Why are governments and scientists not working on getting to the bottom of, and stopping, all the ongoing excess deaths and decreased birth rates we are seeing all over the western world, and why is the media silent on this, when during the peak fear mongering period, they were reporting every single death within 28 days of a positive test every single day as a tragedy that needed draconian measures? Why, suddenly, don't lives matter?
It must be because they have had instructions not to - just as they had instructions to scare everyone witless which, ironically was the thing that made me aware that something was very wrong. I remember lying in bed in the morning during lockdown listening to BBC Radio 4 (something I used to do all the time until the day I ‘woke up’ and have never listened since) and the absolute endless fear-mongering, death numbers and doom and gloom just rang alarm bells!
This whole thing has been orchestrated- not sure by whom or why. I think it is far more complicated than any of us can imagine.
What does amaze me is the sheer lack of scepticism from the public. Are they really swallowing the line that gardening, naps, even lockdown is causing all these excess deaths in young people? Maybe we’re all more awake than we realise.
This world is run by a group of very evil psychopaths; the correct term for the group is the Globalist cabal of oligarchs. They own and, therefore, control, everything on the planet, including the Mainstream Media. And they thus do not allow the actual facts to be disseminated by that Media. Anyone in the latter who is honest, and tries to enlighten the masses (whatever the subject matter...) is sacked/fired, or worse... [ie, 'bumped off'.], by the Globalists.
I've been 'awake' for 40+ years; I knew, way back then (I'm 63), how the world is run, and by whom.
I’ve found it difficult being awake for only a couple of years - although I was extremely cynical about BigPharma and people like Gates a long time ago - but it must have been very lonely being awake for the previous 40 years.
Well yes, the majority of people on the planet are NOT 'awake'! Which is most unfortunate. For if most people had already been awake, the perpetrators of the evil of the last 2.5 years would never have been able to get away with what they've done so far, that goes without saying.
I do have some people in my life who have been 'awake' for many years, but not many! My family members are all still 'asleep', and more or less refuse to wake up, even though I've been providing them with a wealth of trustworthy information (on various subjects relating to how the world is actually run, and by whom) for the last 30+ years. But all I've received from them in return is ridicule, mockery and abuse... (none more so than from my younger brother [he'll be 57 this coming week]).
They've all rolled up their sleeves and submitted to these evil injections... even though I'd given them trustworthy data from 30+ HONEST doctors from around the world issuing dire warnings [several months before the 'rollout' of said injections] to people not to go anywhere near the 'jabs'...
My relatives have had three (and, in some cases, four...) injections each... my sister's husband [75] had two TIAs [transient ischaemic attacks... ie, mini-strokes] a few weeks after his 4th 'jab'...
No matter how much information I provide them with, info. which proves that the 'official narrative' [re. so many subjects...] is false/a pack of lies, they still choose to 'believe' what the people on their beloved TVs tell them... it seems as if I'm banging my head against a brick wall, trying to wake them up.
Like Hilary Ive always been highly sceptical about big pharma and "philanthropist" Gates (vaccinate the poor to save them) but the last 3 years have been an overwhelming awakening to how complicit many organisations/ people/MSM/Medical system willingly became, coupled with coercion exerted on those noncompliers comply. We are living under all the worse puppet leaders of the western world at once and their puppet masters are showing their hands.
Christine I envy you. I've only been awake for about 5-6 years....and these past three have been more than I could bear. Thanks for this...how do you continue to move forward knowing this?
Yes, it's very difficult indeed to be the only one 'awake' in my family, here in the UK [and some cousins who emigrated to Australia]. As I said in my reply to Hilary Wallace a few minutes ago [either above or below this reply to you!], I do have a few people in my life who have been 'awake' for many years, but most people are totally oblivious, and seem to want to remain that way.
I just continue to try to enlighten people... even though it's, more often than not, a [seeming] waste of time, for all they do is mock, ridicule and abuse.
I've always been someone who carries out extensive research into many, very different subjects, whereas most of the other people in my life don't do that: they simply choose to 'believe' what they hear on their beloved TVs. Even after I've explained to them that the Mainstream Media, worldwide, is owned and, therefore, controlled by, the evil Globalist cabal who run/control the world, and hence all that one gets from that MSM is (in the main) propaganda, as opposed to facts/truths.
I just wish that more people around the world would realise that the Establishment is not there for our good, that it's there for entirely different reasons. And wish that they'd carry out research, and thus discover that the MSM, and governments, do not disseminate the facts, but, very often, something very different to the truth...
I think we are....and it is like living in a horror movie. I'm not liking it much, but you cannot unsee what you see, or unknow what you know.
Hilary, I thinik a lot of us have PTSD as well....and there is no one besides ourselves to talk to.
If you went to a shrink, they would lock you up for being crazy.
Now I know why I was fascinated by the concept of the Walking Dead tv show....
Now I know why the Good Germans did nothing except close their windows and turn the music up louder.
I wish someone could come up with a map or percentage for us to use: How many in society are 1)Awake
2) Covidiots that will never recover 3) the go along to get along keep your head down to survive and now forget it ever happened type and 4) the bravest who risked and lost everything to tell us the truth
You commented "If you went to a shrink [psychiatrist], they would lock you up for being crazy".
My eldest niece [she'll be 34 in a few days' time] is married to an Albanian. They both 'work' in [the medical scam/fraud of] psychiatry (he's a psychiatrist, she's a psychiatric nurse).
A few weeks ago, I sent them (via my sister, my two nieces' mother) a batch of info. papers re. what's really been going on, since March 2020, and also a 26pp document, written and typed by myself, re. the background to it all... ie, re. how this world is actually run, and by whom.
My sister has told me that my niece and her hubby have both read all the info. I sent them. And they obviously realise that what I've told them is the plain and simple, factual truth... ie, they've been honest enough to read the information; and, due to the nature of the stuff I sent them, and told them, they realise (probably to their stunned shock...) that what the papers state are facts... ie, what really IS taking place. One of the info. sheets I sent them was an article in which the German lawyer, Dr Reiner Fuellmich, stated that the accumulated evidences demonstrate that what's been taking place since March 2020 is "a planned criminal operation", and "Crimes Against Humanity".
Any psychiatrist who 'didn't believe' words such as those would be manifesting lack of comprehension.
My two nieces and their respective partners have also blindly believed what the people on their beloved TVs had 'told' them, and have gone along with all the evil, complying with every dictate... I saw a photo of my eldest niece, early on in this nightmare, wearing the most ridiculous mask. None of them have any critical thinking skills.
Good point. There are all sorts of psychiatrists just like all kinds of other MDieties and professionals. Time to recognize that “higher” education does not make a human smarter, sometimes the opposite.
The reason why "governments and scientists are not working on getting to the bottom of, and stopping, all the ongoing excess deaths, etc..." is because all governments on the planet are controlled the evil, psychopathic Globalist cabal of oligarchs: the latter being headed up by the billionaire banking families. They (the Globalists) are the perpetrators of what's being happening since March 2020, and the worldwide Mainstream Media is owned and, therefore, controlled by, them, the Globalists. Which is why the Media only dissseminates propaganda, as opposed to the actual facts (re. many, many subjects in life...).
Yes We are being told by governments lives don't matter. People can be used for experiments and free speech and media Censorship is the norm. Enjoy your new reality free fentanyl, drugs, criminals, drag shows served with empty baby formula shelves. BTW keep your legs and bike up-to-date. eua extended due to moneypox.
We always thought we were so much better than China and N. Korea etc. because we knew that they didn't care about their people's lives.
It is devastating to realize this country we thought we lived in is no better....and the realization it has been this way for at least 20 years is tough to bear. I really want a US Constitution strictly adhered to country to live in...but there isn't one. I would love to find a real bunch of people that live together and are trying to keep the Constitution alive (strict interpretation only).
We were taught certain things about the U.S. Constitution which made some of us into patriots. To learn, after all these years, that our country has been subverted since before we were born, is an astounding thing.
So, nonetheless..... we are going to act as though we DO have our rights and individual freedoms. If enough of us do that, and don't comply with the evil oligarch agenda, we will overcome them.
....expect it is because they ( lives) are being paid not to matter. This studious averting of eyes by the msm is the signal that there are powerful and monied interests directing the 'covid' narrative, just as they are integral to the Net Zero nonsense.
how or why is it, do you think, that YOU have courage? What makes you different? There might lie a clue or two.
Also, do you have limitless courage, or does it go only so far and then stop? What do you require to have this courage (do you have some type of outside support or inner strength)? Were you always this way, or did it develop in you due to some circumstance or training?
It's mysterious to me, too. One thing that seems to stand out, though, is whether or not a person is motivated by "fitting in with the group" or can "march to your own drummer" without undue discomfort.
I mean, it is very uncomfortable and painful to me to be shunned, ridiculed, and left out of the group, but it is also painful to have inauthentic relationships with people who cannot abide my assertion of individuality.
So, I choose to be myself and pursue Truth, even if it means I am unbearably lonely at times. Is that courage or is it just who I am?
I certainly agree that mainstream journalism has been completely replaced by propaganda and those who still believe a word of it are still witless fools.
Just this morning I texted a bunch of people the EUA in the US extended cuz of moneypox. No replies .My 78 year old mom worried about abor tions and the lawlessness when demos lose congress she is not worried about the freedoms that have already been usurped.they don't see it. It's quite frightening that the media has this much control over people's thoughts. I still have hope because I am told that American revolution was won with 10% of the population.
I think your wish for the excess mortality to become headline news will eventually come true - too late for those who might have been saved of course. This will only happen when the vaxx experiment runs out of steam and mortality falls to pre-covid levels (if that is allowed to happen).
At that point, the usual hand-wringing, breast-beating and cries of 'why did no one tell us this' will fill the airwaves. However, those who did try will be vilified for not trying harder and those responsible for this disaster will be honoured for their services.
“This will only happen when the vaxx experiment runs out of steam and mortality falls to pre-covid levels…”
Jim – I suspect that ‘mortality’ will not fall back to pre-Covid levels for many decades. The long term effects of the mRNA interference with the normal human biology of those who were driven by the fear campaign to ‘accept’ the injectable products will only slowly become manifest. The current wave of cardio-vascular deaths, turbo-cancers, and neurological impairment are almost certainly only the vanguard of this biological assault on humanity. The people who were responsible for this catastrophe must be held to account. Those who engineered and directed the operation must be identified, arrested, and subjected to a Nuremberg-style trial for their crimes.
The lower tiers of public ‘health’ officials who blindly helped implement the injectables program by granting the necessary regulatory authorisations need to be promptly removed from office for their incompetence, prior to subsequent investigation of their level of culpability. A good place to start would be to indict the public health officials who authorised the banning of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin in each of the relevant jurisdictions. Those persons are not fit to hold public office.
Sadly the further we get away from the ‘experiment’ the harder it will be to link harms to the vaxx.
I had a dental procedure 45 years ago that is still causing me health issues. I doubt I could ever get any health professional now to see that there is any link. My husband took one J&J jab August 21. He had a reactivation of eczema (he’s 68 and last had eczema in his teens) about 6 months ago. Having studied nutrition and health for many years I am convinced that there is a link - hopefully it will be nothing worse than eczema - but try convincing the average doctor of that when it comes to the ‘safe and effective’ procedure!
I think the difference this time might just be the sheer volume of people publishing and predicting this. I have maintained throughout that a primary motivation for my incessant publications is to create a public timeline and readily refer back to it, not because I want the told-you-so glory of being proved right but so that as years pass, people cannot ignore the long term consequences.
Thank and bless you for this. Please make sure you have a hard paper copy of every substack and comments...Historians in the future will need it. I won't live to see it, but it comforts me to know that really smart people like yourself are keeping hard copies of everything.
I have, so far, 45+(!!) lever-arch files chock-a-block full of hard copy prints of articles, videos, etc, re. what's been taking place since early 2020.
I've been trying to think of who/which organisation I might (eventually...) give the files to... for, as you say, historians of the future will need the information, to understand what REALLY went on, in these times.
I don't read the Telegraph myself (or any other newspapers) but I've heard it's been a little more off-narrative than most. Not enough to sway the average Guardian reader but every little helps!
Hi Joel, regarding the reasoning of the media not to cover the gigantic story, it is because a WEF style public/private partnership between pharma and government bought up 75% of media ad revenue, so regardless of how popular a story might be, big media will not risk displeasing their sponsors, assuming the media are not deeper in on the plan. I am sure you know this already, but are perhaps asking the question to inspire others to question and find their way down probably the only path that comes to the same general conclusion, that is, the major media outlets cannot be trusted to look out for humanity's interests. They are bought and paid for. Your own earlier stack: https://metatron.substack.com/p/what-is-really-going-on-a-new-system
Yes, for any critical thinker, we can agree that MSM is no longer journalism , but instead has quickly become a well planned, orchestrated and deadly propaganda machine for the eugenicist globalists who now rule over most governments, their health systems and security apparatuses. We can no longer be bewildered by their lack of objectivity and honest reporting.
In 2020, the pharmaceutical industry spent 4.58 billion U.S. dollars on advertising on national TV in the United States, unsurprisingly representing a big shift in spending compared to the 2019 pre-covid market. In 2020 TV ad spending of the pharma industry accounted for 75 percent of the total ad spend.
As we all know, the msm is bought and paid for by big pharma- why bite the hand that feeds you? Republicans are controlled opposition and don’t have the stones to speak out on anything that matters to the American people. Bought and paid for,too.
I am using a really simple model for this one. Linear regression through period prior to COVID. Excess is anything above the trend. So, if there is seasonal mortality, it will always show up as excess, even in relatively low years. Here's the complete worksheet. You can easily drop Germany in there if you want to adopt it. https://ln5.sync.com/dl/cb4815160/v2tpqk2j-ekh8rzja-vyfshvjd-imkcaaem. Don't look at the other countries yet unless you want to spoil the rest of the series!!
Many thanks! I didn't look, just plugged the German figures into one of the sheets (and kicked the rest). Probably you also have the data (cf your list below...); if not, I can upload the file somewhere.
I have it, thanks. Be careful if you have changed the start date though as there are some fixed references on the rest of the sheet which have to align with the start of the COVID and mRNA era for that country. Actually, I'll add Germany and let you know when to download it again.
FWIW, an extensive analysis has already been done on the data related to excess deaths in Germany, and the results demonstrate a direct correlation with COVID-19 vaccine uptake:
"The best way to make anti-vaxxers take the covid jab is to mandate it for them NOT to have it – then they will furiously demand their freedom to have one." - Piers Morgan
"Those who refuse to be vaccinated, with no medical reason not to, should be refused NHS care if they then catch covid." -Piers Morgan
How does a buffoon like Piers Morgan ever have this kind of career success? I guess it says a lot about our society that they trust and listen to people like him.
"The best way to make anti-vaxxers take the covid jab is to mandate it for them NOT to have it – then they will furiously demand their freedom to have one." - Piers Morgan
This is sort of like when somebody super left-wing talks about "what the right wing believes" -- it's obvious they have no idea at all and are just talking about what the left-wing believes that the right-wing believes.
Such is the state of today's society. Information wars galore. It's literally a battle for the hearts and minds of the masses. No wonder they want to censor with such zeal.
Why are governments and scientists not working on getting to the bottom of, and stopping, all the ongoing excess deaths and decreased birth rates we are seeing all over the western world, and why is the media silent on this, when during the peak fear mongering period, they were reporting every single death within 28 days of a positive test every single day as a tragedy that needed draconian measures? Why, suddenly, don't lives matter?
It must be because they have had instructions not to - just as they had instructions to scare everyone witless which, ironically was the thing that made me aware that something was very wrong. I remember lying in bed in the morning during lockdown listening to BBC Radio 4 (something I used to do all the time until the day I ‘woke up’ and have never listened since) and the absolute endless fear-mongering, death numbers and doom and gloom just rang alarm bells!
This whole thing has been orchestrated- not sure by whom or why. I think it is far more complicated than any of us can imagine.
What does amaze me is the sheer lack of scepticism from the public. Are they really swallowing the line that gardening, naps, even lockdown is causing all these excess deaths in young people? Maybe we’re all more awake than we realise.
This world is run by a group of very evil psychopaths; the correct term for the group is the Globalist cabal of oligarchs. They own and, therefore, control, everything on the planet, including the Mainstream Media. And they thus do not allow the actual facts to be disseminated by that Media. Anyone in the latter who is honest, and tries to enlighten the masses (whatever the subject matter...) is sacked/fired, or worse... [ie, 'bumped off'.], by the Globalists.
I've been 'awake' for 40+ years; I knew, way back then (I'm 63), how the world is run, and by whom.
I’ve found it difficult being awake for only a couple of years - although I was extremely cynical about BigPharma and people like Gates a long time ago - but it must have been very lonely being awake for the previous 40 years.
Well yes, the majority of people on the planet are NOT 'awake'! Which is most unfortunate. For if most people had already been awake, the perpetrators of the evil of the last 2.5 years would never have been able to get away with what they've done so far, that goes without saying.
I do have some people in my life who have been 'awake' for many years, but not many! My family members are all still 'asleep', and more or less refuse to wake up, even though I've been providing them with a wealth of trustworthy information (on various subjects relating to how the world is actually run, and by whom) for the last 30+ years. But all I've received from them in return is ridicule, mockery and abuse... (none more so than from my younger brother [he'll be 57 this coming week]).
They've all rolled up their sleeves and submitted to these evil injections... even though I'd given them trustworthy data from 30+ HONEST doctors from around the world issuing dire warnings [several months before the 'rollout' of said injections] to people not to go anywhere near the 'jabs'...
My relatives have had three (and, in some cases, four...) injections each... my sister's husband [75] had two TIAs [transient ischaemic attacks... ie, mini-strokes] a few weeks after his 4th 'jab'...
No matter how much information I provide them with, info. which proves that the 'official narrative' [re. so many subjects...] is false/a pack of lies, they still choose to 'believe' what the people on their beloved TVs tell them... it seems as if I'm banging my head against a brick wall, trying to wake them up.
I feel you….
Like Hilary Ive always been highly sceptical about big pharma and "philanthropist" Gates (vaccinate the poor to save them) but the last 3 years have been an overwhelming awakening to how complicit many organisations/ people/MSM/Medical system willingly became, coupled with coercion exerted on those noncompliers comply. We are living under all the worse puppet leaders of the western world at once and their puppet masters are showing their hands.
Christine I envy you. I've only been awake for about 5-6 years....and these past three have been more than I could bear. Thanks for this...how do you continue to move forward knowing this?
Yes, it's very difficult indeed to be the only one 'awake' in my family, here in the UK [and some cousins who emigrated to Australia]. As I said in my reply to Hilary Wallace a few minutes ago [either above or below this reply to you!], I do have a few people in my life who have been 'awake' for many years, but most people are totally oblivious, and seem to want to remain that way.
I just continue to try to enlighten people... even though it's, more often than not, a [seeming] waste of time, for all they do is mock, ridicule and abuse.
I've always been someone who carries out extensive research into many, very different subjects, whereas most of the other people in my life don't do that: they simply choose to 'believe' what they hear on their beloved TVs. Even after I've explained to them that the Mainstream Media, worldwide, is owned and, therefore, controlled by, the evil Globalist cabal who run/control the world, and hence all that one gets from that MSM is (in the main) propaganda, as opposed to facts/truths.
I just wish that more people around the world would realise that the Establishment is not there for our good, that it's there for entirely different reasons. And wish that they'd carry out research, and thus discover that the MSM, and governments, do not disseminate the facts, but, very often, something very different to the truth...
It was planned. With that there is little doubt.
I think we are....and it is like living in a horror movie. I'm not liking it much, but you cannot unsee what you see, or unknow what you know.
Hilary, I thinik a lot of us have PTSD as well....and there is no one besides ourselves to talk to.
If you went to a shrink, they would lock you up for being crazy.
Now I know why I was fascinated by the concept of the Walking Dead tv show....
Now I know why the Good Germans did nothing except close their windows and turn the music up louder.
I wish someone could come up with a map or percentage for us to use: How many in society are 1)Awake
2) Covidiots that will never recover 3) the go along to get along keep your head down to survive and now forget it ever happened type and 4) the bravest who risked and lost everything to tell us the truth
Any other categories? And how do I find my tribe?
You commented "If you went to a shrink [psychiatrist], they would lock you up for being crazy".
My eldest niece [she'll be 34 in a few days' time] is married to an Albanian. They both 'work' in [the medical scam/fraud of] psychiatry (he's a psychiatrist, she's a psychiatric nurse).
A few weeks ago, I sent them (via my sister, my two nieces' mother) a batch of info. papers re. what's really been going on, since March 2020, and also a 26pp document, written and typed by myself, re. the background to it all... ie, re. how this world is actually run, and by whom.
My sister has told me that my niece and her hubby have both read all the info. I sent them. And they obviously realise that what I've told them is the plain and simple, factual truth... ie, they've been honest enough to read the information; and, due to the nature of the stuff I sent them, and told them, they realise (probably to their stunned shock...) that what the papers state are facts... ie, what really IS taking place. One of the info. sheets I sent them was an article in which the German lawyer, Dr Reiner Fuellmich, stated that the accumulated evidences demonstrate that what's been taking place since March 2020 is "a planned criminal operation", and "Crimes Against Humanity".
Any psychiatrist who 'didn't believe' words such as those would be manifesting lack of comprehension.
My two nieces and their respective partners have also blindly believed what the people on their beloved TVs had 'told' them, and have gone along with all the evil, complying with every dictate... I saw a photo of my eldest niece, early on in this nightmare, wearing the most ridiculous mask. None of them have any critical thinking skills.
Good point. There are all sorts of psychiatrists just like all kinds of other MDieties and professionals. Time to recognize that “higher” education does not make a human smarter, sometimes the opposite.
Please consider publishing what you sent your niece on a substack, and maybe it would be useful to a wider audience.
Someone here with some idea of to how to properly do a poll needs to devise one.
Lives never mattered to these evil, murdering bastards!
See my response (below) to Hillary Wallace.
The reason why "governments and scientists are not working on getting to the bottom of, and stopping, all the ongoing excess deaths, etc..." is because all governments on the planet are controlled the evil, psychopathic Globalist cabal of oligarchs: the latter being headed up by the billionaire banking families. They (the Globalists) are the perpetrators of what's being happening since March 2020, and the worldwide Mainstream Media is owned and, therefore, controlled by, them, the Globalists. Which is why the Media only dissseminates propaganda, as opposed to the actual facts (re. many, many subjects in life...).
Edit: my post to Hillary Wallace is a bit ABOVE this one, not below!
Yes We are being told by governments lives don't matter. People can be used for experiments and free speech and media Censorship is the norm. Enjoy your new reality free fentanyl, drugs, criminals, drag shows served with empty baby formula shelves. BTW keep your legs and bike up-to-date. eua extended due to moneypox.
We always thought we were so much better than China and N. Korea etc. because we knew that they didn't care about their people's lives.
It is devastating to realize this country we thought we lived in is no better....and the realization it has been this way for at least 20 years is tough to bear. I really want a US Constitution strictly adhered to country to live in...but there isn't one. I would love to find a real bunch of people that live together and are trying to keep the Constitution alive (strict interpretation only).
We were taught certain things about the U.S. Constitution which made some of us into patriots. To learn, after all these years, that our country has been subverted since before we were born, is an astounding thing.
So, nonetheless..... we are going to act as though we DO have our rights and individual freedoms. If enough of us do that, and don't comply with the evil oligarch agenda, we will overcome them.
Agree. Because au fond, it is still the best Guide for freedome we have.
....expect it is because they ( lives) are being paid not to matter. This studious averting of eyes by the msm is the signal that there are powerful and monied interests directing the 'covid' narrative, just as they are integral to the Net Zero nonsense.
Could cause one to develop “conspiracy theories”.
Or a consistant theory.
They got away with culling the population of the globe, now...crickets.
They are still va.xng ppl. Ppl are still dying and the fda&cdc&govs... still insist its safe.
Why would they destroy their corruption when its still yelding such results. Media & tech are in the pockets of gov, etc...
Its a sad time in history.
They are gutless cowards.
how or why is it, do you think, that YOU have courage? What makes you different? There might lie a clue or two.
Also, do you have limitless courage, or does it go only so far and then stop? What do you require to have this courage (do you have some type of outside support or inner strength)? Were you always this way, or did it develop in you due to some circumstance or training?
It's mysterious to me, too. One thing that seems to stand out, though, is whether or not a person is motivated by "fitting in with the group" or can "march to your own drummer" without undue discomfort.
I mean, it is very uncomfortable and painful to me to be shunned, ridiculed, and left out of the group, but it is also painful to have inauthentic relationships with people who cannot abide my assertion of individuality.
So, I choose to be myself and pursue Truth, even if it means I am unbearably lonely at times. Is that courage or is it just who I am?
Go Joel!
I certainly agree that mainstream journalism has been completely replaced by propaganda and those who still believe a word of it are still witless fools.
Just this morning I texted a bunch of people the EUA in the US extended cuz of moneypox. No replies .My 78 year old mom worried about abor tions and the lawlessness when demos lose congress she is not worried about the freedoms that have already been usurped.they don't see it. It's quite frightening that the media has this much control over people's thoughts. I still have hope because I am told that American revolution was won with 10% of the population.
I think your wish for the excess mortality to become headline news will eventually come true - too late for those who might have been saved of course. This will only happen when the vaxx experiment runs out of steam and mortality falls to pre-covid levels (if that is allowed to happen).
At that point, the usual hand-wringing, breast-beating and cries of 'why did no one tell us this' will fill the airwaves. However, those who did try will be vilified for not trying harder and those responsible for this disaster will be honoured for their services.
Spoiler alert. It's already happening. Bradford Hill criteria #10 (reversibility) is the one I have been waiting for... https://jessicar.substack.com/p/the-bradford-hill-criteria
Quoting Jim:
“This will only happen when the vaxx experiment runs out of steam and mortality falls to pre-covid levels…”
Jim – I suspect that ‘mortality’ will not fall back to pre-Covid levels for many decades. The long term effects of the mRNA interference with the normal human biology of those who were driven by the fear campaign to ‘accept’ the injectable products will only slowly become manifest. The current wave of cardio-vascular deaths, turbo-cancers, and neurological impairment are almost certainly only the vanguard of this biological assault on humanity. The people who were responsible for this catastrophe must be held to account. Those who engineered and directed the operation must be identified, arrested, and subjected to a Nuremberg-style trial for their crimes.
The lower tiers of public ‘health’ officials who blindly helped implement the injectables program by granting the necessary regulatory authorisations need to be promptly removed from office for their incompetence, prior to subsequent investigation of their level of culpability. A good place to start would be to indict the public health officials who authorised the banning of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin in each of the relevant jurisdictions. Those persons are not fit to hold public office.
Sadly the further we get away from the ‘experiment’ the harder it will be to link harms to the vaxx.
I had a dental procedure 45 years ago that is still causing me health issues. I doubt I could ever get any health professional now to see that there is any link. My husband took one J&J jab August 21. He had a reactivation of eczema (he’s 68 and last had eczema in his teens) about 6 months ago. Having studied nutrition and health for many years I am convinced that there is a link - hopefully it will be nothing worse than eczema - but try convincing the average doctor of that when it comes to the ‘safe and effective’ procedure!
I think the difference this time might just be the sheer volume of people publishing and predicting this. I have maintained throughout that a primary motivation for my incessant publications is to create a public timeline and readily refer back to it, not because I want the told-you-so glory of being proved right but so that as years pass, people cannot ignore the long term consequences.
Thank and bless you for this. Please make sure you have a hard paper copy of every substack and comments...Historians in the future will need it. I won't live to see it, but it comforts me to know that really smart people like yourself are keeping hard copies of everything.
I have, so far, 45+(!!) lever-arch files chock-a-block full of hard copy prints of articles, videos, etc, re. what's been taking place since early 2020.
I've been trying to think of who/which organisation I might (eventually...) give the files to... for, as you say, historians of the future will need the information, to understand what REALLY went on, in these times.
Already articles in the Telegraph newspaper here in the UK...
I don't read the Telegraph myself (or any other newspapers) but I've heard it's been a little more off-narrative than most. Not enough to sway the average Guardian reader but every little helps!
Hi Joel, regarding the reasoning of the media not to cover the gigantic story, it is because a WEF style public/private partnership between pharma and government bought up 75% of media ad revenue, so regardless of how popular a story might be, big media will not risk displeasing their sponsors, assuming the media are not deeper in on the plan. I am sure you know this already, but are perhaps asking the question to inspire others to question and find their way down probably the only path that comes to the same general conclusion, that is, the major media outlets cannot be trusted to look out for humanity's interests. They are bought and paid for. Your own earlier stack: https://metatron.substack.com/p/what-is-really-going-on-a-new-system
Thank you! I write so much, sometimes, I even forget myself what I've written!
Why don't people realize AT ONCE that a public/private partnership is the DEFINITION of FACISM???
Yes, for any critical thinker, we can agree that MSM is no longer journalism , but instead has quickly become a well planned, orchestrated and deadly propaganda machine for the eugenicist globalists who now rule over most governments, their health systems and security apparatuses. We can no longer be bewildered by their lack of objectivity and honest reporting.
Why is the media not interested? It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!
In 2020, the pharmaceutical industry spent 4.58 billion U.S. dollars on advertising on national TV in the United States, unsurprisingly representing a big shift in spending compared to the 2019 pre-covid market. In 2020 TV ad spending of the pharma industry accounted for 75 percent of the total ad spend.
As we all know, the msm is bought and paid for by big pharma- why bite the hand that feeds you? Republicans are controlled opposition and don’t have the stones to speak out on anything that matters to the American people. Bought and paid for,too.
This is a weird question. I dont think that anybody on this planet expected for this to become online news. Or am I wrong?
Some people seem to be unable to let the media and their trust in the media go.
Imagine this to the beat of the old Pepsi ad...yes I still remember it, so brainwashed am I too:
Arse licking
Back covering
Rank closing
Ever lying
Truth denying...
Mainstream Media.
OK it doesn't quite work the same but I'm sure you get the gist...
How exactly do you compute excess mortality? Maybe there's an explanation in an older post? I would like to apply the method to German data.
I am using a really simple model for this one. Linear regression through period prior to COVID. Excess is anything above the trend. So, if there is seasonal mortality, it will always show up as excess, even in relatively low years. Here's the complete worksheet. You can easily drop Germany in there if you want to adopt it. https://ln5.sync.com/dl/cb4815160/v2tpqk2j-ekh8rzja-vyfshvjd-imkcaaem. Don't look at the other countries yet unless you want to spoil the rest of the series!!
Many thanks! I didn't look, just plugged the German figures into one of the sheets (and kicked the rest). Probably you also have the data (cf your list below...); if not, I can upload the file somewhere.
I have it, thanks. Be careful if you have changed the start date though as there are some fixed references on the rest of the sheet which have to align with the start of the COVID and mRNA era for that country. Actually, I'll add Germany and let you know when to download it again.
I've added Germany - https://ln5.sync.com/dl/cb4815160/v2tpqk2j-ekh8rzja-vyfshvjd-imkcaaem
@cm27874 ~
FWIW, an extensive analysis has already been done on the data related to excess deaths in Germany, and the results demonstrate a direct correlation with COVID-19 vaccine uptake:
> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/5f282038af9a
I've covered Germany quite extensively:
Great!! Thanks for taking time to share all these links, Joel.
I'll be sure to add them into my "red pill" library, along with the previously referenced study.
"The best way to make anti-vaxxers take the covid jab is to mandate it for them NOT to have it – then they will furiously demand their freedom to have one." - Piers Morgan
"Those who refuse to be vaccinated, with no medical reason not to, should be refused NHS care if they then catch covid." -Piers Morgan
How does a buffoon like Piers Morgan ever have this kind of career success? I guess it says a lot about our society that they trust and listen to people like him.
"The best way to make anti-vaxxers take the covid jab is to mandate it for them NOT to have it – then they will furiously demand their freedom to have one." - Piers Morgan
This is sort of like when somebody super left-wing talks about "what the right wing believes" -- it's obvious they have no idea at all and are just talking about what the left-wing believes that the right-wing believes.
Such is the state of today's society. Information wars galore. It's literally a battle for the hearts and minds of the masses. No wonder they want to censor with such zeal.
Yep, that's the extent of it. Dumb and dumber. We're doomed as a species. The planet has nothing to fear from us.
He is a narcissist. Unadultered Narc, but not as smart as he thinks he is.
If you start looking at people in power....really looking....they are all Narcs.
Its kinda like a chromosomal defect that is running through populations...because
apparently nature seems to know that Narcs are more successful....
And that is my theory and I am sticking to it.:-)
They are, sadly. But, back at them.
Hang them.
Honest Journalism.
Up there for Oxymoron of the year award.
A swivelled-eyed, tin-foil hat wearing, conspiracy-theorist loon might think this was all part of a plan to depopulate the planet...
Lunatic Red.
Think about this Joel: Tactics are for amateurs. Logistics are for professionals.
You Sir, are our ammunition factory.
And this is why your Twitter ban was a blessing for the rest of us