The census here in America is reporting 16 million working age Americans with long-covid issues, 4 million of whom are unable to work, and zero Americans with vaccine injuries. So I am sure whatever truly awful thing found will have absolutely nothing to do with the vaccines.

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Not being facetious now, my guess is, at least half of long covid cases are vaccine related. At least half, though I am certain there has been no parsing of the data to know if the jabbed and unjabbed both get long covid. But they do not want to know that any more than they will admit there are vaccine injuries.

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i can't remember which substack (maybe igor?) recently had a post about a study that showed that long covid was mental. you were much more likely to think you had long covid if you thought you had it...or some such.

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el gato started looking into long covid being a mental question last year:


Touched again on the topic several times since, including earlier this month:


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If I use your 50% vaccine related, then add 49.999% will be the attention seeking hypochondriac brigade, which gives us nigh on 100%

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I can't like your remark, thumbs up for a decent unbiased article

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The virus was here (Scotland, Highlands and lowlands) in December 2019, I know many dozens of people who had it then and over Christmas. It carried on into January. A friend's long planned 50th birthday party was almost cancelled because many who had been invited were not well enough to attend. GPs called it 'mystery flu'. I know someone who was very ill in November, he was in hospital 3 times (with pneumonia symptoms) and they tested him for everything but could not identify what it was. It was a very bad flu for most people, but no worse than that. My wife was very ill for 2-3 weeks, the cough, could barely breathe, I thought was pneumonia. Kids got it lost sense of taste and smell, and had fever. I just had a sore throat, one evening, and was fine the next day. So I must have had t cell immunity, from a previous coronavirus.

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My mum (76 at the time) was bedridden for 3 days in Dec 2019. First time she was that ill in many years!

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My 14 year old niece (a fit athlete and ballerina) had pneumonia and blood clotting followed several weeks later by multi symptom inflammatory issues, glandular issues. She’s fine now.

She was tested for everything under the sun. Hospital nurses were wearing masks.

They said something was going around.

That episode was Nov-Dec 2019 NJ/US

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I also had something quite nasty in December 2019, unlike anything I'd had before. Chest wasn't right for a good year+ afterwards.

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I had a really bad chest infection started Dec 23rd 2019. In bed for days - terrible cough, breathlessness etc thought I was dying - diagnosed with pneumonia. Had 2 courses of different antibiotics and steroids. Took a few months to feel really well again. I’ve always thought it was Covid - though of course no tests then.

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I wonder if the key difference between men and women in this age range is hormonal birth control, which independently increases risk of blood clots. Like, what happens when you take a slightly elevated risk, and pile another risk factor like the shots on top of that? Is it small increase + another small increase, or is it small increase x another small increase ?

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Boy you are a real thinker....never ever thought of that.

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eh, I've thought about it a lot. I declined to use HBC because I already have migraine with aura, which comes with an elevated risk of stroke. It had been my impression (perhaps incorrect) that the various bloodclot risk factors sort of multiply risk when you stack them up, rather than simply adding-- so that if you smoke *and* use HBC, your risk is higher than just the smoking risk + the HBC risk. But like I said: I could be wrong. I know the subject came up, and then snuffed out just as quick, back in 2020 in relation to COVID itself, and blood-clot risk. Did that ever get any follow-up?

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Feb 2nd, 2020. I was in Hawaii working around tons of Chinese tourists. I caught a bug unlike I’ve ever had before. It was like a bad cold. Almost like a flu, but extreme lung pain. Also, my heart was beating so erratically, I can’t explain it.

I’ve caught some pretty nasty tropical stuff in my travels. This was different.

I asked if it could be the new COVID thing going around. Doc said, “no, that’s not in the USA yet.” I looked up flights from Wuhan and realized he was an idiot.

Heart beat was erratic for over a month afterwards.

I was 39 and healthy when I caught that bug.

Fast forward to December 2021, and I was taking care of my wife who had COVID like the flu for 3 days. I felt a sickness coming on, so I went and got tested, positive. Went home and shoveled snow, woke up the next day in a pile of sweat, but felt 100%, like I was coming down with something big, then felt like I got over something big, without ever getting sick… probably natural immunity from what I had in feb of 2020…

Either way, both weren’t shit compared to the regular flu, or whatever I caught in Africa that they couldn’t figure out, but cleared space in the freeze for me until I came around suddenly…

Nothing worth ushering in global tyranny over.

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Joel, you may find this site useful and interesting - it shows crude death rates over a longer timescale - while this has continued to decrease overall worldwide - there are sharp inflection points and sudden upturns in the US and UK around 2010 - 2012, indicates there are funny things going on with deaths over the past 10 years unrelated to covid? https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.CDRT.IN?locations=GB-US

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When was swine flu?

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2009 - 2010 ...

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I’d like to see when they stopped sticking everyone on ventilators. When the policy shifted from “Stick ‘em all on a vent” to “We can’t do anything for you, go home until you die.” I bet the deaths flattened out.

I bet you’ll find ample evidence of state sanctioned murder when you plot that data…

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I agree.

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I know this article is referencing the UK but interestingly in the US there was a strange sequence of events in March of '20 by Dems to continue encouraging people to go out and lead normal lives. Pelosi and others were goading people not to forego Chinatown celebrations due to virus that wasn't here going so far as to accuse racism if you were avoiding Chinatown. Curious circumstances for sure.

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We had a big rush of people coming in to get their vaccines in early December, in order to be 'safe' for family Christmas.

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I enjoy your analysis Joel. Just two questions if I may....Do you believe in the PCR/ Lateral flow test(s)? and do you believe in the Germ Theory?..........I only ask because I am a qualified Chemist with nearly 30 years experience. My slant was towards Analytical methodology in both classical wet chemistry methods and Instrumentation methods. To that end i have validated countless methods, and designed a few myself (which would then be validated by others). If I had produced the PCR method for Sars Cov 2 ,word for word, produced by Christian Drosden and hastily rubber stamped by the corrupt to the core World Health Organisation in Jan 2020, then those validation 'my' method would have thrown in it the bin inside a minute!! Hence the PCR test is a complete fraud, and easy to manipulate. If I tested 100 people, I could guarantee 100 % positives (or negatives) simply by adjusting the cycle threshold of the test, which is something you wouldn't be able to do in a worthwhile test.. As for lateral Flow tests they are complete bollocks, as they look for a target molecule, and if you don't haven't the correct target (or don't know what you are looking for) in the first place, it is pointless.

I knew what was coming before the 'pandemic', or should I call it 'casedemic' was called in March 2020. My problem was I didn't know much about the Immune system, Epidemiology or medicine in general, so I am now 2 years into a degree course on Epidemiology, Immunology and Human Sciences. Along with these subjects I have also gone into the history of medicine. I then found out there was a 'rival' to the Germ theory,which we were all brought up on, namely the Terrain.

As a conclusion from my research, the germ theory is complete b*llocks, with so many holes in, and no more than a Big Pharma/ Rockafella medicine sales pitch. J D Rockafella hijacked the medical industry in the early 1900s by the way.

Best Regards

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I'm convinced I had whatever they're calling Covid back in early Jan 2020. Was bedridden for 5 days and I know a few people that had similar in December /January

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Peter Attwood, 84, from Chatham, Kent, was already dead from Covid on January 31, 2020. He was infected by his 46 yrs old daughter prior of December 28, 2019. So, at least in December 2019, the virus was already circulating in UK. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8711951/Grandfather-84-NEVER-left-UK-earliest-known-fatality-coronavirus-outside-China.html

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This graph looks anything but normal. Why the scissors? How does that make sense?

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Scissors? You mean how the black lines curve down like that? Reporting lag. See here - https://metatron.substack.com/p/all-cause-deaths-by-date-of-occurrence

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But still! Start of 2022 is already fully reported?

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I am a huge sceptic the entire subject of covid-19, starting from the "wet market" nonsense to the "safeandeffective vaccine." I am also worried about OECD and other establishment sources showing unexplained excess all-cause mortality rising all over the globe.

However, I am missing any explanation of the elephant in the room of that graph, namely, the precipitously dropping black line, 2021-2022.

What is that capturing?

Could it be -- mirabile dictu -- that the "vaccine is working"?

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Sorry if I'm being thick but in your first graph (men 25-39), the green line (for example) ends at +165 but the black line which is its continuation starts at <<165. Is this because the 'baseline' is taken from the previous period - which then includes the excess in the green line?

Secondly, the points of inflection at 28-dec-20 (men and women) are before those age groups were generally vaccinated. However, my wife reminded me that care workers were included in the first batch of vaccinations and many of those would have been in this age group.

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It was in Australia in 2018/19, per the ABS's FLI deaths where there was a huge jump in 2019 for the period 2017-2021.

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