Wow, I am impressed that my local NHS trust has supplied you data. I know nurses that work in our local hospitals and they all keep trotting out the same "unvaccinated are filling the ICU and wards". I wish they would open their eyes and minds to real world info and data instead of media driven tosh and canteen gossip. Thank you for your work on this data.

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The problem is it doesn't make them feel smug and superior to read and interpret data. It doesn't give them that MFP rush knowing that they're all in this together, they're all screwed except for the selfish unvaxxed who will outlive them all and it's just NOT FAIR!

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After looking at this data, I'm not sure if mass vaccination is mass infection promotion, mass hospitalization promotion, mass mortality promotion or all three. Clearly, it's not reducing anything.

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Well written Joel. As always, some potential issues that could be answered with more data (I suffer from the same issues), but given only 1 FOI response (hmmm), you've done a good job with such a limited response. I look forward to reading more.

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Please share the issues you've identified so I can try and address them?

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I think it's just the subtle differences between what's considered 'vaccinated' (which the authorities are obfuscating now anyway), e.g. is it 1 dose, 2 doses, 21 days+/-, 'boosted' etc. Who knows? e.g. How does a person injected in March classify if admitted in November (assuming no 2nd dose etc.)? I don't have the answer and by the looks of most of the ONS data, neither do they...

I think the other issue is also difficult to ascertain and you've declared that unvaccinated do include the unknowns. Perhaps it would have been more accurate if the trust had provided an 'unknown' category to classify them in/out by. Lastly, it's a pity (and perhaps the most revealling finding other than the stats perhaps) to only receive 1 response to your FOIs.

My comments above about 'potential issues...' was not a criticism. Moreover, just an observation as I don't think you could have done more with what you got back.

Good analysis. And thanks for responding.

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After Fifty we have ONE.

And yet, 2 years into the pandemic. It's still the ONLY one. Can you believe this?!

This should be a story in itself. I agree with your other points.

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There is no doubt in my mind that this will be the monumental work that changes the pandemic. There is no way to hide from the truth that vaccination campaign immediately puts pressure on hospital systems.

The causal pathway maybe debated and revised, but it's completely irrelevant to the central claim about vaccination as a strategy for protecting a shared scarce resource (healthcare).

In fact, stress on healthcare services should be the basis for empirically contraindicating any mass vaccination campaign if your work is replicable for more than Gloucestershire (which is likely given the matching National trends)

Finally, the two other prongs are the purported benefits from infection and transmission inhibition which will dissipate upon inspection (as you've shown in multiple countries).

I think I have an additional hypothesis that I was working on with the 18-39 ONS non-coved death data that I wish I had more time to add to analyze but will share with you in a few hours that I hope interests you.

Unfortunately, this work is so important that I was in some ways afraid to deal with it mentally. The concept of inviting the vulnerable to be preferentially protected and then not being able to verify if we were able to protect them is massively depressing. The raw data is consistent with healthy person not needing hospitalization but the 4 fold risk reduction is eerily similar to something else too. More on that soon.

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John Dee has been running similar NHS data from different trusts, you can find his work here on substack

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Have you got a link?

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Most of the platforms are just mirrors of the his main factcrook posting just in case FB decide his been really naughty :D

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Do you know of Andrew Mather https://www.facebook.com/andrew.mather.739

He also runs data and creates charts. Not to the analytical level you and John Dee do, but his take is a little more "simple" but still very revealing

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Also 2 groups on factcrook as well as on various other platforms.


This one is where he posts most of his charts & data


This is for all the "theories" that his followers have (sorry about the religious terminology).

His google drive space was emptied a few months back... yep, google appear to be deleting files from drive now. I think he has another one setup but I don't have the link.

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Thanks. I follow him elsewhere, just couldn't find his Substack!

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I did think you might have heard of him.

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I get your point exactly. And this is the real 'Truth' that is slowly making its way to the surface. These newly formulated experimental Vaccines were not tested on the immunocompromised prior to mass use accross the Globe. And realistically, its the individual health status of the recipient which will determine the overall long term systemic effects on the recipient. The 'Immunocompromised, Immunodeficient' are the sector whom are most at risk of Serious illness from any viral, bacterial or pathonogenic infection, either naturally acquired, or through the use of 'Vaccines'. But systemically they are also at heightened risk of unnecessary accumulative viral/ toxin associated neurological infection and accumulative toxic injury from accumulative use. Induced Degenerative Brain Demylination Disease/ Autoimmune Inflammatory Syndrome . And the first sector if Society to be targeted were the long term care facility residents, the Elderly and the Disabled. Shocking Reality.

I know from first hand personal experience.

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Facinating stats and how any paid up member of the Covidian Cult with more than 2 brain cells cannot see the glaringly obvious is simply wilful denial; it's all over bar the shouting!!

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Thankyou so much Joel for your amazing dedication and effort put into bringing this data to light!

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And yet, the most interesting part happened right after Dec. 12!

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Great analysis as usual, Joel, and so important given the press and government lies ("90% of hospitalised are unvaxxed") which have been so effective in both demonising the vax-free and spooking them to vaxx. In a sane world your results would be all over the press. Have you tried to get this summarised in say the Daily Sceptic or Spectator at least? And what about getting a lawyer to force the other 49 trusts to honour their obligations under FOI! Keep up the superb work.

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They correctly claim they don't have the data. They could easily get it because they have access to NIMS but it's a useful excuse not to provide it.

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Great analysis Joel. It really gives the lie to the narrative of hospitals being full of unvaxxed covid cases, like they're saying here in France.

BTW, I made a comment to your earlier analysis on December 20, which shows a much higher all cause mortality rate for the vaxxed group, compared to unvaxxed, whereas Mathew Crawford showed little difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed. I'd like your take on that.

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Except that Joel's not talking about Covid patients, but all hospitalized patients.

And he's using his own definition of 'vaccinated', sot of 'people getting at least one shot'.

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I have an additional hypothesis based on non-covid mortality data in 18-39 released by ONS. It looks like a lot of people died compared to the unvaccinated. If you chart the 88% of the people who are in "good health", they died too. It cannot be therefore ruled out that something was happening to the jabbed cohort that wouldn't even let them make it to the hospital? Perhaps autoimmunity kills faster?


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thank you for this. I wonder how this all would sort out when deaths are counted? i've seen data that suggest that because there seems to be an increased chance of severe disease and death in the first 2 weeks after the first mRNA shot but these deaths are counted as "unvaxxed" , when these deaths in the first two weeks are added into all the deaths in the fully vaxxed, the effects cancel and there seems to bee little to no effect on death rates from the vax . BUT there have been so many other excess deaths from other reasons . So the overall gov response to the pandemic in the US in particular including the mass vax rollout has actually caused more deaths than would have occurred had there been focused protection and an emphasis on vaxxing only at risk and elderly people

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so you think ( and Im not trying to argue b/c it really seems like this is the picture that is emerging) that on net b/c of the deaths in the first 2 weeks after the first shot and all the problems with waning immunity and then all the side effects, you think that the data is showing and will show more strongly that on net the vaxxes have harmed and killed more people than they've saved? if this is true then this is crime against humanity and all the people involved and complicit will need to be held accountable.

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Yes, this is already the case and will only get worse from here, on top of the years of extra deaths due to the other COVID policies that denied access to healthcare, increased stress and destroyed economic livelihoods. They could not have done a better job at depopulation if that conspiracy theory were true (which I don't think it was for the record!).

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Hi Joel, thank-you for this. One comment about the data: I'm an NHS person and look at data a lot, and I recognise this pattern of reducing admissions at the end of the time period.

The NHS tends to only "fully record" admissions when the patient is discharged. I'm wondering if you were given a standard data dump which didn't include those still in hospital.

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Oh really? That's very interesting, thanks. I'm in dialogue so I'll check.

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Also, if this is all admissions (not just non-elective), then the elective surgery programme may be having an impact, presumably they stepped that down over the winter and restarted in Spring.

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They cannot glouce over the Gloucester data....

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Did the Gloucestershire hospitals have a vaccination status updating policy for potential delays in NIMS being updated? Might not make a huge difference in some age categories but it might have a cumulative effect.

Bernal, Andrews et al. write in BMJ 2021; 373 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n1088

"Lags in vaccination data could also lead to misclassification; however, we excluded the most recent two days from the analysis, and a review of NIMS data showed that it is more than 90% complete beyond two days after vaccination (see supplementary figure 7)."

You can see the supplementary figure on last page shows 85% correctly classified on January 15 and it took an additional 14 days to get the correct classification for 100% of the study participants. https://www.bmj.com/highwire/filestream/1048288/field_highwire_adjunct_files/0/lopj065133.ww.pdf

Another interesting quirk in the unlinked who were presumed to be unvaccinated.

"We found a higher proportion of people from non-white ethnic groups and those aged 85 years and older among those who we were unable to link to vaccination histories. "

The over 85 cohort disproportionately unlinked could have impact on the analysis since they are more likely to be hospitalized. But are they likely unvaccinated? Maybe. Maybe not.

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I think they did a retrospective cross check because there were vaccination records for patients admitted in Sep 20 but sometimes vaccinated much later in 2021. I don't think they were in hospital that long. I had to censor the vaccinated status for any whose vaccination date was after admission. I'll update the report to reflect this.

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Thank you very much.

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Do you know why people were hospitalized?

Interesting that it seems that unvaccinated are hospitalized at a higher rate than vaccinated (for example, in the +70 age-group, >90% are vaccinated, but >20% of the hospitalized are unvaccinated). Do you have that data?

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No. Overall you can't simply compare vaccinated admissions to vaccinated population. I have tried to make it clear where and why such comparisons can be made and why and where it is confounded. I could, of course, be wrong!

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But you are 'simply' comparing the two groups, unless I missed something. And for most of the groups, the vaccination % is higher than the admission % of vaccinated people. How do you explain this difference?

How did you calculate the 'population vaccination rate'? I understand that there is a question regarding the number of people in England (and therefore the number of 'unvaccinated'), as the NHS, NIMS and ONS manage different databases (with different numbers, methods of updating etc.). Is this % just for Gloucestershire or for all of England?

Do you know how many people were hospitalized more than once?

How does the data depend on how you classify those vaccinated with one shot? Does it change anything?

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I have tried to keep it as simple as possible with the data that was made available. Indeed, I have had to resort to using the population vaccination rates rather than this specific to this NHS Trust. But as with all these analyses, starting from a position of "up to 95% effectiveness", these issues should not be material and we should see the benefit shining through. The truth is, we never do.

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That what I was wondering too...are these RATES of hospitalization per number of vaccinated people versus unvaccinated or are they just absolute numbers, in which case the fact that the majority of the population at some point became vaccinated would make these numbers predictable, wouldn't they? Surely this analysis accounts for that? I feel like I'm missing something.

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The analysis does account for it. If there was no impact on overall admissions, the vaccinated would simply replace the unvaccinated at an equivalent rate. However, the vaccinated replace the unvaccinated at a higher rate, driving overall admissions higher as a result.

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Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying that. Keep up the good work. We need more honest people doing real science and data analysis.

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FYI, more info from Gloucestershire hospitals.. ML

31 August 2021


Mr Martin Large



GL5 3RS Freedom of Information

Legal Services Department

Cheltenham General Hospital

Sandford Road


GL53 7AN

Email: ghn-tr.foi@nhs.net

Dear Mr Large

Re: Request under Freedom of Information Act 2000 ID 6124

I am writing to you in response to your request for information which was received on 11 July 2021. In your request you sought the following information:

1. How many people have died in all your hospitals of Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust from covid 19 and only due to covid 19? I have seen the figures you publish online, but these are deaths within 28 days of a positive covid test, so they could have died from other causes. I just want to know the exact figures from 1st February 2020 to 3rd April 2021 for death due to covid 19 alone

Answer : The total number of patient deaths from Covid without underlying conditions over the time period quoted is 38.

2. The Number and Percentage of people with 'underlying health conditions' in the above overall total

Answer: The Total number of patient deaths from Covid with underlying conditions over the time period quoted is 549.

3. The Number and Percentage of those without 'underlying health conditions'

Answer: From the numbers provided above we can confirm that the percentage of patient deaths from Covid over the requested time period which related to patients without underlying conditions is 6.5%.

4. A copy of what treatment guidance and protocols are currently (1) given to patients reporting by phone to their GP that they feel ill with covid like symptoms and (2) to GPs?

Answer : The Trust does not hold this information. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust may be able to help with this aspect of your request. Please find links overleaf.

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