Interesting story. I have also encouraged leftists who have a religious zeal for being injected to make sure they are up-to-date on their boosters. There is just no saving these folks. They are Jim Jones brainwashed and will thank the vaccine as they die from the vaccine. All as we Pure Bloods watch in disbelief as this death cult accele…
Interesting story. I have also encouraged leftists who have a religious zeal for being injected to make sure they are up-to-date on their boosters. There is just no saving these folks. They are Jim Jones brainwashed and will thank the vaccine as they die from the vaccine. All as we Pure Bloods watch in disbelief as this death cult accelerates their ultimate demise by lining up for more poison injections. I don’t want to see anyone die. But I will not miss some of them. Their desire to drag Western Civilization into the gutter sickens me. We will be better off without them. We will build a new world. A better world.
Lawrence, perfectly stated. They would not hesitate to remove us from banking, grocery, real medical emergencies, and other sundry aspects required in this atrophied world.
Us or them. Nature hates weakness, so i am rooting for us.
Yup - many of these folks have a hideous side to them that is reminiscent of people throughout history who have enthusiastically participated in slaughtering “undesirables” because they thought it was the right thing to do. So in many ways (I hate to say this) but given the potential damage these insane leftists have caused and will cause in the future, this self-inflicted vaccine induced genocide may be a blessing in disguise for our world. They are getting rid of themselves! Reminds me of ending scene from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. We find out that dolphins are actually the smartest species on the planet. And right before the earth is about to be destroyed and as they are leaving the planet to go somewhere else; they say to the human race “Bye and thanks for all the fish”.
Only prob might be that so many die or too sick and not enough medical help to treat them?. Then the Globalists get what they wanted.... control & tyrannize the rest of us with no mercy. Wasn’t that the plan all along?
Hope I am wrong because that kind of common occurrence would be horrific. If say 4.2% die who received the shot that’s 200 million out of 5 billion people (I think its 5.5 billion who have received the jab). But, if gradually more continue to die prematurely in the upcoming years, that number could become 500 million (approx 10% of jabbed or 1 billion=20%). Surely, that won’t happen, but I do wonder if its possible given all that has occurred in the last 3.8 years
Right.. no transfusions or only with unvaccinated blood. Stay away from vaccinated folks as much as possible especially when they are recently boosted. Take ivermectine and nattokinase if you are forced to be near the vaccinated. I take Nattokinase and Serrapeptase every day.
And of course supplements to boost your immune system. Low weight, exercise every day and get outside in the sun.
Good question? Off a cliff most likely. Then sitting in a pile of wrecked debris for quite awhile. And then a new world will be built by those who are left. A better world. A world that will be like the world we grew up in. Or we will descend into "Road Warrior" with better weapons. Hard to say? I am optimistic.
Interesting story. I have also encouraged leftists who have a religious zeal for being injected to make sure they are up-to-date on their boosters. There is just no saving these folks. They are Jim Jones brainwashed and will thank the vaccine as they die from the vaccine. All as we Pure Bloods watch in disbelief as this death cult accelerates their ultimate demise by lining up for more poison injections. I don’t want to see anyone die. But I will not miss some of them. Their desire to drag Western Civilization into the gutter sickens me. We will be better off without them. We will build a new world. A better world.
Lawrence, perfectly stated. They would not hesitate to remove us from banking, grocery, real medical emergencies, and other sundry aspects required in this atrophied world.
Us or them. Nature hates weakness, so i am rooting for us.
Yup - many of these folks have a hideous side to them that is reminiscent of people throughout history who have enthusiastically participated in slaughtering “undesirables” because they thought it was the right thing to do. So in many ways (I hate to say this) but given the potential damage these insane leftists have caused and will cause in the future, this self-inflicted vaccine induced genocide may be a blessing in disguise for our world. They are getting rid of themselves! Reminds me of ending scene from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. We find out that dolphins are actually the smartest species on the planet. And right before the earth is about to be destroyed and as they are leaving the planet to go somewhere else; they say to the human race “Bye and thanks for all the fish”.
Only prob might be that so many die or too sick and not enough medical help to treat them?. Then the Globalists get what they wanted.... control & tyrannize the rest of us with no mercy. Wasn’t that the plan all along?
For myself I find your assessment to be true and accurate.
Well I just happen to have a fictional scenario that I wrote last year (I think) about this subject. My grandparents told me stories of people dying years ago at home. So I know a little about this subject. Anyway “Mercy Killing my Neighbors” deals with what we may face in the future.
Hope I am wrong because that kind of common occurrence would be horrific. If say 4.2% die who received the shot that’s 200 million out of 5 billion people (I think its 5.5 billion who have received the jab). But, if gradually more continue to die prematurely in the upcoming years, that number could become 500 million (approx 10% of jabbed or 1 billion=20%). Surely, that won’t happen, but I do wonder if its possible given all that has occurred in the last 3.8 years
Sharon,perhaps we will all become the gravediggers. Watching this is torturous. Jean
There’s plenty of help out there- find a naturopath now as they are getting very busy.
The WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA and Big Pharma will do everything including murder to stop them.
Yes, they will.
Yes, the weak and insane are never the leaders of the Wolf Pack.
Be aware that the blood of the un-jabbed is being found to be contaminated as well. Also see, Dr. Ana Milhacea and others. We all have targets on our backs, my friend. None of us are unscathed from this democide.
Right.. no transfusions or only with unvaccinated blood. Stay away from vaccinated folks as much as possible especially when they are recently boosted. Take ivermectine and nattokinase if you are forced to be near the vaccinated. I take Nattokinase and Serrapeptase every day.
And of course supplements to boost your immune system. Low weight, exercise every day and get outside in the sun.
I would rather have the old world that I grew up in! I am totally unsure where the world is going at this point.
Good question? Off a cliff most likely. Then sitting in a pile of wrecked debris for quite awhile. And then a new world will be built by those who are left. A better world. A world that will be like the world we grew up in. Or we will descend into "Road Warrior" with better weapons. Hard to say? I am optimistic.
I am also an Optimist, but I don't like that scenario!
I don't either... it is what it is... this is what we get for taking care of ourselves while our friends burned out in the night sky.
A couple years ago I wrote a post that contains a poem from my book of poetry that explains my optimism about the future. "To Defeat the Beast" is in the post.