Who amongst them didn't lie?

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Answer: All of the above

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Big pharma has been lying about vaccines since the 1950s and polio.

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It would be refreshing if the government and Pharma executives asked these questions said, "Yes. Of course we lied. What are you going to do about it, lady?"

Because they KNOW nobody in government is going to do anything about this.

Still, it's probably better to just say, "We didn't lie" ... which everyone knows is another lie, but every statement they make is now a lie. They've always lied and they always will lie. That's the truth.

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That's the scariest part, they are untouchable. 'Governments' & politicians are corrupt and equally untouchable. So there will never be any recourse.

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In Australia our regulator the TGA had a report from Pfizer in early 2021 that they hadn’t tested for transmissibility. However, the government didn’t openly share this information and based mandates on the view that they did stop transmission. It was on this basis I lost my job working with people who had disabilities. It’s clear through this action they ignored 75 years of medical ethics and denied the public informed consent. Those responsible for this need to be removed from positions of influence. Fraud and corruption is rampant in Western governments and this is just one example. My government has certainly lost my trust.

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There's a law on the books, 21-USC-360bbb, that says,Emergency use authorized countermeasures under public health emergency cannot constitute clinical investigation.If clinical investigation is not possible, then you cannot have clinical trials, you cannot have informed consent, you cannot have clinical trial subjects, or clinical trial investigators,explaining that the pharmaceutical companies had been commandeered to produce the non-Good Manufacturing Practice compliant injectables.

People were never told come over and get injected with a countermeasure prototype, were they? People were told, this is a vaccine. It's safe and effective. It's been tested rigorously,

(said Latypova). By the way, no testing of safety has been done. They have not done any animal trials, not even started them before they started mass injecting people in human trials, and that's a complete violation of all regulations everywhere in the world, including FDA [the US Food and Drug Administration]. They just went straight into people.

Wow what a wonderful life we will have under the Elite, those of us that survive, because we refused their vaccines - funny, I thought the Elite ran our world now, am I missing something here?

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It might even be a "vaccine" of a sort against the original strain. Delta (as far as I know, only the jabbed got it), Omicron, JN.1, etc. put the lie to that.

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Covid and every single thing associated with it is a quagmire of lies and deception. They all continue to lie to cover up their previous lies and so it will go on.

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I am waiting and hoping for the uprising amoungst the people to overthrow the bad governments and will join in if this happens. I don't see a clear path to accountability otherwise.

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Love Christine Anderson. She has always called out the fact that the emperor has no clothes! It gives the rest of us greater strength to not comply... with any of it!

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Christine Anderson is FEARLESS!! Warrior woman!!! Get'em!!!

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Well finally the questions that the sane people already worked out for themselves are being asked. The sad thing is none of these lying bastards will ever face prosecution for mass murder.

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Big Pharma Runs Government hence why killing of the population can occur: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

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Unorthodoxy has a point, but I should add not only does the Rockerfeller family own the chemicals that can induce human illness, but their NGO’s fund immense amounts in f psychological research.

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And we the taxpayers fund the NGO’S.

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Not only that, most of them have been given diplomatic immunity. And a recent report from Darian gap has busted save the children ngo trafficking children.

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Not only that , they created the UN by the Lucis trust . Lucis evolved out of Lucif printing. I saw a video on YouTube about 2015/6 with a guided tour of the UN - 🇺🇳 under the floor of the main floor there is a Masonic temple- satanist.

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thats because the rothschilds and rockeffellers are adrenochrome slurping child raping satanic ghouls who need stringing up

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Thus, they're just Occult Government Organizations.

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AND, the NGO’s have 501C3 status.

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Thus, non-profits and "religious organizations" are also Occult Government Organizations.

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Religious organisations have all been penetrated by masons.

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More likely while they were still churches or whatever, long before they became 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) religious organizations.

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Been doing it for a long time too!

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Democide is truly what is happening.

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military defence runs pharma and the governments are ran by both

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Many lied for different reasons. In fact, all sides lied. What makes it worst is that it likely is a coordinated effort, with each party playing a role. In it like organized crime, brought to you by governments, and their bosses and associates.

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All of the above all of the time.

Royal scam and business model.

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Who lied? And were you also moving at the Speed of Science lol... She is great!

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They will blame Big Pharma for lying but they knew, they didn't take the shots or allow their kids to be poisoned. No, just kickbacks to say nothing. They are all in this together.

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They used hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin they withheld from the rest of us, and Medscrape deactivated comments suggesting use of vitamin C.

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trick questions......maybe who didn't lie....about 100 doctors and a handful of others....the .0001%

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