We have already established that COVID is racist. But, is it sexist too?
A detailed, accurate examination of excess mortality of England & Wales native men and women, born in 1940, reveals substantial similarity in the years running up to the “COVID pandemic” (Figure 1).
However, during the “pandemic”, there are distinct deviations from this normal relationship (Figure 2).1
Native males suffer substantially more than females. Males die at roughly double the excess rate as females on four separate occasions:
March to May 2020
Oct to Dec 2020
Jan to Feb 2021
Aug 2021
This elevated excess mortality has persisted through to the end of 2023 at least, with roughly 1,000 males of this single year birth cohort dying more than their female counterparts. This is more than double an inter-seasonal variation.
Each of these periods coincides with distinct distributions of reported COVID mortality (Figure 3).
According to the principle of Ockham’s razor, this would lead us to a hypothesis that COVID discriminates significantly by gender (male or female).
But why, as is clearly shown in Figure 3, is there substantially more COVID mortality after mid-Dec 2020, right at the moment that the jab campaign was instigated? Wasn’t the jab supposed to reduce mortality?
Since 2022, the two mortality series have returned to their historical relationship (Figure 4).
Once again, this has coincided with a relative absence of reported COVID mortality, confirming our original observation (Figure 5).
Are there reasonable biological explanations for this apparent deviation in the relationship between male and female excess mortality during the peak COVID years? Have the public health agencies investigated this stark anomaly and its implications for treatment?2 Or, is it simply all down to treatment and little to do with the virus at all?3
In the absence of a biological explanation, can we rule out some other discrimination, not related to the virus at all? How can we simply accept that this particular respiratory pathogen should have such a different impact on people according to their sex, where it is evident that other respiratory pathogens have not?
On top of it being racist and sexist, given its overt ageism, this has to be the most un-politically-correct virus of all time?!

Note the RHS scale was shifted by 50 for better visual representation, i.e. recalibrating the cumulative series to start around 0 at the start of the COVID period.
Inevitably, this also highlights the importance of having a clear definition of sex!
1) Obeys geographic borders
2) Racist
3) Sexist
Follow the Science!
Maybe all the men stood up in restaurants when taking off their masks? Or ate sandwiches standing up on trains? Walked the wrong way around supermarkets? Drove their cars alone without masks on? Did that bloke thing of not going to A&E when collapsed on the floor with heart attacks? Were all bus drivers in London (I remember that being a definite marker for covid death)?