It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stops people objecting when they should, when the evidence is unmistakable but has not yet quite reached their door, their family.
It took me way too long to make anything of the published literature showing flu vaccination does not reduce deaths in the elderly. Why might that be?
The elderly are vulnerable to respiratory illnesses we call colds & flu because their immune systems are poorly responsive to new challenges.
So why would anyone expect the elderly to respond to c19 vaccines?
In addition you cannot acquire long term safety data in a period shorter than the duration of any alleged pandemic. You can’t speed everything up by applying extra resource. You cannot make a baby in one month with nine women.
Vaccination using a novel vaccine could NEVER have been a safe & effective intervention.
The basic design of the “vaccines” was the most dangerous option that could have been chosen: causing recipients to manufacture known to be directly toxic spike protein.
All four lead pharma chose this basic design.
Collusion & malfeasance.
The clinical trials were fraud (see Brook Jackson, Peter Doshi)
The non clinical dossiers are fraud & consequently the regulatory authorisation were fraud (see Sasha Latypova)
The manufacturing QA/QC was fraud (see Hedley Rees).
The batch to batch consistency was all over the place (see
It’s not possible to survey this mess, in light of the facts that in many countries there was no excess deaths (eg Germany), knowing that none of the “measures” did anything useful & they knew that in 2019, and that eariy treatments were available from spring 2020, as anything other than a deliberate PsyOp designed to smash everything & inject billions.
No pandemic, no elevated health emergency. Some think there wasn’t even a new virus circulating at all. It’s doesn’t matter now. The above is sufficient for anyone to know this is already the greatest crime in history. And it’s hardly begun.
I’ve not even mentioned PCR, which is where I started on this. I knew it was fraud the moment I saw it. Again, all irrelevant now.
Did you know that the bulk of excess deaths in UK were planned medical murder with midazolam & morphine? (see Stuart Wilkie by Maajid Nawaz). In the US, their planned medical murder was mechanical ventilators & remdesivir. Theee was no classical signature of what we considered respiratory virus illness deaths (see Denis Rancourt by Jerm Warfare).
Given lockdowns were known not to slow transmission (assuming anything to transmit) closing the world must have been authorised by the uber wealthy. Why would they so authorise?
It can’t only be money. These people stand astride the very money creating processes in Central & private banks. No. It’s about totalitarian control. UN2030 sustainable development goals. Personally I believe the perpetrators intend depopulation on a grand scale. I think they see this Act as their destiny. Once you start looking under the rug, I’m afraid all the evidence points this way, 50 years of scene setting & lies. For pandemic planning, see YouTube & Paul Schreyer’s Pandemic Simulations). Climate change uses exactly the sane actors, methods & themes. That’s fraud, too, starting perhaps with Ehrlich’s Population Bomb, Club of Rome, the Iron & Steel Confederation / EU, the international panel on climate change etc.
This is merely Phase I of a long planned demolition of everything that makes modern life tolerable or better. They’re continuing to chop away at electrical generation, gas supply, inflation of everything, destruction of all sovereign currencies, the health, education, police & courts systems, supply chains globally, fertiliser production, food production etc etc etc.
Phase II is beginning. It’s not my crime, but it looks like stripping most of us of our assets is under way.
At some point, it will become expediently necessary to require mandatory digital ID to obtain meagre needs for food, fuel, money & warmth. At that point, freedom & democracy is permanently over, and from then on, if the perpetrators choose to require regular injections to keep your digital pass valid, you’ll do it or you’ll starve. Cash will be withdrawn completely under some pretence.
That’s why I’m of the view that we’ve a short time at most to halt it at least deviate from this trajectory.
I ask again for people to weigh up what others call Yeadon’s Wager.
A. If I’m right and you ignore me, the downsides could be (I’m sure of it) as I’ve outlined. Irreversible. It doesn’t matter if I’m wrong about depopulation. That’s a detail, because permanent loss of freedom makes this a world I don’t plan to live in.
B. If those standing back, hoping I’m wrong, are right, we all get a good laugh at my expense.
Which wager should you take, A or B?
As to what to do, that’s irrelevant until you’re convinced you must act. Virtually no one is there, yet, but it’s why my wife & I dropped everything & tried to get to a place where I hoped they’d fight back. I don’t care where a solid resistance occurs. It’s not about me.
Exactly this. And what I said as a preface to the article. All my own research points to all these claims that Mike makes - the deaths start when the interventions start, not when the virus (whatever it is or isn't) first emerges and the deaths increase when they start the mRNA experiment. These are indisputable facts of the matter no matter how anyone tries to spin a narrative otherwise. Look at my most recent pieces as the available data finally becomes of better quality:
Many of us have been warning of this since March 2020, which is why social media had to ban us. But alas, FB and Twitter are still too big, while Substack and Rumble are still too small.
I was lucky; back around 2005 I called in to RFKjr Ring of Fire radio. He explained that many current dictatorships are kept alive due to a phony, constant ‘state of emergency’, which the government uses to place everyone under house arrest. Then large multinationals loot the country’s resources for pennies on the dollar. The country is then destabilized so the looting can continue, the truth never be revealed, and the USA not have to deal with competitive powerful nations nearby. CIA specializes in exactly that. So when they locked us down without any visible sick people, immediately I knew. A friend from Venezuela immediately knew it as well, from experience. Sadly most Americans are very nice, and often intelligent, but naive, utterly uninformed about anything beyond their borders or beyond the evening newscast.
🙏👍🏼… I don’t know you Dr. Yeadon , but saw you on a video awhile back and you could tell you were living in fear and urgency in your voice .. I hear that in no one else who speaks out , except you . thank you and pray for you and your family and your safety as well. 🤗
Allowed is an interesting choice of word. I’m not aware of formally being blocked anywhere though in truth I’ve not travelled to give in person talks. I have a health issue that renders travel to locations further than nearby problematic. For this reason I always choose Zoom. Also entering into my thinking Is hiw can I reach the largest number of people? In person while more immediate & intimate tends to be relatively small audiences. If there was a training activity then in person would be s distinct advantage.
Thank you for your reply. I agree. Like rowing up stream without paddles. Its a chronic fear and anxiety, that is difficult to shake. Substack family has been helpful I truly believe. Just don’t want to read you have been hurt or disappeared. We must resist , NWO and digital zombie world will be horrific. ☮️To you and your family.
Thank you. I definitely don’t want to disappear or get hurt for no useful purpose.
I realised that while the authorities are clearly capable of murder when they decide its appropriate, I doubt it’s done lightly. In the case of people like me, I rather deduced that they’ve long ago profiled me & evaluated they threat I pose.
From that analysis they’ll conclude that the probability is extraordinarily low that I’d lurk around almost invisible & then pop up in a sensitive location. So they’ll have no concerns on that score.
They’ll furthermore have the means to deter me through threats of harm to a younger family member. Almost all of us would desist in the face of such threats.
They could easily interfere with daily living financial high jinks like turning cards or bank accounts off or make them erratic.
They would probably deduce that personal threats would have little chance of being effective, since I already have a dark virw of the likely futures. Ditto they’d be sure they couldn’t bribe me.
I don’t think they even consider anything medieval unless I represented a serious, real world threat, which isn’t going to happen anyway.
The greatest threat I represent to their narrative is that I can coherently explain to non technical people what I think is going on, and I’m highly credible because of my career track record (& there are no motivations other than feeling compelled to tell the truth.
Logically, the most effective approach to neutralising me consists of two specifics & one general factor,
The specifics are censorship & smearing, and in both cases there is unequivocal evidence that they’ve done exactly that,
The third, general factor is to wear me down by going slow. I think they’re doing this because it’s a rational course of action anyway.
My specific accusations against three named senior scientists probably has raised the stakes & it’s not implausible that I might be detained, much likely if I returned to UK, much less so if we entered France.
Important information Dr. Yeadon! Many are playing dirty if you don’t go with the narrative. The length that they would go to silence you and others is what can be frightening. Best to you and your family !
There is a third alternative .It happens in the minds of men as option 1 unfolds . The urgency of Satanic influence is to so impact cognitive function that the flowering in the minds of men can not happen .
Just as the mighty tree is beholden to the sap that flows so we as leaves on that tree have no comprehension of the " encouraging one another to empathy" that the devine Father of all orchestrates as a starting point in developing characters fit for a life that need never end.
I mention this sap,because once option one has achieved itself , God our Father ceases that work to allow a record to be established of the essentiality of Provedential care in the functioning of society. This record is kept permenantly to vindicated anything like a draconian act on God's part in the aeons of eternity 's future .
The account of the cursed fig tree is a warning of how quick interpersonal relationships will collapse .
The most pressing task for man is to discover what that mindset is. This is done by " beholding" Jesus as the " Son Of God" and praying to His Father for the insights of that Jesus life ,that you then can pray for those insights to be part of your life.
Hold fast my friend. You are carrying a weight. Appreciate your expertise and insight. We will prevail, but at what cost? That is the question. This one is for you, a reminder of the cultural fruits of an open society. I know you are a Drury fan. Let's take 3 minutes to smile.
Hypothetically, if we could get a billon people to sign the petition, don't you think there would be some real weight behind it? Something that goes beyond our man-made institutions?
Where is the plan to stop this? I came up with one in about a minute and I don't see a single person in the 'resistance' with that idea. I wanted to share it with you in person at a conference in West Palm beach you were slated to attend which was unfortunately canceled for some reason. If you or the author of this substack or anyone with a direct line to others capable of amplifying the message, feel free to reply to this comment.
My idea is memetics. Use Cointelpro tactics.. scripted role playing in public spaces, viral memes in the form of art/satire on light poles, temporary signs and sidewalks and guerilla theatre campaigns to struggle for the narrative. I was warned to stay out of politics. Being targetted for my activism from the 90s to present, I can tell you that street theatre, nlp and fear anchoring are the preferred tools of the planners. It is also their vulnerability as they attempted recruitment when I proved I could turn the tables to embarass them. I suspect there are producers, actors and other creatives willing to engage in an informative way respecting boundaries and laws.. attraction is key. People are entrenched and impervious to conflicting data on the agenda, vaccine harms etc. They fell prey to narrative control and clown world so they may respond to targetted performance art. Thanks!
In a nutshell, global movement to ban genetic modification of humans. We can all unite behind that banner. The whole plan comes apart if they can't do it, and if its true the shots modified DNA then that will have to be disclosed and then can be dealt with appropriately. I welcome to hear all counterarguments or why this wouldn't work. On the contrary, build on the idea and make it even better.
Even if you could get almost the entire world population on board, the authors of this evil just will not give a damn about it.
The media won't cover it and social media will suppress it, while those in power will just dismiss it entirely.
The 2020 installation of pedo pete, with more votes than anyone else, ever, should show the world that they are above the law and will ignore all facts, logic, reason and a protesting public.
mike is spot on as always, but i cant even convince my own mother, she just shuts down and refuses to discuss anything. this is a problem i cant see past, how do we wake them?
I struggle with this same problem every single day. If you figure a good hack, please share...
My brother (a dermatologist) and I are no longer speaking after a heated conversation in which I asked him to, please, simply look at the Pfizer clinical trial data. He is the "resident advisor" to my entire family; everyone that I hold dear. And he advised them to take the vaccine...which they all did. Including my 5 and 6 year old nieces and nephews. He discounts McCullough as a doctor chasing fame, Malone, Kory, and all the frontline docs are chasing this fame and pedaling products and books, according to him. He condescendingly scoffed when I asked him to at least hear what Geert VDB has to say because "A veterinarian??? Come on, Sarah, they're the worst." According to him, the biggest tragedy of all of it is that trust in the regulatory agencies has been lost, creating a situation where stupid people have been empowered to do their own research.
My commiseration for your situation, which sounds particularly tough. To varying degree, I think everyone here can relate. With great reluctance and after much time and effort, I arrived where Joel is in his comment immediately above yours.
The Mass Formation Psychosis may be impossible to penetrate head-on. It really seems it is only the individual who can help themselves and I'm not sure those who are not doing so already are ever likely to at this point.
I tried EVERYTHING I could think of, but have found that those who do not want to hear it, simply will not hear it. All my efforts seem to have done is created this bizarre existence where 'everything is fine, life is normal, and we can talk about anything, except reality'. I find it challenging to say the least, but book reading, Substack, and select friends keep me sane. I also see value in parallel structures and networking. As our side gets bigger and stronger, maybe it can have a counter-acting effect on the Mass Formation.
Oh man you said it so well...’everything is fine, life is normal, we can talk about anything, except reality”....
You just nailed it. How many times have I thought that exact same thing and wondered how on earth we could possibly be living through the most monumental and consequential events of our entire lives...and yet these all-consuming events are the one thing we can’t even talk about....?? It just adds to the complete twilight zone feel of the world we’re now living in. Unbelievable.
Yesss...It's all so unnerving!! I've heartbreakingly distanced myself from my family, all those I hold dear, my HUSBAND, cuz...I am uNable to pretend everything is fine, when in reality, everything is literally falling apart, and iS being taken over, taken aWAY, by a horrifically evil few with the most unthinkable agendas, all over the freak'n world!! I want and NEED to be talking about it and formulating a plan of action.!. All I get is silence. 😔
I wish you good luck. Wish you were my neighbor.....I hate the faking and me being silent is faking, so I speak up and get blank expressions, silence. I so relate with what you said.
If I say anything, one word. The response from wife and child is: You are an idiot, (that's from both), followed by, you can either shut up or leave the house (wife).
Mattias Desmet (of mass formation psychosis) also says that the goal is not to convince but rather to momentarily break a trance to keep people from sinking deeper into it. So even when people get mad at you and call you a conspiracy theorist, you're still having an effect and keeping them from slipping further into quicksand. Or as has happened to me a few times, they may say "I agree it's weird that the FDA went to court to keep data from the public, but I'm going to keep getting boosters because I don't want to get Covid." But don't throw up your hands; your conversation really hasn't been pointless. Desmet points out that when people stopped talking about Hitler (because others didn't believe them) that it took about 6 mos after the silence for the roundups to start. So keep talking and let the insults slide off your back.
And yes, I SO get what you mean about not being able to talk about the most important thing. So do talk about it.
Yes!!! Too true. Graduated in pre-med so have lots of friends now in the medical field. One brilliant pediatrician friend appears to be totally blind to the evidence. We've had many exchanges, that end of with no change in position. For either of us, to be fair. He just wrote a blog about coming to the realization that one of the most important things he can do now is be part of "a reality-based community."
Sounds so familiar..."team reality"...sounds like my brother might be a contributor LOL. I would actually love to read it. I try to be vigilant about questioning everything. Including myself.
Hi Rob. Good of you to read the "other side"! A couple comments in response:
1) His team reality comment was actually on FB, I see: "I am currently re-reading this book in preparation for a book club discussion and am convinced even more than I was a year ago that we all need to aspire to be part of the "reality-based community." (but the book he was referring to is no longer available. It has that little FB msg about why the content can't be read.)
2) His blog posts are mostly about his medical practice, not related to Covid. However, there's one on Iver that I will just copy and paste here. (I don't feel good about giving a link without asking his permission...which would be ahem... awkward. :)) Here's the blog post:
We are all sick of dealing with Covid and wish there was some kind of easy, fool-proof way to prevent or treat it. Unfortunately, as with most things in life, Covid does not work that way. Early on in the pandemic, hydroxychloroquine gained traction in some quarters as the answer and was ultimately shown to not be beneficial for Covid (and possibly made things worse). The new silver bullet being promoted by some which I have been asked about is Ivermectin.
Ivermectin is a drug I learned about in medical school but I do not have much experience with it because the human diseases it is typically used to treat are not common in the Shenandoah Valley. Ivermectin initially gained attention for Covid because it was shown to kill coronaviruses when used in high concentrations in a lab setting. Unfortunately, that does not necessarily mean it will work in a human being.
There are several studies which have been used to promote the use of Ivermectin for Covid which showed results that seem too good to be true. There are a lot of red flags with these studies which have been noted by epidemiologists who have reviewed them. One study included patients who died before the study even started, listed a hospital as part of the study as a participating institution even though the hospital denies any involvement, and listed an author who states he was never allowed to review the data. Other population studies do not account for the effects of concomitant policy changes such as lockdowns and one study appears to have sections directly cut and pasted from an earlier document.
It would be great if Ivermectin was effective. Imagine if it was really 100% effective as one study claimed. I could prescribe it for everyone and make it home in time for dinner with my wife. Unfortunately, the preponderance of the evidence for Ivermectin use in Covid is underwhelming (
There are some things that we know help lessen the spread and effect of Covid. Masks have been shown to slow the spread of Covid. Vaccinations have been shown to significantly decrease one’s chance of catching Covid and to greatly decrease one’s chance of having a severe case of Covid. Being vaccinated also appears to decrease the amount and duration of viral shedding after a Covid infection, thus decreasing the chance of spreading it to someone else.
One of the most disheartening things for me about Covid is how much of the public discourse is about laws, mandates, court decisions, rights, and yelling at school board meetings. Wouldn’t it be nice if it was more about how we can voluntarily protect ourselves and those around us? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was more “What can I do to help?” and less “You can’t make me!”?
As of yesterday, our community hospital has 53 people hospitalized with Covid and has once again stopped doing elective surgeries. Several urgent cares have closed to reroute staff to where they are needed to help care for Covid patients. Recently, our days in the office are dominated by seeing patients with Covid, possible Covid, or exposure to Covid.
So please just wear a mask when you are indoors with folks outside your family and get vaccinated if you have not already. Ivermectin is not a panacea and we are unlikely to find anything else that is. The best way to get closer to our pre-Covid normal as soon as possible is for all of us to consistently do the things which we know work.
OMG, was my brother a guest-blogger for your pediatrician friend? LOL, this literally reads like a transcript of our conversation at christmas, right down to the NIH treatment guidelines, and reference to the studies listed there. Wow.
Spot on! "...this bizarre existence where 'everything is fine, life is normal, and we can talk about anything, except reality'." As soon as you bring up a relevant subject, the energy in the room shifts entirely - it's like the air gets goose bumps. Next, it's an almost audible click of their brains flipping to 'silent-mode', where anything you say goes completely unheard. And then, as if some invisible person has snapped their fingers, they begin talking about something else entirely. It's the damnedest thing I've ever experienced. I've wondered if there's some sort of instructional site they go to, "How to get out of talking to your science denier friends"; like the ones that were floating around about talking people into getting vaccinated.
I am also finding refuge in the awareness of parallel structures and networking, especially as I have leaned into the Substack community a bit more. I appreciate the support and collective embrace of shared experiences and solidarity. I have to believe that we can counter the mass formation...because I simply cannot bring myself to fully imagine the alternative.
What a rare but true comment. In early 2020 I tried pointing out in vain on social media, that Herd atheism was the root cause of this unparalled disaster.
This calamity is all of God; but predictably even many everyday religious folk just spout the secondary causes, not the instigator of this deserved evil.
What you wrote here is powerful, and so true. It’s probably futile, and I should know better by now, but part of me wants to hold it up as a mirror to people, in a final attempt…
While home in the States visiting family last Xmas, I was with my Aunt and calmly voiced my dismay at the immorality of coercing pilots to get the jab. That’s it. That’s all I did. She froze. Completely. I’d swear I saw her eyes dilate. So surprised was I, after about 5 seconds, I repeated myself, and then again, and I just let it hang there. After a further 5 seconds, she suddenly snapped back, gave me a big smile, made a comment about something totally trivial and unrelated and then hurriedly exited the room. It was genuinely spooky and just like what you described. I am under no doubt that I witnessed something that was deeply psychological.
If you’d be potentially interested in teaming up to write an essay on the subject we’ve been discussing on this thread, please let me know here or drop me an email at Perhaps others here might like to contribute? Maybe if we come up with something decent, Joel will consider giving it some exposure?
If not. I may still attempt something myself and would love to quote what you wrote, attributed or anonymous, as preferred, if okay.
Conspiracy theorist alert, haha... I can totally relate!! It can be so bizarre that I have to wonder if my now GMO family (and all others jab'd)...if the technology injected into them contains some sort of mind control.?. Crazy, yes, but that's the ideal outcome/control the WEFers would like to have.
I've felt similarly re: a jabbed family member, but so far it has merely been fleeting. I'm hoping to be wrong about the mind control thought. It's heartbreaking. But, I am on alert.
I hope I'm wrong as well. I saw something from a WEFer talking about ingestable vaccines that contain technology able to send a signal or message back to the evil controllers, showing you actually took your meds and are now "up to date". I believe it was that same segment that mentioned the mind control concerning unwanted behaviors and undesirable behavioral responses. Absolutely unthinkable and scary as heck cuz...the WEFer was eerily 100% proudly serious. The way people worldwide have been continually oblivious and blind to the true realities, this trance-like state so many of the jab'd are in, espEcially those who should knoW better considering their professional knowledge and level of intellect...I often feel there hAs to be more going on than the power of mass formation. Surrre do hope I'm wrong!!
Spot on... "this bizarre existence where 'everything is fine, life is normal, and we can talk about anything, except reality'"...You can feel the electricity in the air turn on as soon as you even HINT that you MIGHT talk about something relevant. It's like the air in the room gets goose bumps. And then the almost audible click of their brains flipping to 'silent mode', where anything that you say goes completely unheard. Then, as if someone has snapped their fingers, they begin talking about something else entirely, as if you have said nothing at all. It's the damnedest thing I've ever experienced.
I also find refuge in the networking and awareness of parallel structures, especially as I've started to lean into the Substack community a bit more. I appreciate the community embrace and collective sharing of very similar experiences and solidarity. I have to believe that we can counter the mass formation...because I just cannot bring myself to fully imagine the alternative.
Totally agree. You summed things up very eloquently, especially the distortion of reality. Those of us who value individuality and freedom are on a different path to the mass psychotics, who have been captured by the propaganda. I've had two monumental clashes with family relatives within the last week. My draw-bridge is now going up. It's very isolating and sad. Emotionally draining. I feel a tremendous sense of loss.
We've had polar opposite interpretations of reality for almost two years. I'm persistently now regarded as a victim of scams, a 'conspiracy theorist' with 'extreme' views, because I'm greatly alarmed and awake to what's been going on globally and questioning everything - whilst they remain oblivious, sedate, devoid of any concern whatsoever.
What was notable about my last two clashes was that 'Climate Change' was a huge triggering factor. They've bought into the renewed Climate Narrative whilst I've seen through it. They believe the propaganda whilst I actively question it and see treacherous One World Government orchestration wherever I look.
It's so blatantly obvious that we're in World War Three, a globalist 'silent war' for control of humanity. "They" want to control people through their Contrived Dystopian False Narrative - which is all about the ownership of our PERCEIVED REALITY. "They" don't own us! Not now. Not ever.
Is your brother aware that "Albert Bourla is a Greek-American veterinarian and the chairman and chief executive officer of Pfizer, an American pharmaceutical company."??? He's one of the big shots in all this (pun intended).
Sorry about your situation. Im in the same situation but my brother is a science teacher. I just pray that with help from Joel and Dr Yeadon one day you are vindicated and the fact that these shots are poison becomes common knowledge. And i really hope your niece and nephew dont get any of the bad side effects.
Sorry, but what use is expressing this hope? The fact of the matter is that ALL vaccines have been shown to be poison: to cause more deaths & injury than they ever would have prevented HAD they worked as intended, & even the people HERE are pretending that they never heard this before. These infantile games of wishing Daddy-Government would behave better "because we KNOW what's true" need to stop. Children are dying while you all wait for your wishes to come true.
You’re not wrong. Vaccines are the sum total of the problems that have logarithmically grown since the mid-80’s when big pharma was given the all clear and free to shoot ‘em up. It’s right there in statistics for anyone willing to sit down and do some reading. I am violently ill thinking about my own ignorance in this case as it was a mere 12-24 months ago. I have regrets, but the covid shot isn’t one of them.
I'm trying to be nicer to people new to this, but you know what? You're on a website that is claiming that the jabs are going to kill infants & everyone here believes this, or they wouldn't be here.
So why is the discussion about when what happened or why, or who "else" needs to wake up when doing so won't end the mandates? Why can't I get ANYONE to discuss saving the lives of babies?
Maybe because that’s not the topic of discussion. In order to save even one baby you MUST REACH the adult who has parental control. Which is what it appears many of us are desperately trying to do. We are commiserating because standing around scratching out our eyes in horror doesn’t seem to be the answer.
Everyone here is 9n team reality, which involves mourning what we hold dear: family, friends, health, peace, security. Everyone's processing at their own pace, so how about showing some compassion?
The logical fallacies people hold onto are astounding. I sent my Mom something from the Highwire, knowing she'd flip it around to what they say about Del, but it was the story of Maddie and her family, and Mom can understand stories more than medical claims. She said she did watch it. Then she sent all this stuff about Del Bigtree, etc.
**But the epicness of the gaslight was this - Snopes says The Highwire lied when they said the FDA was not releasing the Pfizer documents for 75 years. Del lied when he (apparently) said they're only releasing 500 pages a month, when, actually, they're releasing much more than that, and they're not waiting 75 years.
But they're only releasing those pages because the Highwire's legal team FORCED the matter into court, where a judge ruled that they have to release them sooner - Pfizer And the FDA WANTED to keep them for 75 years, and then if they must, just 500 pages a month.
And Snopes twists that into a reason to say Del & Aaron Siri are liars.
Crimes against humanity of the gatekeepers of information ...
What IS this BS? Does EVERYONE HERE WANT more children to die? All this talk of 'logical fallacies' instead of "Wtf do any of you woke folk PLAN to DO" now OR once everyone else comes to agree with you? Breaking people's logical fallacies won't end the mandates!
You are thinking what? That when enough people agree with you that 1) the vaccines will get upset, take their syringes & go home? Or 2) Daddy-Government can't ignore twice as many people whining on social media?
3) Here's YOUR logical fallacy for greater illustration. You seem to think that these people here will all voluntarily renounce millions of $ in lobbying $, turn moral & throw THEMSELVES into prison perhaps?
I know that it's not that last one. What that last one SHOULD say is that "you're waiting for them to turn moral, apologize, have your big cry with Mummy & Daddy-Government then accept their apology s you can go back to worshiping them."
Everyone here has a sick fetish for worshiping mere authority figures that exceeds their empty rhetorical desire to save lives. That's obviously NOT a priority here. Not one person aside from me will discuss DOING ANYTHING to stop the people actually mandating the jabs.
Waking people up. If THAT worked why hasn't it worked? Is it a whole number of people or a % of the population that needs to be awake to force Ted Cruz to side against the people paying him? Or if they are all in one zip code, will it be Nancy Pelosi instead?
If it's on a Tuesday will it be Mitch McConnell? Or only if you roll a six with a 20-sided die? WHY are you waiting for magic to occur? WHAT magic? HOW do you plan to stop the mandates without stopping the people you worship who are ENFORCING them? What kind of sickness is this that you are all trying to find ways to defend people knowingly committing child-murder for PROFIT?
Thanks, but as I said to someone else on this thread, I have studied the psychology of all of this. Agreeing with each other is fine. But it doesn't get the mandates ended.
Thinking about this issue causes Immense Stress. The mental & emotional kind. When attacked by a bear, we run. When faced with constant stress we can't get rid of, the subconscious (SC) seeks Familiar Patterns: not because they resolve the problem, but because Familiar = 'Good' to the SC. 'Familiar' = 'Calm.' It releases endorphins when we commit familiar acts.
Everything I am saying is new. By definition, 'new' can't POSSIBLY BE 'familiar.' (This is why people get more upset by NEW ideas than they get about bad ones). So everyone here is going to have an automatic negative reaction & then seek to reestablish their familiar thought patterns.
Exactly like all the people you're trying to wake up are doing.
& that's what we're all fighting, the reestablishment of patterns of thought. The Only Way your SC CAN attain relief is to Go Back To the familiar patterns.
Well guess what, folks? You CAN overcome this. It actually only takes seconds. Not years of meditation or therapy. Seconds.
Some patterns are related to real traumas. But some are only patterns (of thought. Every time I say patterns, it's 'patterns of thought' but I won't type that out each time). Patterns of thought need many facets to become patterns. There's no pattern to One Thing. Combined with 'this is familiar, so I like it' what patterns do most people have, if any? (Most people are resistant to the notion that most people have similar patterns, but... why can't you wake people up)?
If the immediate way most people's SCs can find to get away from the stress of what you're telling them is to revert to the familiar pattern of thinking 'Government would NEVER ALLOW harms to come to us' they will return TO that pattern IMMEDIATELY.
& once they do so, they become unreachable because people don't need to reset twice in the same conversation. They not only reset to it, they are reset forever more.
& when I ask all of you here to walk me through how merely waking them up would cause the mandates to end, this causes you all stress & so you merely lash out & think to yourselves 'it will SO!' But again: is that because this statement is true? Or are you merely finding comfort in repeating what is only a familiar pattern?
It's the second. & even TRYING to find fault with my question will cause you all Immense Stress. & the only way out of that is to stop yourself from reverting to that pattern.
Which takes seconds. You only have to do it once, then it's broken.
Thinking about this all caused me to get frustrated. So there was the issue itself, then my reaction, with became frustration. Can you think clearly when frustrated?
Me neither. So I pictured My Frustration as a physical object I could lift, put off behind me to one side, then look ahead without it being in the way. & THAT took SECONDS. But the key here is to realize that my SC MADE the frustration part of the pattern. Removing just One Aspect Of the pattern broke the entire pattern.
With you guys, you're as attached to the notion that 'Government' "will SO" come & save you just as much as the people you're trying to wake up. So aspects of the pattern include how you view government, its role in society & your relationship to it.
Stopping yourselves from reverting to this pattern can involve Any One Element Of it. Politicians aren't government. That can be one. Caring Parents rescue their devoted children, not politicians on the corporate payroll. Realize that transposing Nancy McConnell & Mitch Pelosi's faces onto those of your loving grandparents or parents when recalling fond childhood memories can be another. (Yeah I WISH I was joking about this last one).
Even just admitting to yourselves that allowing corporations to run our lives this way IS bad, ergo let's stop defending those who do that CAN break this pattern because that IS part of it. If you're suppressing a fact, you're always semi-aware that you're doing so.
Try it & let's see if you succeed. If you're not going to do it in order to save lives, well, when WILL you do it?
All that the people on Substack do is the exact same thing that people not on it do: they either complain first about the problem then assume Some Great Force, Daddy-Government will fix it for them or as the majority of Sheeple do, assume it isn't a problem BECAUSE Daddy-Government wouldn't allow such a harm. Either way, ALL of you are thinking of 'Government' as a Caring Benevolent surrogate Father-Figure who is simply oblivious to the problem and that "he will SO" come rescue you once you get his attention.
You think any of THESE people are 1) oblivious to that they themselves are taking lobbying $? 2) That they are going to stop taking it EVER? Why? Because you act like Adoring Children you think they ARE going to act like Caring Parents?
They're COMPLETE STRANGERS! I understand thinking this way is comforting. But 'comforting' isn't saving lives.
In fact, everyone sitting here waiting for this false sense of hope to come true is ensuring that NO action will be taken. YOU'RE pushing a false narrative.
There are NO circumstances under which those people are going to choose you over millions of $.
My unvaccinated family were, until recently, made unwelcome at a once dear friends house. All of a sudden yesterday my daughter was invited to play and the husband announced that his mum says she has had a terrible adverse reaction to her latest booster. I wish no harm or I’ll effects to anyone (especially having lost a beloved relative to the jab) but the mis-named vaccines will out themselves.
CS, my sister wont talk to me anymore and calls me a criminal for not taking the vxx, a good friend of 40 years who is willing to talk on the phone but refuses to see me, my cousins who were vxxed and who I continually ask to go out refuse to do so...I am the pandemic of the unvxxed. We are living in world given over to a spirit of FEAR. The bible talks about what a person greatly fears often becomes enslaved to it. This fear has been decades to form but the world has given in to it...the Green New Deal will be the final straw that cements insanity and self-inflicted genocide into place.
A spirit of fear is a biblical term where a person chooses to live in a constant state of fear, believing the worst possible outcome will occur. Its the opposite of believing God loves me and i can trust him. There is a spiritual component that causes a person (or a city or nation) to become subserviant to Satanic devices and drives a person towards lack of common sense and enslavement to that fear.
This veterinarian has declined the injections and advised my loved ones to do the same. This veterinarian hasn’t been ill in years. And none of my family has been hospitalized with Covid. None of the un-injected ones, not even the old, the fat, the diabetic ones. But a young one who used to believe the official rhetoric got injected and was hospitalized for pericarditis. Go figure.
(TierDoc, vets who are aware of the dishonesty of the official medical paradigm are a rare blessing .. I'll forever regret not doing more due diligence before letting my dog get vaccinated ... she's had infections ever since .. the "hidden middle" of vaccine injury ... )
That said, if there ever could be a safe vaccine created, tested, & described in a trustworthy system .. Parvovirus would be an example of a disease where it could do so much good .. and also rabies, IF the animal has actual potential exposure. (Legally requiring indoor cats and dogs who are always on leashes or within sight of their parent, depending where / how they live - to be vaccinated for rabies, sometimes yearly, sometimes every three years, sometimes accepting titer tests, doesn't make sense .. )
But it gets people used to a routine injections at regular intervals as no big deal .. and having to show proof of vaccination (rabies) as no big deal. Quick step to digital dog collars (that may be part of the One Health thing?) ( ).
I'd love to know what I should have known before making that decision . .more about how dog vaccines are made/ tested, if there's scientific fraud .. The parvo vaccine has four antigens in one .. could it be made safer? Are safe vaccines impossible?
The ways to try and balance the system to help mitigate the effects ... but mainstream medicine couldn't acknowledge they do anything besides tip toe into the immune system, deliver a gift wrapped in Harmless, called Protection (that lasts until time for booster), and then disappear.
With the covid injections, it's an obvious No Way at a glance at risk benefit ... But parvo vaccine for puppies /kittens in crowded places ... or rabies for dogs / cats who could have the joy of running freely in / near land shared by other creatures ... maybe some risk is worth it, with doing things around it ...
Or maybe any vaccination can screw up the system so much, or even slightly but in a way that's meaningful in the complex system that's biology ...
I wish there was an honest health system, for our animal friends too, to help assess if / when vaccinations are a calculated may do more good than harm ..
Do you think the veterinary profession, even years from now, will connect the dots that so many of the problems they were seeing, the skin bumps and cancers, etc, etc ... at least in many more cases than they realized, were consequences of vaccines"
Giving several on the same day is probably crazy ...
Humbling thought - if I think of someone getting the flu vaccine + the covid "booster" on the same day, I'd have an immediate negative (ru a suicidal idiot??) sort of judgement.
But, in a not-prepared, more to the story but no excuses, state, when I was given a dog, I let them give three vaccines, (OK, not mRNA+, but one with four antigens), on the same day. I did only very minimal research, found a Mercola article that said after the first vaccines, do antibody titer tests instead of automatically re-vaccinating .. I took that to mean someone supposedly against vaccines was saying at least get the first ones .. But I could have done a lot more research .. )
Those who went along with it will already be suffering dissonance and it is going to be painful for any who eventually admit they were wrong. My brother allowed my niece to be injected and I was very upset, but accepted falling out with him was not going to change his mind. Me chipping away a little bit at a time pointing out facts is working. There is no real defence against the truth.
im sorry you had to put up with the brainwashed and hurt your family hopefully they got saline.
interestingly vets training is harder because they have to learn about multiple species.
i have noticed that the phd class are the most likely to be unable to look at anything that contradicts what they were taught and will come up with crazy weak excuses to dismiss anything that might upset their view of the world. eventually they will learn but it'll be too late
I see exactly the same. i know a lot of people who work in genetics research. They just parrot the narrative unquestioningly. When you point out problems in the narrative, they are smart enough to nitpick your concern and dismiss it.
Meanwhile my less "educated" set of friends who work in outdoor sports (ski instructors, raft guides, and the likes) seem far more likely to see through the scam.
That's actually a bizarre anomaly when it comes to the covid jabs. I watched an exasperated talking head being interviewed on CNN complaining about the Phd's in his department being the most reluctant to get the vaccine. Might it have something to do with the fact that to earn a Doctorate, you need to be able to conduct original research, instead of reading 99 papers and writing the 100th?
it may well depend on the type of phd, those in the medical fields seem most brainwashed. my hypothesis that medics are fed information at such a vast rate in their early years as to wipe out their critical thinking
Really? Why? Let's say that 90% of the populace came to believe as you do & gathered outside your door tomorrow at 2:00 pm your time.
Beg the very politicians intentionally suppressing this harder? Or Louder? Yeadon himself is taking a hypocritical stance saying "the government isn't listening" & "the government is deliberately suppressing the info." He thinks he's speaking about two entirely different entities, as if there are some politicians doing the bad & the others are somehow deaf & blind. As if politicians live in caves & don't know what goes on in the world outside it. He retains this attitude even when what they don't know involves what their other co-workers inside the cave are doing, though.
He remains in denial that lobbying affects decision-making. HE may deny that they're on the take. But to further think that the "other good" politicians he believes will come to the rescue if they only knew isn't a thought, it's a wish based upon a fantasy.
They ALL KNOW who they're getting paid by, Now, what will you & all the people who See The Facts DO against this? Appeal yet again to the imaginary "good" politicians who aren't also on the take?
I heard about an attempt to get peoples attention on a Russell Brand video today. I think a variation of this could work in the USA. Just to get power players uncomfortable and perhaps reveal their bigger plan. I think we need to expose small pieces at a time to get citizens to ease into the truth.
My heart goes out to you and your misled family...poor niece and nephew! Wondering if your brother is aware of the rushed "study" to "release" the booster....with EIGHT MICE! 🙄 Hang in there! It gets so tough sometimes.
Sarah I feel your pain. My dad was a family physician before passing, my mom is a retired nurse, and my sister is a history of science professor. I cannot talk to any of them about quesioning the narrative and the safety of the jabs. My mother keeps up to date with her boosters my sister evn had her 5 year old get the shot. It is so painful to not be able to really talk to them.
Ha! I didn't know that, but that makes his condescension even more ridiculous. My brother approaches these conversations cafeteria-style, it' seems to be pretty popular these days...just pick and choose the parts of reality that fit your narrative.
You can't wake the people who aren't ready. They have to make the choice to be awake. Just tell them you are there for information when they are ready, keep the doors of communication open. In the meantime, don't waste your energy on people who don't want to be saved or you will run yourself ragged.
i read one of your posts (tin foil for thought) shortly after my reply but your page didnt let me comment there :(
i had been through a similar journey in learning all by my self about health, no degree but i schooled my own doctor and the nurses about weight loss, reversing diabetes and curing asthma some years back. i'll never forget the look of shock on their faces, but i never saw them again cos i was fixed.
Thank you for humoring me. I'm new to substack, so I'm sure I've missed clicking something that allows comments. Foil the Formation was the post I was attempting to link to...that was the one I wrote addressing the conversations that need to be had. Anyway...thank you for checking my stack's been a nice place for me to vent some frustration among like minded folks.
I’ve had the same issues with my family in the UK. But my parents have stopped their booster shots, they both got 3 but no more. Just regular sharing of information, and everyone getting Covid anyway seemed to turn them. As for the rest of my extended family, they’ve cut me out. I’m an evil alt right conspiracist apparently.
I hear you. My brother, my only sibling, said the unvaxxed belong in camps, knowing my wife and I are unvaxxed. In 2020, no Thanksgiving or Xmas for him, just isnt safe. He wouldn't come to Xmas or Thanksgiving last yeat because I was a "threat" to his health. That jerk had the audacity to tell my mom that I was mean because I won't buy him a gift. The clown world we find ourselves in...
We had a similar experience around the holidays. My sibling camp demanded that my kids and I get PCR tested before coming (despite our prior-infection status). We live in Atlanta and testing was a HOT MESS in the days before christmas. There were no available rapid tests and testing sites had lines that were hours long. Most everyone ended up getting Covid before we arrived - it's when Omicron made its was hilarious, and of course not acknowledged, that we didn't get Covid. My brother assured me that it had NOTHING to do with our prophylactic use of Ivermectin. The IVM conversation was another heated, fun one. It sounded like Fauci himself had programmed his arguments and pressed 'play', "Sarah, there are no randomized, placebo controlled, clinical trials that show any efficacy. I'm sorry, it doesn't work. It had nothing to do with the remediation of your parosmia, and nothing to do with you not getting covid now. And now I can't write prescriptions for it - for the things it's actually indicated for - because of all of this BS."
It truly is a clown world. Just when you think it can't get any more absurd...they come with the 8 Mice Study to approve the bivalent omicron booster. Maybe next they'll recommend we wear masks on our elbows. But only while driving.
i had a cousin agree with me on fb, liked my anti jab posts, has an iq of 140+ like me, yet went out and got the jab anyway, i just gave up and shut my fb down shortly after that
I'll give you one even crazier. My immediate circle (non relatives) aren't jabbed. All of them were aware or intuitive enough not to get it. And yet... Not a single one of them researches anything. And every one of them shuts down when I try to share new info about what's going on in the world regarding how everything is unfolding. Or... They get quiet, and then immediately change the subject. Or even worse, tell me that I'm completely wrong.
My point is, even many (most?) unjabbed, are still walking around with intentional blinders on. Hoping that it all just goes away. 2 years in, and they still won't research for themselves.
My conclusion is many (most?) people, including many unjabbed, don't yet have the mental and emotional fortitude to accept that they've been intentionally placed on the tracks and the train is heading right towards them.
At this point they frustrate me almost as much as the brainwashed jabbed.
More so when you factor in how they were able to see through the initial lie.
I’m in the same boat with my own mother. She is insistent that I am off my rocker nuts with my talk of what is going on with covid/vaccine/corruption. Does NOT WANT TO HEAR IT. It makes my heart weep.
I get the exact same thing with educated friends. I am not allowed to talk bout covid, any mention of it and they shut me down. There must be a psychological reason for it. And there must be ways to counter it, but I don't know what they are.
My husband finally woke up when a fellow jabbed friend had multiple strokes and openly blamed it on the jab. Hubby would not listen to (unjabbed) me but did listen to a fellow older male who got the jab.
Persistence and politeness. Im having some luck with my mother but she still struggles with the idea that as she has had the juice there is no going back. The best I can suggest is to avoid further boosters.
This is why I cannot sleep any more. I know it's true. And I too feel like there is nothing more I can do. My own children rejected every warning I gave. But at least the WHOferWEFers won't enslave my grandchildren because there won't be any.
People have to have a certain temperament and certain life experience to take all this on board. It is too socially painful for most to allow even the possibility of it. Even when they are themselves dying they will not admit it.
Most everyone in my family and friends cannot accept the evil wrapping its tentacles around us. Even when they admit things are not looking good, they will not go as far as acknowledging the elite techno takeover. They act as if everything will be fine if we just wait it out. The family that remains blinded on all levels - well, I gave up on them last year. But I am so discouraged that the ones who saw through the propaganda, immediately or eventually, still will not accept the full extent of what is happening. I don’t know what it will take... :(
You are absolutely right. Our governments are working hard to promote the top down, tyrannical, fascist world they’ve worked so hard on. And it isn’t just governments. It’s corporations, institutions. Effectively we are surrounded, cowed to silence and disbelief. After these past few years it is difficult to believe there is anyone remaining who doesn’t understand what is happening. It is fascism, pure and simple - straight up, no chaser. Those not recognizing the fascist style terror-mongering in Joe Biden’s speech last night are not paying adequate attention. Soon even the USA will resemble the fallen nation of Sri Lanka. The boot is descending fast.
Mike Yeadon's piece is the most succinct summary I have read describing the last 2 years of madness.
I sent my thoughts (see below) to a group of friends literally 15 minutes ago, and providing a link to join the International Liberty Forum (
The last thing I want to do is spam you. But, I think this is worth me running the risk of pissing you off. Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that.
The WEF, along with other supranational organisations, poses a threat to common sense, to decency, to a future in which our descendants can flourish and live lives free of authoritarian control and censorship. The last two and a half years has changed what I thought I knew about the world; that I could for the most part, trust government, rely on what I read in newspapers, trust health authorities..........yes, I know some of you are picking yourselves up off the floor right now, tears of laughter running down your face.
Yet, I believe that not many of us saw the planned curtailment of our freedoms predicated on obviously made-up "emergencies" coming down the road. The litany of absurdities around covid regulations lifted the veil on these organisations, giving us a sneak preview of their intentions. Now the plans for "new green deals" based on climate alarmism are confirmation of an agenda to impose control on much of the global population. What are these intentions? In a nutshell - to create food stress and fuel shortages. Yes, sounds frighteningly conspiratorial doesn't it? But many sane, intelligent and reasonable individuals, experts in their field, are voicing the very same sentiments despite censorship by big technology and mainstream media. "Common" people lack the public platforms to make an impact. We in the largely unregulated tip of Africa may escape some of this for a period because the 3rd world is to an extent, ungovernable, but if there is no pushback, there is no chance of resisting this tyranny-by-stealth.
So, as one of my friends says, "what to do, what to do?" I don't know exactly. But I do know that doing nothing means an Orwellian future with Klaus Schwab as our galactic overlord. Call me a slacktivist, but a start is to join those who already have a large influence and to bolster their numbers, giving them more influence and visibility. So I am throwing my tiny, insignificant weight behind the International Liberty Forum (see link below) formed specifically to pushback against the WEF. And maybe many many tiny, insignificant voices eventually lead to a significant voice and the ability to stem the tide of unreason.
If you think I'm being a tit, no worries. I hope we can still be friends :-)
Well done. Many of my friends and their families are worried about when they can get their fourth shot, which they think they need because they keep catching Covid. They know my views and concerns but take no notice. Similar to what you have done here, I recently emailed them laying out the concerns, but this time in very clear, very blunt terms with source data etc. Sadly, I don't think it will make a difference for them, but it did help my conscience and give me some inner peace, which seems to be enabling me to move on from it. They can now never say they did not know. At best they can say they chose not to listen.
Mike Yeadon was the first person to open my eyes, followed by Reiner Fuellmich. As they both say, once you join all the dots it is impossible to unsee what is going on. Credit to TCW for supporting Dr Yeadon over the last two years, see
It isn't just the famous (or infamous) few like Yeadon, Malone, McCullough, etc who are deeply troubled by events of the last few years. There are, I'm certain, many more scientists and analysts and medics who are similarly concerned. We don't hear so often about those. Up until early last year I was an associate professor of physics at a university and most of my colleagues both in physics and other departments expressed some level of concern, with some being extremely concerned indeed.
I've struggled over the last couple of years to make proper sense of it all, and I can't. I can't find any "innocent" explanation of the decisions and policies of governments and the actions of the media and Big Tech companies.
This worries me because I'm not at all a so-called "conspiratorial thinker" and so I oscillate between the view that I'm simply missing something, or have misunderstood something, and the view that there is a darker subtext and some other agenda at play.
I've tried to develop some of my thoughts on this, and other issues, in my substack over the last year and I haven't been able to come to any comfortable answer. I can't say for definite that there is some nefarious hidden purpose to it all, but it sure looks that way, and as Mike Yeadon suggests here, it is certainly one hypothesis that seems to be a better fit to the facts than many others.
My substack tries to take an irreverent, and I hope humorous, look at things in a simple way, because many others including the wonderful Joel himself can do the full-on technical data analysis much better than I. Even taking this simpler 'big picture' approach is more than enough to expose some of the issues. But I still haven't found a neat coherent way of putting all this together in a way that would convince the "average" person. There are too many strands - and it's easy to generate a (very) long list of some very serious questions for which I have no complete answer.
As just one example take the "28 days" rule - where death, for any reason, within 28 days of a positive covid test was listed as a covid fatality. I'm a scientist. I have a passion and love for the whole edifice of science - and yet this single bizarre "rule" is one of the most egregious anti-scientific things I've ever witnessed. I can't even begin to plumb the profound depths of stupidity it represents from a scientific perspective. Especially when you consider the claim of a "novel" virus for which, one might suppose, accurate data collection ought to have been a top priority.
It's clear it was a deliberate, not accidental or incompetent, play to inflate the figures. Why would they do this? It is of no scientific benefit. Indeed I would suggest it's of a negative benefit from a science perspective. It hampers our understanding. Why would a government want to convince you the virus is more deadly than it is? Why would they want you to be afraid of a virus you don't actually need to be all that afraid of? Why would they cripple our efforts to properly understand its characteristics and progression?
This is just one question of so very many similar questions. Another might be: why do they not, despite repeated requests, release the full (anonymised) data set regarding the vaccines and health outcomes? There is no 'innocent' explanation for this at all.
The attack on science, and the scientific method, that I've witnessed over the last couple of years is beyond my capacity to comprehend - except by adopting hypotheses not too dissimilar from the one suggested in this article.
I have very serious concerns for a future in which covid merely represents Phase 1, as far as I can tell. This coming Winter is likely to be a time of very, very serious discontent with a high possibility of violence breaking out across Europe - and what do you think the response of governments will be to that? I am very worried indeed.
Before the 28 day rule, the UK actually had a no date rule. It was early on but there were people who could be hit by a bus 3 months in and then be labeled a covid death. Basically, if that rule stood anyone who tested positive at any point in time would go down as a covid death.
There are so many things that didn't make sense and all of it seemed to be in the direction of increasing deaths. For instance, many countries (and some US states) put elderly patients back into nursing homes including Sweden which is often lauded for its common sense approach. There was a good thread on this on Twitter by a woman named Nellie? I could be wrong.
Keeping the elderly, many of which are already in poor shape and some with dementia from seeing their loved one likely caused many deaths. Imagine the panic and confusion the new rules would ensure. In some places, the elderly were lacking water and food and actually died of dehydration. Keeping people off beaches or from enjoying the sun is another example. Basically if you were to make a list of what not to do, I don't imagine it would look all that different than the measures taken.
Then they made sure early treatment was not a possibility. Even in the spring of 2020, the goal was a vaccine. Many articles talked about a hoped for vaccine even though none had been released for any coronavirus including SARS-1. Also they couldn't know the virus wouldn't disappear before a vaccine could even be made as had recently happened with Zika. Hydroxychloroquine was interesting to watch as they completely denigrated it and yet given the 2005 paper showing chloroquine was an effective treatment against SARS-1, the reaction was so odd and over the top. The report should have been more along the lines that while it's not yet known, given previous evidence, there might be potential. Also note, that the reports were always in the negative direction. Initially, they claimed SARS-2 was one of those most infectious viruses and would last on surfaces for up to 9 days etc. The risks were always over-exaggerated and yet good news was never presented. They even promulgated the idea that children were at risk instead of celebrating the actual very low risk to children.
If a few measures were helpful or if there were something aside from the constant fearful reporting, perhaps a benign reason would make sense. Seems to me the goal was to terrify the public as much as possible and to not offer any solution apart from a vaccine. I would love to be presented with another reason that fits the picture so well but so far I haven't seen one. If you have any feel free to share.
Don't want to answer for Rudolph, but energy constraints will invite further totalitarian measures. Populations have already been terrorized and "softened up" to accept totalitarian control measures out of fear.
It is not the blind belief in government agencies that astonished me, it’s the cognitive dissonance, that boggles my mind. A good friend of mine is a doctor who administers Moderna shots, who asked me about my concerns, and I challenged her to name any RNA viral vaccine, EVER? She looked at be, half angry and half indignant, but could not answer the question, and asked me if I am saying that the government is killing us. A total cop-out and change of subject. Don’t you think her scientific curiosity would have come out and we could have had a rational debate? No. She shut be down. I persisted and asked where the HIV vaccine is for the past 40 years? No answer. I asked how a virus with the highest mutation rate could ever have an effective vaccine? No answer. Why are we still using the Wuhan strain for omicron? No answer. What this tells me is that this is no longer a scientific or even rational debate, it is a religious confirmation of tribal status. Either you are with us or against us?
Bingo. This is exactly right. I don't know why, but the propaganda and bogus narratives were apparent to me from early on. Research beyond the bubble reaffirmed my suspicions. Mike Yeadon's first videos were so important. Not only did he masterfully expose the lies with all the credibility he brings, he bravely put it all on the line by openly arguing that through a logical process of elimination, a totalitarian agenda was the most likely remaining conclusion. This was my first exposure to such an incredible idea. Fifty or sixty books later and I am under no doubt that Dr. Yeadon was right. It took me a year and a half to see 'The Power Versus People Paradigm' clearly for myself, but the good doctor's early warnings were extremely helpful. Whether he ever gets the credit he deserves or not, the world owes him a debt of gratitude. Thank you, Dr. Yeadon.
But stopping this is mostly what matters. His brave efforts are very appreciated of course. He was one of the first to open my eyes. But its the powerful who seem to be in a position to change this bc they are the ones ppl will listen to in large numbers. It seems to drag on without any arrests or halting of this madness.
Thank you Sharon. I'm afraid it is 'the powerful' who are the problem and we cannot expect help from them. Peaceful resistance and a grassroots awakening to try and counter-attack the Mass Formation Psychosis seem to be the only clear way forward, at least as far as I can see.
Yes, I agree. Its always been the powerful oppressing mankind, causing wars and other problems. The prob is since they control the media, politicians, govts and whatnot, it is difficult bc most ppl don’t want to believe the worst. Like you, I knew something was very fishy right away. But I don’t watch TV, & well aware of the constant manipulation, brainwashing & agenda. Woke, gay….trans…. I tend to be fairly cynical anyhow along with accumulative wisdom being a young senior. Somedays wish I was less knowledgeable bc of the frustration of waiting for something BIG to change all this.
It took me way too long to make anything of the published literature showing flu vaccination does not reduce deaths in the elderly. Why might that be?
The elderly are vulnerable to respiratory illnesses we call colds & flu because their immune systems are poorly responsive to new challenges.
So why would anyone expect the elderly to respond to c19 vaccines?
In addition you cannot acquire long term safety data in a period shorter than the duration of any alleged pandemic. You can’t speed everything up by applying extra resource. You cannot make a baby in one month with nine women.
Vaccination using a novel vaccine could NEVER have been a safe & effective intervention.
The basic design of the “vaccines” was the most dangerous option that could have been chosen: causing recipients to manufacture known to be directly toxic spike protein.
All four lead pharma chose this basic design.
Collusion & malfeasance.
The clinical trials were fraud (see Brook Jackson, Peter Doshi)
The non clinical dossiers are fraud & consequently the regulatory authorisation were fraud (see Sasha Latypova)
The manufacturing QA/QC was fraud (see Hedley Rees).
The batch to batch consistency was all over the place (see
It’s not possible to survey this mess, in light of the facts that in many countries there was no excess deaths (eg Germany), knowing that none of the “measures” did anything useful & they knew that in 2019, and that eariy treatments were available from spring 2020, as anything other than a deliberate PsyOp designed to smash everything & inject billions.
No pandemic, no elevated health emergency. Some think there wasn’t even a new virus circulating at all. It’s doesn’t matter now. The above is sufficient for anyone to know this is already the greatest crime in history. And it’s hardly begun.
I’ve not even mentioned PCR, which is where I started on this. I knew it was fraud the moment I saw it. Again, all irrelevant now.
Did you know that the bulk of excess deaths in UK were planned medical murder with midazolam & morphine? (see Stuart Wilkie by Maajid Nawaz). In the US, their planned medical murder was mechanical ventilators & remdesivir. Theee was no classical signature of what we considered respiratory virus illness deaths (see Denis Rancourt by Jerm Warfare).
Given lockdowns were known not to slow transmission (assuming anything to transmit) closing the world must have been authorised by the uber wealthy. Why would they so authorise?
It can’t only be money. These people stand astride the very money creating processes in Central & private banks. No. It’s about totalitarian control. UN2030 sustainable development goals. Personally I believe the perpetrators intend depopulation on a grand scale. I think they see this Act as their destiny. Once you start looking under the rug, I’m afraid all the evidence points this way, 50 years of scene setting & lies. For pandemic planning, see YouTube & Paul Schreyer’s Pandemic Simulations). Climate change uses exactly the sane actors, methods & themes. That’s fraud, too, starting perhaps with Ehrlich’s Population Bomb, Club of Rome, the Iron & Steel Confederation / EU, the international panel on climate change etc.
This is merely Phase I of a long planned demolition of everything that makes modern life tolerable or better. They’re continuing to chop away at electrical generation, gas supply, inflation of everything, destruction of all sovereign currencies, the health, education, police & courts systems, supply chains globally, fertiliser production, food production etc etc etc.
Phase II is beginning. It’s not my crime, but it looks like stripping most of us of our assets is under way.
At some point, it will become expediently necessary to require mandatory digital ID to obtain meagre needs for food, fuel, money & warmth. At that point, freedom & democracy is permanently over, and from then on, if the perpetrators choose to require regular injections to keep your digital pass valid, you’ll do it or you’ll starve. Cash will be withdrawn completely under some pretence.
That’s why I’m of the view that we’ve a short time at most to halt it at least deviate from this trajectory.
I ask again for people to weigh up what others call Yeadon’s Wager.
A. If I’m right and you ignore me, the downsides could be (I’m sure of it) as I’ve outlined. Irreversible. It doesn’t matter if I’m wrong about depopulation. That’s a detail, because permanent loss of freedom makes this a world I don’t plan to live in.
B. If those standing back, hoping I’m wrong, are right, we all get a good laugh at my expense.
Which wager should you take, A or B?
As to what to do, that’s irrelevant until you’re convinced you must act. Virtually no one is there, yet, but it’s why my wife & I dropped everything & tried to get to a place where I hoped they’d fight back. I don’t care where a solid resistance occurs. It’s not about me.
Exactly this. And what I said as a preface to the article. All my own research points to all these claims that Mike makes - the deaths start when the interventions start, not when the virus (whatever it is or isn't) first emerges and the deaths increase when they start the mRNA experiment. These are indisputable facts of the matter no matter how anyone tries to spin a narrative otherwise. Look at my most recent pieces as the available data finally becomes of better quality:
I join the wager on the side of Yeadon! I can handle the ridicule if we're wrong.
Joel I am with you. Sadly many still refuse to see the data right under their noses.
Can't "like" yours either, Joel, but I do!
I love you, Mr. Yeadon. Thank you for your courage and insight and bravery and brilliance.
Many of us have been warning of this since March 2020, which is why social media had to ban us. But alas, FB and Twitter are still too big, while Substack and Rumble are still too small.
I was lucky; back around 2005 I called in to RFKjr Ring of Fire radio. He explained that many current dictatorships are kept alive due to a phony, constant ‘state of emergency’, which the government uses to place everyone under house arrest. Then large multinationals loot the country’s resources for pennies on the dollar. The country is then destabilized so the looting can continue, the truth never be revealed, and the USA not have to deal with competitive powerful nations nearby. CIA specializes in exactly that. So when they locked us down without any visible sick people, immediately I knew. A friend from Venezuela immediately knew it as well, from experience. Sadly most Americans are very nice, and often intelligent, but naive, utterly uninformed about anything beyond their borders or beyond the evening newscast.
Wow. You nailed the essence of the covidhoax in a single paragraph. Touché.
🙏👍🏼… I don’t know you Dr. Yeadon , but saw you on a video awhile back and you could tell you were living in fear and urgency in your voice .. I hear that in no one else who speaks out , except you . thank you and pray for you and your family and your safety as well. 🤗
I’m genuinely not fearful for me, having long since reached my own peace about all this.
I’m very anxious about my family in the context where few people seem aware of the incoming tyranny & pitifully few prepared to resist.
Dr.Yeadon are you allowed to speak in person? … at a conference?
Allowed is an interesting choice of word. I’m not aware of formally being blocked anywhere though in truth I’ve not travelled to give in person talks. I have a health issue that renders travel to locations further than nearby problematic. For this reason I always choose Zoom. Also entering into my thinking Is hiw can I reach the largest number of people? In person while more immediate & intimate tends to be relatively small audiences. If there was a training activity then in person would be s distinct advantage.
I understand thanks for your response.
Thank you for your reply. I agree. Like rowing up stream without paddles. Its a chronic fear and anxiety, that is difficult to shake. Substack family has been helpful I truly believe. Just don’t want to read you have been hurt or disappeared. We must resist , NWO and digital zombie world will be horrific. ☮️To you and your family.
Thank you. I definitely don’t want to disappear or get hurt for no useful purpose.
I realised that while the authorities are clearly capable of murder when they decide its appropriate, I doubt it’s done lightly. In the case of people like me, I rather deduced that they’ve long ago profiled me & evaluated they threat I pose.
From that analysis they’ll conclude that the probability is extraordinarily low that I’d lurk around almost invisible & then pop up in a sensitive location. So they’ll have no concerns on that score.
They’ll furthermore have the means to deter me through threats of harm to a younger family member. Almost all of us would desist in the face of such threats.
They could easily interfere with daily living financial high jinks like turning cards or bank accounts off or make them erratic.
They would probably deduce that personal threats would have little chance of being effective, since I already have a dark virw of the likely futures. Ditto they’d be sure they couldn’t bribe me.
I don’t think they even consider anything medieval unless I represented a serious, real world threat, which isn’t going to happen anyway.
The greatest threat I represent to their narrative is that I can coherently explain to non technical people what I think is going on, and I’m highly credible because of my career track record (& there are no motivations other than feeling compelled to tell the truth.
Logically, the most effective approach to neutralising me consists of two specifics & one general factor,
The specifics are censorship & smearing, and in both cases there is unequivocal evidence that they’ve done exactly that,
The third, general factor is to wear me down by going slow. I think they’re doing this because it’s a rational course of action anyway.
My specific accusations against three named senior scientists probably has raised the stakes & it’s not implausible that I might be detained, much likely if I returned to UK, much less so if we entered France.
Important information Dr. Yeadon! Many are playing dirty if you don’t go with the narrative. The length that they would go to silence you and others is what can be frightening. Best to you and your family !
There is a third alternative .It happens in the minds of men as option 1 unfolds . The urgency of Satanic influence is to so impact cognitive function that the flowering in the minds of men can not happen .
Just as the mighty tree is beholden to the sap that flows so we as leaves on that tree have no comprehension of the " encouraging one another to empathy" that the devine Father of all orchestrates as a starting point in developing characters fit for a life that need never end.
I mention this sap,because once option one has achieved itself , God our Father ceases that work to allow a record to be established of the essentiality of Provedential care in the functioning of society. This record is kept permenantly to vindicated anything like a draconian act on God's part in the aeons of eternity 's future .
The account of the cursed fig tree is a warning of how quick interpersonal relationships will collapse .
The most pressing task for man is to discover what that mindset is. This is done by " beholding" Jesus as the " Son Of God" and praying to His Father for the insights of that Jesus life ,that you then can pray for those insights to be part of your life.
Hold fast my friend. You are carrying a weight. Appreciate your expertise and insight. We will prevail, but at what cost? That is the question. This one is for you, a reminder of the cultural fruits of an open society. I know you are a Drury fan. Let's take 3 minutes to smile.
And thank you.
Wonderful. Thank you 😊
A solution how to stop this madness - a global ban on the genetic modification of humans.
edit: updated the link
Check out my article -
Love the idea.
Touching that you hope the law will protect us.
Sadly, if that could work, we’d have broken out of jail long before summer 2020.
I believe ALL institutions are captured.
Hypothetically, if we could get a billon people to sign the petition, don't you think there would be some real weight behind it? Something that goes beyond our man-made institutions?
Maybe, but probably not.
I have learned that the perpetrators don’t respect democratic instruments.
They respond to power (mostly) & the potential for force (less persuasive & might precipitate bad outcomes),
Tried to like, but internet won't let me. Says "Oops! Something went wrong."
Mike, I'd follow you to Hell and back, and my wager is on A.
An honest and trust worthy human being it seems. Blessings always.
Where is the plan to stop this? I came up with one in about a minute and I don't see a single person in the 'resistance' with that idea. I wanted to share it with you in person at a conference in West Palm beach you were slated to attend which was unfortunately canceled for some reason. If you or the author of this substack or anyone with a direct line to others capable of amplifying the message, feel free to reply to this comment.
My idea is memetics. Use Cointelpro tactics.. scripted role playing in public spaces, viral memes in the form of art/satire on light poles, temporary signs and sidewalks and guerilla theatre campaigns to struggle for the narrative. I was warned to stay out of politics. Being targetted for my activism from the 90s to present, I can tell you that street theatre, nlp and fear anchoring are the preferred tools of the planners. It is also their vulnerability as they attempted recruitment when I proved I could turn the tables to embarass them. I suspect there are producers, actors and other creatives willing to engage in an informative way respecting boundaries and laws.. attraction is key. People are entrenched and impervious to conflicting data on the agenda, vaccine harms etc. They fell prey to narrative control and clown world so they may respond to targetted performance art. Thanks!
I respectfully disagree. That may help some but what we need is to unite with one powerful idea that 90% of people can get behind.
Best wishes. I'm looking forward to a unifying vision. Any ideas?
See my comment below. Global movement to ban genetic modification of humans.
Thanks James! Great idea!!
post it already
In a nutshell, global movement to ban genetic modification of humans. We can all unite behind that banner. The whole plan comes apart if they can't do it, and if its true the shots modified DNA then that will have to be disclosed and then can be dealt with appropriately. I welcome to hear all counterarguments or why this wouldn't work. On the contrary, build on the idea and make it even better.
A solution how to stop this madness - a global ban on the genetic modification of humans. If you want to know more or help out, check out my article -
They won't care.
Even if you could get almost the entire world population on board, the authors of this evil just will not give a damn about it.
The media won't cover it and social media will suppress it, while those in power will just dismiss it entirely.
The 2020 installation of pedo pete, with more votes than anyone else, ever, should show the world that they are above the law and will ignore all facts, logic, reason and a protesting public.
mike is spot on as always, but i cant even convince my own mother, she just shuts down and refuses to discuss anything. this is a problem i cant see past, how do we wake them?
Unfortunately, we have to accept than many, even those dear to us, are a lost cause. We have to focus on the ones who are astute, willing and able.
This was insightful and timely:
Good suggestions in that. Thank you!
There is RF Kennedy Jr’s A Letter to Liberals—free download from Children’s Health Defense. Might be helpful to a few.
I struggle with this same problem every single day. If you figure a good hack, please share...
My brother (a dermatologist) and I are no longer speaking after a heated conversation in which I asked him to, please, simply look at the Pfizer clinical trial data. He is the "resident advisor" to my entire family; everyone that I hold dear. And he advised them to take the vaccine...which they all did. Including my 5 and 6 year old nieces and nephews. He discounts McCullough as a doctor chasing fame, Malone, Kory, and all the frontline docs are chasing this fame and pedaling products and books, according to him. He condescendingly scoffed when I asked him to at least hear what Geert VDB has to say because "A veterinarian??? Come on, Sarah, they're the worst." According to him, the biggest tragedy of all of it is that trust in the regulatory agencies has been lost, creating a situation where stupid people have been empowered to do their own research.
My commiseration for your situation, which sounds particularly tough. To varying degree, I think everyone here can relate. With great reluctance and after much time and effort, I arrived where Joel is in his comment immediately above yours.
The Mass Formation Psychosis may be impossible to penetrate head-on. It really seems it is only the individual who can help themselves and I'm not sure those who are not doing so already are ever likely to at this point.
I tried EVERYTHING I could think of, but have found that those who do not want to hear it, simply will not hear it. All my efforts seem to have done is created this bizarre existence where 'everything is fine, life is normal, and we can talk about anything, except reality'. I find it challenging to say the least, but book reading, Substack, and select friends keep me sane. I also see value in parallel structures and networking. As our side gets bigger and stronger, maybe it can have a counter-acting effect on the Mass Formation.
Oh man you said it so well...’everything is fine, life is normal, we can talk about anything, except reality”....
You just nailed it. How many times have I thought that exact same thing and wondered how on earth we could possibly be living through the most monumental and consequential events of our entire lives...and yet these all-consuming events are the one thing we can’t even talk about....?? It just adds to the complete twilight zone feel of the world we’re now living in. Unbelievable.
Read Revelation. It becomes more clear everyday I read.
Feels so fake.😔
Yesss...It's all so unnerving!! I've heartbreakingly distanced myself from my family, all those I hold dear, my HUSBAND, cuz...I am uNable to pretend everything is fine, when in reality, everything is literally falling apart, and iS being taken over, taken aWAY, by a horrifically evil few with the most unthinkable agendas, all over the freak'n world!! I want and NEED to be talking about it and formulating a plan of action.!. All I get is silence. 😔
I wish you good luck. Wish you were my neighbor.....I hate the faking and me being silent is faking, so I speak up and get blank expressions, silence. I so relate with what you said.
If I say anything, one word. The response from wife and child is: You are an idiot, (that's from both), followed by, you can either shut up or leave the house (wife).
Mattias Desmet (of mass formation psychosis) also says that the goal is not to convince but rather to momentarily break a trance to keep people from sinking deeper into it. So even when people get mad at you and call you a conspiracy theorist, you're still having an effect and keeping them from slipping further into quicksand. Or as has happened to me a few times, they may say "I agree it's weird that the FDA went to court to keep data from the public, but I'm going to keep getting boosters because I don't want to get Covid." But don't throw up your hands; your conversation really hasn't been pointless. Desmet points out that when people stopped talking about Hitler (because others didn't believe them) that it took about 6 mos after the silence for the roundups to start. So keep talking and let the insults slide off your back.
And yes, I SO get what you mean about not being able to talk about the most important thing. So do talk about it.
Amy, I can't tell you how helpful your comment is. Thank you!!!!
Very astute!👍
Yes!!! Too true. Graduated in pre-med so have lots of friends now in the medical field. One brilliant pediatrician friend appears to be totally blind to the evidence. We've had many exchanges, that end of with no change in position. For either of us, to be fair. He just wrote a blog about coming to the realization that one of the most important things he can do now is be part of "a reality-based community."
Sounds so familiar..."team reality"...sounds like my brother might be a contributor LOL. I would actually love to read it. I try to be vigilant about questioning everything. Including myself.
Hi Rob. Good of you to read the "other side"! A couple comments in response:
1) His team reality comment was actually on FB, I see: "I am currently re-reading this book in preparation for a book club discussion and am convinced even more than I was a year ago that we all need to aspire to be part of the "reality-based community." (but the book he was referring to is no longer available. It has that little FB msg about why the content can't be read.)
2) His blog posts are mostly about his medical practice, not related to Covid. However, there's one on Iver that I will just copy and paste here. (I don't feel good about giving a link without asking his permission...which would be ahem... awkward. :)) Here's the blog post:
Friday, September 3, 2021
Thoughts on Ivermectin, masks, etc.
We are all sick of dealing with Covid and wish there was some kind of easy, fool-proof way to prevent or treat it. Unfortunately, as with most things in life, Covid does not work that way. Early on in the pandemic, hydroxychloroquine gained traction in some quarters as the answer and was ultimately shown to not be beneficial for Covid (and possibly made things worse). The new silver bullet being promoted by some which I have been asked about is Ivermectin.
Ivermectin is a drug I learned about in medical school but I do not have much experience with it because the human diseases it is typically used to treat are not common in the Shenandoah Valley. Ivermectin initially gained attention for Covid because it was shown to kill coronaviruses when used in high concentrations in a lab setting. Unfortunately, that does not necessarily mean it will work in a human being.
There are several studies which have been used to promote the use of Ivermectin for Covid which showed results that seem too good to be true. There are a lot of red flags with these studies which have been noted by epidemiologists who have reviewed them. One study included patients who died before the study even started, listed a hospital as part of the study as a participating institution even though the hospital denies any involvement, and listed an author who states he was never allowed to review the data. Other population studies do not account for the effects of concomitant policy changes such as lockdowns and one study appears to have sections directly cut and pasted from an earlier document.
It would be great if Ivermectin was effective. Imagine if it was really 100% effective as one study claimed. I could prescribe it for everyone and make it home in time for dinner with my wife. Unfortunately, the preponderance of the evidence for Ivermectin use in Covid is underwhelming (
There are some things that we know help lessen the spread and effect of Covid. Masks have been shown to slow the spread of Covid. Vaccinations have been shown to significantly decrease one’s chance of catching Covid and to greatly decrease one’s chance of having a severe case of Covid. Being vaccinated also appears to decrease the amount and duration of viral shedding after a Covid infection, thus decreasing the chance of spreading it to someone else.
One of the most disheartening things for me about Covid is how much of the public discourse is about laws, mandates, court decisions, rights, and yelling at school board meetings. Wouldn’t it be nice if it was more about how we can voluntarily protect ourselves and those around us? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was more “What can I do to help?” and less “You can’t make me!”?
As of yesterday, our community hospital has 53 people hospitalized with Covid and has once again stopped doing elective surgeries. Several urgent cares have closed to reroute staff to where they are needed to help care for Covid patients. Recently, our days in the office are dominated by seeing patients with Covid, possible Covid, or exposure to Covid.
So please just wear a mask when you are indoors with folks outside your family and get vaccinated if you have not already. Ivermectin is not a panacea and we are unlikely to find anything else that is. The best way to get closer to our pre-Covid normal as soon as possible is for all of us to consistently do the things which we know work.
OMG, was my brother a guest-blogger for your pediatrician friend? LOL, this literally reads like a transcript of our conversation at christmas, right down to the NIH treatment guidelines, and reference to the studies listed there. Wow.
Spot on! "...this bizarre existence where 'everything is fine, life is normal, and we can talk about anything, except reality'." As soon as you bring up a relevant subject, the energy in the room shifts entirely - it's like the air gets goose bumps. Next, it's an almost audible click of their brains flipping to 'silent-mode', where anything you say goes completely unheard. And then, as if some invisible person has snapped their fingers, they begin talking about something else entirely. It's the damnedest thing I've ever experienced. I've wondered if there's some sort of instructional site they go to, "How to get out of talking to your science denier friends"; like the ones that were floating around about talking people into getting vaccinated.
I am also finding refuge in the awareness of parallel structures and networking, especially as I have leaned into the Substack community a bit more. I appreciate the support and collective embrace of shared experiences and solidarity. I have to believe that we can counter the mass formation...because I simply cannot bring myself to fully imagine the alternative.
What is happening is biblical, whether a believer or not in the Word of God.
What a rare but true comment. In early 2020 I tried pointing out in vain on social media, that Herd atheism was the root cause of this unparalled disaster.
This calamity is all of God; but predictably even many everyday religious folk just spout the secondary causes, not the instigator of this deserved evil.
I stand with you.
Hi Sarah,
What you wrote here is powerful, and so true. It’s probably futile, and I should know better by now, but part of me wants to hold it up as a mirror to people, in a final attempt…
While home in the States visiting family last Xmas, I was with my Aunt and calmly voiced my dismay at the immorality of coercing pilots to get the jab. That’s it. That’s all I did. She froze. Completely. I’d swear I saw her eyes dilate. So surprised was I, after about 5 seconds, I repeated myself, and then again, and I just let it hang there. After a further 5 seconds, she suddenly snapped back, gave me a big smile, made a comment about something totally trivial and unrelated and then hurriedly exited the room. It was genuinely spooky and just like what you described. I am under no doubt that I witnessed something that was deeply psychological.
If you’d be potentially interested in teaming up to write an essay on the subject we’ve been discussing on this thread, please let me know here or drop me an email at Perhaps others here might like to contribute? Maybe if we come up with something decent, Joel will consider giving it some exposure?
If not. I may still attempt something myself and would love to quote what you wrote, attributed or anonymous, as preferred, if okay.
No worries either way.
I would love to collaborate on an essay. I'll send you a note at the email you indicated. I'll look forward to speaking to you more.
Conspiracy theorist alert, haha... I can totally relate!! It can be so bizarre that I have to wonder if my now GMO family (and all others jab'd)...if the technology injected into them contains some sort of mind control.?. Crazy, yes, but that's the ideal outcome/control the WEFers would like to have.
I've felt similarly re: a jabbed family member, but so far it has merely been fleeting. I'm hoping to be wrong about the mind control thought. It's heartbreaking. But, I am on alert.
I hope I'm wrong as well. I saw something from a WEFer talking about ingestable vaccines that contain technology able to send a signal or message back to the evil controllers, showing you actually took your meds and are now "up to date". I believe it was that same segment that mentioned the mind control concerning unwanted behaviors and undesirable behavioral responses. Absolutely unthinkable and scary as heck cuz...the WEFer was eerily 100% proudly serious. The way people worldwide have been continually oblivious and blind to the true realities, this trance-like state so many of the jab'd are in, espEcially those who should knoW better considering their professional knowledge and level of intellect...I often feel there hAs to be more going on than the power of mass formation. Surrre do hope I'm wrong!!
Spot on... "this bizarre existence where 'everything is fine, life is normal, and we can talk about anything, except reality'"...You can feel the electricity in the air turn on as soon as you even HINT that you MIGHT talk about something relevant. It's like the air in the room gets goose bumps. And then the almost audible click of their brains flipping to 'silent mode', where anything that you say goes completely unheard. Then, as if someone has snapped their fingers, they begin talking about something else entirely, as if you have said nothing at all. It's the damnedest thing I've ever experienced.
I also find refuge in the networking and awareness of parallel structures, especially as I've started to lean into the Substack community a bit more. I appreciate the community embrace and collective sharing of very similar experiences and solidarity. I have to believe that we can counter the mass formation...because I just cannot bring myself to fully imagine the alternative.
its taboo like std's.
Great approaches. I agree wholeheartedly!🎯
Totally agree. You summed things up very eloquently, especially the distortion of reality. Those of us who value individuality and freedom are on a different path to the mass psychotics, who have been captured by the propaganda. I've had two monumental clashes with family relatives within the last week. My draw-bridge is now going up. It's very isolating and sad. Emotionally draining. I feel a tremendous sense of loss.
We've had polar opposite interpretations of reality for almost two years. I'm persistently now regarded as a victim of scams, a 'conspiracy theorist' with 'extreme' views, because I'm greatly alarmed and awake to what's been going on globally and questioning everything - whilst they remain oblivious, sedate, devoid of any concern whatsoever.
What was notable about my last two clashes was that 'Climate Change' was a huge triggering factor. They've bought into the renewed Climate Narrative whilst I've seen through it. They believe the propaganda whilst I actively question it and see treacherous One World Government orchestration wherever I look.
It's so blatantly obvious that we're in World War Three, a globalist 'silent war' for control of humanity. "They" want to control people through their Contrived Dystopian False Narrative - which is all about the ownership of our PERCEIVED REALITY. "They" don't own us! Not now. Not ever.
Is your brother aware that "Albert Bourla is a Greek-American veterinarian and the chairman and chief executive officer of Pfizer, an American pharmaceutical company."??? He's one of the big shots in all this (pun intended).
Just for the record, he is not ethnic Greek. He is from Greece but he is Jewish. Probably Sephardic, maybe Ashkenazi.
So Jewish-American.
Every. Single. Time.
Well, maybe. But Bourla's name is cursed on the streets of Israel.
had a 90 year old man spitting all kinds of knowledge. and Ashkenazi jews was mentioned often. name stealers?
Good point!
Sorry about your situation. Im in the same situation but my brother is a science teacher. I just pray that with help from Joel and Dr Yeadon one day you are vindicated and the fact that these shots are poison becomes common knowledge. And i really hope your niece and nephew dont get any of the bad side effects.
Also have a brother who doesn’t speak to me anymore. How can supposedly intelligent people be so stupid?
Sorry, but what use is expressing this hope? The fact of the matter is that ALL vaccines have been shown to be poison: to cause more deaths & injury than they ever would have prevented HAD they worked as intended, & even the people HERE are pretending that they never heard this before. These infantile games of wishing Daddy-Government would behave better "because we KNOW what's true" need to stop. Children are dying while you all wait for your wishes to come true.
You’re not wrong. Vaccines are the sum total of the problems that have logarithmically grown since the mid-80’s when big pharma was given the all clear and free to shoot ‘em up. It’s right there in statistics for anyone willing to sit down and do some reading. I am violently ill thinking about my own ignorance in this case as it was a mere 12-24 months ago. I have regrets, but the covid shot isn’t one of them.
I'm trying to be nicer to people new to this, but you know what? You're on a website that is claiming that the jabs are going to kill infants & everyone here believes this, or they wouldn't be here.
So why is the discussion about when what happened or why, or who "else" needs to wake up when doing so won't end the mandates? Why can't I get ANYONE to discuss saving the lives of babies?
Maybe because that’s not the topic of discussion. In order to save even one baby you MUST REACH the adult who has parental control. Which is what it appears many of us are desperately trying to do. We are commiserating because standing around scratching out our eyes in horror doesn’t seem to be the answer.
Everyone here is 9n team reality, which involves mourning what we hold dear: family, friends, health, peace, security. Everyone's processing at their own pace, so how about showing some compassion?
He still voluntarily wears his mask in the stores.
The logical fallacies people hold onto are astounding. I sent my Mom something from the Highwire, knowing she'd flip it around to what they say about Del, but it was the story of Maddie and her family, and Mom can understand stories more than medical claims. She said she did watch it. Then she sent all this stuff about Del Bigtree, etc.
**But the epicness of the gaslight was this - Snopes says The Highwire lied when they said the FDA was not releasing the Pfizer documents for 75 years. Del lied when he (apparently) said they're only releasing 500 pages a month, when, actually, they're releasing much more than that, and they're not waiting 75 years.
But they're only releasing those pages because the Highwire's legal team FORCED the matter into court, where a judge ruled that they have to release them sooner - Pfizer And the FDA WANTED to keep them for 75 years, and then if they must, just 500 pages a month.
And Snopes twists that into a reason to say Del & Aaron Siri are liars.
Crimes against humanity of the gatekeepers of information ...
What IS this BS? Does EVERYONE HERE WANT more children to die? All this talk of 'logical fallacies' instead of "Wtf do any of you woke folk PLAN to DO" now OR once everyone else comes to agree with you? Breaking people's logical fallacies won't end the mandates!
You are thinking what? That when enough people agree with you that 1) the vaccines will get upset, take their syringes & go home? Or 2) Daddy-Government can't ignore twice as many people whining on social media?
3) Here's YOUR logical fallacy for greater illustration. You seem to think that these people here will all voluntarily renounce millions of $ in lobbying $, turn moral & throw THEMSELVES into prison perhaps?
I know that it's not that last one. What that last one SHOULD say is that "you're waiting for them to turn moral, apologize, have your big cry with Mummy & Daddy-Government then accept their apology s you can go back to worshiping them."
Everyone here has a sick fetish for worshiping mere authority figures that exceeds their empty rhetorical desire to save lives. That's obviously NOT a priority here. Not one person aside from me will discuss DOING ANYTHING to stop the people actually mandating the jabs.
Waking people up. If THAT worked why hasn't it worked? Is it a whole number of people or a % of the population that needs to be awake to force Ted Cruz to side against the people paying him? Or if they are all in one zip code, will it be Nancy Pelosi instead?
If it's on a Tuesday will it be Mitch McConnell? Or only if you roll a six with a 20-sided die? WHY are you waiting for magic to occur? WHAT magic? HOW do you plan to stop the mandates without stopping the people you worship who are ENFORCING them? What kind of sickness is this that you are all trying to find ways to defend people knowingly committing child-murder for PROFIT?
A man after my own heart. ❤️
Thanks, but as I said to someone else on this thread, I have studied the psychology of all of this. Agreeing with each other is fine. But it doesn't get the mandates ended.
Thinking about this issue causes Immense Stress. The mental & emotional kind. When attacked by a bear, we run. When faced with constant stress we can't get rid of, the subconscious (SC) seeks Familiar Patterns: not because they resolve the problem, but because Familiar = 'Good' to the SC. 'Familiar' = 'Calm.' It releases endorphins when we commit familiar acts.
Everything I am saying is new. By definition, 'new' can't POSSIBLY BE 'familiar.' (This is why people get more upset by NEW ideas than they get about bad ones). So everyone here is going to have an automatic negative reaction & then seek to reestablish their familiar thought patterns.
Exactly like all the people you're trying to wake up are doing.
& that's what we're all fighting, the reestablishment of patterns of thought. The Only Way your SC CAN attain relief is to Go Back To the familiar patterns.
Well guess what, folks? You CAN overcome this. It actually only takes seconds. Not years of meditation or therapy. Seconds.
Some patterns are related to real traumas. But some are only patterns (of thought. Every time I say patterns, it's 'patterns of thought' but I won't type that out each time). Patterns of thought need many facets to become patterns. There's no pattern to One Thing. Combined with 'this is familiar, so I like it' what patterns do most people have, if any? (Most people are resistant to the notion that most people have similar patterns, but... why can't you wake people up)?
If the immediate way most people's SCs can find to get away from the stress of what you're telling them is to revert to the familiar pattern of thinking 'Government would NEVER ALLOW harms to come to us' they will return TO that pattern IMMEDIATELY.
& once they do so, they become unreachable because people don't need to reset twice in the same conversation. They not only reset to it, they are reset forever more.
& when I ask all of you here to walk me through how merely waking them up would cause the mandates to end, this causes you all stress & so you merely lash out & think to yourselves 'it will SO!' But again: is that because this statement is true? Or are you merely finding comfort in repeating what is only a familiar pattern?
It's the second. & even TRYING to find fault with my question will cause you all Immense Stress. & the only way out of that is to stop yourself from reverting to that pattern.
Which takes seconds. You only have to do it once, then it's broken.
Thinking about this all caused me to get frustrated. So there was the issue itself, then my reaction, with became frustration. Can you think clearly when frustrated?
Me neither. So I pictured My Frustration as a physical object I could lift, put off behind me to one side, then look ahead without it being in the way. & THAT took SECONDS. But the key here is to realize that my SC MADE the frustration part of the pattern. Removing just One Aspect Of the pattern broke the entire pattern.
With you guys, you're as attached to the notion that 'Government' "will SO" come & save you just as much as the people you're trying to wake up. So aspects of the pattern include how you view government, its role in society & your relationship to it.
Stopping yourselves from reverting to this pattern can involve Any One Element Of it. Politicians aren't government. That can be one. Caring Parents rescue their devoted children, not politicians on the corporate payroll. Realize that transposing Nancy McConnell & Mitch Pelosi's faces onto those of your loving grandparents or parents when recalling fond childhood memories can be another. (Yeah I WISH I was joking about this last one).
Even just admitting to yourselves that allowing corporations to run our lives this way IS bad, ergo let's stop defending those who do that CAN break this pattern because that IS part of it. If you're suppressing a fact, you're always semi-aware that you're doing so.
Try it & let's see if you succeed. If you're not going to do it in order to save lives, well, when WILL you do it?
All that the people on Substack do is the exact same thing that people not on it do: they either complain first about the problem then assume Some Great Force, Daddy-Government will fix it for them or as the majority of Sheeple do, assume it isn't a problem BECAUSE Daddy-Government wouldn't allow such a harm. Either way, ALL of you are thinking of 'Government' as a Caring Benevolent surrogate Father-Figure who is simply oblivious to the problem and that "he will SO" come rescue you once you get his attention.
You think any of THESE people are 1) oblivious to that they themselves are taking lobbying $? 2) That they are going to stop taking it EVER? Why? Because you act like Adoring Children you think they ARE going to act like Caring Parents?
They're COMPLETE STRANGERS! I understand thinking this way is comforting. But 'comforting' isn't saving lives.
In fact, everyone sitting here waiting for this false sense of hope to come true is ensuring that NO action will be taken. YOU'RE pushing a false narrative.
There are NO circumstances under which those people are going to choose you over millions of $.
None. Never.
My unvaccinated family were, until recently, made unwelcome at a once dear friends house. All of a sudden yesterday my daughter was invited to play and the husband announced that his mum says she has had a terrible adverse reaction to her latest booster. I wish no harm or I’ll effects to anyone (especially having lost a beloved relative to the jab) but the mis-named vaccines will out themselves.
CS, my sister wont talk to me anymore and calls me a criminal for not taking the vxx, a good friend of 40 years who is willing to talk on the phone but refuses to see me, my cousins who were vxxed and who I continually ask to go out refuse to do so...I am the pandemic of the unvxxed. We are living in world given over to a spirit of FEAR. The bible talks about what a person greatly fears often becomes enslaved to it. This fear has been decades to form but the world has given in to it...the Green New Deal will be the final straw that cements insanity and self-inflicted genocide into place.
A "spirit of fear" is what, ArnoldF?
A spirit of fear is a biblical term where a person chooses to live in a constant state of fear, believing the worst possible outcome will occur. Its the opposite of believing God loves me and i can trust him. There is a spiritual component that causes a person (or a city or nation) to become subserviant to Satanic devices and drives a person towards lack of common sense and enslavement to that fear.
Thank you. It is those things, but it leads to...cowardice...a vice.
Yep. And in the book of Revelation, the list of sinners sentenced to the Lake of Fire starts with "the cowardly" and ends with "all liars".
God is no fool.
This veterinarian has declined the injections and advised my loved ones to do the same. This veterinarian hasn’t been ill in years. And none of my family has been hospitalized with Covid. None of the un-injected ones, not even the old, the fat, the diabetic ones. But a young one who used to believe the official rhetoric got injected and was hospitalized for pericarditis. Go figure.
(TierDoc, vets who are aware of the dishonesty of the official medical paradigm are a rare blessing .. I'll forever regret not doing more due diligence before letting my dog get vaccinated ... she's had infections ever since .. the "hidden middle" of vaccine injury ... )
That said, if there ever could be a safe vaccine created, tested, & described in a trustworthy system .. Parvovirus would be an example of a disease where it could do so much good .. and also rabies, IF the animal has actual potential exposure. (Legally requiring indoor cats and dogs who are always on leashes or within sight of their parent, depending where / how they live - to be vaccinated for rabies, sometimes yearly, sometimes every three years, sometimes accepting titer tests, doesn't make sense .. )
But it gets people used to a routine injections at regular intervals as no big deal .. and having to show proof of vaccination (rabies) as no big deal. Quick step to digital dog collars (that may be part of the One Health thing?) ( ).
I'd love to know what I should have known before making that decision . .more about how dog vaccines are made/ tested, if there's scientific fraud .. The parvo vaccine has four antigens in one .. could it be made safer? Are safe vaccines impossible?
The ways to try and balance the system to help mitigate the effects ... but mainstream medicine couldn't acknowledge they do anything besides tip toe into the immune system, deliver a gift wrapped in Harmless, called Protection (that lasts until time for booster), and then disappear.
With the covid injections, it's an obvious No Way at a glance at risk benefit ... But parvo vaccine for puppies /kittens in crowded places ... or rabies for dogs / cats who could have the joy of running freely in / near land shared by other creatures ... maybe some risk is worth it, with doing things around it ...
Or maybe any vaccination can screw up the system so much, or even slightly but in a way that's meaningful in the complex system that's biology ...
I wish there was an honest health system, for our animal friends too, to help assess if / when vaccinations are a calculated may do more good than harm ..
Do you think the veterinary profession, even years from now, will connect the dots that so many of the problems they were seeing, the skin bumps and cancers, etc, etc ... at least in many more cases than they realized, were consequences of vaccines"
Giving several on the same day is probably crazy ...
Humbling thought - if I think of someone getting the flu vaccine + the covid "booster" on the same day, I'd have an immediate negative (ru a suicidal idiot??) sort of judgement.
But, in a not-prepared, more to the story but no excuses, state, when I was given a dog, I let them give three vaccines, (OK, not mRNA+, but one with four antigens), on the same day. I did only very minimal research, found a Mercola article that said after the first vaccines, do antibody titer tests instead of automatically re-vaccinating .. I took that to mean someone supposedly against vaccines was saying at least get the first ones .. But I could have done a lot more research .. )
I don't know if this video will help.
Dr Thorp (very highly qualified maternal/foetal consultant) owns up to not having been on board with the "dissenters" but has come round and is now trying to convince other Doctors.
This video also just came out from Israel Private study shows adverse effects increase with number of doses.
Those who went along with it will already be suffering dissonance and it is going to be painful for any who eventually admit they were wrong. My brother allowed my niece to be injected and I was very upset, but accepted falling out with him was not going to change his mind. Me chipping away a little bit at a time pointing out facts is working. There is no real defence against the truth.
im sorry you had to put up with the brainwashed and hurt your family hopefully they got saline.
interestingly vets training is harder because they have to learn about multiple species.
i have noticed that the phd class are the most likely to be unable to look at anything that contradicts what they were taught and will come up with crazy weak excuses to dismiss anything that might upset their view of the world. eventually they will learn but it'll be too late
Education doesn't always equate with intelligence, unfortunately.
I know many "well educated" people, who are completely in thrall to the covid cult.
Dr MengelFauci played his role well.
I see exactly the same. i know a lot of people who work in genetics research. They just parrot the narrative unquestioningly. When you point out problems in the narrative, they are smart enough to nitpick your concern and dismiss it.
Meanwhile my less "educated" set of friends who work in outdoor sports (ski instructors, raft guides, and the likes) seem far more likely to see through the scam.
That's actually a bizarre anomaly when it comes to the covid jabs. I watched an exasperated talking head being interviewed on CNN complaining about the Phd's in his department being the most reluctant to get the vaccine. Might it have something to do with the fact that to earn a Doctorate, you need to be able to conduct original research, instead of reading 99 papers and writing the 100th?
it may well depend on the type of phd, those in the medical fields seem most brainwashed. my hypothesis that medics are fed information at such a vast rate in their early years as to wipe out their critical thinking
Tell him Pfizer CEO Bourla is a veterinarian too, as well as other high profile people who have pushed the poxeens.
Really? Why? Let's say that 90% of the populace came to believe as you do & gathered outside your door tomorrow at 2:00 pm your time.
Beg the very politicians intentionally suppressing this harder? Or Louder? Yeadon himself is taking a hypocritical stance saying "the government isn't listening" & "the government is deliberately suppressing the info." He thinks he's speaking about two entirely different entities, as if there are some politicians doing the bad & the others are somehow deaf & blind. As if politicians live in caves & don't know what goes on in the world outside it. He retains this attitude even when what they don't know involves what their other co-workers inside the cave are doing, though.
He remains in denial that lobbying affects decision-making. HE may deny that they're on the take. But to further think that the "other good" politicians he believes will come to the rescue if they only knew isn't a thought, it's a wish based upon a fantasy.
They ALL KNOW who they're getting paid by, Now, what will you & all the people who See The Facts DO against this? Appeal yet again to the imaginary "good" politicians who aren't also on the take?
Who are those politicians?
I heard about an attempt to get peoples attention on a Russell Brand video today. I think a variation of this could work in the USA. Just to get power players uncomfortable and perhaps reveal their bigger plan. I think we need to expose small pieces at a time to get citizens to ease into the truth.
My heart goes out to you and your misled family...poor niece and nephew! Wondering if your brother is aware of the rushed "study" to "release" the booster....with EIGHT MICE! 🙄 Hang in there! It gets so tough sometimes.
Sarah I feel your pain. My dad was a family physician before passing, my mom is a retired nurse, and my sister is a history of science professor. I cannot talk to any of them about quesioning the narrative and the safety of the jabs. My mother keeps up to date with her boosters my sister evn had her 5 year old get the shot. It is so painful to not be able to really talk to them.
Bourla, the Pfizer billionaire CEO, is also a veterinarian.
Oops, Moderna.
Pfizer. You were right the first time 🙂
My sister is a dermatologist and I have had the exact same issue.
I think we all just have to keep being positive and carry on. Never give in and keep on smiling. Good will win.
bourla, pfizer ceo, is a vet and came from the vet side of the business. i guess that doesn't bother your brother.
Ha! I didn't know that, but that makes his condescension even more ridiculous. My brother approaches these conversations cafeteria-style, it' seems to be pretty popular these days...just pick and choose the parts of reality that fit your narrative.
I don't know if you can, until something triggers them. My parents are all in on Saint Fauci and the Federal Church of Science.
You can't wake the people who aren't ready. They have to make the choice to be awake. Just tell them you are there for information when they are ready, keep the doors of communication open. In the meantime, don't waste your energy on people who don't want to be saved or you will run yourself ragged.
Here were my musings about this very issue...I didn't solve the problem, however I believe kindness in the approach is paramount:
i read one of your posts (tin foil for thought) shortly after my reply but your page didnt let me comment there :(
i had been through a similar journey in learning all by my self about health, no degree but i schooled my own doctor and the nurses about weight loss, reversing diabetes and curing asthma some years back. i'll never forget the look of shock on their faces, but i never saw them again cos i was fixed.
Thank you for humoring me. I'm new to substack, so I'm sure I've missed clicking something that allows comments. Foil the Formation was the post I was attempting to link to...that was the one I wrote addressing the conversations that need to be had. Anyway...thank you for checking my stack's been a nice place for me to vent some frustration among like minded folks.
I’ve had the same issues with my family in the UK. But my parents have stopped their booster shots, they both got 3 but no more. Just regular sharing of information, and everyone getting Covid anyway seemed to turn them. As for the rest of my extended family, they’ve cut me out. I’m an evil alt right conspiracist apparently.
I hear you. My brother, my only sibling, said the unvaxxed belong in camps, knowing my wife and I are unvaxxed. In 2020, no Thanksgiving or Xmas for him, just isnt safe. He wouldn't come to Xmas or Thanksgiving last yeat because I was a "threat" to his health. That jerk had the audacity to tell my mom that I was mean because I won't buy him a gift. The clown world we find ourselves in...
We had a similar experience around the holidays. My sibling camp demanded that my kids and I get PCR tested before coming (despite our prior-infection status). We live in Atlanta and testing was a HOT MESS in the days before christmas. There were no available rapid tests and testing sites had lines that were hours long. Most everyone ended up getting Covid before we arrived - it's when Omicron made its was hilarious, and of course not acknowledged, that we didn't get Covid. My brother assured me that it had NOTHING to do with our prophylactic use of Ivermectin. The IVM conversation was another heated, fun one. It sounded like Fauci himself had programmed his arguments and pressed 'play', "Sarah, there are no randomized, placebo controlled, clinical trials that show any efficacy. I'm sorry, it doesn't work. It had nothing to do with the remediation of your parosmia, and nothing to do with you not getting covid now. And now I can't write prescriptions for it - for the things it's actually indicated for - because of all of this BS."
It truly is a clown world. Just when you think it can't get any more absurd...they come with the 8 Mice Study to approve the bivalent omicron booster. Maybe next they'll recommend we wear masks on our elbows. But only while driving.
You can still hang your face diaper from the rearview mirror though, right?!
this year buy him a mask, do they do one with fauci printed on it?
That sounds perfect. I also have a copy of Berenson's book and RFK Jr book both waiting for him, too.
Should be our last Xmas, a dark winter for our relationship, if you will.
might wanna get cj hopkins book too
I like CJ too much to have his book be burned, but I should buy it for myself.
waves from torquay!
i had a cousin agree with me on fb, liked my anti jab posts, has an iq of 140+ like me, yet went out and got the jab anyway, i just gave up and shut my fb down shortly after that
I'll give you one even crazier. My immediate circle (non relatives) aren't jabbed. All of them were aware or intuitive enough not to get it. And yet... Not a single one of them researches anything. And every one of them shuts down when I try to share new info about what's going on in the world regarding how everything is unfolding. Or... They get quiet, and then immediately change the subject. Or even worse, tell me that I'm completely wrong.
My point is, even many (most?) unjabbed, are still walking around with intentional blinders on. Hoping that it all just goes away. 2 years in, and they still won't research for themselves.
My conclusion is many (most?) people, including many unjabbed, don't yet have the mental and emotional fortitude to accept that they've been intentionally placed on the tracks and the train is heading right towards them.
At this point they frustrate me almost as much as the brainwashed jabbed.
More so when you factor in how they were able to see through the initial lie.
Crazy times... Buckle up.
yea, ive a few like that, youre just the nutter conspiracy guy who reads world weekly news 'bat boy found in cave!'
I’m in the same boat with my own mother. She is insistent that I am off my rocker nuts with my talk of what is going on with covid/vaccine/corruption. Does NOT WANT TO HEAR IT. It makes my heart weep.
I get the exact same thing with educated friends. I am not allowed to talk bout covid, any mention of it and they shut me down. There must be a psychological reason for it. And there must be ways to counter it, but I don't know what they are.
Some will chew on it, keep this crazy notion in the back of their mind, and when some trigger happens, it will click. I just hope it's in time.
Agreed. It did for me!
My husband finally woke up when a fellow jabbed friend had multiple strokes and openly blamed it on the jab. Hubby would not listen to (unjabbed) me but did listen to a fellow older male who got the jab.
Persistence and politeness. Im having some luck with my mother but she still struggles with the idea that as she has had the juice there is no going back. The best I can suggest is to avoid further boosters.
I send people this detox guide from the World Council for Health.
We are the great resist and we aren’t going anywhere nor are we going to be owned.
Dr Yeadon was one of the first amongst team Sanity
This is why I cannot sleep any more. I know it's true. And I too feel like there is nothing more I can do. My own children rejected every warning I gave. But at least the WHOferWEFers won't enslave my grandchildren because there won't be any.
Unreal that you even have to say that, I have to read that, we have to fight this. Completely unreal.
The only way they win is if we give up. If we stay strong they will wear themselves out.
People have to have a certain temperament and certain life experience to take all this on board. It is too socially painful for most to allow even the possibility of it. Even when they are themselves dying they will not admit it.
Most everyone in my family and friends cannot accept the evil wrapping its tentacles around us. Even when they admit things are not looking good, they will not go as far as acknowledging the elite techno takeover. They act as if everything will be fine if we just wait it out. The family that remains blinded on all levels - well, I gave up on them last year. But I am so discouraged that the ones who saw through the propaganda, immediately or eventually, still will not accept the full extent of what is happening. I don’t know what it will take... :(
You are absolutely right. Our governments are working hard to promote the top down, tyrannical, fascist world they’ve worked so hard on. And it isn’t just governments. It’s corporations, institutions. Effectively we are surrounded, cowed to silence and disbelief. After these past few years it is difficult to believe there is anyone remaining who doesn’t understand what is happening. It is fascism, pure and simple - straight up, no chaser. Those not recognizing the fascist style terror-mongering in Joe Biden’s speech last night are not paying adequate attention. Soon even the USA will resemble the fallen nation of Sri Lanka. The boot is descending fast.
Then we need to ensure that boot treads on a rake.
Or a beartrap.
Hard to believe where we are. Global takeover is happening. I appreciate Dr Mike and what he’s done for us.
Mike Yeadon's piece is the most succinct summary I have read describing the last 2 years of madness.
I sent my thoughts (see below) to a group of friends literally 15 minutes ago, and providing a link to join the International Liberty Forum (
The last thing I want to do is spam you. But, I think this is worth me running the risk of pissing you off. Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that.
The WEF, along with other supranational organisations, poses a threat to common sense, to decency, to a future in which our descendants can flourish and live lives free of authoritarian control and censorship. The last two and a half years has changed what I thought I knew about the world; that I could for the most part, trust government, rely on what I read in newspapers, trust health authorities..........yes, I know some of you are picking yourselves up off the floor right now, tears of laughter running down your face.
Yet, I believe that not many of us saw the planned curtailment of our freedoms predicated on obviously made-up "emergencies" coming down the road. The litany of absurdities around covid regulations lifted the veil on these organisations, giving us a sneak preview of their intentions. Now the plans for "new green deals" based on climate alarmism are confirmation of an agenda to impose control on much of the global population. What are these intentions? In a nutshell - to create food stress and fuel shortages. Yes, sounds frighteningly conspiratorial doesn't it? But many sane, intelligent and reasonable individuals, experts in their field, are voicing the very same sentiments despite censorship by big technology and mainstream media. "Common" people lack the public platforms to make an impact. We in the largely unregulated tip of Africa may escape some of this for a period because the 3rd world is to an extent, ungovernable, but if there is no pushback, there is no chance of resisting this tyranny-by-stealth.
So, as one of my friends says, "what to do, what to do?" I don't know exactly. But I do know that doing nothing means an Orwellian future with Klaus Schwab as our galactic overlord. Call me a slacktivist, but a start is to join those who already have a large influence and to bolster their numbers, giving them more influence and visibility. So I am throwing my tiny, insignificant weight behind the International Liberty Forum (see link below) formed specifically to pushback against the WEF. And maybe many many tiny, insignificant voices eventually lead to a significant voice and the ability to stem the tide of unreason.
If you think I'm being a tit, no worries. I hope we can still be friends :-)
Well done. Many of my friends and their families are worried about when they can get their fourth shot, which they think they need because they keep catching Covid. They know my views and concerns but take no notice. Similar to what you have done here, I recently emailed them laying out the concerns, but this time in very clear, very blunt terms with source data etc. Sadly, I don't think it will make a difference for them, but it did help my conscience and give me some inner peace, which seems to be enabling me to move on from it. They can now never say they did not know. At best they can say they chose not to listen.
Well said sir.
You speak more sense and more eloquently, than 99% of the worlds current batch of politicians.
Mike Yeadon was the first person to open my eyes, followed by Reiner Fuellmich. As they both say, once you join all the dots it is impossible to unsee what is going on. Credit to TCW for supporting Dr Yeadon over the last two years, see
I think it happened with HIV too and then Swine Flu
Yup. Absolutely. Go learn about Mike Donio, he was a scientist working with HIV…he will tell you there isn’t such a thing.
It isn't just the famous (or infamous) few like Yeadon, Malone, McCullough, etc who are deeply troubled by events of the last few years. There are, I'm certain, many more scientists and analysts and medics who are similarly concerned. We don't hear so often about those. Up until early last year I was an associate professor of physics at a university and most of my colleagues both in physics and other departments expressed some level of concern, with some being extremely concerned indeed.
I've struggled over the last couple of years to make proper sense of it all, and I can't. I can't find any "innocent" explanation of the decisions and policies of governments and the actions of the media and Big Tech companies.
This worries me because I'm not at all a so-called "conspiratorial thinker" and so I oscillate between the view that I'm simply missing something, or have misunderstood something, and the view that there is a darker subtext and some other agenda at play.
I've tried to develop some of my thoughts on this, and other issues, in my substack over the last year and I haven't been able to come to any comfortable answer. I can't say for definite that there is some nefarious hidden purpose to it all, but it sure looks that way, and as Mike Yeadon suggests here, it is certainly one hypothesis that seems to be a better fit to the facts than many others.
My substack tries to take an irreverent, and I hope humorous, look at things in a simple way, because many others including the wonderful Joel himself can do the full-on technical data analysis much better than I. Even taking this simpler 'big picture' approach is more than enough to expose some of the issues. But I still haven't found a neat coherent way of putting all this together in a way that would convince the "average" person. There are too many strands - and it's easy to generate a (very) long list of some very serious questions for which I have no complete answer.
As just one example take the "28 days" rule - where death, for any reason, within 28 days of a positive covid test was listed as a covid fatality. I'm a scientist. I have a passion and love for the whole edifice of science - and yet this single bizarre "rule" is one of the most egregious anti-scientific things I've ever witnessed. I can't even begin to plumb the profound depths of stupidity it represents from a scientific perspective. Especially when you consider the claim of a "novel" virus for which, one might suppose, accurate data collection ought to have been a top priority.
It's clear it was a deliberate, not accidental or incompetent, play to inflate the figures. Why would they do this? It is of no scientific benefit. Indeed I would suggest it's of a negative benefit from a science perspective. It hampers our understanding. Why would a government want to convince you the virus is more deadly than it is? Why would they want you to be afraid of a virus you don't actually need to be all that afraid of? Why would they cripple our efforts to properly understand its characteristics and progression?
This is just one question of so very many similar questions. Another might be: why do they not, despite repeated requests, release the full (anonymised) data set regarding the vaccines and health outcomes? There is no 'innocent' explanation for this at all.
The attack on science, and the scientific method, that I've witnessed over the last couple of years is beyond my capacity to comprehend - except by adopting hypotheses not too dissimilar from the one suggested in this article.
I have very serious concerns for a future in which covid merely represents Phase 1, as far as I can tell. This coming Winter is likely to be a time of very, very serious discontent with a high possibility of violence breaking out across Europe - and what do you think the response of governments will be to that? I am very worried indeed.
Before the 28 day rule, the UK actually had a no date rule. It was early on but there were people who could be hit by a bus 3 months in and then be labeled a covid death. Basically, if that rule stood anyone who tested positive at any point in time would go down as a covid death.
There are so many things that didn't make sense and all of it seemed to be in the direction of increasing deaths. For instance, many countries (and some US states) put elderly patients back into nursing homes including Sweden which is often lauded for its common sense approach. There was a good thread on this on Twitter by a woman named Nellie? I could be wrong.
Keeping the elderly, many of which are already in poor shape and some with dementia from seeing their loved one likely caused many deaths. Imagine the panic and confusion the new rules would ensure. In some places, the elderly were lacking water and food and actually died of dehydration. Keeping people off beaches or from enjoying the sun is another example. Basically if you were to make a list of what not to do, I don't imagine it would look all that different than the measures taken.
Then they made sure early treatment was not a possibility. Even in the spring of 2020, the goal was a vaccine. Many articles talked about a hoped for vaccine even though none had been released for any coronavirus including SARS-1. Also they couldn't know the virus wouldn't disappear before a vaccine could even be made as had recently happened with Zika. Hydroxychloroquine was interesting to watch as they completely denigrated it and yet given the 2005 paper showing chloroquine was an effective treatment against SARS-1, the reaction was so odd and over the top. The report should have been more along the lines that while it's not yet known, given previous evidence, there might be potential. Also note, that the reports were always in the negative direction. Initially, they claimed SARS-2 was one of those most infectious viruses and would last on surfaces for up to 9 days etc. The risks were always over-exaggerated and yet good news was never presented. They even promulgated the idea that children were at risk instead of celebrating the actual very low risk to children.
If a few measures were helpful or if there were something aside from the constant fearful reporting, perhaps a benign reason would make sense. Seems to me the goal was to terrify the public as much as possible and to not offer any solution apart from a vaccine. I would love to be presented with another reason that fits the picture so well but so far I haven't seen one. If you have any feel free to share.
Don't want to answer for Rudolph, but energy constraints will invite further totalitarian measures. Populations have already been terrorized and "softened up" to accept totalitarian control measures out of fear.
It's a ratcheting process: crik, crik, crik.
It is not the blind belief in government agencies that astonished me, it’s the cognitive dissonance, that boggles my mind. A good friend of mine is a doctor who administers Moderna shots, who asked me about my concerns, and I challenged her to name any RNA viral vaccine, EVER? She looked at be, half angry and half indignant, but could not answer the question, and asked me if I am saying that the government is killing us. A total cop-out and change of subject. Don’t you think her scientific curiosity would have come out and we could have had a rational debate? No. She shut be down. I persisted and asked where the HIV vaccine is for the past 40 years? No answer. I asked how a virus with the highest mutation rate could ever have an effective vaccine? No answer. Why are we still using the Wuhan strain for omicron? No answer. What this tells me is that this is no longer a scientific or even rational debate, it is a religious confirmation of tribal status. Either you are with us or against us?
Scary that we seem to be living the Book of the Apocalypse. Things are just as dire in the Catholic Church. That tells you something.
The one that's ordered all of it's finances to be returned to the Vatican bank by the end of September for some reason?
Interesting, yes?
Bingo. This is exactly right. I don't know why, but the propaganda and bogus narratives were apparent to me from early on. Research beyond the bubble reaffirmed my suspicions. Mike Yeadon's first videos were so important. Not only did he masterfully expose the lies with all the credibility he brings, he bravely put it all on the line by openly arguing that through a logical process of elimination, a totalitarian agenda was the most likely remaining conclusion. This was my first exposure to such an incredible idea. Fifty or sixty books later and I am under no doubt that Dr. Yeadon was right. It took me a year and a half to see 'The Power Versus People Paradigm' clearly for myself, but the good doctor's early warnings were extremely helpful. Whether he ever gets the credit he deserves or not, the world owes him a debt of gratitude. Thank you, Dr. Yeadon.
But stopping this is mostly what matters. His brave efforts are very appreciated of course. He was one of the first to open my eyes. But its the powerful who seem to be in a position to change this bc they are the ones ppl will listen to in large numbers. It seems to drag on without any arrests or halting of this madness.
Thank you Sharon. I'm afraid it is 'the powerful' who are the problem and we cannot expect help from them. Peaceful resistance and a grassroots awakening to try and counter-attack the Mass Formation Psychosis seem to be the only clear way forward, at least as far as I can see.
Yes, I agree. Its always been the powerful oppressing mankind, causing wars and other problems. The prob is since they control the media, politicians, govts and whatnot, it is difficult bc most ppl don’t want to believe the worst. Like you, I knew something was very fishy right away. But I don’t watch TV, & well aware of the constant manipulation, brainwashing & agenda. Woke, gay….trans…. I tend to be fairly cynical anyhow along with accumulative wisdom being a young senior. Somedays wish I was less knowledgeable bc of the frustration of waiting for something BIG to change all this.