Congo. They're "doing their part" mining cobalt. Of course, it's all for "the greater good" - the greater good of politicians and their cronies' wallets.
Absolutely. The Chinese own most of those mines in the Congo. I’m not sure how enslaving tens of millions of people to build dirty inefficient energy apparatus is good for anyone, but it’s no wonder the same people pushing a lethal and completely useless “vaccine” as a mandate directed at children also push harmful and completely useless “renewables.” They follow an enormous nihilistic cult we call woke.
Denis Rancourt mentioned that antibiotics were held out in America on an interview in Jerm Warfare. According to him, the pattern seen with covid doesn't resemble a viral outbreak and thinks most of the deaths can be explained with treatment protocols, much of it being the denial of antibiotics.
Two points. I expect lockdowns were not specifically done to prevent other economies but China's from growing. The most important reason for lockdowns was actually to cement the idea in most people's heads that there truly was a novel deadly virus by experiencing a very dystopian world via lockdowns. Lockdowns were completely novel and thus "proved" that the danger must be real or governments would not take such extreme measures. They were also used as a coercive technique later ie. if enough of the population refuses vaccines, we will have to go into lockdown again was one of the messages used to increase vaccine uptake. Also people were told that they could return to "normal" once they got their vaccines but without lockdowns that message would have not had the same impact. In many places, masks came into place only after demonstrations were growing and they knew they would not be able to keep lockdowns going for that much longer. The masks were to remind people constantly that there really was a deadly new plague sweeping the world and for people to be grateful that the lockdowns were lifted if they all wore masks instead. The lockdowns were a coercive cudgel governments purposefully associated with the "new normal" so that people would be eager to take a vaccine to get their lives back (watch the ads/messaging from spring 2021 promising that one can get their life back if only they take these vaccines). That lockdowns also destroyed economies was a bonus but not their goal..
Good example of saying that freedoms should be held out as a carrot to get people to agree to be vaccinated (this messaging could only have had traction with lockdowns and school closures as wearing a mask might be annoying but doesn't prevent one from getting on with life):
Nailed it! Great summary! Also, hospitals were financially rewarded for "Covid" deaths and media outlets like CBS, MSNBC, and CNN, were running 24/7 Covid death counters to terrify the masses. Interesting how those televised 24/7 Covid death counters stopped running when Biden became president.
Joel, in this scenerio as you paint, my understanding of the takeaway is that not only is China responsible for a fake pandemic but they are also primary responsibility for the death vxx. We know China has spies everywhere and in big pharma and ABC medical regulatory agencies. The other option to the hypothesis that China and the globalists in all countries are working hand-in-hand together towards this genocidal agenda? And if the latter, we can then say that the globalists and communist internationale goals are overlapped to of one mind.
Naomi Wolf pointed this out a year ago. They all work at the labs that make the damn death jab. What a nice way to kill your enemy. And of course all of them, Pfizer, Moderna, etc. are Global Corporations and have deep roots (as well as most employees worldwide) in CCP.
A GP refused to give me an antibiotic when I got covid and it went to my lungs. I requested an antibiotic, due to immunosuppression and to PREVENT secondary bacterial lung infection(pneumonia). Phoned back next day, asked the 111 GP for an antibiotic. This time I mentioned I was CONCERNED. Because for the past fifteen years I have been advised to address risk of secondary bacterial infections. I was given doxycycline. I have since acquired my own supply of antibiotics and ivermectin for my husband and myself. We will not be held to ransom ever again. The NHS continues to practice incompetent medicine. It is unacceptable.
Mary Ann & Fast Eddy, My vaxxed x3 brother, 60 yo, has been ill for 10 days and can't clear it. Got him to go to NHS GP and armed him with info about secondary infection leading to bacterial pneumonia - even gave him the name of treatments needed. Thankfully he got the antibiotics! Prescribed without problem, so maybe things have changed back again.
It's frightening that nowadays we have to diagnose and learn to treat ourselves. I wouldn't trust any of them to tell me the time. Murderers!!
It depends where you live and what NHS Trust or CCG or whatever they call them you come under.
The original NHS was um, you know, er, National but in 1990 the turning of patients into consumers and the creation of NHS Trusts gave birth to the "postcode lottery".
This is just the beginning of the downfall of mankind. We the dirty unvaccinated must not let the corrupt bastards who forced this fake pandemic on the world get away scott free. Their time will come when the great uprising happens ,and it will. I wont be here to see it ,but my grandchildren will be smart enough to recognise the bullshit forced on them by weak gutless governments doing the work for the so called elites. F;'./k them
Wow, that is so evil, evil to the core, that it is beyond shocking. I knew that they banned Ivermectin and HCQ as a safe and effective treatment, and as if that hadnt been outrageous enough, the ban of antibiotics is criminal. I wonder if this is also making its way to Twitter´s Fauci Files, which are due to be published next Wednesday.
This is dangerous nonsense. I can't believe you have fallen for this insane narrative.
China just let a virus loose and cooked up some deaths and then faked out the oh so innocent West so as to wipe out the economies of the West.
My goodness how in the world does anyone buy this?
For starters you might want to exaimne the factual history of who exactly has been persuading the world of phony viral epidemics/pandemics for decades. Hint: It is not China.
As an aside Senger is wrong on most everything and openly admits he has only come to these matters as of 2020. He has zero understanding of the history of these things and even less knowledge about how these insitutions of the Bio-Security State have been building for decades.
This is all reactionary rehashed "yellow peril" BS.
Manufacturing in the U.S. and throughout the rest of world suffered from a lack of materials, components, and parts in 2020 and 2021 (I'm not sure about 2022 as I retired and don't follow industry data anymore). This was presumed to be because China locked down it's economy and manufacturing centers just like the rest of the world.
Since this post claims that China did not lock down its economy, what is the reason that global manufacturing could not get the materials, components, and parts it needed from China? China kept producing them but stopped shipping them? How would the Chinese economy grow, which is heavily export dependent, if it stopped interacting with the rest of the world through global trade? (There was clear evidence in global shipping in 2020-2021 to China and the rest of the world. )
I'm open to what this article is suggesting, but I'd like to know more about how its claims would be true.
Agree with this report, excellent ! As i've ben saying since summer 2020. Lockdowns created the excess deaths, mainly due to care home protocols, mass PCR fraud continued till every human being on eartth was injected with experimental genetic drugs, think about that !? And people call me a conspiracy theorist for stating this is extremely wrong and nefarious ? There was never any new novel virus and EVEN if there was it still doesn't make the last 3 years right !!!
Interesting theory about what happened. I follow your logic. Except.....I’ve been a practicing alternative practitioner for 30+ years. Studied vaccines and know their danger and by default studied viruses. I know symptoms and the difference between a bacterial infection and a viral one. It shows differently in the pulse profile I’m also trained in. Bacterial infections often do follow viral ones. Bacterial pnuemonia in the weak and the elderly are common in our flu seasons. Easily treatable if caught early enough as are the viral infections. However, I had one HELL of a viral infection in Dec 2019 with symptoms lasting through Mar 2020. Cytokine storm and reduced O2 and the whole bit. I tossed everything I knew at that and it was a booger. Lots of folks in our tiny area were sick but I will say they were not being treated properly even early on and that made me curious. Once I could think properly. I never go see a doc for such things no matter how sick I get. I can manage or it’s my time to go. But folks who were going to the ER - even early and with bacterial pneumonia after their viral stage - were dying. Most unusual I thought, until family stories started coming forward. And then I became alarmed and horrified and started reading and, well, here we are. But I concur the virus isn’t natural and certainly seems to be synthetic with all manner of weird things attached to it. But even so, as much as I believe modern medicine to be less effective than natural medicine, it still can manage respiratory infections and the bacterial things associated with them. We now know that docs weren’t doing their jobs and that still horrifies me.
Wow - read a lot about this since the beginning, but never had anyone lay it out quite like that. Stunning analysis
Except it's totally absurd and absolves the true criminals of the crimes they committed.
None of the perps are CCP, Marxists, socialists, populists, anarchists or any such thing. They are all ardent capitalists operating within the logic of capitalism and have been doing so for decades.
Please understand the historical trajectory of how we got here. The nascent Bio-Security State started as far back as the mythical HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980's and has developed into what we see today.
The many steps along the way included most of the same institutions (and individuals) that are involved in the Covid scam and none of these are CCP/communist/socialist etc. in their origins.
Another aspect that gets ignored in the "blaming" of China is that the perps who are mainly responsible for these crimes are let off the hook as blame gets assigned to China e.g..not to mention it stokes the flames for a 'hot war' with China.
This is very dangerous jingoism and people are falling it.
Back to the "commies", "yellow peril", Al Qaeda etc. as the bogeyman.
The primary power moving the world towards totalitarianism lies in international institutions that are decidedly controlled by Western actors. "Covid19", the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives.
The plan is for a new phase of global capitalism- enabled by national states and governments, international organisations and quangos (EU, UN, NATO, IMF, WTO, WHO, Gates, GAVI)- with no clear lines between state and non-state actors. As an aside none of the actors involved are communists.
Thank you again Allen. You always set it straight. With no fuss.
My colleagues are sick all the time from the experiment.
In another workplace one was diagnosed with ALS, 36 years old.
Yet again, one 32 -heart-attack, in ICU, uncertain outcome.
The culling is in full force towards Neo-feudalism and people reject to see it.
Healthy friend -- jab 2 results in serious heart issues - told it's not the jab....
Takes the booster -- hand goes numb the next day... doc initially thinks maybe a jab side effect... the problem spreads -- diagnosed ALS --- told not the jab - the jab does not cause ALS...
Now she waits to die
One of the fundamental principles of capitalism is freedom. One is free to pursue their own interests. That freedom extends up to the point at which pursuing your freedom restricts the freedom of others. If this occurs, it is a corruption of capitalism, and no longer capitalism at all.
What you are referring to, in your projected future, is more aptly defined as fascism. A coming together of corporate and governmental institutions in order to create a power synergy with the effect of limiting the freedom of the masses. This is the complete opposite of free market capitalism, which has at its core individual liberty for every person.
Crony capitalism (an oxymoron) is both a deception to disparage capitalism and a euphemism for evolving fascism. Fascism is just another version of authoritarianism, along with socialism and communism. We can add globalism to the list.
Making the mistake of demonising capitalism is what leads so many misguided down the pathway of socialism. A utopian mirage which can only ever conclude in authoritarianism. Which, by its very nature is collectivism, and therefore, unavoidably anti-individualism.
Capitalism is, in fact, the only pathway to satisfy the pursuit and sustainment of liberty.
Needless to say, what has occurred throughout the Covid period has been a gross violation of the fundamental constructs of capitalism.
Just call it "liberal-fascism", that is: rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy. This is the model for the interlocking CFR/UN/WEF network which has dominated US policy and controlled the media since WW2. See chart: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/
The "liberal-fascists" of the CFR/UN/WEF network have been running this show since WW2. They are also responsible for the buildup of China, which shifted into high gear with Kissinger's "secret trip" in 1971 while Mao's bloody cultural revolution was still in progress:
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”
-- David Rockefeller, CFR chairman, NY Times, 1973-08-10
Kissinger is the linchpin that so many need to remember....I wonder how he was involved /related to Project Paperclip.
The CIA was founded by CFR members, and most of the CIA directors, including William Burns, have been CFR members. Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years.
Kissinger was Rockefeller's right-hand man and a lifetime CFR member. He was also Klaus Schwab's mentor, and helped launch the Davos WEF in 1971.
Today, billionaires Larry Fink (BlackRock), David Rubenstein (Carlyle) and Marc Benioff (Salesforce) are WEF trustees. Fink is a CFR director, Rubenstein is the CFR chairman, and Benioff who owns Time magazine is a CFR member.
You are so right.
People in the UK who seem to be normal will go rabid about China causing the pandemic and the evil Russians and the Ukraine war.
It has got to be some sort of brainwashing.
Same is true here in the US.
Within the 'Covid Sceptic' movement here in the US there is a fairly strong strain of anti-China sentiment and hyper nationalism.
I keep challenging them to give me some evidence that Bill Gates is a commie but none provided to date.
I always say to them "cut out the labels and concentrate on the deeds" but it is like they have been trained like a dog to react to certain words.
Nailed it.
This article does nothing of the sort. It details the events without resorting to blaming ideologies or boogeymen, unlike your reply here.
Corruption is corruption under any system. Murder, etc. the same.
Define communist
Indeed - Thank you "Allen" - I cut pasted and printed a long comment thread of yours - 2,3 weeks back - and have been passing it around. Even without the context of the post, it is a very compelling statement of what I have been calling the radical anti-covid position. I wonder if you are familiar with Giorgio Agamben? He was making similar claims way back in March 2020 - tho silent of late - very little of it is in English and he is 80 yrs old. "State of Exception" (Emergency).
I am familiar with Agamben.
He's been talking about this stuff for years. Very, very difficult to get people to absorb the full context of the Biosecurity State. There is great resistance to this from most of the "top dogs" in the 'Covid skeptic' movement.
One thing that has happened here, I think, is that many of these substackers and/or tweeters are new to these phony pandemics AND for the first time have a platform with which to catapult their views. Such individuals have for the most part either some science background or a fair amount of resources to utilize. But they have little to no knowledge about the history of the situation- to them it's as if Covid is some unique event and some unique disease- it is neither.
In short they have been immersed in this system for all of their lives and even though they now dissent (up to a point) and may "feel betrayed" and may have good enough intentions but they have no understanding of the political economy of the medical cartel.
That's all well and good but it's not okay that they don't take a step back and now look into these things. It's also not okay that they are intolerant of those who question them on these things and illustrate that indeed this alternative brand of "expert" really doesn't know the subject matter in depth.
I could go into some details on this as I am just one step removed from the "bigshots" of the anti-Covid "movement" so I get the stories straight from the horses mouth as it were.
At some point I'm going to put this idea together in a lengthier and more cohesive article.
You should do that. It will save having to deal with the similar if not identical copy-pasta responses you make on my substack!
Your notion of "spamming" is absurd and that you just did such a thing illustrates an infantilized dynamic which is all too common on such formats. Basically you can't handle criticism particularly if it is well reasoned and cuts to the core of your identity. That such trivialities are of concern to your sacred substack identity is quite remedial.
All facets of how you examine the "Covid pandemic" are rooted in unwarranted assumptions.
I'll use this eaxmple from your nice article about Samoa where you state:
"Was Samoa the testing ground for a release of a SARS-like coronavirus in November 2019 - via a UNICEF sponsored vaccine - that proved that the population of the world could be intimidated and coerced into accepting mandatory vaccinations?
Given the way the WHO, UNICEF, the WEF and the UN have conducted themselves over the last 3 years..."
The first paragraph conflates two very different things and includes an ambiguous reference to what is a computerized fiction.
It also speaks to a larger issue of State coercion specific to vaccines which predates the situation in Samoa by over a hundred years. Examples of this are numerous throughout history and far more widespread and damaging than the one you illustrated.
Samoa was no more the testing ground for the fictional "new pathogen" (there is no "new pathogen") than was Northern Italy as the injections themselves, in both cases, were precisely the poison and that poisoning had nothing to do with "introducing" the fictional SARS-CoV2 into the world. These were simply more of the same from Pharma- human guinea pigs for their toxic crap.
Do you even know the exact ingredients of those injections used in Samoa and why they would cause such reactions?
In your second paragraph you speak to how the those organizations have acted "over the past three years." Sorry but this is at best naively stated- I could say more. The fact is that this is how the WHO, UNICEF, WEF, UN etc. are suppose to act- they are operating precisely as they have been designed and this is how they have been operating from their inception.
These rhetorical constructs tell me that the person writing them simply doesn't have the historical background necessary to clearly make the case for what is happening.
Try taking a step back and try learning from people who know quite a bit more about what is happening than yourself.
You are trapped in a version of the phony narrative and would have to pretty much come to terms with the fact that virtually everything you have come to believe is fraudulent which includes virtually all of your "professional" training.
This is true of most who keep pounding out various versions of "pandemic" even as they think they are dissenting- they are not and are in fact priming the pump for more of the same and doing so with blinders.
On a final note don't take this personally- as I don't. Ruthless criticism is essential to growth.
IMO Our entry into WWI led directly to WWII which I don't believe would have happened if the U.S. had stayed out of WWI. After WWII the world was ready to accept all governments getting together to prevent any more world wars which led to the United Nations and all the other global organizations trying to destroy National Sovereignty today and therefore in the U.S. our individual sovereignty.
Yes I agree blaming China for everything is blind rage in my opnion. Why the devil truly lies in the details. Thanks for your cogent reply. Never heard of "jingoism" (:
Love the nitty gritty details here...have never seen the sequences laid out like this. Great work!
There's all this and still I was confronted by a 22 year old family member tonight who is 'medically trained' (her words) and works in hospitals claiming that jabs should be mandated and no one has died from them and the unvaccinated are the problem. Twilight. Zone.
Ask her, if the 3rd jab works, why does she need the 4th jab, if the 4th jab works, what's the 5th jab for?
They are not 'medically trained', they are medically de-brained.
The 22 year old will change her tune if she keeps getting boosted plus the flu vaccine (also mRNA) and then tries to conceive (which will be with great difficulty after 4 or 5 mRNA shots) and have a normal baby
before that happens she may very well develop a life time life shortening disease either neurological like ALS or Alzheimers, or turbo cancer or cardiovascular. Or get ADE and be sick all the time and oh dear its NOT the quackzines and booster jabs causing this, no dear no! Things would be MUCH worse if I weren't boosted etc etc. My reply, oh so you'd be dead then right? When the level of their suffering rises up to that level that they wish themselves dead for their suffering to end, then I'd mock them merciliessly as to ...wanting the non vaxxed jab because the vaxxes are safe and effective. And even then at deaths door and suffering from disease brought on by the 'safe and effective' jabs they will be unable to admit the jabs caused it. No in someway it will be your fault for not doing what the stupid herd did. Liberals one and all.
There is a lot of that going around. It is tough for nice young people to believe that those in authority want them dead. That is a world view change that is too much for most people, of any age, to accept.
The result of public education.
She doesn't see all the young people coming through the ER with heart problems?
She doesn't work in ER - she's more in medical sales but has worked in hospitals as part of her degree/training. She obviously only listens to the mainstream etc. Very arrogant young woman all round, and with a tyrannical bent. A case in point that you can be educated but not have an inquiring mind. Even my dad, whose wife is Chinese, was saying that the problems they're having in China are because of people telling the elderly the vaccine is no good for them so there has been low uptake among them. They just have no idea. After all this time! My entire family is jabbed to various degrees, bar me and one of my step brothers. Makes you realise the majority lack critical thinking skills.
And I imagine this is a dirty secret that nobody talks about ...
Fast Eddy and miscarriages, just to name one .
My daughter is training to be a nurse, she is halfway through her course and she has had zero training on medical ethics. Quite shocking really, and the human biology is the same level of complexity as the old O level. Lots of talk about inclusivity without really explaining what it is or how it is achieved.
Sounds like indoctrination! Thinking not allowed.
Very much so, I am hoping that the on ward training will fill in the humanity and science lacking in the book training. My daughter is dyslexic, so I have been proof reading her course work...
Oh geez.. is she going to give someone 51mg of morphine instead of 15? WTH? Are you going to be accompanying her on her shifts, too, to check her work? I sincerely hope so.
IQ has zero connection to Emotional Intelligence.
In fact, most university trained are oblivious to EI
Wow. Disturbing
No mentioning of Remdesivir, Ventilators, Midazolam, Morfin...
Keeping it concise I imagine. But the main tenet is iatrocide so add whatever extra evidence you see fit.
"Midazolam Matt’ Hancock orchestrated the Genocide of the Elderly & Vulnerable & we can prove it" by Dr. Paul Alexander:
"Misdiagnosing C19 using debunked Drosten RT-PCR tests in 2020, prevented treatment with life-saving antibiotics, killing 100's of 1,000's of Americans" by Peter Halligan:
My brother was murdered with that protocol.
He walked into the ER w Pneumonia.
Hospital called it Covid.
Dead 4 days later.
Of course no one would listen to me…
I’m so sorry for your loss. My dad was killed the same way. Admitted to hospital for Covid, was doing fine, given 5 days of Remdesivir, and suddenly he’s on a ventilator and dead within 2 weeks. I’m so sorry you experienced this type of avoidable loss too.
Oh my heart just broke for you.
I’m so so sorry.
I pray we all see justice.
It doesn’t bring them back, but ridding the earth of this evil would sure help others
Big hug 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I've had staff who are 4x vaxxed get very sick with Covid recently ... on the verge of being hospitalized... I try to convince them to take Ivermectin or Hydroxy... but they are not buying into it.
The last place one wants to end up with Covid is the hospital - it's a death sentence
Show them the evidence that they knew IVM and Hydroxy worked for SARS years ago - perhaps they'll realise then. However, these people seem locked into the narrative.
So sorry for your loss Jjule. Too many of my colleagues have no critical thinking left.
Love to you in this Christmas time still full of C19-BS.
Thank you for your kindness.
Merry and blessed Christmas Season
Wicked definitely. But only possible because people are stupid. Its freezing here in NC, which probably means my gas bill will be up, but will barely be a blip on my electrical bill (down over 40% from August). One would think anyone who pays their own bills might realize heat drives up electricity consumption, but cold on the east coast mostly drives up gas or oil consumption. Decreased output - like useless solar panels and frozen windmills - can overwhelm the grid in the cold, but it’s not huge increases consumption as a result of the cold in this region.
Yet, Duke energy is sending us energy conservation notices to “avoid rolling blackouts.” Keep your overnight power usage down (what overnight electrical usage Im wondering). Duke handles electricity, not natural gas. Energy consumption in NC (and most of the east coast for that matter) is down 40% from August. Turning my heat down to 60 at 3am so my kids freeze has no impact on the grid, yet that’s what idiots all over around here are doing.
We are replacing clean, efficient, on demand energy sources like natural gas and nuclear with dirty sources like slave-built lead filled solar panels and ecologically destructive incredibly inefficient wind turbines - all because stupid people somehow believe that since the sun shines and wind blows that magically makes cobalt and lithium become renewable and Chinese slave labor a “necessary” evil. It’s just so stupid and completely self inflicted destruction. I am no longer surprised by it, but frustrated I can’t make it end, I can only do my part.
Don't forget all those kids in the Congo. They're "doing their part" mining cobalt. Of course, it's all for "the greater good" - the greater good of politicians and their cronies' wallets.
Absolutely. The Chinese own most of those mines in the Congo. I’m not sure how enslaving tens of millions of people to build dirty inefficient energy apparatus is good for anyone, but it’s no wonder the same people pushing a lethal and completely useless “vaccine” as a mandate directed at children also push harmful and completely useless “renewables.” They follow an enormous nihilistic cult we call woke.
Well said!
Hey all they need is their phone, flat screen tv and the NFL life is good!
Have you seen this paper from Fauci:
Denis Rancourt mentioned that antibiotics were held out in America on an interview in Jerm Warfare. According to him, the pattern seen with covid doesn't resemble a viral outbreak and thinks most of the deaths can be explained with treatment protocols, much of it being the denial of antibiotics.
This has been a pandemic of iatrogenesis. Health systems have been enablers of corrupt government policies and diktats. Shame on them.
Two points. I expect lockdowns were not specifically done to prevent other economies but China's from growing. The most important reason for lockdowns was actually to cement the idea in most people's heads that there truly was a novel deadly virus by experiencing a very dystopian world via lockdowns. Lockdowns were completely novel and thus "proved" that the danger must be real or governments would not take such extreme measures. They were also used as a coercive technique later ie. if enough of the population refuses vaccines, we will have to go into lockdown again was one of the messages used to increase vaccine uptake. Also people were told that they could return to "normal" once they got their vaccines but without lockdowns that message would have not had the same impact. In many places, masks came into place only after demonstrations were growing and they knew they would not be able to keep lockdowns going for that much longer. The masks were to remind people constantly that there really was a deadly new plague sweeping the world and for people to be grateful that the lockdowns were lifted if they all wore masks instead. The lockdowns were a coercive cudgel governments purposefully associated with the "new normal" so that people would be eager to take a vaccine to get their lives back (watch the ads/messaging from spring 2021 promising that one can get their life back if only they take these vaccines). That lockdowns also destroyed economies was a bonus but not their goal..
Good example of saying that freedoms should be held out as a carrot to get people to agree to be vaccinated (this messaging could only have had traction with lockdowns and school closures as wearing a mask might be annoying but doesn't prevent one from getting on with life):
Here's a paper from Fauci which shows he knew that the 1918-1919 deaths were due to bacterial pneumonia and not from flu:
Nailed it! Great summary! Also, hospitals were financially rewarded for "Covid" deaths and media outlets like CBS, MSNBC, and CNN, were running 24/7 Covid death counters to terrify the masses. Interesting how those televised 24/7 Covid death counters stopped running when Biden became president.
Frightening - the people not the virus.
Thanks for all of your analysis Joel. Merry Christmas mate.
Joel, in this scenerio as you paint, my understanding of the takeaway is that not only is China responsible for a fake pandemic but they are also primary responsibility for the death vxx. We know China has spies everywhere and in big pharma and ABC medical regulatory agencies. The other option to the hypothesis that China and the globalists in all countries are working hand-in-hand together towards this genocidal agenda? And if the latter, we can then say that the globalists and communist internationale goals are overlapped to of one mind.
Naomi Wolf pointed this out a year ago. They all work at the labs that make the damn death jab. What a nice way to kill your enemy. And of course all of them, Pfizer, Moderna, etc. are Global Corporations and have deep roots (as well as most employees worldwide) in CCP.
A GP refused to give me an antibiotic when I got covid and it went to my lungs. I requested an antibiotic, due to immunosuppression and to PREVENT secondary bacterial lung infection(pneumonia). Phoned back next day, asked the 111 GP for an antibiotic. This time I mentioned I was CONCERNED. Because for the past fifteen years I have been advised to address risk of secondary bacterial infections. I was given doxycycline. I have since acquired my own supply of antibiotics and ivermectin for my husband and myself. We will not be held to ransom ever again. The NHS continues to practice incompetent medicine. It is unacceptable.
Mary Ann & Fast Eddy, My vaxxed x3 brother, 60 yo, has been ill for 10 days and can't clear it. Got him to go to NHS GP and armed him with info about secondary infection leading to bacterial pneumonia - even gave him the name of treatments needed. Thankfully he got the antibiotics! Prescribed without problem, so maybe things have changed back again.
It's frightening that nowadays we have to diagnose and learn to treat ourselves. I wouldn't trust any of them to tell me the time. Murderers!!
It depends where you live and what NHS Trust or CCG or whatever they call them you come under.
The original NHS was um, you know, er, National but in 1990 the turning of patients into consumers and the creation of NHS Trusts gave birth to the "postcode lottery".
This is just the beginning of the downfall of mankind. We the dirty unvaccinated must not let the corrupt bastards who forced this fake pandemic on the world get away scott free. Their time will come when the great uprising happens ,and it will. I wont be here to see it ,but my grandchildren will be smart enough to recognise the bullshit forced on them by weak gutless governments doing the work for the so called elites. F;'./k them
Wow, that is so evil, evil to the core, that it is beyond shocking. I knew that they banned Ivermectin and HCQ as a safe and effective treatment, and as if that hadnt been outrageous enough, the ban of antibiotics is criminal. I wonder if this is also making its way to Twitter´s Fauci Files, which are due to be published next Wednesday.
This is dangerous nonsense. I can't believe you have fallen for this insane narrative.
China just let a virus loose and cooked up some deaths and then faked out the oh so innocent West so as to wipe out the economies of the West.
My goodness how in the world does anyone buy this?
For starters you might want to exaimne the factual history of who exactly has been persuading the world of phony viral epidemics/pandemics for decades. Hint: It is not China.
As an aside Senger is wrong on most everything and openly admits he has only come to these matters as of 2020. He has zero understanding of the history of these things and even less knowledge about how these insitutions of the Bio-Security State have been building for decades.
This is all reactionary rehashed "yellow peril" BS.
Manufacturing in the U.S. and throughout the rest of world suffered from a lack of materials, components, and parts in 2020 and 2021 (I'm not sure about 2022 as I retired and don't follow industry data anymore). This was presumed to be because China locked down it's economy and manufacturing centers just like the rest of the world.
Since this post claims that China did not lock down its economy, what is the reason that global manufacturing could not get the materials, components, and parts it needed from China? China kept producing them but stopped shipping them? How would the Chinese economy grow, which is heavily export dependent, if it stopped interacting with the rest of the world through global trade? (There was clear evidence in global shipping in 2020-2021 to China and the rest of the world. )
I'm open to what this article is suggesting, but I'd like to know more about how its claims would be true.
Bloody hell, you ask good questions.
See this really pisses me off when the MSM call us "thickos" and the like yet look at the quality of questions asked just in this comment section.
Agree with this report, excellent ! As i've ben saying since summer 2020. Lockdowns created the excess deaths, mainly due to care home protocols, mass PCR fraud continued till every human being on eartth was injected with experimental genetic drugs, think about that !? And people call me a conspiracy theorist for stating this is extremely wrong and nefarious ? There was never any new novel virus and EVEN if there was it still doesn't make the last 3 years right !!!
Interesting theory about what happened. I follow your logic. Except.....I’ve been a practicing alternative practitioner for 30+ years. Studied vaccines and know their danger and by default studied viruses. I know symptoms and the difference between a bacterial infection and a viral one. It shows differently in the pulse profile I’m also trained in. Bacterial infections often do follow viral ones. Bacterial pnuemonia in the weak and the elderly are common in our flu seasons. Easily treatable if caught early enough as are the viral infections. However, I had one HELL of a viral infection in Dec 2019 with symptoms lasting through Mar 2020. Cytokine storm and reduced O2 and the whole bit. I tossed everything I knew at that and it was a booger. Lots of folks in our tiny area were sick but I will say they were not being treated properly even early on and that made me curious. Once I could think properly. I never go see a doc for such things no matter how sick I get. I can manage or it’s my time to go. But folks who were going to the ER - even early and with bacterial pneumonia after their viral stage - were dying. Most unusual I thought, until family stories started coming forward. And then I became alarmed and horrified and started reading and, well, here we are. But I concur the virus isn’t natural and certainly seems to be synthetic with all manner of weird things attached to it. But even so, as much as I believe modern medicine to be less effective than natural medicine, it still can manage respiratory infections and the bacterial things associated with them. We now know that docs weren’t doing their jobs and that still horrifies me.
All it matters is that we accept it is all China + Fauci's fault? Yup. And elephants can fly. Merry Christmas everyone!