Consider Mathew Crawford's theory of "wealth effect." Isn't East Germany significantly less wealthy?

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I think it's most likely the "less healthy effect" - have you thought about looking at correlating smoking? Just a guess, but I got the definite sense East Germans smoke more cigarettes.

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I think the higher mortality of East is caused by collapse of hospital care. Basically, many hospitals in East were under financed for long time and combined with overload caused by the new covid measures and first lockdown, it totally breaks hospital care. The same is for the hospital staff, some of the nurses and doctors were just too scared by this covid propaganda, so they stayed home or returned to their home country and even reduce the already low hospital capacity further.

The more I see this kind of analyses, the more I know that it was not the virus but the restrictions and issue of money or wealth. Normal viruses didn't distinguish between rich and poor, but this covid does.

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There was no collapse. I don‘t know where this information come from.

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It was called overwhelming of hospitals and lockdown should prevent this scenario. Do you remember?

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"Don’t the public health officials actually look at the data?"

Why should they since data are "racist, sexist, and bigoted!"?

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Could the difference in case fatality rates between East and West be explained by differences in hospital 'treatment' policies? Living on the other side of the world I have no way of knowing. Anyone?

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If we interpret the signals of several tests (McCairn et al) of vials to have 'blanks' (no modRNA, but LNPs), then this would indicate suppliers can have discretion over what percent of 'hot clot shots' they deliver selectively to different regions.

The east germans, still smarting from communism, have been more opposed to the globalist agenda. This could be a vendetta.

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As mentioned elsewhere, we could investigate what the rate of covid shot compliance / subjugation is between ex-DDR and West. Let me run the numbers from destatis.de

Invaders -East: 1106/12249 = 9.03%

Invaders -West: 21203/69624 = 30.45%

If we go with Natives 85% jabbed and invaders 10% jabbed, we come up with.

Jabbed -East: ((1106*0.1) + (11143*0.85)) / 12249 = 78.23%

Jabbed -West: ((21203*0.1) + (48421*0.85)) / 69624 = 62.16%

Now thing is, according to Joel's graphs, the big east/west divergence in all-cause mortality starts Dec 2020, and the jabs started end of December, and only the first million doses were delivered by February 2021. So the ethnic divergence jab-related hypothesis looks to be invalid.

Still it's interesting to find that there are 19.3 million invaders here, out of a population of 83.24 million.

I wonder who opened the gates to Vienna?

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Fascinating. Where did you get this data?

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I mean the jab rates for natives vs invaders?! Just arbitrary?

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No-one has dared publish surveys on it. The 90% is anecdotal from Fuellmich's Corona-Ausschuss, and it roughly corresponds to the numbers I hear from migrants I've chatted with.

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Maybe E. Germans have a collectivist mindset, in contrast to a individualistic mindset on the part of the W. Germans being ex communists. This would account for the higher rate of compliance in the E. This in turn accounts for the higher death rate in the E.

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Numbers are bogus. You don‘t know the vaccination rates. The Numbers from the RKI are useless and wrong, especially the vaccination rates for Bundesländer and ZIP codes. They use the zip code from the vaccination center, not where the Residents live.

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Another country data set seeming to fit with Denis Rancourt and colleagues hypothesis based on US data that “Covid” deaths are directly proportional to poverty.

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Is there a difference in pollution levels between east and west Germany? Like is east Germany a hub of industry where west is not? I’d be interested to know if anyone can tell me.

The amount of toxins in someone’s blood can have a huge effect on health and therefore mortality. I would expect areas with higher pollution to have higher mortality from covid and from all causes

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Pollution is worse, thanks to the fact that it was communist, and lacked any viable tort system to hold polluters accountable.

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interesting read, thanks! poorer climate? really, is there such a big difference?

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Very early on when I started analysing European mortality I was struck by a very clear divide in COVID mortality during season 1 (spring 2020) that went straight down the middle of Germany to northern Italy. Everything to the east of this line (Poland, Czechia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, etc.) had much less COVID in season 1 and much more when it returned the following autumn. Am I naïve to think this is a climactic feature? Are there other social, political and economic factors that link and explain these outcomes?

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Are you using hospitalizations as case counts (as should be) or just tests?

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1. Putin

2. Trump

3. Climate change.

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4. The Sun

5. Gardening

6. Napping

7. Coffee

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Does East Germany have an age or skin color difference relative to West Germany?

And what about NATO's Ukrainian Anschluss?

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2017: Mean age east 46.3, west 44.1

Since 1990, east 22% up west 11%.

A serious study would correct for cofounding factors and do multiple regression analysis.

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1) 'covid deaths' are often actually adverse events to the shots (I have witnessed this false reporting by a hospital myself)

2) West is also more flooded with invaders, who 90% avoid the jabs. So they get less AE deaths mischaracterized as covid.

3) Any statistical analysis calling itself "of Germany" must only be done on ethnic Germans; That is those of Saxon/Germanic descent.

What Joel posted here is an analysis of Merkelstan.

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I don't think it's beyond realms of possibility of data fudging. Cooking the Covid death stats in the East to encourage uptake though the nodes of the media.

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Could it not simply be an artifact of differing data collection/tabulation processes in east vs west? A small discrepancy in how "COVID" deaths are categorized could lead to large differences in perceived group outcomes.

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Unless I'm reading it wrong (quite possible) I would seriously consider moving from Sachsen as they seem to be dropping like flies there!

Are the East Germans simply poorer, older and more unhealthy generally and is their infrastructure worse? I used to go there when it was the DDR and its facilities were dreadful.

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Because East Germany is closer to Russia....

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