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I find it very hard to believe that governments are so stupid (although I believe many are amazingly stupid) that they haven’t caught on to the fact that these injections do not work, are causing immense harm and making things worse, by now. So what are left with? I have days when I still can’t quite believe this is happening. In fact I have to push it to the back of my mind to just get out in the world and function - and just having read a post by a vaccine-injured person and the abysmal way that these suffering people are being treated - I can only come to the conclusion that this is being done on purpose; they don’t care and they want rid of as many of us as possible. Can anyone persuade me otherwise? It’s a far from pleasant conclusion to have to reach.

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Afraid not.

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The governments are not stupid - they are working towards the UN Agenda 2030 - NOT "conspiracy theory", as it is all on the UN site, plus people like Klaus Schwab (CEO of WEF), Bill Gates, etc are continually making statements about it, plus Jacinda stating that she is following it.

It is all about wrecking the world economy, the Great Reset, then World Government, and Eugenics is an integral part of it. They want to reduce the world's population from around 7.8 billion to under 1 billion - in other words, kill off 7 billion of the present population. They are quite open about it - especially the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Yep…some mentioned that we looking at 10 yrs. of pandemics coming up…monkeypox…and the next vax has been purchased by the gov. we are looking at several things:

1) depopulation

2) getting the vax digital passes which are a gateway to total population control - vaxes, digital money owned by the central banks (they can track your purchases, be programmable so that only approved purchases are made, and turned off if you don’t behave), tracking, carbon personal use and this all leads to your social creadit score….nice short video on how that is used in China


3) smart cities, cameras and ai are tied in tracking people which means they will abolish the suburbs and concentrate people in the cities

4) no private property

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Yes. No doubt about it.

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Without question this is all about extermination. You are correct.

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Edward Dowd, ex-Blackrock portfolio manager, puts the whole thing together the mandates, the deaths, the upcoming financial collapse…it’s chilling.


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You can also follow Dowd on Gettr. He’s still on Twitter but might be holding back what he posts there. Naomi Wolf is also on Gettr.

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Welcome to the club of "rude awakenings". You are not alone. As awful as it sounds, I'm glad it is growing...despite the world population decreasing. Awareness of what's going on is vital. Thanks Joel for your persistence and for sharing this info. People need to and are waking up....although we may feel like we are waking up into a nightmare.

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I highly recommend Kunstler’s World Made by Hand novels (series of 4). They now read like primers for coming times.

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I read them years ago when they first came out, and I think of them all the time now, because they are becoming so much more realistic of our future.

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I can relate. I work in education, and as my husband has been put on leave without pay (for refusing shots), I'm it. In order to function, I put on my blue pill hat and leave the house. Surprisingly enough, it works. I'm able to get glimpses of the blue-pill world to sustain me. Alas, once I am home again, the red pill hat comes down upon me like a brick. I literally have two opposing world views, vying for my headspace. Oh, would my former boss (a psychiatrist) have a heyday with me should we sit down for a "chat."

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Every day I wake up and contemplate suicide anymore.

They shredded all decency and most of Womanity.

They've shredded my being daily.

Literally I am in pieces like Humpty Dumpty

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Please hang in there. Many of us also feel those moments of despair. However, as Fast Eddy wrote, we are at a pivotal moment in the history of humanity. It is going to get ugly, but I believe in my heart, #GodWins and good will conquer evil. I'm here for the kids, including mine. She deserves better, and giving up/in is not an option.

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Although suicide would provide a welcome escape from the insanity .... my goal is to see this through to the most important moment in the history of humans -our extinction.

I wanna know how they are gonna kill off 8B... and if my theory is correct https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Well if this is true, that explains the attempt to invade Russia that is so far failed magnifcently

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We need you Grasshopper.

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Grasshopper K: Jesus is reason for hanging in there! God loves you.

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Hang in there, Grasshopper. They want us to despair. That's part of the plan. By resisting, you are ruining their evil scheme.

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Just remember, that's what they want you to do. Stay alive to spite the Schwabian bastards and their demonic plan....

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Intentional is all we are left with…..

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They aren't even really denying it

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I feel the same, when I wake up in the mornings, I have to do all this "mental gymnastics" to face the day in a positive, grateful and productive way. It's painful to live with this darkness, made harder by the apathy, ignorance or just plain evil in my "fellow citizens". Canada is especially bad.

So much surface "fake niceness" with hypocrisy and cowardice underneath.

It's not so easy to just focus on doing something creative, or connect with nature and block this out....

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While there are many incredibly stupid people in government, the ones on top setting policy are well aware of the damage they are causing. Those under them are "just following orders" to keep their jobs. The city health officials are blind followers.

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I think you are right.

Sometimes I also wonder if they took acting classes, or if they just excell at deception and crime and it is just a character defect in them.

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No, they are not stupid but are "stupid people." I have told may about what Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote on Stupidity in 1945. It remains even more true today. Killing off the old reduces gov't pension liability. The shots were also designed to reduce births. There are many "features" of the vaxxes that are called adverse events. The whole covid response is evil and they will not stop until we stop them. Why are there so many mass killings with guns in the US now? The details of the response in the latest murder event in Texas are chilling. Guns, autos, and all inanimate objects are not the problem, gov't and its agents are the obvious problem. WAKE UP! and STAND UP!

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Dowd mentioned it one of his interviews….social security is insolvent around 2027 I believe. The whole financial system has become a giant Ponzi scheme and is basically imploding…there are a lot of people invested in it and are going to be upset when it falls apart so we have denial of early treatment….the majority of the deaths during the 1st year were the old…that switched with the vax mandates during year 2- 40% percent of all causes mortality in millennials 25-44 and that is based on CDC data…he does a better explanation than me …here is a clip


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True because we have become a God-less world. Can't behave as we have and not suffer the consequences. IF...if we amend our ways, perhaps???

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The world exists, we exist. If we are a part of God, then God exists. The world is not God-less. What ways need amending? God is not a scolding parent that must mete out punishment to foolish children. We have free will to manifest our own destinies. When you rub your hands and say whoa is me, how can I make God happy, you have denied your own power.

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I didn't mean it in that context. My point was that a large percentage of humanity has elected to live outside of the light o Providence and follow their own intentions. I fully understand free will choice and it precisely those choices which have plunged mankind, headlong into a downward spiral because, as I mentioned, humanity has chosen to follow their own agenda, as it were. My 'power' , if I possess any, is solely from God as without Him I can do nothing. When I die the only thing that I will take with me to the grave; the only thing(s) that are truly mine are my sins because all else that is good in my life is a a result of grace; nothing that I did on my own or merited.

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I've pondered this a bit, given that group-average IQ results supposedly put Jews at the top of the list, yet look what Israel is doing. And that's a country to whom bloodlines and production of offspring are critically important, in both practical and religious terms. I concluded that IQ =/= wisdom.

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FLA, yes the example of Israel is strange and bizarre until you add the spiritual component to their existence and God's plan for them and Satan (the Devil's) hatred for them since time of Jesus. Its all about cutting them off as a nation so God's redemption is thwarted--but its not going to happen. They will surprisingly survive by the grace of God's providence.

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There's always a remnant.

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If you believe that absolute horse shit about Jewish mental superiority then you’re in deep trouble. Just look at their record.

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Mere intelligence don't give "street smarts" that come from being beaten up. Or going to jail. The things one learns the hard way tend to stick longer or stay learned.

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They know it's happening. It will have a huge economic benefit for them. Here in the US where Social Security is on the brink of collapse, it will save billions.

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You put so well what so many are going through as observers to historic crime and upheaval. Sectare fidem.

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You are totally correct, HW. Depop 2030 is in full swing. It's all purposeful.

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